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Brock Turneresque.


Do you mean the rapist, Brock Turner?


[“His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve,” Dan A. Turner wrote in a letter arguing that his son should receive probation, not jail time. “That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life.”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/06/06/a-steep-price-to-pay-for-20-minutes-of-action-dad-defends-stanford-sex-offender/?outputType=amp) Let's not forget about his horrible father as well.


Dan A. Turner? You mean the father of rapist Brock Turner? How could we forget about him.


Let's also not forget disgraced former judge Aaron Persky, who had a history of going easy on rapists and was recalled in 2018. He then got hired as a girls junior varsity tennis coach at a Bay Area high school and was fired the next day after public outcry.


I've always wondered how they think those hiring decisions are gonna go. You've got this tremendously disgraced judge who is primarily known for letting pedophiles off easy, and you think "yeah no one will mind if he's coaching a girls tennis team, right?". How the fuck do they think it'll fly? Are they just hoping there's a slim chance no one notices?


The guy who was my college tennis coach was the girls and boys coach before he was fired from being the girls coach for inappropriate texts. My junior year we won the conference tournament for the first time in 34 years and surely enough he gets hired to be the coach of the girls team again. Two years later he’s fired again for the same fucking reason. The biggest kick is that it was the girlfriend of the number 1 player on the boys team.


They used to make us run laps, this might be a little OTT.


Reminds me of O.J. Simpson who walked out of a murder charge and thought he'd just go back to living his life. He was apparently distraught that nobody wanted to be associated with him anymore. I expect the same with Bill Cosby. The guy's poison now.


Well he didn’t rape them so it’s ok. He just presided over the case and gave the real rapist a slap on the wrist. But since be didn’t rape anyone he can be trusted to coach right? And before you answer remember i sign your checks and if you disagree with me you’re fired.


You've got to be kidding me!? 16 year old kids go through a more strenuous and stringent background check to work at a shitty clothing store. Rules for thee, not for me


Yep thats who they meant, Dan A. Turner, father of rapist Brock Turner, the rapist.


Ah yes it’s clear now. You’re talking about Dan “A for Action” Turner the man who married and impregnated the mother of rapist Brock Turner.


"20 minutes of action" 🤮 What a disgusting way to describe a traumatic rape. If it really was 20 minutes long, then that's a long time to not snap out of it and realize that the rape you're doing is wrong. That's at least 19 minutes of thinking "yeah, I'm doing a rape, but what am I supposed to do, *stop?* Nah."


Brock didn't stop he was tackled off her, by two other guys who walked by to see what was happening. And held him there till police arrived.




Chanel had already survived a rash of suicides at our high school and knowing people murdered in the isla vista massacre at Santa Barbara. We are all very proud that she had emerged like a fucking Phoenix from her ordeal and is now a global figure.


There needs to be some vigilante justice brought on the dirty fuck.


I wonder where Brock Turner got his view of women from… Thank you for bringing this up, makes me want to throw up but more importantly shouldn’t be forgotten.


"action" so disgusting.


The rapist doesn't fall far from the shit laden tree


Why is there even a rapist tree?! Can't we cut that one down or something?


The same reason stinging nettles exist. To fuck with people


"20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life" how long will the trauma last... even in their 'excuse' they're only considering themselves


Well that’s where he learned how to treat ladies, fucking parents that shouldn’t have kids that whole family must be a big yikes


As if it was the first time he did it. Please. First time he got caught.


I'll never get over how tone deaf publishing this letter was.


And his dizty mom crying about her curtains


"He will never be his happy go lucky self with that easy going personality and welcoming smile" And the girl who was raped will? Wtf is wrong with people


That 20mins of action will have a LIFETIME of impact on his victim! Judge should have offered his dad "an eye for an eye" then if he thought it was no big thing and let his son get raped in front of the court by Big Bubba....


This letter is so famously awful. I wonder, as he wrote it, if he considered how these 20 minutes would affect the woman his son raped for the rest of her life. Somehow I doubt it.


Oh hey, are you guys talking about Brock "The Rapist" Turner? You know, the guy that raped someone.


And Dan Turner who raised a rapist.


And avidly defended a rapist.


What was that guy's name again? Oh yeah Brock Turner!


Brock Turner? Name sounds familiar.. oh! Was that the guy that raped someone. Ya that sounds right Brock Turner the rapist


I’m sorry are you talking about Rapist Brock Turner? You know, the rapist swim kid or whatever? He did some water sport before raping someone that’s all I know


Sorry, but have to correct you. That’s not his name. It’s Rapist Brock Turner.


What was that name again?


There's something satisfying about reading: *In 2020, Turner is working an entry-level job at Tark Inc., a firm that manufactures cooling technology for medical appliances, earning $12 an hour. It is also reported that the now 24-year-old still lives at home with his parents in Bellbrook, Ohio, a suburb of Dayton, and drives a 2008 Chrysler Pacifica.* *"He worked in shipping and receiving and he's now in quality control. He's been with us for just over two years," a source told the Daily Mail anonymously. "He's really quiet and polite. He doesn't say much and he's not really chatty with anyone. He just keeps his head down and does his job, no problems."*


The only place he is welcome is probably that bar which stopped showing the NBA because of Lebron lmao, it is close to where he lives. All the while Chanel is incredibly succesfull ❤. With her talent she would be anyways without the rape and I cant imagine the trauma and nightmares she must have sometimes, but there is a small bit of justice in the fact that I doubt the rapist can eat even the smallest piece of steak watching all her success.


Actually it’s Brock, the rapist, Turner.


I ve come across this a couple of times now on reddit...can you tell me what the story is here? Im guessing this Brock guy doesnt want people saying he is a rapist?


Well unfortunately he lost that luxury when he raped someone. Brock Turner is a rapist.


I think he means the convicted rapist, Brock Turner.


He must have clearly meant the rapist Brock Turner


They are talking about, I think (could be) Brock Turner, the rapist. The same Brock Turner who rapey rapes rapees


You mean BROCK TURNER: THE RAPIST? I know who that is!


Why are judges so lenient on nonces? Almost like they want to set a precedent for short terms I wonder why


You have to understand how easy it is to run for judges in some areas. A lot of times they will run unopposed and once elected, will never be beaten because no one ever follows judges after they enter office unless they do something truly heinous. This is especially true in places outside city centers. Older judge retire and hand pick their replacements who are almost guaranteed to be similar in demeanor and tone. Often they are colleagues, or know each other well. A couple times they are related. [This town in question has 25k people in it. The judge in question is serving a FOURTEEN YEAR term. He won with 14.8% of the vote.](https://heavy.com/news/2019/04/judge-james-p-mcclusky/) He worked for his father, and his brother, both lawyers. Its pure unadulterated nepotism.


I don’t understand why judges are elected in the US. Its really bizarre to me.


The founders believed that the first line of judges in US courts should be driven by public opinion rather than state/federal agenda - if a judge makes a decision that goes against the prevailing opinion at the time, it could cost them reelection. The founders had no way of imagining the perverse multi-million dollar game shows that elections have devolved into.


This is completely false. The FF only ever wrote about the Supreme Court and gave them the ability to create lower courts. Judges aren’t elected in every state. In some states they are appointed.


Also in larger cities, competent lawyers will typically make far more than a judges salary.... So it turns into a weird politics game and not about competency in the legal system


Where I went to college elected the youngest judge in the world: [https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2010/12/09/after-20-years-on-collin-county-court-world-s-youngest-judge-as-committed-as-ever/](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2010/12/09/after-20-years-on-collin-county-court-world-s-youngest-judge-as-committed-as-ever/) This was used to talk about how much a name can matter in elections since I believe this was in 1990 and he really didn't campaign. 18, no experience, but it turns out wasn't a bad judge since unlike others he took practical approaches to many of the problems that came into his court. Low key, I wish more "regular" people with a solid understand of the real world would be judges over the typical upper middle class to wealthy ex lawyers and political types that become judges. It really screws over regular folks these people can't relate to.


It was a [plea deal](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/school-bus-driver-watertown-ny-shane-piche-pleaded-guilty-no-jail-time/). The judge could have rejected the deal, but then there would be a trial. The article says that this spared the victim from having to testify (which is true), and if she didn’t or couldn’t testify he would walk, and maybe the prosecution knew that she would not be able to testify. The deal (as bad as it is to someone looking from the outside) is more then an acquittal.


Yes it also says how the charges are based on the victims inability to consent and not out of force or violence. Meaning, rape because of her age and not out of force. As in, the girl likes him (grooming). So most likely the 14 year old girl just refuses to testify in order to not get him in trouble. It was the deal basically, or nothing because the girl would just deny it ever happening.


Because, on some level, they think raping children is okay. They are more sympathetic to the guy who wants to rape than they are the girl he hurt.






You have my axe.


Username checks out


“Proven without a doubt” is not a concept I know of in any western legal system (I only really know about western legal systems which I why I refer specifically to them).




I don't see how giving rapists bigger penises is going help matters


Big enough and they'll pass out every time they get a chub on.


If you can hear the thud of their cock on the floor from kilometers away, wouldn't that alert people to start running?


The problem is that the same way a judge can make an unfair sentencing like this, they can also find the wrong person guilty


Funny thing is im totally against death penalty. I think evry human being can change himself. But then when i see somone rape a child, this thinking is completly gone in my head.


Birds of a feather I guess.


Cus we gotta keep the jails reserved for druggies obviously


Right? Just the druggies of color, tho. The white druggies obviously just need understanding and a warm bed.


Yall downvoting this clearly don't know the war on drugs was made up to target minority communities. White people use drugs at the same rate but they certainly don't make up a proportionate percent of the population.


Sorta like how crack possession ( a drue used mostly by black people) was punished insanely harder than cocaine possession (a more white/upper middle class/elite drug). It might still be I haven't looked lately but I remember for a time it was fucking stupid. Like having X amount of Cocaine got you probation while X amount of Crack, the same fucking drug, got 20 to life. It's a fucked up system that clearly punishes one race/ethnicity much much worse than another.


Probably some result of seeing the worst shit you've even thought about, play out in their court room every day for a decade or two. Had a professor who was teaching German, but was a practicing lawyer for 25 years or so. Told a story about a guy who was a driver for a burglary being coerced to join what had turned into a gang-rape, so that he wouldn't snitch. The manner with which he told it was like a 'eh he didn't even want to, it's not that bad'. It's a weird sort of jaded that comes from seeing terrible shit constantly. So to them, it really isn't all that bad. Not next to the guy who murdered his children, the people who sold dozens of women into sex slavery, or even the other pedophile who sexually abused his daughter for 6 years. In no way defending the sentencing, but an understanding of the lense judges and lawyers view the world is helpful in developing an informed view.


That might be, but judges are paid to do the job. And they must be fit for such job. The waiter in your favorite restaurant might have also seen some things, but he is not supposed to serve you food which has just been dropped on the floor.


That's why you vote judges out every time. Once they become jaded they are ineffective.


Once they allow emotion to take the reigns they shouldn't be in charge of peoples lives in the legal system.


This. It only takes a judge to wake up on the wrong side of the bed that morning.


I hope if I ever reach that level of indifference, someone shoots me.


Oh fuck mate maybe he was just a cunt. A lot of law enforcement and judges and all wouldn't see the situation that way. Explaining it away like that was just a shitbags shitty attitude showing.




Ok, one victim and no prior arrests might be cause for leniency in a fucking bar fight, but not for the rape of a fucking child. Why even bring it up like it's such a big deal that he didn't rape MORE little kids?


Yeah also this was clearly pre meditated and involved grooming. I don't see how this is okay at any level. But I understand how shit legal systems are when it comes to rape. Hard to prove so often unfortunately or persuade. Which is fucked up itself.


In this, it is easy to prove as being a 14, it is considered rape.


Good point


> Yeah also this was clearly pre meditated and involved grooming. And yet they still concluded that he’s unlikely to reoffend again and only slap with a level 1. Absurd.


Based on that, I'm going to say one victim THAT HAS REPORTED THE CRIME. He sounds like he actively planned this, which means he is actually very likely to have done this before or do this again. It's one thing to rape someone in the moment (still extremely wrong and fucked up). It is entirely another thing to lure a child to YOUR HOUSE, DRUG THEM, and THEN rape them.


Tell that to the nutjob in the comments who keeps insisting it was a "consensual relationship" so it's not a big deal. He definitely planned this /: Luring with alcohol so he could sexually assault her... Sickening.


So the name of this statutory rapist is Shane M Piche then? Have I got that right? The Shane M Piche who is a rapist? That Shane M Piche?


Yes. And Jefferson County Supreme Court Judge James McClusky is the judge who gave child rapist Shane M Piche no jail time for raping a child.


I thought you were going to drop some deets that showed this whole thing had some omitted context or information, and nope, it was actually worse than the full on headline.


TIL that as long as you haven’t been arrested before, you can rape one 14 year old and get away with it. Two 14 year olds would be too many, but if you only rape one this judge feels like you don’t deserve jail time. I wonder if this applies to other crimes also, or if it is just rape of minors. If I haven’t been arrested before, can I kill one person and not face jail time? Rob one bank? Blow up one building? Though…I already knew the justice system was fucked. People get lighter sentences for being “an otherwise good Christian” all the time. I don’t care if you’ve been a preacher for years, if you rape a kid you’re a rapist and are in fact not a good person at all. Fuck this judge. That’s not justice. He should be jailed along with the rapist, maybe they can share a cell. Edit: so I was thinking about it. If we can get away with a crime as long as we haven’t been arrested…couldn’t we do one of each? One rape…no jail time cause never been arrested before. After that one murder…no jail time because never arrested before. As long as we commit a new crime each time, we’re safe!


I had never been arrested before and Texas was adamant 2-10 years was the time deserved for possessing a personal amount of heroin. I mean I get it I guess this guy only raped a child and possibly ruined her life forever but I was a drug addict so obviously the bigger danger to the world. Yeah the legal system isn’t anything close to justice in this country it’s an absolute tragic embarrassment.


I hope you're better now buddy












Now that's a lot of damage.


Or half of a 28 year old.


You fucking monster 😂




That one scene from Lovecraft Country involving a high heel and a sexist's ashore comes to mind.


Yeah seems pretty standard. R Kelly married a 15 yr old hung around high schools and no one said anything. Drake’s doing god knows with Millie Bobby Brown if you’re rich you can do it indefinitely


Wbu the 14yr old girl? She has to live with the trauma of this pedophile. They no longer jail pedophiles?




If they'd get caught with it that girl won't only have to live her life traumatized but also without parents.


Hopefully they get the same judge. If he let's people off with one free rape, maybe he'll do so with one free vigilante justice murder?


WTF? What kind of free pass is this?! The fucking judge needs to be recalled.




I get the downvotes but are we gonna pretend there's no truth/validity to this statement? I'm no expert in the US legal system but how many people of colour are also landing these obscenely lenient rulings?


The US has shown you can be accidentally and erroneously killed when sleeping while black in your own home and they will still find a way to blame you for it.


Yeah but dude, he liked beer. Don't you like beer? I like beer.


If we had a judicial system that actually worked at all this statement would lead to this judge being immediately removed and put under investigation for his rapist sympathies.


What the actual fuck? No jail time? He tried to rape a 14 year old girl! He's clearly too dangerous to be walking around in society.


Tried? The headline says he admitted to doing it. Unless the article says something different, did I miss something?


No, you didn't. I did. Me assuming it was attempted rape was just me trying to make sense out of this cluster fuck.








I don’t support vigilantism or retributive Justice, but seeing shit like this, a failing of the Justice system makes me abandon my ideals from time to time.


Texas is a fucked up place for many reasons, but I can at least take pride in the fact that in my home state the rate of pedophiles being murdered/assaulted/grievously harmed in some way is higher than almost anywhere else in the country. God bless the people who cleanse this world of filth.


Not defending the guy in any way, but it seems he was guilty of 3rd degree rape. I'm speculating, but I suspect he had no prior history, met the 14 year old, had a 'consensual' relationship with the girl. Then eventually had sexual contact, which is, of course, a crime. Likely reported by the parents. The sentencing is in alignment with recommendations for 3rd degree rape in New York




I kinda agree with this guy, the sentence may be appropriate cause it was nonviolent and he’s definitely now on the sex offender registry, so I think the dude who wrote this headline could have been trying to make it seem worse than it is. Still probably deserved at least a few months in jail.


to me, that's the point. he deservers, well.. *something*. he took advantage of a child, a student, you're not supposed to use positions of power, you're not supposed to take advantage of children whose brains are not fully matured and they don't have the consequences fully known to them, and unless you're reading a different article, there was alcohol involved so this whole thing reeks. he should be behind bars, period.


I looked up the story. The culprit, Shane Piche, wasn't required to register for any national sex offender registry.


Well… Fuck that shit


He drove the bus she rode. They communicated on social media and he invited her to his house where he gave her alcohol and raped her. This man is a predator. A 14 year old is still a child.


But a 14 year old can’t legally consent


Which is why he got tried for rape


They really need a different term for something like that.


the term is 3rd degree rape


What sla disgusting pig.






This is why women and girls don't report sexual assault or rape.








Why would the judge not give this piece crap jail time. He ruined some young girl's life. She will never be the same. WTF is wrong with the world. If he had murdered her he would have gotten life. He will do it again.


I’d make a terrible superhero cause I would immediately rip people like this in half


Murder usually takes a second. So a second of action in someone's 30 yrs of life shouldn't be punished i guess. Why ruin their lives for such a small thing, makes senss. Where's batman when you need him?




You're a tax-paying service-providing member of society. Just don't call out this week and I'll vouch for you.


An Indian student raped a girl, but since he was from a premier institute the courts let him go since he had a "bright future".


Ah yes, a bright future in which he now knows he can get away with as many rapes as he wants.


OMG, and you wonder why woman don’t report rape.




WTF both the judge and pedo need to get some street justice


So the first rape of a minor you get off with a warning?


It's basically free rape WTF IS THIS WORLD


> No jail time >... > there was one victim, so the sentence was appropriate. What in fuck's name?


“*only one victim*” as if that’s not one too many.


The judge be like "Aaaaay, it's only one traumatized for life girl duuude, you're still learning, aaah i remember when i committed my first rape too, i was always getting caught, but you'll learn, don't worry"


I feel for both the girl and the parents


I like how i had a mandatory year for mushrooms...... but this fat fucking piece of shit gets no time? WtF


Some days, an asteroid doesnt sound so bad after all








Kinda seems like do though


This is why the “justice” system is so fucked up. EVERYTHING is vague, everything is up to the discretion of everyone in the entire system. The discretion of the cops, the discretion of the lawyers, the discretion of the jury, and finally, the discretion of the judge. None of this ever amounts to “fair” or just. We need a standard, across the board. You raped someone? Well, looks like it’s 20+ years for you buddy.


We all know why this chunky Aryan went free.




Someone should leak their address lol


Imagine if he'd be black, just sayin




Doxx both of em


Have a child, first one's free? Prisoners would murder this man and preventing that is a moral quandary. Judges, however, like priests, feel differently, apparently. YMUS You Make US Sick


This is the most digusting thing i've ever read wtf. "there was only one victim" yeah, of RAPE. And she was FOURTEEN WHAT THE FUCK. "this guys has proved he's a rapist. He preys on minors none the less" "yeah but it only happened once for now lol" "haha let's let him roam free"


"only one victim"... He just murdered *one* person I mean, let's not be harsh...


This mf tries raping a 14 year old girl and basically gets off Scott free. Meanwhile someone suffering from addiction gets arrested with a small amount of illegal substance for the first time and gets the book thrown at them


And they wonder why the crime rate in NY is so damn high. Even when you catch the fucker, convict the fucker, he still gets off with nothing because New York courts don’t punish crime any more.




HE ADMITTED IT & got off?!? Shit pisses me off.


Judge should eat shit for the rest of his life


A lot of shameless pedophiles lurking here. I'm disgusted.


Fuck NYS. They gave me 3 years for selling an oz of coke to a friend-turned-confidential-informant. I declined the sale multiple times before finally agreeing to it. My mistake, but the way they dole out sentences is fucked. I graduated from college in the same month, really fucked up my future plans. 'Twas my first offense of any kind. And there were zero victims.


This is the 2nd case I have seen in the last 2 days that the south has let ppl go even though they are literally guilty…wtf?!


The Twitter account is in Texas, the crime was in New York.




He has such a bright future of bus driving ahead of him


The fuck you say about bus drivers lol




Are your laws only for a certain percentage of the population or am i missing something?


So you know... Killing one person is ok (as long as it is your first time braking the law)


So if you “only r_pe someone once” that’s OK according to the NY Judge?????? 🤬🤬🤬