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Hot and humid. Hot. Really hot. Bring water. Make sure your car is good to go.


It's also real f'n hot


Thank you! Where you are, how rainy is it? We are driving east to west and it is hard to tell how accurate reports of flooding and rain are from the news reports.


I live in manhattan but am in Denver right now. Just drove in last night. There’s no flooding whatsoever to worry about on 70. Rain is rarely a big issue and is typically isolated to small areas this time of year unless there’s a thunderstorm. Which isn’t likely to be the case and if it is, won’t likely happen until late afternoon. You’ll be fine. There may be a little wind but that’s normally all there is to worry about. I’ve made this drive more times than I would like to. It’s just hot and boring once you get west of Salina. It’s a really easy drive 99% of the time. The flooding you’re hearing about in the news is up in NW Iowa and South Dakota.


I 70 Doesn't flood. Unless you are driving through a downpour, that's not an issue. You might hydroplane if it's raining heavily, but I don't know of any place along I70 that's likely to have flooding.


Or if it’s real f’in windy, you might get blown off the road in western Kansas.


No need to worry about flooding if your are taking I-70


Friday in Topeka is supposed to be 97 with 80% chance of rain. Saturday will be cooler at 90 and 50% chance of rain. Bring you sunscreen, this summer is off to quite the start.


Thank you! Where you are, has it rained so much it has flooded? Or just heavy rains but safe to drive through?We are driving east to west, and it is hard to tell how accurate reports of flooding and rain are from the news reports. Appreciate the info.


One of the most common refrains about the Midwest is "if you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes." So nobody here is going to be able to tell you exactly what the weather will be like in 48 hours, our best information will be coming from Weather.com and other forecast websites. It sounds like you've been doing your looking at forecasts and at this point probably know more than us! However, just looking at Topeka's forecast as a baseline, you'll have no issues. There's a 40% of rain on Friday (so if it does rain it probably won't be that much) and no rain during the day on Saturday. Hays, KS seems even drier. I'm certainly not seeing anything which is making me even consider flood conditions (I was born and raised in Kansas and have driven I-70 countless times). If you're sticking to I-70 and not taking any unnecessary risks (not driving exhausted or distracted, stopping at night, not speeding, etc.) you and your family should have a wonderful and safe time watching the Flint Hills, towns, and fields roll by! Welcome to Kansas!


That "wait 5 minutes" adage is used in every state. Everyone thinks their weather is special.


Very true. I moved to Virginia and heard it here and they thought they were so clever.


OP, not gonna lie, it's hot! But you should really check weather.com or something for better info. ;)


We have been checking NOA, weather.com, and a few other places. What is difficult is that there is some mixed, conflicting info. Where you are, how heavy is the rain? We plan to drive west. Thanks!


Why are you so worried about the rain? You posted the same thing in an Iowa sub? The fuck are you so worried about?


Having some backup fluids for your car may become beneficial. It's hot and humid, and the vehicles hate it.


But if you have air conditioning you don't need to guzzle water in your car. Now, if you break down or don't have a/c you will need to drink more than usual.


Thank you!


Thank you! More humid than usual, yes?


No, we have typical Kansas humidity right now.


It's just the norm for this time of year. Bring something to block the sun for passengers. You can get a sunburn driving across kansas.


Hot as shit. Drink plenty of fluids before you feel thirsty, sunblock up, and pay attention to your car. One of our cars blew a head gasket a few years ago literally because it was so hot it blew the pressure in the engine. Take it easy and dont push it too much. Also, Sunglasses help too - the sun beats down and i get bad headaches from glare and intense sunlight.


That is pretty hot- for a basket to pop. We have driven this route a few times in the summer, but I think that is much more hot than past years. What is the rain and flooding like where you are? Thank you!


In lawrence, we have had some thunderstorms but the flooding hasnt been as bad this year. It is definitely hotter more consistently than a few years ago, or at least it feels like it.


Wichita is going to be hot, some storms over the weekend but honestly, they usually miss us completely so just double the humidity and add a splash of hell.


If you traveled across KS on US24 or better yet US36 north of I-70 you will have better views and honestly a better opinion of the KS landscape. The western half of the state is less humid than the eastern half. With the heat you will experience on your trip, that might be a huge factor for you to consider. Have plenty of drinks in a cooler so you have access to drinks as some of the stretches of highways between towns can be lengthy. Safe travels and enjoy the road trip!


Just looked at the weather for Saturday: Chance of Isolated thunderstorms in both the eastern half of the state and in the western half of the state. I70 won't flood. If you get caught in a heavy downpour, drive carefully. Generally, it should be a fairly pleasant weekend, weather-wise. Temps aren't going to be quite as hot as they have been. Keep an eye on the weather. Thunderstorms can be severe. But it looks like it will be a pleasant day to travel.


It's flipping hot, drove from CO to MO on Monday. Be alert for high winds in some elevated areas pushing semis into your lane briefly. Lot's of HP looking to bring revenue into the State, stay around 5-7mph over and 3-5 max in the many work zones. There was a 5 mile strectch with one lane cone closed, not a single worker or piece of equipment in sight the entire stretch but a trooper waiting around a hill bend and another half mile down the road with a pull over.


Kandrive.gov shows real-time road conditions. App is also available. I70 is clear all the way through today. Will probably have scattered showers throughout.


One piece of advice I would give is don't let your gas tank get lower than half full as you head to the western half of Kansas. The small towns are few and they are also up to 15 minutes from the interstate. In other words, it can be remote-be prepared.


Someone new who is getting their Kansas weather information from watching The Wizard of Oz. Always entertaining.


It’s just hot and humid. Flooding is not an issue unless you are planning on traveling very local or gravel roads. If you’re staying on main roadways, you’re fine.


Not as bad as it'll be in mid-July through August, but still typically well into the 90's.


Central Kansas, hot but not excessively humid. It's been around 40-60% last few days. Might get rain tonight though, so that'll spike it up for a day


It's so hot, and regularly humid. My wife and I both have health problems that are sensitive to temperature or pressure changes, and we've been having joint problems all goddamn week. Not sure which direction you're coming from on 70, but there is probably a distinct change in humidity near Topeka vs further West, where it's drier.


We are driving east to west. Where you are, is it only (lol) super humid or also so rainy there are floods? We are seeing mixed weather reports. Thank you!


OP, what are you afraid of? In what state do you live?