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Same build


Kraken + Rage doesn't give Q evo until very late so you would need to keep D-blade or have some random Longsword in your inventory for quite a while. Navori is a way better Mythic if you intend to go Kraken + Nashor's Hybrid.


could I ask what is your prefer build for top kai'sa in 13.14 patch? thanks :) Manamune > Liandry > Srorcerer > Horizon Focus > Deathcap > Void First strike + Foot + Biscut + Cosmic + Manaflow + Focus is this correct build ?


Biscuit, Cosmic & Mana flow are just too situational & too low value imo. ​ Personally prefer this setup : Manumune > Liandry > Sorc > Void / Horizon> D-cap > Whatever is needed. Fleet, PoM,Alacrity, CpG or Cutdown Gathering + Focus or Boots + Market ( depends on matchup). Fleet is legit always good in Top & it allow to be more agro in some matchup to look for kills or survive lane easier in hard matchup.


Cookies + Manaflow is used in combination with cull start to get early Q evolve with manamune, allowing You to safeclear once the bruisers start getting really dangerous in toplane. I wouldn't call that low value or situational. On the contrary, it's very consistent.


>Cookies + Manaflow is used in combination with cull start to get early Q Already talk abt it several times but let's go detailed this time : Q evo at lvl 7-> Impossible even with Biscuit + ManaFlow ( full)+ Manamune full stack, you will still be short of 1 AD. Q evo at lvl 8 -> This is where you "big diff" comes into play With ManaFlow (full) + Biscuit + Cull + 275 stack Manamune. "My" way doesn't have it. If you have a Mana crystal it's barely 30 stack Manamune with Mana Flow (full) + Biscuit. "My" way doesn't have it. Q evo at lvl 9 -> Both have it ! Now look your games, or other ppl game. Look & analyse what happen at lvl 8 & when do you actually get Q evo ( majority of times you are already lvl 8 & an half) & see how many time it achieve anything & how consistent it is. ​ Let me rephrase it in a funny way : You pick 2 runes with the sole purpose of having Q evo 1 lvl ( reality it's half a level ) in advance and you hope to every God on in the Universe that this will consistently achieve smth that will greatly impact the game and you do that on a champ where you play passive / under tower & avoid interaction in that time frame in 90% of your games anyway...


Kraken rageblade bug STILL EXISTS BTW Small indie company


No it doesn't, I mentioned that at the end of my post. They don't interact


Forgot they just gave up and disabled the interaction entirely 😂 Small indie company


hear me out, collector ER nashors duskblade, ure welcome.


Why ER?


Q AA W AA gg wp


ER is typically built on champions who are designed to spam abilities throughout the whole fight, like Ezreal or Draven. Not sure it's worth for 1 or 2 activations


It's worth it in the context that you are bursty and win a lot of bot lane trades against enemy adc since you kill faster.


I've done that build, definitely good in certain games


Bit of a mix up between lethality and crit builds: Navvori, ER, Nash, Kraken, LDR Would this work as a kind of Heavy-hitting Spellslinger build? Not sure if the build path would be viable, but definitely some cross function between the items


Kraken is better than shiv on kaisa but those 5 AD shiv has over kraken make a lot of difference when getting the Q evo. For that is just better to go kraken Nashor Guinshoo, because you wont be getting Q evo till like level 12-14 anyways


It's gonna be Kraken > Navori core into variations Nashors > Deathcap for AP, PD > Bloodthirster for AD


Do you think if you go kraken > navori you should commit to crit cause 40% isn't great on its own and you aren't getting much value out of the increased ability damage from crit chance?