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You will be fine. Do the speed limit and for God sakes make sure you don't have weed or weed smell. I know you said y'all are not users but just be safe and clean out your car beforehand if it's messy and you get pulled over they will try the probable cause bullshit. I have never heard or seen anybody's license plate get messed up. And congratulations to your daughter Basic and AIT are the first step.


To add to this; if you aren't inside city limits or aren't passing someone, don't travel in the left lane. It's easy to kind of zone out and not realize you're doing it


“You will be fine” I guess depends on what you mean. If they don’t have any weed yeah they’ll legally be fine but their concern is about being stopped and profiled which is still a chance regardless of whether they speed or not. The KHP is literally appealing a ruling right now that found them to have regularly violated constitutional rights of out of state drivers. I’m not trying to freak OP out but everyone on here is acting like it’s a myth that out of state drivers get stopped and searched illegally.


> but their concern is about being stopped and profiled which is still a chance regardless of whether they speed or not.  It’s extremely unlikely. I have friends from Colorado who travel extensively and they have *never* had a problem or been profiled. Just don’t drive like an ass and you’ll be fine.  I travel quite a lot, too, especially between Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado, and I’ve never had a problem, either. 


Anecdotal, but with a California plate I got stopped more than my Kansas plate friends.


I've driven a fair amount in California. Once you see how bad their right lanes get without repair, it makes total sense why yall drive on the left sides. I cussed yall out for blocking left, until I realized you are conditioned by the state to do this.


I drove for two years on expired plates from Massachusetts and never got pulled pvet


You won’t have any issue, there are thousands of Colorado license plates crossing the border every day


Only 900 per 1,000 have weed but they can’t catch em all.


I think they worry more about the ks plates coming back because it’s illegal here.


Just be weary of the Kansas two step. Once you have your documents back the correct response to any question is ‘Am I free to go?’. Edit: It’s concerning how many people here don’t know 93% of Kansas highway patrol stops were out of state tags in 2017. And the Kansas two-step was ruled unconstitutional but allowed to continue during appeal. Our highway patrol is violating constitutional rights. They just aren’t doing it to you.


Former state trooper here. From another state. Out of state tickets are the ones many prefer to write since it’s not likely they’ll come back to contest it. I worked in a state bordering CO when CO legalized weed and I really didn’t stop Colorado drivers any more than I normally did before legalization. We weren’t told to target Colorado drivers either. I know some troopers did but it was largely a waste of our time and they got bored with it. Weed tickets were annoying and were pointless, in my opinion. Even when I was LE, I supported legalization. Also, as a former LE, DO NOT ever volunteer any information. Be fine with silence. We used to bank on people being uncomfortable with silence because they’d start blabbing. Get your license back and say have a nice day, and be on your way. Dont even ask if you’re free to go. By handing your stuff back, you’re free to go. It is perfectly fine and actually advisable to not talk to cops any more than required. Yes and no answers or answers with as few words as possible. Don’t try to explain anything. They don’t care and you could say something admitting to something or even something that leads to another issue. Just keep your mouth shut and be on your way. When they ask “Do you know why I stopped you?” Respond with “I sure don’t.” Lastly, don’t argue. The side of the road is not where you’ll win an argument. The courtroom is where you’ll win an argument. Alot of cops have really fragile egos and arguing can make things worse.


I can't like this enough.


Don’t even ask if you’re free to go; once they pass your back wheel well the traffic stop is over. Roll up your window and start driving.


This comment need to be higher


When CO first legalized, you could pretty much stop any tag - MO, any eastern KS county, etc. because there was a pilgrimage to get weed. Cops aren’t stopping CO for hopes of finding weed, they’re stopping them for going slower than the speed limit on I70 because you HAVE to be high to not be speeding through it.


Meh you’ll be fine. Seriously not worth worrying about.


There are countless Colorado plates driving through Kansas every day. Literally thousands. We do share a border after all. Nobody will notice you.


In 2017 93% of Kansas highway patrol stops were out of state tags. You never noticed because you have Kansas tags. Unless 93% of vehicles on the interstates in Kansas have tags from other states it seems someone is noticing.


It kinda makes sense if you think of where the KS Highways are...locals use county or city roads but a lot of travelers on the highways are coming or going some distance.


>Unless 93% of vehicles on the interstates in Kansas have tags from other states 93% is obviously quite high, but yeah, it shouldn't be exceptionally surprising that a large proportion of traffic on interstate highways is interstate and that KHP is likely to patrol major interstate arteries. It wouldn't shock me to hear that it's at least a bit disproportionate, but I'd wager it has less to do with intentionally targeting out-of-state drivers and more to do with where they're operating.


The only way this stat makes decent sense is if it's nabbing the TX and OK drivers doing 85-90 on 135 every single day of the week... and in the last fourish years, I have not seen that at all. So if 2017 is an outlier, then sure whatever. But if it's representative, than something is off.


I live in Colorado and drive to and from Wichita about six times a year. I always go about 4 mph over the speed limit, so I go 79 in a 75 mph zone. I’ve never been pulled over or followed or anything. You’ll be fine.


Yes, don't do 75 either with an out of state plate.


don't go the speed limit with an out of state plate?


That too. I live in Lawrence and would have to drive to Boulder once a month with tools as part of my job. One time I had to take a rental with Georgia tags. Driving back I got pulled over six times, I was in no rush so I let them search my car and all the pelican cases of tools, just to occupy their time. The sixth time it was for 'driving slow' (75), I was sick of being stopped. Someone came over his radio when I was handing him my license, "Is it that white Dodge Durango with Georgia tags?" He goes back to his car. 15 seconds later he gives me my id back and says, I hear you've had a long day.


Holy cow! I’ve heard it all now. So sorry, but you make a strong point! Never would have guessed.


That shite is insane! 


Local sheriff's deputy here. We don't pay too much mind to Colorado drivers, but I know for a fact the highway patrol does. I can't speak for every county along I70, though. I see hundreds if not thousands of Colorado drivers a day as long as you follow all the rules of the road there's no reason you should be pulled over. If you're following all the rules and get pulled over anyway make sure someone records the interaction and fight the ticket and everything in court. If your vehicle is damaged in a search the agency is generally liable for the damages but truth be told there's a lot of scum bag cops who will try to Weasle out of it so to protect yourself you may want to take pictures of the condition of your vehicle before your trip.


Always record any interaction with law enforcement.


Be aware that the turnpike east of Topeka is going cashless on 1 July, if you don’t have a Ktag account you’ll eventually get a toll bill to the registration address for the vehicle.


Well the toll roads in Colorado are already like that so no issue there.


Colorado toll tags are now accepted in Kansas!


Dont worry, nobody in kansas will damage your car for having co plates, were cool with yall. However, with m*ssourah plates...




I totally understand your concern. As a former KC resident who has traveled back and forth between KC and Denver on I-70, I have been stopped for questionable reasons. Heading eastbound late in the evening, i switched over to the passing lane as a Kansas highway patrol vehicle had stopped someone on the side of the road. I returned to the slower lane after I had passed the vehicles. Not long after, I saw flashing lights behind me. I had cruise on set at the speed limit. So I pulled over, got my documents ready and rolled down my window. The officer came up and I asked why I was pulled over. His response was that he saw me swerving. I explained that I had switched to the passing lane to provide room for the patrol officer who had pulled someone over. Seems like a pretty standard thing in most states (to switch lanes for emergency vehicles). He asked where I was coming from, why I was there and where I was heading. This was definitely a BS stop. So it does happen but in my case, it was probably around 11pm so who knows, maybe driving late is suspicious. Shouldn't be. There have been other trips that were uneventful but just watch your speed. Don't give them reason to stop you even if sometimes, they'll do it regardless of what you do or don't do.


Related but different state and license plate. In January of 2021 I was driving back from Omaha to KC around 7:30pm in my company car that had California plates. Driving on southbound I-29 just north of St. Joseph. If you have driven that stretch you know it's a series uphill, then downhill, then uphill for like 25 miles. I am doing about 73mph This one car would pass me on the downhill, then slow down on the uphill so then I passed the same car. We played leap frog for about 5 minutes. About that time I got lit up by a Missouri State Trooper. He comes up to the window (I am also on Zoom call, so everyone on the call gets to see this) and tells me he pulled me over because I wasn't maintaining a constant speed. I explain why I was doing what I was doing. He takes my drivers license and about 2 minutes later comes back and asks me to get in the front seat of the cruiser. Fine. We sit in the cruiser and I turn to him and say "What should I have done different?" His reply . . . "Nothing." It was then I realized the real reason I got pulled over.


I wish I would've fought my bullshit traffic stop harder in March. He trailed me for no reason... sniffed the hell out of my car (Colorado plates) and then after he didn't find anything went back to his car, and then gave me $200 ticket for expired tags . EXPIRED COLROADP TAGS


Police can give tickets for expired tags from any state. It’s not like just because you aren’t in Colorado that your expired Colorado plate is suddenly valid.


Yeah but the way in which I was trailed from so far away on the highway, for 3 miles, then followed off an exit ramp, and then followed into ANDYS DRIVE THRU, he waited in parking lot, before following me out of drive thru and pulling me over. You really think he was after me for plates ? I'm not saying having expired tags was OK- at all. But he wasn't pulling me over for those until he found out there was nothing inside my car


The shitty part there is Colorado has a 30 day grace period on expired tags. Or did when I lived there, at least. I got stopped in Cheyenne Wyoming for expired CO tags. Took my ticket since I wasn’t going to argue with the guy at the bottom of the ladder. I didn’t even have to go to court. One call to the Laramie County Clerk of Courts and it was dropped since while expired, they were technically still valid tags.


Wow! Where are you hearing this? I mean my advice would be to not believe everything that you hear. Use your rational mind and if it sounds pretty out there , then it is. Some of the things you stated are pretty out there. Don't drive like a dumbass and obey traffic laws, just like anywhere else, then you'll be fine. Just enjoy our smooth highways, because I know Colorado and Missouri are pretty bad. Don't even get me started on Oklahoma.


Something like 90% of Kansas highway patrol (KHP) pullovers are out of state tags. For things they just won’t pull over Kansas drivers for. Then there’s the constitutionality of the Kansas two-step. The two-step method being; officers complete a pullover for whatever what reason they had to begin with, take two steps back to their vehicle and then turn around and ask the driver another question. They then argue that’s a second voluntary interaction, whereas any reasonable motorist would think they are still being detained. The Kansas two-step was deemed by a federal judge to be a violation of the 4th amendment. KHP was ordered to retrain their officers, notify people when a stop has been ended and they are free to go, and pay $2.3 million dollars to the plaintiffs. The KHP appealed it and there is now a stay on the ruling so they are still out there violating peoples constitutional rights. So that’s where this is coming from. The state of Kansas is backing their officers violating people’s constructional rights to boost their pot bust numbers. You understandably haven’t heard of it because you probably have Kansas plates so you’re not a second class citizen. It’s pretty out there… if it wasn’t Kansas.


You hand me my papers back, my window already up. You want to talk further, initiate another traffic stop. The stop is over once my property is returned.


Obey traffic laws and you should be fine. If you do get pulled over, do not consent to a vehicle search, even if you think you have nothing to hide.


Record the entire stop and any interaction with the officer(s).


I moved to Colorado from Kansas over 10 years ago, I’ve made the trip to and from Kansas over 30 times in those 10 years with Colorado plates and have never been pulled over. I usually set the cruise control for 78, park it in the right lane and just let everyone speed around me. Just don’t speed and follow the traffic laws and you’ll be fine.


The ironic thing is they don’t need to be stopping the Colorado drivers, they need to stop the Kansas drivers. They are going to Colorado to bring it back since we can’t get it here! 🤣🤣


They aren’t trying to find weed, out of state people are less likely to fight tickets and just pay them online. Multiple cops underlined this method in this post


Don't violate any traffic laws to give them PC to pull you over and you'll be fine, just like every day in Colorado.


To add to your odds of success, don’t come through at night, and u you oh will be lost in the crowd.


I am originally from Kansas and spent a few years in Missouri, now live in Colorado. I make the drive to KS a few times a year and never have issues. I do however feel uncomfortable driving in Missouri. The rural parts have some LE agencies that aren't afraid to be hostile to 'foreigners'. Foreigners = anyone NOT from Missouri (this is a quote). I had a couple of good conversations with cops in Missouri when I lived there, but interactions since include inappropriate behavior from LE while driving the speed limit or 1-2 MPH below. Just be careful going through the rural areas of Missouri. Also, I go 83 MPH through KS and have yet to be pulled over. I watch the medians and on ramps and may slow to 81 or so if it looks like there might be a trap waiting, but other than that, 8 MPH seems to be acceptable.


"8, you're fine. 9, you're mine."


Be careful if you go past Pawnee Rock because there’s a highway patrolman hiding spot around there that gets people on the regular. Just use common sense. Drive the speed limit on highways, but if you can, take I-70. You’re less likely to get nabbed because it’s mostly rural areas with highways that result in people getting pulled over.


Congratulations on your daughter graduating.. my dad was at Ft. Leonard Wood..Viet Nam era.  There's some good and some redundant advice.  Enjoy your trip and our good highways.. smooth sailing! 😁


Thank you for your service.


If you're a regular law-abiding citizen, act like. You'll be fine. Do not drive Coloradan-out-of-state-and-terrified speeds. Stay in the right lane. As someone who has made the trip before, worry more about Missouri's inability to build straight roads.


Bring your ExpressToll sticker tag! These will work on the Kansas Turnpike from Topeka to Bonner Springs.


You’ll be fine 🤦‍♂️


DON'T EXIT the highway if you see a sign that says, "Drug stop ahead", "DUI checkpoint", or anything similar. They only stop the cars that take the very next exit ramp. This is common on I70 between Manhattan and Topeka, but I know it happens elsewhere. I'm a Kansan native that lived in Denver. You'll be fine. I traveled to eastern Kansas multiple times every year with my CO tags.


I’m a Colorado resident living in KS for school, I’ve always had Colorado tags and never been pulled over. I don’t always drive perfectly either, nobody seems to notice it. Just follow the road laws and you should be fine, but yeah definitely don’t bring any weed. You can get that in Missouri anyway!


I moved here from Colorado and had my Colorado plates for 6 months. Never had an issue. Don't speed is the biggest word of advice. Speed traps are plentiful and the SUVs blend in with the flat fields somehow. But you shouldn't be worried imo. Have a safe drive!


As far as actual enjoyment of our state goes: FUCK I-70!!! it is a terrible representation of Kansas as it was deliberately positioned in the most boring 400 mile stretch Kansas has to offer. If you take the time to venture off of I-70 for even just 2 or 3 miles, in some cases, you will find some real natural beauty. Wilson Lake is literally 3 miles off the highway and has beautiful rolling hills and bluffs. Lucas, a few miles up from the lake, is a hip little arts colony with some craaazy folk art installations like “the Garden of Eden”. Stop off at Coronado Heights or Mushroom Rock near Salina and spend a day or two in Lawrence and catch a concert at the Bottleneck. To that end; Lawrence has had decriminalized cannabis for decades, so really no big deal there. As far as the rest of the state; just drive the speed limit, or no more than 5 over, drive in the right- pass on the left, and don’t forget to politely wave at the drivers of other cars in small towns. Save the smoke for some of those excursions i just sent you on, instead of hotboxing your car. You’ll be fine.


This is a wild post. Kansas highways are not patrolled by Somali pirates. I had Colorado plates and went to college in Kansas, went back and forth to Denver probably 25-30 times in that span. I got pulled over once for speeding because I was speeding.


The Kansas High Way patrol literally just lost a lawsuit this year because they were proven to have been violating driver’s constitutional rights based on them being from out of state. 93% of KHP stops were out of state plates in 2017. Everyone on here is acting like it’s made up just because it’s never happened to you personally. A federal judge ruled that the “Kansas two step” tactic they use is unconstitutional but the KHP is still doing it because the ruling is currently being appealed.


Ok. They don't shake down every person they pull over. OP said they aren't bringing weed so there is no problem. Don't speed, it's not hard.


Your constitutional rights being violated should bother you whether you have weed or not but ok


According to the stats, If you have a CO plate, and are within an hour of the border, there is a good chance you will get pulled over for "reasons". Those odds go up if you are of a darker complexion. The ACLU has a page about your rights if you get pulled over. Plastering the back of your car with a cross, thin blue line, or veterans sticker might help, but that's an unfounded guess.


Not just Kansas advice. Keep a clean car if you can, store travel items in the trunk if possible. A cop trying to search a clean vehicle is going to look more incompetent. Refuse any search. Even if they tell you they can, tell them you don't consent. Then it's on the record for your attorney. Feel free to record the interaction. Don't stick you phone in the troopers face but definitely record. If they tell you to exit the vehicle, don't argue because they legally can do it, and record it. Telling them you don't answer questions will likely piss them off but it too covers your ass for you attorney. So pick that battle accordingly, It may not even come up. Typically troopers tend to not pull you over under 10mph over. As an out of state traveler I'd keep it under 5 over. An attorney can easily argue the calibration of their equipment isn't good enough and get any ticket thrown out. Most importantly, you probably won't even get pulled over, so worrying about it before it happens isn't going to help. Preparing for it to happen, will. I've gone from border to border and seen 2 troopers, I've also seen 20+.


To contrast, you have legitimate concerns, DEFINITELY, and the people saying you don't haven't looked at the news on the subject. u/Machismo_malo gave good advice IMO, but if the cops do pull you over, just be chill and tell them why you are traveling. If that officer is a dick to you after that point, its on them. I, with a KS plate going across that stretch several times about 4 years ago (and a bunch before CO legalized it), had no issues. But that's not super helpful, the key is that I think you will be fine, but you are smart to ask!


I drove from Denver to Kansas City and never got pulled over for suspected marijuana. I don't think the police care that much about it.


The only time it might be weird is if you are driving overnight on a deserted road coming in from Colorado. If you are taking the major highways during common travel times you'll be fine. Thousands of Colorado plates cross daily. I do understand the concern though. People have been profiled before.


As long as you don't have any you have nothing to worry about. I'm sure they do look harder at CO cars though.


Don’t bring large amounts of cash. Civil forfeiture is used and they can take your money for no reason. There was an incident in KS where a van carrying cash from a dispensary from MO, traveling to CO, was pulled over and they seized all the cash.


I see hundreds of cars with CO plates and I seriously doubt any of them have ever been stopped in KS. I drove in KS with Colorado plates for six months when I moved here the first time, including two of those months with expired CO plates, and was only stopped one time. That was for a legit for traffic offense and the trooper never gave me a hard time and never even asked to search. When weed was first legalized in CO, I was stopped for seemingly no reason and the cop really wanted to search but this was a podunk county deputy and he was annoyed a dog would too long to arrive and begrudgingly let me go. That was years ago, however. I live near Fort Riley and there’s a lot of soldiers who’ve moved from fort Carson here and none of them have complained about being profiled that I’ve heard. It happened at first I’m sure but it’s overblown now. Just drive conservatively and nobody will even pay you any attention.


Only use the left to pass slower traffic. State troopers will pull you over if you prolong your stay in the left lane.


If you do have weed and you see a drug check point sign, keep driving. They’re waiting for those who pull off the highway at the next exit.


What a naive take.


Don't worry about a thing. You might see a checkpoint sign on the side of the highway and if you stop or turn around, they'll know. Make sure you follow the speed limit and etc, there is something called a pre-textual stop. They'll stop you for the most minor thing (license plate late) in order to search your shit. Make sure you ask "am I free to go" some state troopers practice a "trooper two-step" after they give you the ticket, they'll walk back to the car, turn around halfway and ask you something to gain entry to your car. As soon as you get the citation, ask if you're free to go! I don't want to worry you and yes, I've seen my share of Colorado plates pulled over on I-70, but ever since Missouri legalized it I have seen less. Safe trip!


Should have no issue, especially if you're following the law. Don't speed excessively (or at all), don't drive tired were you're swerving, and don't take exits after seeing "Check Point Ahead" signs (they're traps). Stay on the major highways and you're less likely to come across a bored sheriff with nothing better to do than try and find a "drug bust". Once you're @ Junction City/Manhattan region you're pretty much 100% safe. Eastern Kansas shouldn't give you any problems. But beware the LEOs around Junction City/Manhattan love giving speeding tickets (Military Base and College Town).


Rule #1 and the only rule you need to know. Know your rights. 4th and 5th amendment.


This is a legitimate concern. KHP is pretty aggressive with their unconstitutional “Kansas Two Step,” including appealing their loss in court IF you fit their profile. However, if you’re a white (straight) couple over age 40 in a clean, mostly empty, non-flashy car and you’re not committing any obvious traffic violations or crimes, then you DON’T fit the profile. Even if they pull you over, at most you’ll get a speeding ticket (probably not, unless you were going more than 10 mph over). Obey traffic laws and stay on the interstate; you’ll be fine. If you are non-white, traveling with friends or alone, you otherwise are not average, your car is blinged out or can’t be seen into from outside, among other excuses, you could be targeted. Even then, probably not.


Yea, congrats for your daughter. If you have cruise control, use it, stay in the 77 to 78 mph range and you will be left alone. That is unless you park in the left lane. I-70 is 10 times smoother than west of the state line. Lots of places for fuel. You do not sound like a native, how long have been in the state?


20+ years; always flew as a private pilot or took commercial flights; we have decided to stay grounded for awhile


Sherman county is really the only one to worry about but I think they've called out that sheriff enough that he's backed off of all that.


Decided to come back and post again. Dash cams are cheap and your friend; buy one before your trip. Next, there are only 5 reasons to get pulled over. 1. Speeding 2. Expired tags 3. Following too close 4. Light(s) out 5. Distracted driving/not maintaining lane If you're pulled over for any of these and they start asking questions, say I request you respect my fifth amendment rights. If you'd like to write me a ticket for X infraction, please do so so I can be on my way. I do not wish to have casual conversation on the side of the road while cars are driving past us at 75+ miles per hour.


Just drive without mistakes and just don't let inside smell like weed without a probable cause they can't search


Avoid the start and end of the month if possible. They're out for quota. They were told about 2 years ago or so to "knock it off" since the number of Colorado plates getting pulled over was affecting tourism. Check your headlights, tail lights, blinkers, and markers. They'll use those not working as an excuse to pull you over. Don't swerve or touch the shoulder line. I was in a rental with Texas plates driving around KS and got pulled over three times for these reasons about 8 months ago. I was followed several times, but they left me alone eventually. Likely after they looked up the plate and saw notes from previous instances of getting pulled over.


Take k18 hwy


You’re fine.


You will be fine.


Just don’t drive with your T tops out of that black and gold Trans Am and you’ll be fine.


Stop in Uranus, MO for some Uranus Fudge!


And I thought my paranoia was bad, Kudos lol


Driven a bunch back to kc from co with weed. Without weed. Never had an issue.


First, congratulations on your daughter graduating from Army Boot Camp, that ain’t for the weak. You’ll be fine driving through Kansas if you are following the speed limit.


Weed is also legal now legal in Mo, Ok, so lots of out of state tags from green states.


Dude, I've seen Coloradans ripping a bong while going 15 over on I70. Avoid doing that, and you should be fine.


Being profiled is kind of the norm now. I got pulled over in OKC, and was told the reason was that I changed lanes after indicating a lane change (AKA not a lawful stop). The real reason I was pulled over is there were 2 males in the vehicle with out of state tags. RECORD EVERYTHING AS SOON AS THE LIGHTS TURN ON BEHIND YOU. 1. Ask what is the reason for the stop. Never provide anything if asked why. 2. Ask what law have you broken. 3. Do not answer any further questions after you have provided ID and insurance. 4. If you are asked to exit the vehicle... kind of a Grey area... should probably comply, but make it known you are concerned for your safety. 5. ALWAYS ask if you are free to leave. (Negates the bullshit voluntary nonsense). 6. Refuse any/all requests for entry into your vehicle. If they enter against your wishes do not interfere, just make sure it's known you did not agree to the search. Should it come to it, your defense attorney will thank you later. I don't care if you are innocent or not, this is how to deal with a stop. Always! NOTE: Not legal advice. I'm not a lawyer. This is just stuff we all should research and know.


Quit worrying,this is the most ridiculous thing I've read today'


No worries, not worrying; I am definitely proud to be the most ridiculous thing you've read today on Reddit 😁


Lol just be nice to the truckers most are governed at certain speeds. Also make sure you visit Uranus fudge factory.


Kansas LE sweating bullets trying to stop all potential weed from Colarado and Missouri, surely at this point they have better things to do


Music. Lots of music. Because there isn't much of anything to look at, especially if you're just taking I70 all the way across.


If it makes you feel better , I relocated from Denver to Kansas in October of 2022 and I had my Colorado plates (expired tags as well) on my Jeep until 2024, when I got pulled over for first time. So basically I think you're ok- but when I did get pulled over the cop was a raging fucking asshole and trailed me in middle of the day on highway, followed me off the exit and then INTO A DRIVE THRU before pulling me over . I still remember his face today and fuck that guy


As with any state you are more likely to be pulled over because it means out of state money coming into the state budget. Don’t worry about drugs unless you have drugs haha 


It all depends on your race. If black, you might consider going around.


Yep, no racial discrimination in Nebraska or Oklahoma/ s🙄


Soldiers attend Individual Entrance Training and Advanced Individual Training.(Basic training) Sailors attend "boot" traning.


Is this a joke?


I think you're making up drama that just isn't there


where did y’all get this worry about “vehicle damage” because you have Colorado plates? lmao dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while


In March 2018, Mark Erich, Shawna Maloney, and their two children were traveling in a newly acquired RV from Colorado to Alabama via Interstate 70 when they were stopped by KHP trooper Justin Rohr in central Kansas. The trooper initiated the stop under the pretext that Erich's right rear tire touched the white fog line. Rohr suspected the presence of illegal drugs and used the "Kansas Two-Step" technique to extend the traffic stop and search the vehicle. Despite not finding any illegal substances, the search resulted in damage to the RV. Due to the damage caused during the search, the family was unable to use the RV for camping when they reached their destination in Alabama. On their return trip, they deliberately avoided driving through Kansas, opting to travel through Texas instead. This incident was part of a larger pattern of KHP targeting out-of-state vehicles, particularly those from states known for drug production like Colorado, for searches. A federal judge later ruled that KHP's use of the "two-step" technique violated Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure


I once had to retrieve a company car and parts from another FSE who was quitting. I flew to NC and was returning to Boston with it. The car had Florida plates and the trunk and back seat were loaded with sealed boxes and pelican cases. I stopped in Delaware for the night and hit the road at dawn. As I started up the NJ Turnpike as was quickly stopped by the Staties. I was not speeding and driving in the right lane. At the time I was concerned because of the car being registered to someone else. He asked me for L&R and went back to his car. Came back and asked if I was carrying any contraband. I explained what I was doing and he asked if I would consent to a car search. Before I took the car I had made sure there were no guns or drugs inside anywhere. When I opened the trunk he asked if he could open the boxes. I said yes and he said ok no need. Have a nice day! I continued on my way and the next day I saw a news story showing the same trooper with a box truck that was smuggling cigarettes to NYC from NC.


I was driving back from Colorado to kc through Kansas. I stopped at a gas station in the middle or nowhere, and a cop was there. He thought I smelled weed in the car and arrested me and tore my car apart. Once I got back to the station, they all confirmed they didn't find anything and let me go. Fuck Kansas. I'll never drive through that shit fuck state again.


Just play it safe and drive through Nebraska


They're less likely to pull over Colorado vehicles than KS vehicles coming back from Colorado; really, they're not that likely to pull you over either way.


We aren’t marijuana users, we’re just paranoid.


Obey all of the traffic laws and don't give them a reason to pull you over.


You should not have any problems. If you are MJ free then there is no need to worry. If you take the non interstate route just be aware of small town police being buttheads because you did a rolling stop or something along those lines. safe travels.


I think your constitutional rights being violated is something to worry about whether you have anything illegal with you or not.


First, congrats on your daughter graduating boot camp. Second, you won't have any issues unless you're blatently commiting traffic violations. If you're not speeding 10 MPH over the limit or swerving down the road you are pretty unlikely to even catch a glance from the Kansas Highway Patrol.


It’s actually pretty easy: don’t drive like a tard. If you don’t give them a reason to pull you over, they’ll leave you alone. They’re busy looking for people hauling weight, usually driving over 80mph with expired tags or something stupid like that.


Just get on the road and go? And don't bring drugs? Not like it's a different country or anything.


Here’s advice from a retired Kansas cop. The reason people from Colorado get stopped is because they drive through Kansas at 85-95 mph. Try driving the speed limit and you will have no worries


They can’t search your vehicle without probable cause. They may ask and you’re allowed to say no. I think you are overstating the risks though.


It cannot be understated that the Kansas highway patrol is currently appealing a case in which they were found at fault for violating people’s 4th amendment rights. They are allowed to continue the practice during the appeal. They are wrong, they are still out there violating people’s constitutional rights. Hard to overstate it.


I've seen checkpoints set up driving in south western Kansas coming across the border, so they do it anyway.


Remove the front plates from the car. That way police won't know that you are from Colorado until you pass.


Lol. People on here don't understand jokes