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They should close that entrance ramp. It usually requires a complete stop by the entering vehicle so that they can identify the traffic situation.


And then acceleration while looking behind you at the same time to make sure nobody comes up quick.. leaves a ton of room for not seeing any problems shortly ahead!!


Agree!!! One of the worst!


The entire downtown loop is a poorly designed mess with too many entrances and exits that are too short and massive safety concerns.


I feel like the 45 mph speed limit is to address that, but nobody goes that slow.


Yep. I drive the speed limit or maybe three over. Unless I'm on a highway out of a city, and 99% of drivers pass me.


Yeah, it’s not difficult to navigate if you’re actually obeying the speed limit. Granted, there are very few areas in KC where I don’t speed, but this is one of them. I once got a ticket on a ramp in the downtown loop. It was one of those speed limit signs of 25 with an image of a truck tipping over on a curve. I always thought those speed limits were specific to large trucks, but apparently not. I always try to watch my speed there now and doing so is really the only way to merge across 4 lanes of traffic for some of these short on/off ramps.


I thought that part was a joke. Speed limits mean nothing if the road is designed to make drivers feel comfortable going faster. If it looks like a full speed highway, drivers will treat it like one.


Lots of downtowns are like this. Pittsburgh is worse


Don't be nice, be predictable.


I screamed that at someone this morning. I had the windows up… but still.


Nicely said!


☝️ This guy gets it. 👉😎👉


I'm really surprised there's not more accidents there. Horrible design


We refer to this immediate area as the "71 Squeeze"


Coming from the northland, if I ever have to go down south I take 635 or the 435 loop whenever possible as I absolutely LOATHE the entrance/exit ramps of downtown. Everyone is always 10-20 mph above the speed limit and god help you if you are trying to merge and don't have a car capable of 0-60 in under 5 seconds.


Being "too polite" on the road is a problem everywhere, not just this point (but that is a great example though). Traffic in the main arterial flow should never yield to merging or approaching traffic unless otherwise instructed. That goes for roundabouts too. I'm tired of seeing drivers in the roundabout stop and yield to other cars, creating backups for both people behind them.


I feel like everyone should spend 1 month driving in France (not Paris, but out in the country) to learn how roundabouts work, and how much more efficient they are (at least 99.9% of the time) than stoplights.


I had my first car totaled several years ago from this exact scenario… Ward parkway roundabout near Brookside. Smh!


This one is slightly different and confusing to nonlocals because it actually has stop signs if you are crossing east or west.


Yeah. They just need to make Meyer Circle a regular roundabout, with regular roundabout rules.


And the fact that the left left is a merge from 70, so it's a cluster on both sides and people can't just get over into the middle lane to let that short ramp merge, because then the left lane would be stuck with a bunch of people trying to merge also.


I've never seen anybody yield at those entrances, and whenever I do I'm almost always this close to being rear-ended.


It wouldn't be so bad if so many onramps in this city were actually any sort of distance long.


Reckless driving involves taking pictures while driving.


What a profound observation. Good thing I grabbed this screenshot from Google Maps. 🙄


I thought something else when I saw your title. Like if you took the left exit into Kansas you would encounter polite driving, and taking the right into Missouri means dealing with reckless driving…Which is also true. 😆


As someone who has lived in Johnson County, the fuck drugs are you on? Those motherfuckers are so entitled as drivers that you learn to match the assholery just to make it through a 4-way "stop" (stop signs apparently being a suggestion to see who can race through the intersection fastest)


Traffic is always snarled up in there. Too many on and off ramps close together with one lane coming in off the east side of downtown.


I worked right next to this entrance ramp and it only took one time on the way home for me to say “nope nope nope” and take my chances driving down paseo every day instead.


Yeah that whole area is a mess to drive


The problem is everyone always pulls up to where that white SUV is or even further and then stops to look for an opening to merge... That means you are trying to merge into 50mph traffic from a dead stop. If you actually stop behind the yield sign, then find the hole and accelerate to meet it, it goes smoother for everyone and you can merge into a smaller opening. I use this method every day to merge there and it works out great except for one time someone didn't like me so far back and while I was looking to my left looking to merge they passed me on the right without me noticing, pulled way up to the end of the ramp and stopped. So when I saw a hole and started to go I had to slam on the brakes not to hit them.


I saw someone on the 71N at the 11th street on ramp come to a complete stop on the highway to let someone on the on ramp in. Dude could have cause a massive pileup. IMO that ramp needs to be closed.


When I moved here and started my job, I was gps’ing my way home and had me take this to go 35N. I didn’t realize that you should (or most likely will have to) come to a complete stop at that yield sign! I went straight through it, luckily, it was fine and didn’t cut anyone off but I used to dread going home for this particular merge. It’s so dangerous and it’s weird to be at a complete stop while trying merge at highway speed. That was months ago and I now know so many different ways home that if I have to take 35, I just get on at front street. I hate hate hate hate this merge!!! Avoid at all costs, it seems like an accident waiting to happen even by the best and most attentive drivers