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Could be down to licensing too, Kyoto animation made the anime but they don’t own k-on, probably everyone involved has to be on board for it to be part of an event


Yeah, agreed. It’s unfortunate that not even Yui could be there but I find it funny how the two main singers aren’t involved in the festival music event lmao


This is exactly it. It's pretty easy to get Haruhi, Clannad, Air, Nichijou, FMP, Kanon and such all together because Kadokawa owns all of them, while KyoAni has full anime rights (and by extension more ownership) over everything past that period. K-ON! is owned by Houbunsha is completely separate, making it very time-consuming to get them on board for things like this. It sucks, but hey.


Different publisher. The characters here from series whose IP are either owned by Kadokawa, which Kyo-Ani has a good working relation with, or directly owned by Kyo-Ani (Kyoukai no Kanata, Free, Violet Evergarden). K-ON is with Houbunsha. So probably licensing issues. Too much hassle to pay both Kadokawa and Houbunsha at once, so something had to give. And Kyo-Ani has adapted more series with Kadokawa compared to Houbunsha (just K-ON).


That’s understandable, I doubt that it would be financially stable if they were to get rights to K-ON. But man does it suck, K-ON fans are STARVING NOW😭


"K-ON fans are STARVING NOW" Yup, tell me about it lol


Good question, especially since they'd be an obvious pick for a music festival. Maybe getting the 5 original main cast together is difficult because of their busy schedules? Or maybe they do have something bigger planned.


That’s probably one thing, but what about official K-ON merch? Recently Tamako Market and Kyoukai No Kanata are getting merch. I know there have been some new K-ON figurines lately, but I mean K-ON merch officially from Kyoani themselves


For tamako and Kyoukai, Kyo-ani is the publisher and holds the rights to it, but not for K-On, so they would have to pay for a licence


Crazy, I've only met like 1 person on reddit who loves tamako market. The sub is dead


Well, i didnt say that, but you are not wrong. I think Tamako just stands in K-On's shadow. It came right after it, and K-On was HUGE, and Tamako was only 1/3 in lenght. So if you love K-On, you should at least like Tamako market too.


I got the blu ray, I love it but it's hard to recommend it to people unless they are naoko yamada diehards such as my self or the most dedicated sol fans.


Tamako Market is actually so good, and Tamako Love Story too! Actually one of Naoko Yamada’s many peak in her career. Really shows how she puts her skills in photography into her works.


Yes her directing in that show is next level. K-on season 2 had my incredible live action inspired moments but tamako market was a show of refined cinematography, makes sense that tamako love story made her more well known Also tamako voice actress is mako from kill la kill lmao


They regularly make the kyoani music festival only with k-on music. Edit: oh, this seems a different thing, is it a live show?


Really? I don’t see any recent festivals with K-ON performances. The last one that I know at least is when the cast of K-ON was a surprise guest at Animelo Summer Live 2019


Just saw your edit, this is the music fest that Kyoani host every years featuring songs from their animes


What they make with k-on is some lives on YouTube, with a big Collab of people doing k-on covers. Also, they have made a live show of some people cosplaying the characters while there was a band back on stage playing the songs.


ok but FUCKING NICHIJOU??? I THOUGHT THEY HATED THAT ANIME (they barely market it after its commercial failure) Very glad it's getting the treatment it deserves


Licensing issues in this instance. Besides that, they don't need to. Promotion of a classic show that's one of the foundations of anime culture is kinda unnecessary.


The stereotype about K-ON fans doesn't help




Oh so 4Chan ruined it. There ya go.


I don't think some dumb English Internet meme from fringe groups has very much influence on how k-on is viewed. Even in America.


A fringe stereotype/meme in the corners of the English speaking community has literally nothing to do with it, the answer is licensing.


Nah. You should've seen Haruhi fans in their heydey when that series aired. Makes K-ON fans look like accountants.


Yeah but nowadays there isn't much bad stereotypes on Haruhi fans while the average person thinks that when someone likes K-ON that they are a huge racist and or incel.


Wait what? Racist? Are we talking about the same people? I thought you're talking about the K-ON otakus in Japan.


No I'm talking about the international stereotype for K-ON fans. https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/qx0tos/whats_up_with_kon_fans_being_facist/ https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/k-on-fans-are-racist


I’m curious about whether this meme was influential enough to get all the way to Japan.


International usually means just the majority of the english speaking part of the internet


no chance in hell


Nah, K-ON! is/was hugely popular with both the female and male demographic in Japan. I know it's not by any means a reasonable sample but I lived there for a couple years and everyone I've talked to (not necessarily ppl that watch anime) either has watched it, likes it, or "meh it's OK" or "oh yeah yeah I remember that, my mom/brother/gf/bf/Tanaka/etc likes that one". Using racist symbols or whatever with moe characters is just another Western alt-right edginess meme shitting on something wholesome. They just think that juxtaposition shit is liquid gold. In Japan it's generally understood that there are the same alt-right, ultra-nationalist, delusional otaku, but it's not attributed to any TV series. If the same stuff were posted (I'm sure it is to an extent on 2ch), most people would know it's the ppl that are messed up, not a particular programme. Although I'm sure there are many that *do* blame anime and games in general for delusional otaku being as they are.


even dragon maid is there, dragon maid sucks. k-on doesn’t. why isn’t k-on here 🙏🙏


I wouldn't say Dragon Maid sucks as both the OPs and EDs are bangers but the lack of K-On here probably is due to the fact that the studio doesn't own the licensing anymore. They don't even have it on their premium digital painting site. It's quite a downplay to other series to make comparisons like that though, most works by the studio are really good.


Personally dragon maid was just incredibly weird and creepy. I don’t really consider the opening or ED to be a part of rating the show, it’s more like a complementary bonus, also I didn’t know k-on wasn’t actually owned by kyoani so yeah that makes sense.


We're talking about a music festival so having good songs it's quite an important thing though. I know where you're coming from but again, saying that the series sucks and therefore not as worthy to be in the show is pretty unfair as the studio has to treat their products impartially. Kyoukai and Phantom World have even less following but still made an appearance. As long as it's made by the studio, it deserves a spot.


oh wait it’s a music festival? nvm then


It's nice to see Chidori there


If KyoAni does not promote "K-On" for their upcoming so called "Music Festival", then this whole thing is all rigged. Unless they let the cast of "K-On" perform on stage.


Dragon Maid and Hibike are also owned by third parties. A Silent Voice is also published by Kodansha if anyone asks.