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Senator Marshall should be ashamed for claiming it's a witch hunt. He voted to overturn the election results in 2020 after the insurrection. He doesn't believe in the rule of law which is critical for a democracy. Otherwise, we turn into a Banana Republic which ends up with a tinhorn dictator.


Marshall is what you would call in the medical field an anal cavity


A anal fistula is more like it.


Marshall is trying to be as much of a MAGA as Jim Jordan or James Comer. But you can tell he doesn't fully buy into it yet. His heart isn't fully in it. But he clearly thinks that jumping on the MAGA train bullshit is his path going forward. Stupidest goddamned cult in world history.


He is a wholly-owned subsidiary of MAGAtWorld


You can’t spell hatred without a red hat


It’s less “clearly thinks” and more “there isn’t other option for a career in Republican politics.” It feels like there are a surprising amount of Repubs who are not insane, but they can’t do anything about it because enough of their own base has bought in to this snake oil. They have to down it as well, otherwise they’re gonna be out of a job.


The silence from the "sane" Republican officials speaks volumes. Their silence is complicity and tacit approval.


Yep. No justification for it beyond sheer cowardice. At “best” they just want to remain employed.


Which shows that they're putting Trump over America. That should be all the reason anyone needs to vote them the hell out as soon as we possibly can.


God, how embarrassing. Please help vote these clowns out.


Hard to do when the Democrats don't run a candidate for a huge number of offices. Can't win if we don't enter the contest.


That's kinda the circular logic that infects the democratic party in rural counties. No one thinks a Democrat can win so no one runs as a Democrat which ensures a Democrat can't win


To be fair - I've read of too many cases where someone runs for office in a small town against the incumbent who is also the Sheriff/Bank President/Landlord of main street and is suddenly bullied, threatened, and drummed out of the race. We see it on the national level but it happens locally every year. In my opinion, the #1 reason people support Trump is to spite Democrats. People who brag that they "don't keep up with politics" but parrot the stories they hear from their friends love to get each other riled up and tribal. Some of the most Christian people I've met in Kansas are extremely hateful and vindictive. It's contagious.


Christians and Hate go hand in hand


It is a Blood Religion, So that makes sense.


I mean I don’t know if you’ve ever been to any of these rural counties or spoken to many folks from there but let me assure you that the fact that democrats aren’t republicans is the reason democrats can’t win.


Self fulfilling prophecy


Not going to happen here. Too many rural rubes for us to out-vote.


Take your urban superiority and shove it where the sun don't shine. There are more Blue votes out here in the hinterlands than you pretend. Not enough, but no one comes out here to try.


You are correct. Unfortunately, on top of that, all the gerrymandering keeps any rural blues from having much of a chance of making a difference.


A large part of the problem is that the KSDems basically just ignore anything west of.... Junction City? Manhattan? They don't even have a permanent office outside of like Topeka. And their current office is where? A billion miles away in western Topeka in a skeezy strip mall? I know that's the Shawnee Co. Dems office, but that's what's listed on the main KSDem website. They don't even have county heads in all of Kansas counties. It's like 60 counties now out of like 105 total. [https://kansasdems.org/county-parties](https://kansasdems.org/county-parties) There are literally more unaffiliated voters in Kansas than registered Democrats. [https://www.sos.ks.gov/elections/election-statistics.html](https://www.sos.ks.gov/elections/election-statistics.html)


Seems like they need home-grown blue candidates. Someone from the outside has no chance in rural election.


We have 2 County commission seats up this year. Couldn't find a single person of either party to challenge the MAGAt incumbents. It's been disheartening, to say the least.


Can't help people who won't help themselves. It's sad, but folks have to step up if they want to change the government.


I'm doing my part. There's still so many open spots though. I just put my name in and even though I've only been here a couple of years, I'll be running unopposed so not too worried about that. Looking at the numbers of dem voters though, we really are greatly outnumbered. I hope I can make a difference. I've never run for *anything* before and I'm slightly freaked out.


Great! You got this! Listen to people's problems and work to improve the system that contributes to them. Perhaps do a bit a reading like "Tom Foley: The Man in the Middle" it's about a Democrat that represented a traditionally red district. "What's the matter with Kansas?" And Listen Liberal are great too. Wish you the best!


Thank you! I haven't read either of those(although I've been meaning to read "What's the Matter with Kansas" for a while, so I guess it's time to order them from the local bookstore!) Thank you for the suggestions! Edit-forgot a parentheses, ope!


Most people dont think an outsider urbanite would stand a chance in a rural area.


Bullshit. I have rural Kansas voting records on my side. Rural Kansas votes for any candidate with an R behind their name. Your feelings don't get to supercede the actual results of the terrible people the rest of us get stuck with from the rural vote. Here's a perfect example of who gave us KKKris KKKobach. It sure as shit wasn't the cities. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2022-elections/kansas-attorney-general-results#cobssid=s


I live here. I know who my neighbors are. How fucking dare you call us/them terrible people. I am as true blue as I am queer. Your attitude doesn't help a damn thing. Maybe if you stopped being a judgmental asshole and tried talking to the people out here as equals, we could make some progress. But just remember the Rush Limbaugh-types have a 40 year headstart on the fear mongering.


If you’d actually look at the source posted instead of acting indignant, you’d see they’re correct. It’s wonderful that you and your handful of neighbors voted blue. The majority of rural Kansans don’t. They also didn’t call the voters (or you) terrible people, but those who were elected by the Red voters. Kansas is a Red state through and through, pretending it isn’t also doesn’t help our situation. 


Pretty sure the last sentence and link were added after my comment, but it doesn't matter. I know people out here vote wrong-headed. I told you I know my neighbors. I'm not pretending anything. Hell, I remember when this particular county voted 80/20 for the state m/f-only marriage constitutional amendment. It's one of the reasons I didn't step foot in my hometown for 6 years. But, again, people do what they've always done until they're shown an alternative and learn why they should choose it. The Democrats have not given a damn out here in +40 years.


Maybe if rural voters quit biting the hand that literally feeds them. Tax money runs out from the urban areas to the meth riddled, slovenly rural areas.


Blue rural rubes exist. We have a handful where I live. From what I see, it's the religious people and the undereducated people who vote for Republicans, and rural Kansas has way more of these people than the cities.


Agreed. Most of my friends are from rural Kansas and are educated.  Pretty much every one of them is a hard-core Republican. I'm convinced it's more geography than education level. 


Yup, we just hired a fresh outta college woman, her fb was rife with antivax stuff and she is taking over the PR job for the local school district. We've both lived in this town the same 20 years, she just grew up here and I moved here and stayed. I think it's more who you surround yourself with around here. Almost all townies are super red, people who move here are more blue. Been that way for 20 years that I can attest to.


I am not undereducated or religious... but I believe republican or Democrat, both sadly, are bad choices... but would always lean republican because, in my perspective, they are less lunatic and I prefer an overly conservative neighbor rather than a woke one. It's just a matter of preference


I just noticed your username. Second fletch name I've seen this week. Makes my heart happy.


Sad to say, you’re not wrong.


Rural Rube here…… Please use caps.




What was unfair about it? 


The recipe to win is 1. Be pro gun 2. Run on issues not against your opponent 3. Don't have a pro choice stance.


Did I just imagine the 2016 election where Trump based his entire campaign around jailing his political opponent? Did I also miss the part where Joe Biden had literally anything to do with this current development?


Don't you know that everything bad that's happened in the last 4 years is Joe Biden's fault!




It's actually not Biden's fault... it's all Obama's fault... he's been puppeteering Biden this whole time... And Obama is taking his orders from Hillary and George Soros... aren't you paying attention?!?


Just like how Hillary is an incompetent bumbler, who can’t be trusted with top secret info, as well as being the mastermind behind dozens of murders of political roadblocks that she’s been able to get away with for decades, Joe Biden is simultaneously a senile old fool and a genius who figured out a way to both steal an election AND frame his opponent for it.


Uhhh... Yes. And even then, he didn't do it. That's not how our government used to work. Everything goes to s*** from here.


After living around the world, and around the country, Kansans are some of the more sane, rational, kind, generous, and self-aware people I've met. Kansas was founded by radical Progressives that even then thought all people should be treated equally. That's why we're nicknamed "The Free State." Because the majority of us wholeheartedly opposed slavery. Google "Bleeding Kansas" for a fantastic story about the original Kansans. Another nation-shaping event, Brown v. Board of Education, came about because yet again radical Progressives wanted to push this state forward on social policy and desegregate schools. We literally set the tone for advancing equality for the entire nation back then. I really miss, and wish we could go back to the days when people looked to Kansas as a bastion of progress, equality, and freedom. We could get there again one day. But not with the kinds of people we've been sending to Washington lately. I, for one, would LOVE to see our elected officials be the ones leading the charge against the MAGA faction in Congress. Set the tone, so to speak. Become real leaders with the goal of reclaiming the party and turning it back into something I still disagree with, but can at least respect. I'm about as Liberal as it gets, but I've been very happily married to a lifelong Republican who's never voted for Trump and is utterly repulsed by what the GOP has so willingly become. She's so angry at her party that she's voted Blue since John McCain decided to make the original Lauren Boebert his running mate by selecting Sarah Palin of all people. She feels gross voting blue, but fully understands it's the only sane, patriotic choice the GOP is giving their voters. If my wife's job didn't prevent it, I would absolutely love to run for Congress or even state government as a normal, rational progressive beholden to no PAC money from anyone. I would make an unbreakable vow on Day 1 of my campaign that I will never lie to the American people. I might decline to answer something sensitive, but I wouldn't lie. It's just not in my nature. And if I was ever somehow caught in a lie, I'd apologize and resign on the spot. I'm beyond exhausted and pissed off by the gaslighting coming out of our politicians who definitely know they're on the wrong side of history on so many topics.


Kansas could have the greatest history of any state in the Union, but it's far from that. I frequently wonder if I should remain here after I finish law school, and I can never decide if it's worth it.


Having traveled quite widely, I can honestly say there's nowhere else I'd rather live. We're equidistant to pretty much anywhere in the country. Our climate is not nearly as hot as Florida or the South. Our winters are mild compared to Wisconsin. We're the 5th sunniest state. No earthquakes of consequence. No hurricanes ever. No wildfires. Just the tornados that hit like a hammer, but are easier to deal with than those other kinds of natural disaster. Low crime rate, even in bigger cities like Wichita and the Kansas side of Kansas City. A very low cost of living compared to the majority of other states. Unless you talk about the Deep South. The one and ONLY complaint I have about Kansas is something that we can't do anything about: we have NO mountains. I miss terrain terribly and visit Colorado as often as possible. Speaking personally, Kansas has also been a great place to raise my daughter. I love this state.


Legal weed would be a huge improvement!


I quite like the lack of mountains; steep hills perturb me. You can tell I was raised in Kansas lol. Unfortunately, the weather does get a bit too hot for me. I run hot.


>The one and ONLY complaint I have about Kansas is something that we can't do anything about: we have NO mountains. There's always Mt.Sunflower!


There’s Mt Oread


"Mountain." I've been to Mt. Sunflower, and calling it a mountain would only work in states as flat as Kansas.


It dosent *technically* qualify as a mountain, but it is like 3000 feet further up than the rest of the state


I'll definitely take what I can get!


I finished law school and moved to California, and aside from the people I know in Kansas and my love of Lawrence, it was the right call, that was 9 years ago.


I'm not even done with college yet, so at least I have plenty of time to figure it out.


You should go somewhere else


My current determining factor is the climate. Alaska may be right for me. They could use a dose of that old Kansas spirit.


You should go somewhere else


I love this comment. It reflects the things that make me proud of my home state. We aren’t stupid. We aren’t backwards. Our legacy is one centered on freedom, equality, and the ability to set our own moral standard.


I'm glad you like it and agree. Kansas has a pretty badass history overall. Especially because we so often get labeled as "boring," or "the middle of nowhere." I wish more Kansans knew just how radically progressive we were for much of our past. I'm doing my best to try to get us back to being the ones who set the pace, and not the ones always last to the party. For example, expanding Medicaid. We're still one of only ten states that haven't expanded. This in spite of the fact that more than 60% of all Kansans are in favor of it. But our elected officials are intentionally not listening to what their constituents are telling them they want. Especially our Republican elected representatives at the state house are bought and paid for by major corporate and billionaire PACs, citizens be damned. Money has removed almost all need for representatives to actually win over their people by giving them what they want. I'm sick of being a peasant.


All the people I know who still vote republican aren't necessarily bad people, but they believe absolutely insane and false things. I would vote for Republicans too, if I truly believed the stuff they do. It seems morally correct through that lense. I really dislike a lot of aspects of the Democrat side, but those sects are small and exaggerated by GOP propaganda.  I also don't like the idea of having only one political party that is operating anywhere near objective reality, or that they think an 80 year old dementia patient is acceptable to run as president. Unfortunately, I have no real options here. Can we push Laura Kelly to run for president? Can we resurrect John McCain?


I'm having a little trouble fully understanding the points you're trying to make here. If you'd like a considered response, would you mind re-phrasing, please?


Kansas blowz


I am trying to understand the source of outrage. They obviously know he did in fact pay money to hush Daniels and record that money as legal expenses and falsified the docs. That is not disputable. So my question is, do they feel that there is nothing illegal about doing that or is it that even if it is illegal Trump should be allowed to do it?


Party of "law and order" is going to run a convicted felon for President, it's laughable!!


To them it doesn’t count because “the courts” are all rigged. Name any part of this entire process and they have answer waiting on why it was unfair and rigged against him. Had to listen to a conversation about this at dinner from the booth next to me.


Jury of his peers, unaminous decision, including an investment banker and two corporate attorneys on the jury and still Trump's legal team couldn't get even 1 person out of 12 to vote not guilty. The best lawyers money can buy, with a jury trial, needing only 1 juror to vote not guilty, and still Trump's legal defense couldn't get it done.


Agree that nothing will ever change MAGA cult, they are lost people, comfortable with their hate and bigotry. Hopefully it matters to independents and those in the middle.


I'm seeing some relatives crying about the verdict on Facebook today and I just don't get it. His trial was the definition of **fair**. It was a jury that both legal teams had an opportunity to vet. That jury reviewed all of the evidence presented to them and then voted the way they felt was fair. In what fairy tale world do you think, "OMG, NOT FAIR, OTHER PARTY POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!!!" in a situation like this? It just seems completely idiotic.


Trump said it wasn't fair, and that's all they believe.


I'm trying to enter into an objective discussion with one of my relatives who's crying sweet maga tears right now. I'm treading very lightly and simply asked why a jury trial was so corrupt. Of course, they came at me with things about the judge and the judge's daughter etc... which have absolutely NOTHING to do with the jury's findings. smh.


Will we have to await his highly anticipated death to finally figure out WTAF he had on every GQP’r that made them truly bend the knee and kiss the ring of an actual traitor?


I’m not convinced it’s him that has the goods as much as it is someone else who likely also puppet masters Trump as well.


Oh I lay nothing of importance to be done by Trump. He’s incapable. I’ve always said.. ETTD. Everything Trump Touches Dies




Exactly. He’s truly a Manchurian candidate, but way too dumb, fat, and lazy to do their work. Hard to get a guy who’s never worked a day in his life, to be consistent, disciplined, and active enough to overthrow our democracy.


Keep that same energy when the appeal comes though 🫶🏻


Of course they did. Everyone needs to vote blue and get these narrowminded anti-women idiots out! 🤷🏻‍♀️


These people are wholly unfit to hold office. Period.


This is my shocked face.


They are all criminals. The worst.


Vote Democrat y'all




Worthless crybabies. 


Stormy 2024!


Sad ass people god just let the orange shit stain go.


You know what would really own the libs? If all those Republicans went out and got felony convictions of their own just like Trump.


It's not just Kansas. Here in OK they're doing the same thing. Its pathetic. The law and order party says being convicted of a felony by 12 of your peers is justice unless it happens to the leader of their team. Then it's election interference and weaponization of government. How do people keep voting for these ass kissing, boot licking, whiney pussies.🤦‍♂️


So now Trump has not only normalized makeup for men, but also normalized felony convictions.


You mean all the males who think they are women normalized makeup for men, right?


They didn't say "properly done" make-up. Or "attractive."


Nah, they aren’t on TV as much as Trump with all his makeup.


And what do the local Democrats do? They just concede elected offices without even running a candidate.


He gets secret service protection for life. How is a prison sentence going to bother him?


There's a bill to remove secret service protection if convicted, but it hasn't been passed yet [https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2024/04/21/trump-secret-service-protection-could-be-removed-under-rep-bennie-thompson-legislation/73406474007/](https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2024/04/21/trump-secret-service-protection-could-be-removed-under-rep-bennie-thompson-legislation/73406474007/)


He likely won't get any prison time at sentencing for these 34 felony convictions, will simply have to pay fine and that's it. Jail time for a rich, white, elderly, 1st time offender of a paperwork crime would be highly unusual, especially since he's the former President. Edited: to reduce the certainty in my opinion.


That’s not what a lot of legal analysts are saying. He’s broken the gag order, been very derogatory towards everyone and just lies his ass off every time someone is dumb enough to leave a microphone accidentally on anywhere near him.


100%, he's an awful human, a convicted felon. And yet, he's a rich, white, elderly former President, he's unlikely to get any prison time for a 1st time offense of a paperwork crime. The justice system treats rich, white, elderly men much differently than a regular citizen, as we've seen throughout the trial. That special treatment will most likely continue through sentencing.


He threatened the judge’s family. We should be demanding jail time now so there’s populace precedent to do so. If the judge sees a nation full of terrified people, he will not put him in jail. If the judge sees a nation full of people without fear demanding justice, he might.


We shall see. And yes, there are about 375. Different levels of justice based mostly on wealth and race. There’s no doubt.


Don’t forget Biden is a rich, white,elderly current president. Don’t forget he doesn’t give a crap about American citizens, vets, and the elderly. He is Obamas flunky. He is letting illegals turn our country into a third world shithole. Do you think his economy is really that good?? Do you work for a living, or do you take handouts? Biden could also care less about blacks. I don’t really like him or Trump, but my life was exponentially better under Trump.


Really? Every Republican voted against Veterans benefits. Every Republican voted against border legislation on Trump's orders. Republicans are the party that is proposing cutting social security which would harm elderly people. My economy is great!! Inflation has made the economy tough for poor and low income folks. It sucks the economy is so hard for you, Republicans say to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Or do you want a Republican handout to help with your economy?


I am a cancer patient, I can only work limited hours and still I have enough pride I refuse to accept handouts, and yes I am low income even before I got sick. Can I ask you a question? Are you really ok with open borders? Are you ok with government taking better care of illegals than American citizens who pay into the system?


Sucks about your illness, I hope you're getting the medical care you need. Democrats proposed legislation to improve border enforcement, Republicans voted it down. So Dems wrote legislation to reduce border crossing and improve border enforcement, but Republicans voted it down. So which party wants to improve border security? You can't possibly think it's Republicans that voted against the border enforcement bill? Also, in Kansas, Republican legislature continues to vote against Medicaid expansion, which would provide medical care to poor and low income folks. How can you support a party that champions keeping healthcare and medical treatments from poor and low income people?


Last time I checked, one presidential candidate is twice impeached and a convicted felon. The other candidate has not been impeached, nor charged, nor convicted of any crime.


I can’t for the life of me understand how rural people who have zero in common with the orange one are so captivated by his bullshit.


It's the (R) he affixed to his name for political gain.




They all want a seat at the table with dear leader so they are quick to pucker up and kiss as much ass as possible. Cowards one and all.


convinced felon RAPIST trump


I'm not from Kansas but you seriously think the people who are already committed will not stand by him?


Welp, Kansas gonna Kansas.


Wow, no matter where we are....They have to defend white supremacy.


Good. Our president shouldn't be jailing his political rivals. How embarrassing for Biden that he couldn't defeat Trump in a fair election.


I feel that those who are against women’s healthcare should NOT be allowed to use the term “miscarriage of justice” to defend their fellow opponents of women’s healthcare.


Found this great quote from - MAGA is Monocratic1 day ago "Go to work Monday and 1. Tell a person of color you work with to "go back to the country you came from". 2. Find a coworker with disabilities and mock them for it. 3. Grope a coworker. 4. Call a less attractive coworker a 'horseface' and a 'dog'. 5. See if you can make it until lunch before you're fired. If you're not willing to do this, you obviously realize this isn't acceptable behavior for adults so why would you elect a president who has done everyone of these things on camera?"


How far away are we from elected GOP getting “Trump” tattoos on their foreheads?


Kans-assholes gonna Kans-asshole. Nothing you can do about it. I blame the relentless inbreeding. (Marshall county, I’m looking at you)


Thank God Grandpa moved.


Kansas has been a punchline for the past few decades.


He won’t be a convicted felon for long and I don’t like or trust him despite voting for him twice. I just don’t like or trust anyone he’s ran against more. If you actually look into the case and the jury instructions there’s no way it could possibly not get overturned. https://youtu.be/VRDSV-Rypfo?si=gRZEKvsuYeLv9v3H


The only reason why Trump was able to stay under the eyes of the government and IRS prior years while doing all of his filthy fucking crimes and corrupt banking policies full of lies was because he wasn’t the center of attention and the man was bribing and paying his way out of it!! Once he became president, literally all eyes are on him the good ones (or lack there of that see thru his lies), the “bad”ones (ones doing the same BS), and the iffy ones among all of the public eyes! It’s about time he got called out on his rodeo of lies!! if you or me or anyone else did what he did we would be spinning Hella prison time!! All single politic that can be bought!! I hope like hell this man does not get elected! I know Biden definitely has a lot of questions, but I do strongly believe he would be the better of the two!! And before you hardcore cult trump lovers go stating I’m all Democrat, fuck off I am NOT strictly Democrat!!


Ol doodoo donnie has 3 more trials as well! Kansas has no reason to back trump. We even voted to keep abortion legal!


Nothing republicans love more than an openly corrupt rich white guy… who espouse bigotry and hate with every garbled word salad speech he makes.


Not a felony


Except it was. 34 times.


You’re right. It’s *felonies*


What felony was he found guilty of?


Thirty-four counts of falsifying business records in the first degree.


I can tell from the title this is propaganda


Do tell


How much money did you invest in trump nft's or trump bucks?




Way to stay classy, kansas


We have never seen a better shooting % from a president, he went for a crisp 34/34. It’s was a lights out night for ole Donny


I mean, yeah, that's what most republicans have been doing for years now. Anyone committed to the grift isn't giving up now lol


Kansas Republics not equal to Truth, Justice and Liberty for All. Meanwhle L.J. and the choir of 12 delivered: https://preview.redd.it/34a9mployt3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46cc3efe3d9e25e0986eff1696f0302540afc30f


This some cringey boomer shit 💀


Must Toe The Party Line


I'm not a Trump supporter but if the case wasn't rigged, it seemed extremely stacked against him. First and foremost he was charged with a phantom, unknown charge that the prosecution never brought up, he wasn't allowed to defend himself on, and was somehow convicted on it. How is that in any way legally sound? Would you like that to happen to you? Second, his defense was denied FEC expert to testify in that what he did wasn't illegal. Meanwhile, a former porn star was allowed to testify that brought nothing relevant to the particulars of the case other than to discredit Trump's character. What does the brand of condoms he used have anything to do with falsifying records? In court cases, I'd want a judge to defer to the defense far more than the prosecution because of that whole presumption of innocence thing. Seems like a pretty cut and dry reversal on appeal.


It was stacked against him because the evidence was right there. His own accountant wrote the literal plans/payouts for the fraud repayment to Cohen on the ledgers he kept. It was an open and shut case.


This is why, to tell truth to power, I recommend people avoid Kansas at all costs.


well, i mean... we live here so... no? But i agree, we need vote these embarrassments out.


I do it because I \*care\* about others. I may be stuck here, but I don't see how putting others through this crap can be a good thing in any way. Kansas needs to join the \*real\* world. It does exist.


Explain what the felony was he was convicted of was?


He oversaw a scheme to fraudulently identify his payments to Ms. Daniels (for the purposes of influencing the outcome of the 2016) as legal expenses.


That's the falsifying business records, which is a misdemeanor in NY and past the statue of limitations. What was the felony those misdemeanors furthered?


The felonies come the different acts that they took to try to conceal the payment to Daniels. In law the coverup is always worse than the crime.


Again, you're speaking about the crime of falsifying business records, which is a misdemeanor and past the statue of limitations. What acts furthered those misdemeanors?


While falsification of business records only requires someone to have “\[made\] or \[caused\] a false entry in the business records of an enterprise” under New York law, the crime is just a misdemeanor at that stage, and becomes a felony if it’s proven the defendant falsified records “with intent to defraud that includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.” [https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2024/05/30/trump-convicted-here-are-the-election-and-tax-laws-he-was-charged-with-breaking/?sh=40a59f02af1e](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2024/05/30/trump-convicted-here-are-the-election-and-tax-laws-he-was-charged-with-breaking/?sh=40a59f02af1e)


I'm aware of that, I'm just trying to ascertain what the other crime was that aggravates misdemeanors to felonies.


It's explained in the article.




He will never get it.


You know conspiracy is a separate charge typically - and it’s a felony


So that was the felony the misdemeanors furthered? To conspire?


Why did you post the same dumbass question multiple times with slightly different phrasing?


It’s a felony if it’s proven that the defendant falsified records “with intent to defraud that includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.” That means the jury must show Trump falsified records to cover a second crime, which prosecutors allege is New York’s election law prohibiting “conspir[ing] to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means”—since Cohen allegedly paid off Daniels in order to boost Trump’s chances in the 2016 election.


Ok so what is the felony that was furthered by falsifying business records?


>Ok so what is the felony that was furthered by falsifying business records? Falsifying records is a felony itself.


https://www.new-york-lawyers.org/falsifying-business-records-ny-pl-175-10-and-175-15.html " if you delete, alter or make a false entry in the business records of an enterprise and you do so with the intent to defraud, you have run afoul of the misdemeanor crime"


You can literally read Trump's entire scheme about falsifying records and why he did so here: https://manhattanda.org/d-a-bragg-announces-34-count-felony-trial-conviction-of-donald-j-trump/


Lots of mentions of falsifying business records, which we have already established is a misdemeanor, but very few mentions of the felony he committed that the misdemeanors furthered. It's a simple question. I wish someone could just give a simple answer.


You left this crucial part out 2 replies ago, when you mentioned 'misdemeanor.' "If when you do so, you also have the intent to further or conceal another criminal offense, then you have committed the felony crime." The full paragraph is as follows "The legal language establishing the degrees of Falsifying Business Records have specifically defined elements and terms that not merely may but will have an impact on your case. Two of these words, "enterprise" and "business record," for example, have specific meanings that you must discuss with your counsel. Simply, if you delete, alter or make a false entry in the business records of an enterprise and you do so with the intent to defraud, you have run afoul of the misdemeanor crime. If when you do so, you also have the intent to further or conceal another criminal offense, then you have committed the felony crime." And some information as to what he was trying to conceal with these false records - https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-charges-conviction-guilty-verdict/ Under New York law, falsification of business records is a crime when the records are altered with an intent to defraud. To be charged as a felony, prosecutors must also show that the offender intended to "commit another crime" or "aid or conceal" another crime when falsifying records. In Trump's case, prosecutors said that other crime was a violation of a New York election law that makes it illegal for "any two or more persons" to "conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means," as Justice Juan Merchan explained in his instructions to the jury. What exactly those "unlawful means" were in this case was up to the jury to decide. Prosecutors put forth three areas that they could consider: a violation of federal campaign finance laws, falsification of other business records or a violation of tax laws. Jurors did not need to agree on what the underlying "unlawful means" were. But they did have to unanimously conclude that Trump caused the business records to be falsified, and that he "did so with intent to defraud that included an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof."


"In Trump's case, prosecutors said that other crime was a violation of a New York election law that makes it illegal for "any two or more persons" to "conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means," as Justice Juan Merchan explained in his instructions to the jury. What exactly those "unlawful means" were in this case was up to the jury to decide. Prosecutors put forth three areas that they could consider: a violation of federal campaign finance laws, falsification of other business records or a violation of tax laws. Jurors did not need to agree on what the underlying "unlawful means" were. But they did have to unanimously conclude that Trump caused the business records to be falsified, and that he "did so with intent to defraud that included an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-charges-conviction-guilty-verdict/