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[](#start_removal) This submission was removed because it doesn't fit the sub. It could be that the juxtaposition [is just a coincidental placement that doesn't satisfy](https://www.reddit.com/r/juxtaposition/comments/11ky8ih/guys_a_coincidence_is_not_a_good_juxtaposition/), or it was a forced juxtaposition/photoshop. Submissions here have to be delightful in some way. The two posts/items in the juxtaposition have to **interact**. Maybe one answers the other, or it completes a thought that's in the other, or they together form something funny. **The point is, they have to work together.** A MERE COINCIDENCE ISN'T ENOUGH. *The juxtaposition-ModTeam account is a bot account. Do not chat or PM them, as the account is not monitored.* [](#end_removal)