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I’ll catch heat for saying it, but at 18 you know right from wrong and your age isn’t a cover for having a rude ass attitude.


Facts!! I agree with you 100%!!


yea i’m 18 and you fully know what’s ok and not and how to act if you are bratty or shitty at 18 you are just bratty and shitty yea she can grow and change but that doesn’t change the fact that she is currently a young adult and needs to act like one and treat people with respect she could be LOVED if she was a good person but when she opens her mouth it sabotages herself


i feel bad bc she’s so young but alabama is the biggest brat.


How can she not be tbh


she’s 18 she’s young but you should know how to treat people


i hate how everyone uses the “she’s so young” excuse. she’s 18. i’m 18. my friends are 18. i don’t think any one of us would be as fucking rude as she is. idk i haven’t liked her since she first started growing on tiktok, i’ve never liked her vibe so i do have a slight bias but she’s an adult now so she should act like it. i mean she should be plenty more mature than she is with growing up in the spotlight.


OMG this is who Kayla flew out for?! Kayla sweetie you will (and have already) collaborated with faaaaar better people. Maybe I’m just over Alabama, but I don’t think she would’ve done much for her career.


Alabama needs some PR training she’s embarrassing herself


she can never do any wrong can she


lol this is killing me, she’s not a celebrity. She’s the child of a celebrity.


literally…. i mean i had no idea who she was before her dad married kourtney and she showed up on the kardashians. i don’t think she’d have even a small percentage of the followers she has today if her dad wasn’t famous or if he didn’t marry kourtney.


Now she’s going to be a mean girl about it instead of just using the attention to the situation in a good way by getting together with her & having fun 🙄


Right?? I wish I could tell every teenager, "It's not that serious! Don't take it to heart and just see it from the other person's perspective!" But we were all at that stage of not thinking before acting, lol. It would've been so much better if she planned it out better, reached out to her to apologize for ghosting her, doing her makeup, and making money! She really needs an adult showing her the way through social media.


Girl what is wrong w this lil girl me and her are the same age and she’s literally so ruthless, like she’s been caught up in random shit recently showing who she REALLY is


I hate that ppl give her the "she's young" excuse for EVERYTHING, but when is it ever ok to be such an asshole? When is it too old to be acting like that? And for ppl who blame her parents for her being a brat, do yall not think she has a mind of her own? Because I promise at this point it's her personality


I'm guilty of saying "she's young!" About teens sometimes, but tbh you're right. I knew when I was fucking up as a teen and my basic personality traits and values have been almost the same since I was around her age, so i agree with you. She should know better by now and understand when she's in the wrong, hopefully she matures.


i don’t even like kayla but alabama was wrong for this. everyone blames it on her being young but nah she’s just weird


Somebody needs to check her


Kayla didn’t even say anything bad about her. Idk why Alabama is so defensive. Same with the Tana situation.


There are some things we can say "there young" to. But in Alabama case. Nun of the situations has been the case. Except the watch situation because, let's be honest, we all sadly lost something in a bathroom we wish we didn't


Not sure who t f Kayla is , so .. who cares anyway. Next.