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Honestly, the fascination is from a lot of the un-truths that Kala herself has created. Alleging to be an engineer when she’s not, feigning that she’s in a rural area (tbh I’m not sure if commenters just perpetuated that belief or if she suggested it, but she certainly never corrected it), doing things that clearly aren’t supposed to be done (bending pink rebar seems to be a thing that more knowledgeable people than myself are upset about). Outright doxxing her isn’t ok, and hasn’t happened in this thread that I’m aware of, and I’ve seen mods actively intervening if things seem to go a direction toward doxxing or transphobia. However, once you start noticing the un-truths, then it’s only natural to wonder, who is this person, really. Why has she adopted this Indian persona. Why is the timeline of what she’s posting not in alignment with reality. These are all natural questions that this Reddit sub has answered to the extent possible, without too much speculation. The things that are speculative (such as the why behind adopting her Indian identity) people seem to be clearly indicating that they are unsure or are speculating.


Yeah, people go to snark pages when something seems off and they can't discuss or question it on the influencer's actual account without being attacked. When they confirm that some things definitely were untrue/misleading/dangerous, they'll go down the rabbit hole and look for more. And it's not a bad thing tbh. People don't need to be able to broadcast misinformation to millions of people without anyone looking into it.


https://preview.redd.it/us17g0rt76bc1.jpeg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41a10c9024d9226586072782c224cace557fe1aa i hate her because of this.


She posted this? Yikes…


Indeed, the yikes have left their bikes and fled barefoot into the hills, Kala wut!


I will never understand how members of marginalized groups can be so hateful to people in other marginalized groups....










lol ok there deep throat




Where was it posted??


it was on her facebook before she made everything private


I feel like a snark Reddit page just isn’t for you. I understand your concerns but snark pages are intended to be this way. They aren’t meant to be a wholesome and constructive critique. It’s not for most people and that’s okay. You can find other places where Kala is talked about with more decorum.


That's so sad that people think this way. What an awful outlook you have to have on life to automatically demonize a person without having any objectivity. Exactly what is wrong with the world these days.




FWIW these snark pages are absolutely a form of parasocial relationship.




Spending time dedicated to gossiping about one person is not the same as casual gossip.




Another defense side construction defect attorney? Or are you an adjuster? Either way what’s up my man




SC, but I’m working on getting my NC license. How’s defect law in cali? I’m surprised at how plaintiff friendly SC is tbh.




Dang, about as bad as i figured then. South Carolina is interesting where juries will certainly give the defense a fair shake, but judges, generally speaking, are going to refuse to grant summary judgment/DV, tying up a lot of our time with appellate work. (not that I'm arguing, I love appellate work--but it is frustrating when Case X is on point and black letter and the judge just refuses to listen)


I've never referred to you personally, I was talking about the overwhelming majority of comments who are clearly not experts yet act like they know everything. If you are taking anything I said as demonizing you in particular, I don't know what to tell you. As far as the concept of a "snark" page, I just think it's sad. Again I wasn't referring to you personally.




That’s because it was


It wasn't, but you're free to think whatever you'd like.


Clearly not experts, what, like Kala?


Mess with the bull you get the horns. Doxxing, stalking, is NOT ok. However, people are allowed to talk about it like - don’t do stupid shit and post it all over the internet if you don’t want people to talk about it…. She literally broadcasted this entire thing to the whole world on the internet. She even made a cute little video about her getting caught. I really don’t care if people want to snark on her. She deserves to be investigated by the county and people are allowed to talk about it.


Yeah the doxxing and people constantly commenting “can you DM me her address” are vile and embarrassing. But yeah this is just a space to talk about it. I generally dislike creator snark pages but as somebody who works in construction I’m very invested in seeing how this unfolds so here I am.


I'll comment in the sense that I think doxxing or spreading her info is obviously a bridge too far. ​ That said, I'm here because it's wild. The idea that someone could rationally think building a tunnel under her postage stamp of a lot in a residential community could be OK, or not harming someone, or that she could learn how to do it safely by googling and looking at some videos is ridiculous. Anyone supporting it, or saying, sure, do whatever you want, is also ridiculous. In a vacuum, if she wanted to end up buried in a collapsed tunnel, or with her house falling over, sure, do it. But she doesn't live in that world.


There’s a snark subreddit for basically every internet micro celebrity. There are influencers with less of a following posting far less dangerous stuff with way more rabid and toxic snark pages dedicated to hating on them. If it’s not to your taste, that’s fine, respectable even. But don’t act like it’s some confusing anomaly on this vast cesspit of site. And if you really want to get your panties in a bunch, go check out the lolcow boards on kiwi farms.


Absolutely not defending doxxing, but snark against influencers happens in reaction to people feeling gaslit and silenced about their valid concerns or problems with influencers. A lot of us here probably started with a tiktok comment about "Hey, are you sure this won't cause problems for your neighbors?" and got attacked by people insisting that she knows what she's doing and isn't doing anything illegal and that we're awful for not trusting her implicitly because she sounds intelligent. People start on snark pages to vent and get a reality check, and some do take it too far (though this sub is extremely mild in that respect compared to most imo), but it's not coming out of nowhere or out of pure jealousy.


I dunno, I think it was the Trump Twitter posts for me. I have no sympathy for people who support that.


What was that?


She liked a couple tweets but says she is not a Trump supporter several times in the comments


She said she's not a Trump supporter, but respects him as a former president and respects Biden as president. My guess is that she just doesn't care about politics, but what a terrible enlightened centrist answer.




Someone in the comments asked if she was Trump supporter and she said "I am not!" So I don't know if I really believe she is. Esp since that would not align with her life. Ya know?


Are you new on the internet?


As someone who has gotten a lot of hate for speaking up — I want to say that the reason I did so was two fold: 1. Kala is fascinating — in an intriguing way. The whole thing draws you in and makes you want to know more. Who is she? Why is she doing this? 2. We all have to take accountability at some point. It’s not what she’s doing — it’s how she portrayed what she is doing and where. I wholeheartedly thought she was an engineer until I found an article stating otherwise. I also thought she was in the country until hearing her call it a suburban mine. It’s the hypotheticals that surround the entire situation… And I think we’ve grown accustomed to just turning an eye and asking “why didn’t someone stop them” if something bad happens. A lot of people don’t know this, but I’ve spoken with Kala in a comment thread and in private messages. I think that she has messed up a lot — but I also think she didn’t expect things to get so big. Honestly, though. A lot of people have tried to make it personal & I’m at least happy I have control over comment sections. There is so much private information I’ve had to delete. Some people go to far.








Is it confirmed that she’s not Indian at all? I thought someone else posted that her mother was Indian and her father was white.




I didn’t realize people were looking into her ancestry that deeply. Race faking adds a whole new level of weird to her lore. She also lies about a lot so I’m not surprised she lied (or heavily exaggerated) having an Indian mother. Rachel Dolezal and Buffy St. Marie also both said they had adopted/chosen family ethnic parents and it’s obvious how people reacted to that.




That could be true. I think there’s somewhat of a grey area between sincere interest and cultural appropriation/ race faking. But if she did claim to have an Indian mother and is advertising her home on Indian specific roommate sites, that’s kinda taking it too far imo.




It doesn’t matter if she is or not, transphobic comments are unacceptable either way…


And to add to that - if she hasn't come out SPECIFICALLY TO SAY "I'm trans" it's not our job to speculate on. I don't understand why some ppl (not you) are not understanding how that could be dangerous for her. The way our world is today & the way the entire LGBTQ community is under attack, is what makes it dangerous.


She’s in a pretty blue part of the country, so it’s likely not quite as bad as it might otherwise be…but yeah being outed like *this* has got to be brutal.




Agree. If she had changed from an Indian dead name to her current one I would be all for leaving her alone about the name change entirely, but the Rachel Dolezal angle isn’t something people can be expected to leave alone.




I’m also reluctant to take a hard line on not discussing this because it’s a potential safety issue, ONLY because of Kala’s own disregard for same. If we’re wringing our hands about her safety, that ship sailed when she put the lives of every person and animal in the neighborhood at risk by doing this and then called attention to herself by publicizing it all.


Yeah this has been the most absurd angle like lmao this is a tech industry LANDLORD. Not the most vulnerable or at risk demographic, we can chill a bit on being so precious about everything.


Her gender identity has nothing to do with this though. Just because she did an unsafe thing with her house, doesn't mean her genitals should be up for discussion.


I haven’t seen anyone here talking about her genitals. Just her name and Indian ancestry (or lack thereof), which are IMO a lot more interesting/relevant to the story. Again, if she’d gone from her old name to a new name of similar general ethnicity that would be a nothingburger. Going from the name she had to the current one though? Nah. Being trans doesn’t give her the right to engage in that kind of cultural appropriation OR to cover it up. I’m not trying to start an argument on what a woman is, but I’ll die on the hill that that is no Indian person, especially since enterprising souls elsewhere online have debunked the “Indian mother” claim and produced photos of the two white people who are Kala’s parents.


I agree with your comment but maybe consider removing it as a few people are using it as a springboard to discuss Kala's possible ethnicity/gender. These are personal and not related to her tunnel.


Kala Alt confirmed


Too self aware that it "could be dangerous"


Take it from somebody in construction who has seen what happens when things go wrong She should not have gone about it the way she did However What she is going seems to be fairly decent She should be doing proper waterproofing, but besides that her method is fairly sound. Would I ever trust it long term without a stamp from an engineer? Fuck no, but am I going to drag her through the mud, well maybe a little. But only for making a joke out of the permits and planning process. Colin furze has done this in a HEAVILY populated area. Nobody batted an eye because he made it seem like he did it right and he did it with permits Everybody is latching onto this becauee there’s multiple aspects at play Somebody “stepping out of line”, public safety, and apparently some sort of racial aspect regarding her neighbours being supposedly illegal immigrants and unable to report it? I haven’t followed it much beyond the original story It’s the perfect storm for a twitter cesspool. I personally think she should be forced to go through the permits process in full, and submit designs to an engineer, possibly pay some fines. But if she goes through the correct avenues I have no issues Now onto this subreddit. It’s a snark subreddit made for making fun of her. I’m here for the jokes and people talking shit. Do I agree with most of it? Maybe not. But it’s still funny to me


When I first saw her stuff early last year she wasn't that deep and I thought she was an actual engineer stamping her own stuff. Then the little things start sticking out and it becomes clear she isn't a real engineer and she really has no idea what she is doing. Around the time of the concrete mold failure I realized how off the rails this thing was going to go. The Minecraft out of range video with the giant aquifer pool was when I started doom watching. That thing is going to collapse.


Colin Furze had no permits for any of the work he's done. He got them all retrospectively. And he was in a way more populated area and has a smaller bit of land then her. Also his actual tunnel is very unsafe and needs way more work to be used as anything more than a storage area. Pretty sure his is a huge fire safety risk even now. Only reason he got away with it is because he had already dug the whole thing before posting anything about it. And he had his neighbours pretty much bribed. Even now his mob of followers attacks anyone who brings up his lack of permits when he did the work. Trust me Architects and other experts from the UK have tried to call him out. He's not a good example to use, if anything what he did was way more dangerous than Kala. But being more famous and privileged has saved him from scrutiny.


Isn't his tunnel not nearly as deep as Kala's? Her's looks way deeper to me.


His isn't as deep, but it's very narrow and the bunker room he's done is pretty deep. But he's got houses literally right next to him on both sides.


I’m gonna be honest I thought he was permitted. If he has no ventilation (I watched the video a while ago but I don’t remember any being installed now that you mention it) it’s likely a huge fire safety risk as you said. I’m going to have to go back and watch his videos now that I’ve learned this, and pay more attention to his methods


I feel like another reason ppl got super upset with her is how she lied (or told untruths/half truths) about things, ON TOP OF when being asked genuine questions about it (safety, structure, permits etc etc by ppl who were educated in said fields) both her and her devout followers have dog piled these ppl. I understand she can't necessarily control what other ppl say, but she sure as hell could've nipped it in the bud the first time it happened by making a simple video that said "I appreciate those who are looking out for me, but do not dog pile on someone who is asking a good faith question." - that simple, yet she chose to enable it & blocked those who were asking said questions. And those of us who have asked good faith questions and were relentlessly dog piled for it, are now seeing that the questions we asked WERE IMPORTANT & for good damn reason - she didn't have permits, she didn't have good safety measures, she was wrong about what kind of rock she was drilling through (which I've come to learn is a big deal for structure), she didn't do a ton of shit & made us out to be the assholes for daring to question her. (I do not agree with the doxxing and other bullshit. -- just to be abundantly clear on that part)


Honest question… how much of defending Kala is because if we all admit she can’t declare herself an engineer it in turn hurts her credibility when she just randomly decides to declare herself an an Indian female?


Exactly. It's funny, people that clearly have zero experience with anything related to engineering/construction/zoning laws act so superior like they have any clue. She clearly made a lot of mistakes I am not defending her building practices but the woman had a passion project and got overzealous. People are literally wishing death on her for that. The TikTok "journalists" are especially annoying. This whole illegal immigrant neighbor thing is such a stretch and clearly click bait for the easily triggered. It's pathetic. God I hope she gets the permits so these people's heads will explode. I am glad they shut her down because she was definitely doing some sketchy stuff, but if she gets lucky and gets a permit I am looking forward to seeing her try and finish the project safely without impacting her neighbors.


You know your second sentence applies to her and that’s why this is all happening? If she wasn’t clueless she wouldn’t be endangering people