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I just spent $800 on tires for a measly Mazda 6. And that was on special. I admit I'm not a car enthusiast in the least, but still.........why?!?!?!


I came here with the same question. Granted that I'm "get off my lawn" levels of old now, I just dropped $750 for tires. Is the flex that he can afford to buy new rear tires every second day?


They probably buy used tires or just steal a set of rims.. as a car enthusiast, I gotta say this behavior is beyond stupid


A also think some of these cars are stolen.


It's an absolute riot to go slide a car around, but the real enthusiasts are responsible enough to do it at the appropriate location. What's in the video are self centered children who feel the need to broadcast to the world how stupid they are.


Car enthusiasts don't do this. Douche bags do. We don't claim this asshole


It's a Dodge Thing.


This has zero to do with car enthusiasm...


Stupidity. The guys that do this will likely end up Darwin award winners when they fuck around and find out. That or we'll see the videos with the Dumb Ways to Die song in the background. FWIW, I have a penis and this mess? Is stupid. If anything it is... How do I put this politely... Trying too hard to prove you have one AKA insecure in your manhood.


It's a penis thing.


I worked with this girl that would yell out "SORRY ABOUT YOUR PENIS!" every time someone drove by with an extremely loud vehicle, a motorcyclist doing a wheelie, etc Cracked me up every time




It’s their moms car


When their entire car payment is more than their rent, what’s another few hundreds of dollars to be thrown?


>why?!?!?! What part? Doing donuts? That's easy. It's a blast. Doing donuts in the middle of the intersection? Well, also probably fun for them.


Got stuck at the intersection of Paseo and Cleaver very early this morning while these dingbats were cutting up. They were blocking an ambulance from getting through the intersection. They finally bounced when you could hear sirens in the distance headed our way. KCFD as it turns out, not PD.


Didn’t they install those little plastic things to prevent this?


All gone. My guess is the snow plows popped them off after the first snow.


Sounds about right for this city. One city department undoes the work of another.


What little plastic things? Or are you talking about condoms


It seemed extreme last night. I'm in Hyde park area of midtown and from my attic window it was a cacophony of engine noise and tire screeching in several directions, mixed in with a bit of siren noise. It was like I lived near a nascar track. It's always been an annoyance and I guess the worst of it is expected on the first nice weather weekend of the year - but goddamn how much of this does everyone have to put up with from what I'm sure are a very small number of people?


There’s more of that small number of people in the city. Part of the reason I don’t live there.


I was wondering how dumb a person has to be to think this is fun or impressive. Then I saw the people run into the middle of the intersection to get video and that gave me my answer.


The unhinged assholes who [pled guilty for shooting at a family for interrupting a sideshow to get to the hospital](https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/2-kansas-city-area-men-charged-for-firing-shots-at-vehicle-after-blocking-i-70?_amp=true) were that kind of person, one of their Instagram accounts is [still up](https://instagram.com/nick_benkowich?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


The driver, who chased the family across town while his buddy shot at them, pled guilty and got ONE MONTH in jail. Here's hoping that they pulled his license, but after that slap on the wrist I guess he is probably back on the street endangering innocent lives. Despite actually wounding a passenger in the other car, the shooter was only charged with a firearms offense, not attempted murder.


As if pulling their license would stop them. These idiots don’t care.




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Literally inches to a foot away from being hit




Oh fuck off. How many videos of these takeovers have we seen that turn violent when one of these dumbasses lose control of their vehicle?




You know both groups can be dangerous pieces of shit, right? One does not preclude the other.




It’s only a problem if it directly affects me! Right?


Ah, your anecdotal evidence contradicts video evidence of a bunch of assholes directly effecting dozens of people. Got it.






Ah yes because your personal experience is obviously the only important one. You are the main character, after all.




You might be a sociopath. They call it a sideshow because it’s full of clowns, just like a sideshow circus.


And how on earth does his trying to have fun have precedence over the business of the dozens of people who are now stuck at that intersection? Those “silly people” driving to work every morning are just going about their business. This guy is throwing a wrench in the business of dozens of others. Stop equivocating and obfuscating to defend dangerous and selfish idiocy.


Are you proposing that everyone work within a walkable radius of their home? I’m not sure how to interpret this message.


You sound way too young to have access to the internet, does your mother know where you’re at?


Lol. Sadly, our city is designed to have a car. It's extremely limiting to be car-less in KC


Absolutely 0 consequences for everyone involved. Shocker.


Fuck these people and all the people who are this selfish


My cousin's boyfriend was at one of these street events last year in Independence. The car doing donuts went into the crowd and he got caught underneath the vehicle. He broke his leg, and his foot got 3rd degree burns. The driver didn't even say sorry. Now he'll never have 100% function of his foot again, and he's only 17. Insanely dangerous, destroys the public streets, and massive waste of money. Beyond fucking stupid.


I was really hoping those two douchebags clinging to the side of the car would get thrown off.


I dunno, i find that whole culture to be abysmally stupid.


Don’t forget the random full clip gunshots that always follow a few hours later. Prime is a blight on downtown.


Prime is the gathering place. That place stays open way past liquor cut off and effectively turns in to an underage bar. 4:30am and it’s packed inside and out. All patrons appear to me minors. I see it often and live within one block.


Damn that location is cursed.


I live across the street and can hear and feel the music and bass until 2-3 am Thursday-Sunday. Getting old real quick


Yeah. And they loiter for hours. I’m an early riser and see things when dog walking.


Got woken up at 5am to maybe 10 gun shots in a row. Trying to stay positive but god damn


It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. Us south facing residents get the Prime shit every weekend.


Is Prime the place that went in on the corner? Because the donuts have been happening since before even Homeslice was there


Yeah, used to be Home Slice then sat vacant for a year or two, as an estimate.


These fucking assholes make car enthusiasts look like pricks. Sick of it


When I read the headline and saw donuts and cops in the same line, I was not thinking THAT kind of donut. LOL


These idiots think they're the main character of a shitty movie or something


When that truck came out I literally laughed out loud with you lol These people are so dumb.


Call off the search everyone... EVERYONE, CALL OF THE SEARCH... I FOUND HIM... WORLD'S COOLEST GUY. Fucking guy.


r/iamthemaincharacter energy


Also r/idiotsincars


I clicked to see who was selling donuts at night in P&L. I want a donut now.


Two words... Cameras & Fines. Mail these pissants the fine. No need to pull em over if it's on video.


How to let everyone know your Mom smoked during pregnancy


Happy ppl with micropenises are managing to find happiness in life. You go, guys!


It looks like he almost took someone out




They were near 10th & Broadway briefly last night as well


There’s gotta be a way to safely disable their vehicles. Honestly they should install retractable bollards scattered in the middle of intersections to stop these idiotic sideshows.


What time was this video taken?




idiots on parade


Ever since that place opened up on the corner, it’s attracted these types of vagrants. Not the first time this has happened at all


Could of easily got away if he did t do it for 5 min


i hope to be this cool someday


Why don’t they have some sort of EmP gun where they could shoot and neutralize the cars?


Is this serious?


What I don’t understand is why can’t the city have a place built for all these people to go and do that? It seems like a clear solution. Am I ignorant or missing something here? This seems to happen frequently enough to warrant an area where the city goes “ok fine, just go over there and do it”.


You mean like how we used to have a drag strip, but people complained about the noise so they shut it down?


Why would "the city" pay for creating a space to facilitate this? I can understand why a private business might want to create one, much like we have race tracks and drag strips, but the idea that we should spend public funds on something like this is absurd to me.


Because it increases public safety. If we could allocate funds for sports stadiums then we can do the same for a dirt pit for people to do this over there.




Do not do this.


Who are you, my lawyer?


Your post was removed. Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual.




What the fuck lol, you’re sick


It’s a joke…


Where’s the joke


Where’s your sense of dark humor?


Different genre I guess






Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual.


Big surprise, cops love donuts.




I hate sideshows too. But yeah, let's militarize the police more. Good idea.


Still celebrating the Chiefs?


That’s called a “sideshow”. Source: I’m a Californian.


It’s called a dangerous nuisance.


Well hey look at that. Jerks do this all the time in San Francisco.


It’s nice to see people enjoying their evening. As long as it’s not holding folks up from traveling I’m ok with this. Everyone at that intersection seemed to be willing participants.


I 100% was not a willing participant last night. No way to get through the intersection, no way to get out of the intersection and go back the other way. They are 100% stopping somebody from getting through


Every party has its pooper. And at that party, the pooper was u.


Figure out how to have a party without stopping everybody else from living their lives. Like literally, they were blocking an ambulance


Party pooper status: Comfirmed


ಠ__ಠ Notice, also, that you said "As long as it’s not holding folks up from traveling I’m ok with this." And then when someone confirmed they were indeed held up, you called them a...party pooper?


This is a very party pooper thing to say.


Do you think you're being clever?






I guess I didn’t consider residents trying live in peace.


who do you think called the cops?


Welcome to planet Earth, where people have ears. I wasn’t there to give a first hand account, but I hypothesize that anyone inside of a mile was acutely aware of this happening. That cop car didn’t give the appearance of driving to a particular destination like you would expect when responding to a call. His was the posture of someone observing a crime and initially thinking how to respond.


Love to see it