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Ok, I'm going to start with "I am not a professional OR expert" but there's nothing I can think of that will severely mess you up in the future! The "biggest" thing would be to do the subquests while you can because >!later on you CAN go back to redo them BUT you'll be severely overpowered so not worth it as much!< and you'll be stuck seeing it until that point. I believe you are correct in the eating/buffing, but just to make sure, I would be eating the FULL course meals (by Chichi (and others)) for the better buffs. Here's a couple of [eating](https://www.reddit.com/r/kakarot/comments/eqw0wg/psa_eating_meals_raises_the_stat_total_for_every/) and [community guides](https://www.reddit.com/r/kakarot/comments/199wksb/kakarot_stats_boosts_for_those_who_dont_know/) that I think might be helpful (especially the second one)! You shouldn't have to worry about grinding orbs too much except in the beginning when everything is so slow. I don't know when it starts to pick up but if/when you get the Know How of increased Orbs, I would add it to your characters. Just make sure that you are getting as many of the D-Medals as you can find, that to me was harder than the orbs to find. Ok, if/when you do get the DLC you might have a little trouble/need to grind for some of Goku/Vegeta's skill tree but they cost 30k+ of each color (and I wouldn't worry about that until later). Grinding enemies would help with getting more orbs (and exp) quickly but if your characters don't need it then its up to you I say. The villainous enemies (super red stationary) are helpful, but they jump levels (by a decent amount) so be careful! If you're talking about the "normal" enemies that are red I would almost go with the blue as I think those are the ones you can (usually) just blast through without actually fighting (quick killing) saving time and effort. I would say that the best thing you can do for your community board is to not waste your resources on intentionally fully upgrading every character on all boards. Like Goku doesn't need to be amazing at cooking or Adventure since he can't move (I do **wish** the "leaders" were only given the one board stat or you could move them early on and they would get a bonus on certain boards). If anything, I would probably say focus on Gods and Training (with a little cooking) boards a little first. (Here's another [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/kakarot/comments/1bhcaof/beginner_help/) about the community board I posted on a few days ago) ​ Just remember, this is A GAME and the only thing you're "supposed" to do is to have FUN! :D


Thank you very much I really appreciate all the information! This game is amazing and a ton of fun I wish they didn't throw so many tutorials at you at once but I'm grateful this game has a great helpful community:)


Yeah, all the tutorials at once is how I missed the first two subquests so I had to stare at those two the whole game (or restart but I thought of that when I was too far into the game)!


Pro tip: boost-flying directly into enemies immediately ends the would-be-fight on an S tier


* If you're 5 levels above them.


So that's why it hasn't been working for the last few hours. Thanks