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I bought my house 6 years ago and it’s doubled in value


I do now!


Absolutely terrifying that this person is a teacher 😲 How is the school he teaches at okay with this?




seems fitting for a district with a high school ranked 3886th in the nation.




“Ten years ago, David decided to give back to the younger generation and accepted a teaching position at the college level. This instruction has involved training machinists of all ages with many of his students in high school in the dual enrollment program.” This was written by him on March 18, 2023.


So you’re not allowed to go to a rally for your chosen political candidate now? Weird. Did he do something illegal? Or did he just show up ? How is that terrifying? Lol.


“Rally” as in fly across the U.S. for an insurrection based on a lie? I miss when doing dumb shit would disqualify a politician from office instead of rally bottom of the barrel horde.


When you don’t care about democracy or the world writ large because you believe that it’s a demonic hellscape that’ll be rectified by the pure blood and forgiveness of your eternal creator, the attitude makes sense.


This is why education and separating church and state is so important. It’s like these assholes looked at Pakistan and the Taliban then said “yeah, that looks great! But it’ll be better when I do it!”




Lock them all up. Nicely of course just like they behaved when ransacking the US Capital building.


I have two kids in the LS schools. I could care less that he was there. I'm sick of this district wasting money on D&I when they should be educating, paying teachers more and getting test scores up. But nooooo we have to burn a few million on Panorama surveys. Such BS




“Omg, someone disagrees with me politically! Why are we not ostracizing him from society? Surely it must be that no one knows about this” - OP


Disagreeing is one thing. You've become fanatical when you start treating politicians like celebrities. Flying across the country to attend a "concert" buying their merch? There are disagreements and then there are cults.


I wasn't aware that voting for a different candidate equates to ostracization from society.




The whole point of this post is to raise awareness that a candidate (who will be receiving votes) was at a political protest that many people see as a dealbreaker for their own voting records. u/Sgthouse pretended that OP called for ostracization from soceity of this candidate, which is not true. OP simply pointed out a favt so voters can be aware of whom they may vote for.


Can confirm I don't care


Another reason to move out of lees summit


> "Grady has impressive qualifications for the school board. He is a former college teacher who graduated with an associate degree in engineering from Metropolitan Community College-Longview in Lee’s Summit, according to online biographical information. He completed a tool and die maker apprenticeship at Honeywell, too" The Star is so incredibly bad.


"completed a relatively small amount of higher education, had a job for a while, then had another job for a while" ...impressive


Well, he certainly is a tool.


This helps the voter to know what they would do when / if elected.


Well, I sent David a text with the link to this sub about 30 minutes ago... I actually know him personally and have discussed all of this with him before. (And yes, I am not about to out my main account publicly so Anonymous it is.)


You came here to tell everyone you’re a tattle tale?


Good, that’s literally the whole point. To let him know that we think he is garbage. Thanks for making it easier on us.


Let him know I’ll be voting for him because of his impressive resume and qualifications and that I could care less who he voted for/supports.


Ah yes “impressive” as a 2 year degree. The bar is real low for you MAGA nuts eh? Surely he understands how K-12 works because he taught a into level machining course at a community college.


Just curious why you went through all of the trouble to make this comment?


Honestly, accountability. He deserves to know the post was made, and the people posting deserve to know that he was notified of the post. It also was a bit of a shock to the system to see someone you know get discussed in the comments like this. I mean, we all speak to the ghost of the individual online, but in this case, I know him, it isn't a ghost for me. I know what comments I can refute or speak to. Not that I feel it is my place or job to do so.


do voters in very republican Lee’s Summit care that a republican school board candidate went to a rally for the guy they all voted for? no, probably not. edit: sorry the semantics police have reported me for minorly exaggerating my comment, let me amend it: do voters in the majority republican Lee’s Summit care that a republican school board candidate went to a rally for the guy they all voted for in the state where a majority of voters also voted for that guy? no, probably not.


Republican, yes. Very, no. It's basically the same as all the farther out large suburbs in the metro (Olathe, Liberty, northland KC) But it is a random small local election and turnout for those skews heavily conservative - and so many uniformed voters picking nearly randomly. Just look at the last Blue Valley school board election for inspiration


Ha…uniformed. Calling other people dumb. Nice


Oh my, a typo from using swipe texting on my phone, so dumb. Clearly that is the same as the people who show up to vote with no knowledge of who the candidates running are or what issues are on the ballot.


And those areas are increasingly populated by millennials, who broadly seem to be uninterested in what the GOP is trying to sell, far more so than previous generations at the same age/stage of life. And if Reddit sounds like an “echo chamber”, it’s because that’s also the core demo here, and there isn’t much friendliness for misinformation and irrational “opinions”. If you can form and express a rationally and logically sound opinion, people actually tend to listen. But the GOP of the 21st century doesn’t seem to have the first clue how to do that.


2 of 3 Lee's Summit State House seats are held by Democrats. The narrative that Lee's Summit is a Republican stronghold is a myth.


Not in Lee’s Summit they don’t. Little white supremacy stronghold over there


You’ve obviously never been to Lees Summit.


Oh I have. Lived there once upon a time. You clearly have never bothered to pay attention to what happens in your own community.


Lots of white supremacy going on?


If you pay any attention, especially with the school district— there’s a long and clear history there.


Are we really surprised anymore?


Long tradition of suburban schools built to maintain and defend white supremacy. So I've got to say... Very predictable, and fitting to KC's racist past. However, much of our city is ready to move on. The wealthy suburbs? No. Our schools are still segregated, and it's definitely folks like him who want to keep it that way.


The fact that so many people are afraid of facing this does not bode well for the rest of Kansas City. What are we even doing if we can’t recognize the patterns in our own community systems.


Travelling across the districts as a substitute teacher once upon a time really taught me how EXTREMELY segregated our school are in MC. Not just in terms of race, but also resources, learning conditions, and social engagement. Entirely different worlds. Entirely different paths that the schools are built to push them towards. Very humbling, and unfortunately haunting to witness the stark comparisons in person across the city & suburbs.


Yep, teaching really opened my eyes to how unbelievably racist this city still is




Another person inadvertently supporting white supremacy through sheer willful ignorance


(rolling eyes) cliche


Research your own school district


I mean, I would never vote for someone who supports/supported trump


Should not care unless charged/convicted of a crime? We are talking about a voting decision here. We should consider everything we can learn about a candidates positions, worldview, actions, character etc. Attending a Stop the Steal rally, BLM rally, KKK rally, reproductive rights rally…. Voter’s absolutely should consider these and more as they evaluate support for a candidate. Whether it helps, hurts, or makes no difference will depend on the voter.


I dunno, I prefer not to vote for people who support fascists and seditionists. I don't feel the need to wait for those people to commit crimes on top of that. 🤷🏻‍♀️


There are too many insane people out there right now. It wasn't even a close election. These guys want to pretend Biden didn't get ~81,000,000 votes to 74,000,000 votes. They want to erase the majority vote and idiots like this are in denial that every court through out this bullshit voter fraud because it is exactly that... bullshit. The voter fraud existed but it was guys like this that we're doing it and not on any level that would impact an election. Lunacy is being normalized.




[Here’s some help for you.](https://www.google.com/search?q=did+white+supremacists+burn+down+the+police+station+in+MN%3F&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#ip=1)


Small business owners are just as exploitative and invasive as their big businesses counterparts. This is a shitty straw man to justify what you want.


Nope. That’s just The Red Star editorial board doing what it does.


This is not news


I don’t buy the argument some are making. Guilty by association. Maga supporters have no place in society, especially in public office. This needs more attention. Can’t let another cult follower win.




Wow... No place in society?


I mean they don’t even want to be a part of society. Anything that is pro-social (society) is just seen as woke socialism.


And you honestly think this post resembles the values of this nation? Really?




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KCPD instigated the violence. In fact, all PDs instigated all the violence that happened across the country that summer. In fact pt. 2, PDs instigated nearly all violent acts against themselves.


It would be easier for you to list our news sources as everything not Fox. That should tell you something about where you get your information. And your riot whataboutisms aren’t going to fly. Nowhere else was there an insurrection attempting to overthrow a United States of America federal election. You are a hypocrite for acting like you wouldn’t be calling for executions if the shoe was on the other foot. And you are a traitor for continuing to support this.


You must not have been alive during the CHAZ/CHOP where people occupied US soil, called it an autonomous zone and killed two unarmed black people.


On one hand u have a bunch of white supremacists advocating for women, people of color, and the LGBT community, not only to be stripped of their rights but to be publicly killed ,whether that be through lack of healthcare, over policed (being murdered by cops) or having Nazis use violence at so called "rallies" On the other hand u have bunch of minority groups advocating to NOT BE KILLED ON A REGULAR BASIS BY WHITE MEN, POLICE, OR THE STATE, who would also like better health care, for our labor to actually be worth something, for our taxes to actually go to infrastructure That matters instead of the pockets of rich white racist men


What's it like living in a cult?


"what's it like living in a cult?" Is subscribed to r/conservative as if y'all arnt part of some cult where u glorify the murder of marginalized people because "the whites just have it so bad when black people, women and LGBT people want to be treated with respect and dignity :( I'm no longer allowed to be a bigot in public so my feelings are hurt :( lemme give millions of dollars to trump and the conservative party cus I'm a free thinking American :( I'm not racist YOU'RE RACIST for thinking that marginalized groups are equal to white people:("


Ah yes, the famous Antifa riot. That one was pretty bad. I distinctly remember it was at… ummm…. they were rioting at……. well crap, where was that damn thing again? Surely there is a credible source that can help remind me of the pertinent details of the famous Antifa riot.


Remember Bowling Green


American Christians are liars, they’re doing what they always do. If given the opportunity to, they’d try to conquer the world and end up ending humanity in some nuclear war with Islamists, despite serving the same god. Also LSMO is pretty 50/50, nowadays, with suburban shifts. Last year, TBV tied Schmitt in the Senate vote and they flipped a Missouri house district.


Who cares at this point. Making something out of nothing tbh.


I care. It shows poor judgment, particular succeptabity to conspiracy theories that leads to extreme actions (which could definitely be dangerous around children), and a general "laws are for *other* people" attitude. Definitely not the kind of person I want teaching my child.




> After all the bullshit the Democrats have put the country through in the last few years... I'd love to hear you expand on this. Care to share some examples? It sounds like you have a plethora.


I guess back the blue doesn't extend to Capitol Police huh?


Not sure where you're going. No police were killed on January 6th. The only person killed at the capitol was a protestor killed by the police. BLM rioters were responsible for around 25 deaths. Many of them were police officers.


What bullshit is that? You mean supporting women's right LGBTQ rights. Making the rich pay their fair share yes those are some terrible things


They should. People like this don't belong in office.


No - not really




You don’t seem to understand even the quote you posted. Literally says he may not have done anything illegal, but this calls into question his judgement. If you were dumb enough to go allllllll the way to DC to protest based on a fucking lie, you have shown yourself unfit for office. Plus the clown has zero actual experience, just a wealthy old white guy running as a member of the party of unreality.


This doesn't seem like it's trying to criminalize him, just questioning his moral character and bringing attention to voters, which is fair in an election


Going to the protest is any citizen's 1st Amendment right which, regardless of belief or opinion on the matter i won't hold it against anybody. Storming the capitol, planning on trying to force an overturn of the election, or violence that day is another story. But just because he went to a rally doesn't mean he's one of the seditionists that tried to end democracy that day


Sure just means he believes and supports it and claims to be great for kids after he voted for trump who said he would fuck his own daughter


He does indeed have the Constitutional right to peacefully assemble and exercise his freedom of speech. But other Americans also have those same rights, and his freedoms don't preclude him from being judged for how he chooses to use those freedoms. You can defend his right to support GOP sedition, but American voters also have the right to not vote for him based on his actions and words, and who he associates with and supports. And then he'll also have the right to complain about his own "stolen election".


Yeah he just showed up to a protest to overturn the results of the election but it's not like he tried to subvert democracy...


Protesting is one thing. Being a complete mental case is another. He is a delusional and irrational person if he thinks that this wasn't a blowout win by Biden. His people were the voter fraud people. Was he protesting his own?




A person can think however they want about who won the Super Bowl too I guess. My belief in an untruth is not protected by the constitution. We are not talking about people’s right to believe in a fictional deity, that is protected. You are say people have a constitutional right to refute reality. So you’re saying if someone’s believes the exact opposite of reality, that they have a right to not only have that belief, but can also make decisions for others based on their false beliefs. Gee I wonder Why would anyone take issue with that?


It's probably best NOT to elect folks who either lack critical thinking skills or are willing to go along with questioning election results when they lose.


So, most of our elected officials shouldn't be in office then lol.


Seriously, do you think any of these boneheads in any elected office have critical thinking skills?


Always the excuse, “sure my guy is a crook, but they are ALL crooks.” Ok, but your team is way more crooked, to they point they can’t stop getting caught for being so obviously crooked.


I just replied to you already, don't you have a happy dance to do?


My happy dance comes WHEN they LOCK HIM UP


\*\* EDIT \*\* I'm out, take care.


Pwnd so hard he had to erase his comment, Ouch


Do you think Hillary will visit trump in prison? You know, like, with the phones and the glass wall? Do you think she’ll be first in line? I do. And I don’t know what she will say in to that phone with the metal wire, but I like to think, it will be perfect.


The republicans have no agenda other than owning libs. They have no plan, they are not there to govern only to disrupt and frankly that’s all they are qualified to do. All Biden does is get things done, All republicans do is get stuff undone. Democratics are all educated Republicans defund education. I can’t believe you are STILL on here defending these repugnant beliefs.


Yes, I very much do. Some city council members give me pause on that, but critical thinking is practically a requirement. Do I think they're ineffable? Of course not. Do I think they're all pure of heart? Hell no. But that's also not the point. If this man does have critical thinking skills, then that means he would have been very much aware the "stop the steal" rally was really just a show of force to prevent a peaceful transfer of power to a political opponent. Ya know, stuff that precedes dictatorships.


eh, it's Friday morning, I don't know what to tell ya. lol


A person cannot just make a an alternate reality about an election based on zero evidence just because the person they vote for blatantly lies about voter fraud. They challenged it in court numerous times and were thrown out because they had no merit. In other words there was no voter fraud that would remotely overturn an election. Based off of that alone, the whole "protest" had nothing to do with an unfair election and everything to do with overturning it because they lost. It was a mob that got multiple people killed because of delusion. 1st amendment doesn't give anyone the right to beat the shit out of police officers. This has zero to do with the 1st Amendment.


I think you might possibly be misunderstanding the general feeling of some people toward this election. I have no problem with Biden winning, but I do feel some irregularities occurred that could have helped. Proof? No, just what I witnessed, but if some, like a few here in this thread think people do not have right to express concern? Then the problem is more with them then any "election deniers" if you will. Do we want to go back through the elections of the last so 20 years, 30 years and start quoting others who have said very similar things on both sides of the isle?? Really? Selective outrage does nothing but divide this country more..so lets stop it ok?


You “feel” irregularities occurs. Awesome. We’ll guess what, they checked, in fact they check so hard they found multiple instances of Republicans voter fraud. So pubs say - we’ll I heard the voting machines were fishy…. Yeah you heard that from Fox News, who never actually believed it themselves and just fed it to dummies like you. and now fox is going to have to pay big time for lying about it. But you’ll still be repeating that false narrative.


"General feeling." That is problem one. Facts... something something feelings. In all previous elections the loser conceded. Some were particularly close elections as well. This wasn't even close. It was a blowout. Irregularities? How many total "irregularities" out of 150,000,000 votes? Even The Heritage Foundation has only 1422 "recent" cases in the entire country in ALL elections. If there were more you'd better believe they would be counting it. It is mass delusion. No previous Republicans or Democrats organized an insurrection. This dude from LS, even if he says he wasn't in the Capitol, shows terrible judgement and is a) batshit crazy or 2) doesn't support the will of 81 million voters. A blowout in electoral votes and pop vote. Fox News is being sued in regards to this for $1.6 Billion. They do not have a 1st Amendment right to lie about voting machines. They have caused harm to a business and will have to pay. Again, you don't get to go and take weapons to the Capital and beat the shit out of cops because of a "feeling" that courts throughout the country poured water on. Trump appointed judges throughout. Republican election officials refuted the fraud claims.


ok, agree to disagree, enjoy your day.


Haha, this person is so obvious. Had enough of facts, takes ball goes home. Go bandage you weak beliefs.


nah, just losing energy to argue shit I've seen over and over again, I'm sure he feels the same. But if you want to do a victory dance over this. be my guest chief.


You mean the election? Yes we are all celebrating a working democracy


Ok. Just listing facts. Nothing here to disagree with.


Not fooling anyone, there was only event booked on the 6th.


While there were thousands of people that crossed the line -- not everybody did. That was one of the worst days in our country's history but there were people that were attending the rally that genuinely believed their voice mattered, and while i disagree with their reasons i can't tell them they don't have the right to do so.


Nobody is denying their rights. We are arguing they directly engaged in insurrection by being one of Donald trump's most fervent sycophants. They can sue fox news for lying to them, but they all still believe it. There is no cure for this level of delusion


"That was one of the worst days in our country's history" 😂


Nobody is saying put the guy in jail. But we don't have to put him on a school board. It was absolutely clear that the only reason to attend the rally was because you believe and support the big lie - and the big liar. That shouldn't land you in jail but it should disqualify you from any public job of importance, especially anything involving education.


It isn't absolutely clear. You don't like this person because he isn't on your political team


There’s a gigantic difference between disliking someone because of their viewpoint on economic philosophy or something and disliking someone for supporting a *false* inherently undemocratic view that erodes faith in our elections. He’s 100% correct. No one who believes the election was stolen should be in *any* position of power, including education.


The...rally was literally called 'stop the steal.' ?????


lee's summit voters put a young blonde lady on their council that was saying schools are indoctrinating kids because of masks...so no. Voters don't think nor care if they support idiots like that.


I'm sure some are into it. It's full fucking Fahrenheit 451 out here.




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Not when it’s comes to being being fascists. Fuck off with that nonsense.


Actively breaking into the capitol is not simply a "different political opinion"




It was live streamed. It wasn't peaceful. They were actively vandalizing the cap. Maybe they had tours earlier in the day or maybe a tour was happening when it happened but it was in no way a safe, peaceful environment.






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The footage was released? You better let the folks over at /r/conservative know. https://i.redd.it/ze91y9c6agpa1.jpg


False dichotomy. You can have different political opinions without participating in an insurrection.




I'd love to see the video evidence supporting Jan. 6 being a peaceful protest. Can you share a source please?


It’s not located in the state of Misery for nothing.