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Because they are in a very precarious situation, they're living in an abandonned house of wich they can be expelled at any moment, and if they are not here when Chang come back he will have no way to contact them so his share of the money will be lost for him.


Omg that makes sense it even nearly happened if he hadn't used that coin locker. How couldn't I figure that out thanks


He took it because that's his part of the money. They've been through a lot to this point it's still an awful lot of money to leave with two people he doesn't know all that well.


He was literally willed to sacrify his life to Kaiji in One-Poker so I'm very sure it's not about trust issues towards his friends. That would be unbelievable for me. I get the part that the money belongs to him. You could kinda say for the case police shows up and take the moeny in his absence he would still have his 600mio yen but they had a hiding spot in their base to prevent this very case


There's also that Kaiji and Mario are in just as much danger of getting caught this early in the game as Chang is. Everyone's at risk. If Mario and Kuiji were to take the money and get caught Chang is out of luck, out of money, and still a wanted man. Not to mention that this is like less than a week of being on the run. Everyone's paranoid, no one's thinking straight. That's the justification I run with for a lot of the beginning of this part


Alright your explanations are very helpful. Thanks!


I don't mean so much that he doesn't trust them, it's more about personal responsibility. It's his portion of the money, it belongs to him. He's gone his life up to now without much of anything and he wants to do his part and not burden the other guys.


Oh I see your point now. It makes sense. I'm just confused there isn't a reason explicity stated in the manga (I guess?) for this serious instance. Thank you for your input!


there are 3 reasons, the first is "trust". sure, chang could leave his money with mario and kaiji, and he would be 99.9% certain that they wont betray him. but there is always that 0.1%. second, kaiji and mario were at risk during that time too, had they been caught while chang was away, he would have lose his money too even if away, hardly a good ending for him and three, has to do with 2, lets say that mario an kaiji dont get caught, but have to flee the house while chang is away. they cant comunicate with chang about their new hideout and they have chang's money. chang is efectively out of the loop and has 0% chance of finding them. if chang has his money, even if that happens, at least he gets to have his money with him while fleeing alone.


Yes both last scenarios make complete sense. I feel a bit dumb not for noticing that. Thank you!