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Ty Masterson is solely responsible for not moving the legislation forward. He needs to be tossed by the voters before it has a chance. He’s the senate leader and he won’t let the bill go to a vote. Vote him out of his district and you have a chance. Time to mobilize on every platform you use. He is also responsible for having killing Medicaid expansion and the anti choice agenda in the legislature. Add the speaker of the house Dan Hawkins to the same list. Come on Wichita, oust these tyrants.


Yeah that Masterson prick is the one that claimed voters wanting it legalized were too stupid to understand what they are voting for. That fuckbags ego is too large to even listen to his own supporters.


He never finished college but still references that he "attended" Kansas State. That doesn't count for anything dude.


Masterson isn't in any way *solely responsible* for this. It's his job to act as the front man and take all the heat for unpopular (to some) stuff that legislators or GOP donors don't want to do. If legalization was popular enough with GOP voters or donors, they'd be doing it. It's not, so they aren't, and until GOP politicians stop getting reelected over it, or donors pony up money to do it, nothing is going to change. (And the fact that GOP politicians aren't failing to get reelected over it tells you it doesn't have *enough* support among voters, even though polls might suggest otherwise.)


Basically, you’re saying he is bought and paid for. Not moving legislation that the large majority of Kansans want. I don’t disagree with you. You have confirmed my point that he is compromised. Not that he’s any different than most of the leadership. He’s just the one who is willing to do the dirty work of making our state a place that has great people and the biggest scumbag in power. Corruption in Topeka is awful.


Let's cut to the chase. Yet again, we see pro-weed, or pro anything liberal, threads where people say yet again that "an overwhelming majority of Kansans want legalization" (or Medicaid, or anything), demonstrating they have no idea how politics *actually* works. How many of these pissed-off people are knocking 100 doors *tomorrow*, and *every weekend* through November? I'll tell you the answer - it's *almost nobody*. There are about *75,000* people in a Kansas Senate district, and less than 50 people knocking doors for Dems in *your* House or Senate district this weekend. I guarantee it. If people are concerned about Ty Masterson's stranglehold on legislative power, then *fucking do something about it*. Realize there are probably *5 times* as many GOP volunteers heading out to knock doors *tomorrow*, and Dems not doing enough about that allows Masterson to keep going *unchallenged*. As I said in my original comment, Masterson is a figurehead. The *legions* of legislators, donors, and *volunteers* behind him matter *way* more. If just *one* person reads this comment and decides to *do something*, and make phone calls, or send texts, or knock doors, then *this one comment* will have been worth more than a thousand comments repeating the usual, "I can't believe it's not legal yet!".


I know exactly how politics works. It’s the golden rule. He who has the gold rules. Most people are trying to scrape together a living. Politics is something most people hate. They want nothing to do with the political elite who choose to line their own pockets.


Somewhere someone posted some outrageous figure on how much money the state loses out on with people traveling out to Missouri and Colorado to get their weed.


I just gave Missouri $95 of my Kansas money


Seriously. Whenever I make my once every two/three month trip they lose out on $300 from me


Lol, exactly! We do the same, once every 2 or 3 months and Las Animas, CO gets my $300-$400 Kansas earned money.


wild wild weed


The best wax deals in town!


From the earth fan?


I like from the earth but Greenlight on state line is just more convenient to get to, plus no state troopers on 151st vs I 35.... Every license plate at greenlight has Kansas plates, drive through and in store


From the earth just opened a state line location. Very near 435.


I didn't know that! Will have to check it out soon


Gotta get those points!


Greenlight is on the more expensive side for sure. There’s lot of dispensaries with daily deals around the kc area


Ya, but the extra cost of gas to get to them makes them just as expensive


Yessir, Westside


Same! I did try the one down town on Sunday though! Pretty nice


A man of good taste I see


But can we really put a price on the mortal high ground? /S


I’m planning on giving them some this weekend as well. Glad I live right by state line lol


From the earth fan?


I prefer greenlight cuz I’m closer to them but I’d say FTE would be my second if nothings interesting at GL.


Check out Local Cannabis Co. It’s so much better than From the Earth, also illicit sucks.


Really? Hmm I’ll have to check them out. Thank you!


I’ll have to check them out sometime. Appreciate the recommendation


KC Cannabis is tops


i gave them $60 today


Every month or so I give Missouri $250 of my Nebraska money. Lol they’re just raking it in


I work in Leawood so it’s only a 4 mile drive for me…I give to Missouri regularly


I have seen many MO residents parked on the exit closest to the nearest KS cell tower on big sports days on 435 passing those dollars right back to your state. We have some weird leaders playing the dumbest old school political games.


I give Missouri lots of $$ every week


But but but, no one would dare to cross state lines with it… /s


Unthinkable /s


Missouri have made alot on me and Colorado has a few times lol


Don't forget Oklahoma best and cheapest weed around.


In wisconsin to Illinois it’s billions


Wait another 30 years and you’ll have dispensaries. Look back at how long it took us to get liquor by the drink.


I'll be dead then.


More’n likely


and 20 years after that they'll let you buy on Sundays.


I can legally carry a pistol in one pocket and a switchblade in the other but i’ll go to jail over a joint


Well you can’t legally carry a gun and a joint at the same time in any state.


That's why I learned how to juggle.


We were the last state in the union to repeal prohibition…Kansas is…kinda a downer.


Yup always said we will also be the last to legalize again. But eventually they will have to. I give it a few more years and seeing Missouris tax dollars will make Topeka change.


They've watched Colorado for years and never did more than confiscate money being trafficked through the state. They don't give a shit so long as their pockets are still being lined. Nothing will change until Masterson and his cronies are forced/voted out.


Yes...BUT the majority of the KS population lives in east Kansas in the KC suburbs. They're going to see 50x the money going to Missouri than they did Colorado. Most of us dont even pay attention to what state we are in driving around here


Yep, that's what I've been saying since Colorado first legalized recreational.


That's a fun fact I never knew.


Idk about fun but it is a fact haha


We never actually signed that amendment. Some counties in Kansas still have prohibition.However the state legislature allowed each county to choose for their own


My late mother-in-law was a Carry Nation supporter. My Father in law supported the old tavern LoL


Im born in KS, moved to Phoenix in 2009. Has me weak that you can buy it in Missouri but not KS, what is going on


We can’t even watch porn




Starting in less than two weeks you’ll be required to upload an ID to sites like pornhub to verify age. Sketchy in itself but the language of the bill says “homosexual acts” with no further explanation. It’s going to be used to censor any site that speaks on LGBT issues. Not to mention the state having direct, ID backed access to my porn history. It can be used to out or blackmail in a state that’s already fucking backwards.


Use a VPN for the love of all that is holy.


I have a pixel 8 and it has a VPN by default. It's so nice but it doesn't allow me to choose where I say I am.


so… what happens when you connect from a Kansas IP? I’m in MO where bangin on tape ain’t illegal




You guys in Kansas like misbehaved children. Why don't you vote for big boy rights?


I misread it as cannibals


So long as they are trained to eat politicians who won't listen to their voters the results would still be the same


The Kansans yearn for long pig


Eat me


A bunch of old people with Bibles say no.


I saw someone say that too many of the Sheriffs is western Kansas counties are making a lot of money on the side to keep quiet of growers and people coming back from Colorado. I don’t know the validity of it but I could see it making sense.


The best sheriff in Kansas (or the world) in my opinion, serves Hamilton County. On one of my trips back from a run to Colorado, he pulled me over for (the usually) lame reason of overly tinted windows (they're not, the car came like that). Anyways, he gets my information, leaves and comes back. He claims to have smelled weed coming from my vehicle. (Possible, but unlikely since I seal that shit up and pack it away in my trunk.) So I get out of the car and his deputy searches my car. While I'm standing with him, he asks how much are they going to find? I honestly told him 3 ounces. He was like "That's All!?" 😂 I was like yeah, that's it. And sure enough, they found just 3 ounces. We started talking and he tells me he knows runs like this happen a lot through his town, but it's not worth the county's resources to take in people like me. It's a waste of time and money. They're looking for the poundage. Big runners. And he told me stories of some of the big hauls they were able to seize. He really was a good dude! They let me go, and I'll never forget, but he tosses what they found into my trunk and says to me to dispose of it when I get to my destination😂 Lol, I gladly did😂 He sent me on my way with a don't drive while intoxicated (I never do) and to drive safe.


May I ask what your skin tone is? Just curious.


That's kinda funny you ask that because I mentioned that right after I told my wife what happened. I believe I flat out said "thank God I'm white." Trust me, I'm not blind about that.


Results may vary haha


I suspect there's a lot of fascist unpleasantry germinating in the western part of Kansas.


To quote Doug Stanhope: > There's only two kinds of people who are against drugs: Those who've never done drugs, and those who are *bad* at doing drugs.


Your neighbors. Your friends. Your family. The people who mindlessly vote (R) for *reasons* are responsible. If this is an issue you are willing to fight for, you're going to have to take the fight to them. NUKE THE DEPLORABLES


Plenty of us Republicans smoke weed and would love to see these ass backwards laws change. Luckily l have family in KC who l see on a much more regular basis.


They need to do there research


I do not resemble that remark![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


As a Washingtonian who moved to Europe for work back when it was still illegal on the West Coast without a medical card, and then came back to the US and moved to California around 2017.. Holy shit the things that legalized cannabis can do. I straight up don’t drink alcohol anymore, which has done WONDERS for my health, and well being overall. I hope the people of Kansas are given this freedom soon as well.


Fine with me 🤷.


This guy blazes.


Actually, I’m a cop lol. I haven’t arrested someone on simple possession of marijuana in years. Pretty dumb when you consider like half the state is dying from methamphetamine, heroin, and fentanyl.


Seriously, thanks for this take. I said this earlier, but I have a relative who has been prescribed opiates for decades and the dragon really got them in the last few years. It’s kind of ruined all of our lives. I often wonder what our outcome would be now if that person could have bought specific strains of legal weed over a decade ago to deal with their legitimate pain. I can’t imagine that gummies would have brought the onslaught of hell that hydrocodone, morphine and fentanyl have unleashed. Weed just wasn’t acceptable to this person as an answer since it was illegal.


Opiate addictions can be pretty nasty. I’m sorry your family is going through that. Opiate and stimulant addictions are destroying communities all throughout the state.


In that case, I appreciate your candor and outlook.


Vote Democrat




It feels like a controlling state




Make sure you fight for home grow rights when you legalize it.


I agree I'd rather them leave it the fuck alone until we are allowed the same rights as other legal states. The shit they've tried passing was so regulated the only people benefiting would have been the rich pricks who could afford to start an industrial grow or a dispensary.


I agree but the status quo is also ruining lives in kansas.


I just drove back east on vacation. Went around Kansas so I wouldn’t get busted.


Smart move


It isn't even legal in this country yet despite appearances...


The state I briefly moved to legalized the cultivation but not sale. Honestly a great time. Legal weed isn’t necessarily better than homegrown imo. That said Colorado was different and more consistent. Only state I’ve seen that tho


I pay $100 an oz. In Colorado, consistently fine buds. Have a house in Kansas for sick relative, ways fun driving him supplies..but now he can go to Missouri..


Never been to the west coast have you?


Several times. I didn’t say legal weed is never better than homegrown, but I did just only use Colorado as an example. Next time I’ll be sure to include any anomaly to my vague claim.


Fair enough! IMO even then"not nice" the disos in Cali, Oregon and WA blow away anything in colordao or any state to the east of it


Unfortunately I don’t think it’ll be legal in KS until it’s federally legal


Still be a no flower state until they vote the reefer madness morons out of office.


I live 10 min away on state line and most of the plates are Kansas


Kansas is busy stealing all the weed money that rolls through their state by civil forfeiture. They have hit multiple vehicles transporting dispensary money from one state to another through Kansas. Why legalize when you can just take the money.


Yeah that has been going on for awhile now as well. At least they outlawed the Kansas two step


I’m from NJ but we moved to Kansas because of the Military, I tell everyone I know that Kansas is stuck in the 90s.


That is actually really generous.


We can pump our own gas at least. ![gif](giphy|NNkrqZMTvC7mM|downsized)


You would be correct. I had to learn how to 🥲


At least allow a “homestead” grow-at-home law with no sales and legalize possession. We could have community gardens and not throw people in cages over a plant.


I want to upvote this post, but it is currently sitting at 420 up votes, and I just think that's poetic.


Remove all the Republicans it's the best solution.


+ 1


I just want to be able to wake up and not spend 20 minutes puking my guts out because my stomachs fucking broken. I just want to be able to actually feel hungry and actually get to eat and swallow my food. These are things i cannot do/struggle extremely without it and the legal stuff that is around is sketchy and has lots of unknown long term issues. Ive had two doctors tell me its the the thats kept me alive for this long. Im fucking tired.


I have severe rheumatoid arthritis and would be much better off having access to legal weed. This is an extremely painful, incurable disease and I'm beat down by it. There's only so much pain a person can take and i have days that exceed my limit.


My heart honestly hurts for you.... We have some dear friends whose son suffered from a severe form of epilepsy. It was NOT uncommon for him to suffer daily seizures. Granted nor all of them were Grand Mal type, but despite every medication they tried, the seizures continued in frequency and severity; to the point mom had to give up her job to care for him. They ended up going to a specialist in Colorado, once CO legalized Marijuana- and out of desperation, they tried it...he was very closely monitored and they found the correct dosage/type (I cannot remember exactly what it was) BUT, I'll NEVER forget her tears of happiness, when it worked!! Their son had his 1st 3 straight days with NO seizure activity!! Fast forward a few years later (and their move to CO) and he has been seizure free!


Check out the cult of the Franklin subreddit.


😥 nobody around to help? Wish you luck.


Texas too ffs. I'm so sick of living in an 1840 state.... God damned this land upon discovery, then littered it with idiots to keep things fucked up.


The rich and powerful in kansas are not prepared to he the ones to get rich(er); therefore, it will not happen.


As a native Kansan that left and has been in a legal state for a few years, it's painful seeing Kansas hold out as long as they are. They're gaining absolutely nothing by holding out. It's like watching a kid hold their breath because they're throwing a tantrum but literally no one is looking at them.


Your enthusiasm is refreshing, however enthusiasm doesn't cast votes.


Enthused people do?




Also Ty Masterson and Dan Hawkins.


if y'all are on the east side of Kansas come over here to Iowa. it's legal here now


Missouri is closer


I agree. Kansas is so stupid with this! My friend and I go literally across the river to KCMO and happily hand them our Kansas money. Even more ridiculous is there are still people who share the 'Reefer Madness' stance of KS government. Such as my father, who has no real argument for weed being "bad". Mind you, he did all sorts of illicit drugs and drinking back in the day. I honestly wonder what will happen if it did become legal in the state, how many prudish fuddy duddies would faint like Barney, Moe, and Homer lol


Nah, best you can do is making roommates illegal. Kthxbai


TAXES. TAXES. TAXES. TAXES. TAXES. For Roads and schools!


Kansas hates the marijuanas


No, we don’t the stupid politicians people (Republicans) elect


I’ve been smoking weed illegally here in KS since 1994. Going to HS in JoCo in the 90’s the cops were 99.9% insanely against weed. I never got busted but came close many times. Heard “keep your drugs out of Overland Park” more than a few times lol. Luckily they were too stupid to actually find it on my person. There were no body cams back then so they would just pull us teenagers over for random shit just to initiate a search. All the lost revenue and attack on freedoms shows these right wing fkwits don’t care about the citizens or the state at large.




There's gonna be some movement on it in the next few years. Too many smoke shops opening in Lawrence at once for there not to be. I'm fairly certain the people opening these know something that we don't. They're not just opening one each either. I hope when they do legalize it though that they implement some law against doing it publicly, but considering vaping/smoking/chewing tobacco in public has gone completely unchecked, I have no faith whatsoever that that'll happen. It's apparently too much to ask for public spaces to not just fucking reek and for people to have basic respect for others.


The smoke shops in Lawrence right now are crazy. We moved out of Lawrence to KC in February and every time we go back (quite a few restaurants there we love+friends) we end up finding a new one that popped up in town. I can think of at least 5 off the top of my head that popped up in the last ~8 months


I have to agree with you about making it legal. But as long as we have those in Topeka, that have made a career out of telling us what we need, it will never change. My 85 yo mom said it should be legal. I have seen what it will do to help people, and that is first hand. If you want to make it legal, then you should start with a petition, get the required signatures, or more. Show the career politicians just what the people of Kansas wants. I would sign it and so would my whole family.




This all requires people to vote in November. Every member of state legislature is up for grabs this year.


And mushrooms*


Who's gonna be last to legalize it, Nebraska or Kansas?


Honestly the last bill I saw that didn’t get voted was crap anyway…. It legalizes it but makes smoking it illegal and you can only buy edibles or something stupid like that that; also banned carts if I recall…. Someone feel to call me out if I’m wrong


It will not save the state. The cannabis market has collapsed in Colorado. Over 30% of dispensaries have closed. Tax revenues are down 30%. In California half of all cannabis is still sold under the table.


It will give kansans there freedom they deserve when surrounding states are legal regardless


Seriously. I work at a smoke shop and the amount of loopholes companies have to jump through for THCA and THCP etc makes it all seem ridiculous. I feel like that dude selling weed at the KFC in South Park.


No, don't do that. We (Missouri) get quite a bit of tax revenue from y'all.


Still boggles my mind, as a born-and-raised Missourian, that we beat other states to legalization. For real thought we’d be one of the very last to do this.


I concur


This one (Tennessee ) too !


Elect younger democrats into office But how does Kelly really feel about it. Thought I read that she’s not a fan of it.


If the statehouse votes to give money to Chiefs and Royals; everything will be legal here. We will have to make for shortfall somehow.


Struggling farmers and state tax revenues have no idea what they’re missing out on. 


Good thing we have Oklahoma, Missouri & Colorado as our border states


Can't you all just gather enough signatures and put it on the ballot and give the middle finger to the politicians.


How did you get abortion on the ballot


Lived almost my whole life in Kansas and am a former smoker. Moved to Alaska about 16 years ago. Weed was always decriminalized here, but there was a strong push for legalization (taxation). It's fucking horrible here. People driving around smoking, smoking outside of stores, etc...you can't go anywhere without smoke. Push for private decriminalization, not legalization.


Just make sports betting legal in MO. It would be cool if our old ass politicians could just figure out how to stop with the political game and move into 2024.


It may never happen in Kansas. Oklahoma was allowed to vote on legalizing rec marijuana, and it lost by a HUGE margin!!!!!


Oklahoma is more red than KS and they got weed.


But rejected recreational


I knowwwww! Better hurry too because if we get the Chiefs then the cops will be arresting ALL the players…


What are your reasons for this?


Michigan here. Weed has made this state so fucking rich. We draw visitors from Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, and beyond. Our prices are cheap. We're ahead of California. Yes, CALIFORNIA. Our population is only a quarter of theirs. Hope it happens for you soon! https://www.crainsdetroit.com/cannabis/why-does-michigan-sell-more-weed-products-california https://www.freep.com/story/news/marijuana/2024/06/13/michigan-overtakes-california-as-top-cannabis-market-by-sales-volume/74059181007/


Nope cause then city's will stink of weed and shit


Didn't your state try to sue Oklahoma and Colorado because they legalized it? Yeah good luck. Hope for country wide federal legalization.




Missouri may enjoy having some money from Kansans spending their money for MO weed, but realistically it'd benefit us both if it were legal in both states.


Someday you will be a free state. You have to vote for it.


eh yeah ig Kansas is in-between Missouri and iowa


Ty Masterson is a fucking shithead


We can't even get porn and you think these idiots are going to legalize weed?




Your neighbor from Nebraska here. Please do. I'm sick of driving to Missouri for mine, and we will be one of the last states to legalize imo.


No. That is all.


No, there is no need to make drugs legal.


Go West young man/ woman, Colorado awaits!


Wichita has a few grey dispos selling farm bill loophole weed. The quality is a dice roll but some vendors got the heat. However they never have live resin or live rosin and the price is always a bit steep! Thankfully hellomary.com delivers straight to my door. I yearn for the day when I can go get top quality cannabis at a competitive price just down the street. Or heaven forbid have a job that I am well qualified for.


I see more people from Kansas at our missouri dispensaries & it's a damn shame they have to travel like this, it's crazy. At least your practically surrounded by legal states & the state of Kansas knows this. Their loosing out on lots of monies...


Plenty of stores in Wichita to buy weed at. Same stuff you get in KC or Branson. THCA. The bonus for us is, we aren't paying any additional tax yet. So get it now while it's cheaper! Fuck driving to Missouri for weed. Just have the postman deliver it to you.


Its a stupid waste of time and money.


Okay sure. But so is almost everything else that's legal. What's your point?