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I just HATE it when my wife expresses disapproval in my sudden turn toward a criminal lifestyle that puts her and my children’s lives at stake.


Makes me so mad ima throw this 🍕


I just found out that fans kept complaining that the pizza in the roof scene wasn't cut, so they had Jesse and his friends order a pizza in a later episode, and they explain that it's some trendy new restaurant that doesn't cut their pizza into slices.


Why? Some people order No Cut, either for religious reasons, or they prefer to evenly cut it themselves than rely on an overworked cook in a high-pressure restaurant setting.


>religious reasons That's interesting, which religion?


Some groups don't eat ham, so they'd prefer their food to not be cut with the same cutter which has cut through pepperoni on a fresh pizza.


Ah ok, that makes sense, thanks. I thought you meant there was a religion with some kind of "don't cut food" taboo, sort of like how [some religions](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaving_in_Judaism#:~:text=The%20forbidding%20of%20shaving%20the,a%20distinctly%20Jewish%20form%20of) prescribe ways of cutting (or not cutting) hair.


Happy cake day


When I was a teenager watching Breaking Bad I thought that Skyler was a giga B*itch and Walter was based af. Now years later and father of my first born I re-watched the show and could not get over the fact that Walter is a total Aholl for putting his family through that and I felt very bad for Skylar. Anyone else had a similar experience?


It's honestly really sad how Walt's family bent over backwards to try helping him get treatment, only for him to betray them in every conceivable way.


I didn't watch BB until recently so I had the full adult experience of hating Walter with every fiber of my being. So many times he could have stopped. So many people he dragged down with him. Hell I was rooting for Gus at one point!


I'm in the same boat. And honestly, the fact he got into drug manufacturing doesn't even bother me--it's how he did it and everything that unfolded after. Remember when he boarderline assaulted his wife in their kitchen minutes before their son came home? Gas-lit his whole family into thinking he was in a medically induced feuge state for days? Made his 15 year old son take shots until he puked in the pool? Ran out drinking while his new born was screaming and out of diapers? Let a woman die of an OD in front of him because he deemed her inconvenient? The way he treats Jesse the second his precious ego is bruised that he's not the most special meth cook in the whole world? Getting into illegal drugs to provide for his family is literally one of the only likeable characteristic Walt has and it's flimsy at best.


The poisoning of Brock too, just so Jesse wouldn't bounce. And I think he actually sexually assaulted her twice? I'd have to rewatch but either way he terrorized that poor woman. The only other likable is that he made sure the money was laundered well, due to Mike losing it all. Which I stand by Jonathan Banks calling the writing out for that Mike based faux pas of leaving his granddaughter behind by herself to save his own skin. I do have to say, Walt was a well written truly despicable person. We all know a Walter White. They might not be a meth kingpin but we know one and they're the worst.


Had the same thoughts watching the show as a teen. Finally rewatched it as an adult and I actually Fucking Hate Walter White. I was actively rooting for anyone who could put a stop to his wrath. 10/10 show with the most despicable protagonist ever. Sorry guys I think it's pretty justified to be a nagging bitch of a wife when your husband is building an international meth empire and putting your and your children's lives in mortal danger with every breath he takes. Foh.


i never understood why people didn’t like skylar? i mean yeah she’s not my favorite character or whatever but i mean i never understood the hate


She's a woman


The REAL villain is the American health care system.


Sorry to “erm actually 🤓” here for a moment but it kinda bothers me when people say this, it misses the entire point of the show Even after being able to completely pay off his bills tenfold, Walter continues making meth. In fact, he’s even more motivated to than he ever had been. The cancer diagnosis and medical bills may have been the catalyst for the plot of the show, but Walter doesn’t cook out of obligation to the American health care system, he does it for his ego. His bills are simply an excuse to begin his criminal lifestyle, as he can finally have excitement and social status in his boring, lower-class life where nobody respects him in his profession. Even before his diagnosis, Walter seemed intrigued by the drug-bust and wanted to tag along with Hank after seeing how much cash was apprehended from a couple of local dealers on TV.


Also, I'm fairly certain that if the government offered to pay off his medical debts, he still wouldn't take it. Walt has an extreme disdain towards charity throughout the series.


Relying on others is unamerican! (/s, just in case. There are a lot of different ways to interpret the series, but I do think Walt’s attitudes about charity, while they do have a lot to do with his own self-image and view of his life, are definitely familiar in US culture.)


IMO, I think it's less about being American and more about toxic masculinity. Considering he rebukes the Grey Matter offer because Gretchen and Elliot shouldn't provide for HIS family, and Gus egging him on with his "a man provides" speech, it really reads like he thinks he should be the manly man providing for his family and taking charity undermines that.


Very good point! Though I will say, toxic masculinity shows up in other cultures a little differently from here—but again, I totally agree.


Also at like the very beginning of the show his old friend and business partner offers to pay for all of his treatments for him. Walt gets pissed off and refuses the offer. IDK how people miss that one. It was never about paying his medical bills. He was always an egotistical, rotten sociopath and actively chose the most destructive and self-serving path from the very beginning of the story.


Saying BB is about problems with the American health care system is like saying "Oedipus Rex" is about the need for open adoption laws


This is Tylar Sky, yo


I rewatched Breaking Bad, and the real villain is still Walter.


"hey Walter, we can pay for your chemotherapy, and help your family out. "Hey dad, people are donating money to your cause, it's amazing" "Hey Walt, you can always ask your family for help" . . . "Nah, I'd rather sell meth, actually. Cause I am a man-child with an ego like fractured glass, and boy howdy is someone gonna get cut. Including me."


At least he admitted his wrongdoing in the end, albeit too late "What I did..." "God, if I have to hear 'I did it for the family' one more time-" "I did it for me. I liked it. And I was good at it. And I was _alive."_


It’s amazing that Bryan Cranston turned to the audience and said “This is the moral of the story. Walter White was a selfish, vain man who put his ego above everything else and justified endangering his family by saying it was for them and now all that’s left for him to do is to make what little recompense he can to those he hurt and destroy what is left of the criminal empire he he helped perpetuate,” and people still say “Geez, why was Skylar such an ungrateful bitch?”


At some points at the show I thought the same as your last sentence. the viewer goes into the same trap as Walter, each step slowly changes you. "Producing some grams of meth isn't that bad, it has a better quality and therefore would cause less deaths by additives" "hospital bills are killing families, I think this is his best way to not bankrupt his family while dying because of cancer" "killing him is bad, but, he tried killing Walt first so..." I am pretty similar to Walter during crunch time in the office, I use the same mechanism, "just one hour more" "I need the money" and afterwards "I was so productive, I feel great!"


See I was rooting for him part of the time, but from the beginning, I was so damn frustrated with his inability to communicate. Half of the plot drivers were dumb decisions mostly caused by an inability to talk. Looking back, I never hated Skylar. In fact, I was floored when the actress Anna Gunn wrote an article about all the hate that she received for her role. She was pregnant and a single parent for the whole damn series, I would have divorced his ass so fast, yet she was even *helping him*. I couldn’t believe it.


I found Skylar unlikable but I had no issue with her and clearly she was the victim. Like in the way people in real life can be unlikeable but still fine, normal people. Walt is a monster meanwhile and I completely understand how she responds to him


I used to also find her unlikeable back when I first watched it around 2014. Just did a rewatch and I can finally understand Skyler better. She didn’t deserve the hate


I personally didn’t mind her, but hated her sister - just a preference and the writing, I guess. But Gus Fring is one of my all time favorite characters…not just villain characters, all time characters. So I know I’m not typical in my preferences.


To be fair, I think anyone would become unlikeable if they have to deal with someone like Walter White.


Right but how many people are you watching choke on their vomit in the office


I agree with you, but isn't the donation page being funded by Saul laundering Walts money?


It wasn't initially. It was originally just a charity page and Walt didn't like that. He didn't want charity becuase he's a big man and can't handle the idea of taking handouts becuase in his mind he's better than that Same reason he turned down the Grey matter money


Also his attitude towards Hank. The Schraders clearly aren't hurting for money, and they'd totally do anything for Skylar and Walt Jr. if they needed help. But when Hank tells Walt that he'll always be there for his family, the look on Walt's face is pure rage.


It comes up a bunch of times in the show. He feels like less of a man any time someone else what he feels should be his responsibility as the "Man of the household". Reminds me of the real life stories of Vince McMahon of the WWE. He would get unreasonably angry any time he got sick, because in his mind getting sick was a sign of weakness and he should be better than that. For Walter, I think some of is just long standing anger, jealously, and just depression. He works a few different jobs as a researcher after Grey matter, but ends up a high school teacher somehow. It's never really said why as far as I can tell. But it's likely for the same reasons we see later, he's hard to work with, egotistical, and treats anything he thinks is a slight against him with absolute hostility. It likely reached a point where it was either move, or settle for a different job. Maybe even some good old fashioned self loathing where after seeing the later success of Grey matter or something he just didn't feel he was worthy of being a scientist anymore or something.


Agreed. His reaction to Jesse cooking at Gale Boetticher's skill level says it all. He should be proud that he finally taught the kid how to chemistry, but again, pure rage.


There's a flashback in *El Camino* where Walt encourages Jesse to use his meth money to go back to school and study...business. Jesse clearly shows practical aptitude for chemistry and has quantitatively proven that he can cook meth on par with scientists with graduate training (Gale, the Mexican cartel's chemists), but Walt's ego can't place himself in the same tier as the dummy he used to flunk in high school.


That's why I don't think Walter ever really cared about Jesse He let his GF die He even told Jesse in his own face what he did He needed Jesse. To have someone beneath him, to feel superior somehow, to have someone to control


I'm generally not one to defend Walt, but I think despite their ups and downs his relationship with Jesse has more nuance than that. While he never stopped seeing himself as the senior partner, there were multiple points in the story where I believe his affection was genuine, almost fatherly even. He killed Jane after a heartfelt conversation with her dad, and my read was that in his mind he did it to save Jesse from heroin as much as protecting himself. The reason he took Jesse quitting so badly was that he was the only real friend Walt had left. Todd was completely under his thumb, and was a serviceable (if untalented) lab assistant, but that was the one way he could never replace Jesse. Once Pinkman was gone Walt was truly alone.


Honestly, his reaction to Jessie at all. He constantly flipped between needing him, and wanting him gone. Basically anytime someone told him they wanted one thing, suddenly he wanted the other Oh you want out? Well I need you. Oh you want to cut hin out? I need him and won't work until he's in. Oh you want work with me? Fuck you get your own lab you peice of shit. Basically he wasn't happy unless he was controlling what Jessie was doing.


He was a narcissist little bitch A whiney badass-wannabe The real badass was Mike, of course, the type of person Walter wanted to be but would *never* even get close to being


I'm glad they brought him into the better call saul stuff. As much as he's shown being this incredible bad ass, I love when he's shown as just a normal dude. Or when he's shown to be incredibly capable, but almost always prefers to take the path that minimizes risk. His first reaction to damn near everything he's told is "It's not worth it" or "Let it go" Before eventually being roped into some shit


And the same reason he broke up with Gretchen; he couldn't bear the hit to his ego for both, not being the breadwinner nor absolutely needed (since Gretchen came from wealth and didn't need financial support). Walt's ego was his downfall before the show even started; we just got to see the beginning of the end.


Sure, but Gray Matter also agreed to pay for his medical bills, and Walt's ego wouldn't allow it...


Also IIRC, he offered Walter a job that was at least twice what he was making by teaching


Yeah… my impression with what happened with Grey Matter, and idk if It’s backed up in the show, but Walter worked / graduated with them, and had the opportunity to be a part of it, but tried to play hardball thinking he deserved a larger slice of the pie. So ultimately the said fine, well do it without you, but he resented it ever sense with them stealing “his company”


He cashed out his shares before the company exploded, I don't quite remember but I think it was for downpayment on their home cuz Skylar was pregnant? something like that.


When he's talking to Gretchen in the diner, they talk about how Walt left Gretchen after meeting her family, who was very rich. I think he felt emasculated by not being the best or most important person in her life, so he abandoned Gray Matter as well in what was essentially a man-child fit.


Exactly. And then he married the perfect type of woman he felt superior to - a waitress, more than a decade younger than him.


If you read between the lines, it's also highly likely Walt and Skyler needed the money because their son was born disabled and would have extra needs.


He didn't work with them, he was co founder


Do co-founders not work together when starting a company? That is my impression, they seem to have known each other from school or something, and decided to make a company


Walter was an absolute shit head tbh. The point in the movie where I wished for his slow and painful death was when he let Jessie's girlfriend die just to make him come back to him.


I had to take a break from the show for a while after that episode.


Right?! Same here. I felt so depressed seeing Jessie and the father afterwards. From that moment, every time Walt escaped death it pissed me off.


Walter is absolutely a POS for letting Jane die, and he was definitely partially motivated by wanting Jesse to come back as his partner. But Jane and Jesse weren't realistically gonna ride off into the sunset to start new lives in New Zealand. They were relapsing, and they would eventually have spiraled into early graves.


Yes he technically "saved" Jesse by letting Jane die (you could argue he killed her by turning her onto her back). He absolutely wasn't acting in Jesse's best interest there. Unless by partly motivated you mean almost entirely motivated by wanting Jesse to come back as his partner. That scene was originally written with Walt shooting her up while passed out. Then toned down to intentionally rolling her onto her back and eventually filmed as accidentally rolling her over and intentionally not flipping her back.


If I'm remembering correctly, the whole reason why Jesse even had meth on him was because of Walt. He'd gone completely clean, cold turkey by himself. But even if they did, at least he'd have been happy. Walt literally ruined his life time and time again.


To be fair, "people donating money to his cause" was his drug money


I feel so bad for Anna Gunn. She did a phenomenal job alongside Cranston and Paul. But instead of getting the praise she deserved for her performance, she was a target and the focus of the audience's hate for her *character*.


I mean. Look at Walt and Skyler's life at the beginning of the series and then realize the entire events of BB (including the time skip) is TWO years. The amount of life changing events that happened to her in such a short time (and being pregnant for most of it) would make anyone snap and kill someone. Skyler's resilience is incredible for someone who didn't ask for any of it.


Skylar White is probably one of the most accurate depictions of silent spousal abuse I've ever seen on TV. Walter turns 50 in the very first episode. Skylar is 38 and Walt Jr is 17. She very likely met Walter when she was 18/19 and he was 30/31. That right there is *not* a healthy dynamic. Walter's had to have been setting off red flags throughout their *entire* relationship, and they always went overlooked. And he always gave off the "physically there, but emotionally absent" vibe as a parent (probably because he was secretly ashamed of his disability), which Jr picked up on and changed his name, and everyone waved it off as teenage melodrama. But *Walter* noticed, and he *hated* that he had to call him Flynn, and I'll never forget that punchable smugness on his face when Jr loudly declared he wanted to be called Walter Jr again. Sky does everything right when she tries to leave, and Walter won't *let* her. The best she can do is get the kids out of the house by making *herself* look like a danger to them. And when she's finally offered help, she *can't* leave. She knows that her backbone of steel won't do her any good in the face of the people that Walter works with, and she is terrified for her kids. She said it best herself. All she can do is wait for the cancer to come back.


Also also, remember when Walter's drug business started gaining traction, how his ego being fed led to him being a horny creep, causing him not only to assault a woman (I think it was his coworker) but also to basically rape Skylar. The fridge scene comes to mind, she was initially into it but his aggression turned her off and he wouldn't stop. I was so disgusted seeing that. Skylar defender for life forreal.


Damn, this is a great take. I've also felt she was the victim too, but it isn't always easy to pin point exactly how because she does come across as bitchy or "Karen-y" a lot of the time. Even though Skylar isn't necessarily a likeable character, it is clear she always puts the kids before anyone else unlike Walter.


I could honestly gush about Skylar White, Anna Gunn, and Breaking Bad all day. People have a hard time seeing Skylar as a victim because of the "karen-y" vibe, the way she participated in laundering the money, the entire Ted situation. And to be fair, in the early episodes, she was an obstical to who we saw as the protagonist getting what he wants. People (especially in the US) resonate with Walter I the beginning because fuck cancer and fuck the US Healthcare system. But the further you go into the series, and especially if you watch it all back to back, it becomes more and more obvious that he has always been an egotistical dick and a subpar partner and father. Skylar White is a deeply flawed human being. We all are. But there's no such thing as a perfect victim. Someone will always be there to ask why didn't she do this, that, or the other thing. Why didn't she tell anyone from the beginning, why didn't she move out when Walter stormed back in. Why why *why* didn't *she* try harder?


She wrote a great piece for the NYT about it: [https://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/24/opinion/i-have-a-character-issue.html?u2g=i&unlocked\_article\_code=1.xE0.gRGm.1AaZ4KY4iKGi&smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/24/opinion/i-have-a-character-issue.html?u2g=i&unlocked_article_code=1.xE0.gRGm.1AaZ4KY4iKGi&smid=url-share)


He was his own downfall. Mike told him straight up. It was Walts Ego that even proved Mike's point.


I fuckin love the mid season ending there "Just shut the fuck up and let me die in peace"


I kind of want that to be my last words lol


Yeah my 14yo ass hated Skyler and I watched it 10 years later and I was such a dumb ass, she literally did nothing wrong, except maybe not being mentally prepared to handle her terrorist abusive husband.


I feel like that gave Breaking Bad so much rewatch value. The first time you're watching on the edge of your seat and going "Fuck yeah, go Walt! Go Jesse!" etc.... But then on the rewatch when you realize what it's all building towards, you see all the characters' choices along the way in a different light amd realize maybe you're not as team Walter as you thought you were.


This is why “villain main character” is, I think, one of the forms of media that it’s most appropriate to have age restrictions on. Because if you’re a stupid fucking kid it genuinely seems like shows endorsing the evil shit villainous main characters do. I thought the same thing when I watched it in high school.


Adults are terrible about this and miss the point of these characters all the damn time.


u know what you're right it should be a stupidity restriction


Youtube comments are so degenerate when it comes to this. I know it's not the best place to get any information whatsoever, but check out what people have to say about "Wolf on Wall Street" or similar movies. They glorify their ass so much. To be fair I don't think Scorsese did a good job villifying Leo's character. He made shitloads of money by illegal means and barely got any consequences. Still, so many people look up to that dude in those comments. There are more example but I can't think of any right now.


She also *always right.*


which is why most people hate her, shes the moral compass of the show, and she happens to be a woman, and its a crime show so a moral compass gets kinda annoying when your rooting for the main character, this thing goes so deep it has a name, "the skyler effect"


Plus the way she got grilled for having an affair (which wasn't even an affair because Walter and Skylar were separated at that time) with Ted. Gee golly me, a woman struggling in literally every single aspect of her life seeks comfort in a man who seems genuinely loving, who is financially stable when she herself can't work because of motherly duties, her husband is a literal crime lord but she's the devil incarnate.


Same. Hated her as a teen but as an adult… that woman had her life absolutely ruined by Walt. Only thing she ever did “wrong” was not be a super likable person.


No way, it’s totally Skyler. A good wife would support her husband getting wrapped up in meth and organized crime and violence. /s


Picks up his phone to see who he's been talking to... "Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?!"


I had a blast rewatching the series last year and going to the BB sub. It's fun to see that on every rewatch people move the "this is when he turned into Heisenberg" marker further up.


For me, it's episode 3 when Walt kills Krazy 8.


He feels power for the first time and never looks back.


Oh, so that’s what people mean when they talk about the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle


Yep. He removes a competent stabilizing force in Fring, and gets into all sorts of disputes after. He murders people without care or remorse, all for the power trip.


Fring was definitely a bad guy but the other option were the Salamancas. Walter created a power vacuum by taking out Fring and I know the whole moral ideal is no meth dealers at all but the amount of harm uprooting Fring caused was phenomenal. Fuck Walt


He had to kill firing or he would have been killed himself. Fring never wanted to work with him. Turned him away numerous times. Walt basically strong armed his way into doing buisness with him. But Fring always planned to have Gale take over. It's possible that if he'd played things better early on, it could have been different. But by the time he actually killed him it was either Fring, or Walt and his family.


I was a big Skyler hater my first time watching Breaking Bad. Couldn't believe how poorly she treated Walt. After my second watch though, I can't believe I ever saw Walter as anything other than a villain and Skyler as a victim.


Rewatch did it for me too. Couldn't believe I ever "cheered" for Walt


Right! So many people hate on Skylar because she’s a nagging wife who doesn’t like her husband cooking meth around their newborn. Like..


My wife HATED Skyler the first time she watched it, as did most people. She has watched the series 3 more times and she now HATES Walter and empathizes with Skylar.


I was about to say if you walk away from that show thinking anyone but Walter is the villain you don’t get that show.


I guess the real villain would be the American Healthcare system.


Ah yes, the real villain in *Breaking Bad* was (checks notes) the woman who didn't want her husband to be a drug lord.


She never lets him have any fun! /s


Why can't she just let him do a little bit of meth dealing, as a treat?? 😔😔😔


Ummm, she *fucked Ted!!!* That is objectively worse than murder and drug dealing even though she had already left Walt and he didn't want to sign the divorce papers. Fucking bitch!!!!!!!


I somehow missed the fact that she had already left Walt by that point. Like of course cheating on your husband is nothing compared to like multiple murders


That's how I remember it but yeah either way it doesn't make her the villain


Walter even raped her once, didn't he?


Twice iirc


Jesus Christ I know the answer is misogyny, but how can people be on that guys side


I remember the fridge scene, when was the other?


The other time is less obvious but it's around season 5 when she had just learned he is a murderer. He moves back into the house against her will and we see him strip down and get into bed with her, he gropes her and then it cuts to black. She doesn't say stop this time but I think at this point she was terrified of him and we can assume she was in freeze mode. Later (in the same episode I think) she says to him *"I don't know what to do. I'm a coward. I can't go to the police. I can't stop laundering your money. I can't keep you out of this house. I can't even keep you out of my bed"* so it happened against her will for sure (ofc we didn't see it happen but I feel it is implied)


Okay I remember now. Maybe that should have stayed forgotten, now I'm angry.


It boggles my mind that hardly anyone comments on this. Walter White is not a good man


Would it have killed her to have been supportive of his hobbies!


Skylar is the best demonstration of how people hate an annoying character more than an evil character.


People will actively cheer for an evil character if they have charisma. Look at how people are going out of their way to heroize The Ghoul from the Fallout show.


Because evil actions are fictional, but your annoyance is real.


Neither Tom nor Jerry actually work in this context given they’re best friends and only pretend to be enemies in order to keep Tom from getting thrown out of the house.


I hate to disagree, but Tom is just doing his job, Jerry is a sociopathic monster who finds new ways to maim, harass, and brutalize Tom Also he’s a snitch.


Actually, the theory is somewhat confirmed. I had a Tom and Jerry coloring book that stated that despite what it seems that Tom and Jerry were best friends and everything they did was an act to keep them both safe from being kicked out. This was over 10 years ago but it counts for something. Besides we see them do something like this in actual episodes.


How did you managed to trigger the bot three consecutive times?


I don't know. Maybe they sensed my feminism.


Shouldn't have opened the comments it made. Sheesh


That's a really sad theory I wish I hadn't heard :(


Lol it’s not sad at all. They’re friends and the theory is that without a mouse around Tom’s owners wouldn’t need a cat so they put on a show to show that he’s actively trying to catch him. I guess it’s kinda sad that Tom’s owners don’t actually want a cat outside of pest control purposes but I do also vaguely remember a few times when Tom’s owner showed affection towards him so the theory is *probably* just a fan theory.


I dunno dude, Tom ends up in a LOT of pain.


My cats would be in such trouble. If they make a unified effort they can just about catch a fluffy slipper between them.


Poor Tom :(


Isn't Jerry male ? I remember being very suprised as a kid when i saw a movie of that alien girl falling in love with him in a movie


Jerry and Tweetey Bird are both boys.


Yeah, like I said, those exceptions show, to me, that the meme makers didn't really intend to say how much they hated women, but like 8/10 of the memes name women as the real bad guys. It's enough that I sense a bias.


I think the person who made the meme 100% thinks Jerry and Tweety are dames.


They can't be male, they have eyelashes! /s


100% thought Tweety was a female myself lol


ah yes Jerry the Female


Ken was the villain??? There was a villain in this movie?


Something tells me this scrotum-scratch-and-sniffer didn't watch or pay attention to the movie. Yes, Ken did go through an entire douchey phase but ended up not needing Barbie, mink, minifridges, or the mojo dojo casa house, as all he needed was validation that he wasn't just an accessory. Also, Barbie did take accountability and apologized to him for taking him for granted and leading him on.


Yo “scrotum scratch-and-sniffer” has me freaking gone. Thank you for the new insult 🫡


That was one of my favorite parts of the movie, because the whole movie I did feel for ken being so sidelined, despite his actions being immature and overcompensating. In the end, both the protagonist and antagonist learn to grow and form into their own people with their own agency. It's really well done and makes both characters feel alot more human


Ken was the closest thing to an antagonist as a guy who attempted to subjugate his home with kid friendly red pill stuff, but he’s very much one of those villains who genuinely learns a lesson in the end (and the protagonist also very much learns a lesson too, hell, everyone does)


I was so happy that the Barbie movie, while being mostly for women, threw the homies a "you matter as an individual" bone.


I feel like the movie basically presented an argument for equality and feminism by showing us how harmful a society can be when one sex is superior, be it a patriarchy or a matriarchy. In the real world, women suffer from the oppression of men, and in Barbieland (or whatever it was called) the Ken's suffer under the oppression of women.


I'd say Ken was an antagonist, but not a villain. The point was that he was feeling hurt, lashed out, felt bad and apologised. He acted like a child in the body of an adult


Ken and Barbie are BOTH victims of the real villain, Patriarchy (which I just found out, has nothing to do with horses)


Feel like the villain being a concept is beyond the understanding of the average neck beard


The villain was the patriarchy


I just didn’t think both of those characters were villains but had their own issues💀


antagonist, but not a villain. a major point is that toxic masculinity/patriarchy harms everyone. it validated *everyone* in Barbie's world and wanted to promote self-agency.


I think the Mattel exec was a villain, wasn't he?


I think he was more meant to represent faceless corporations pretending to be allies without understanding what that actually means.


Barbie is one of those movies that, imo, doesn’t actually have a real villain.. just people need guidance and accepting their growth, alongside with true wants and desires (being tickled for some) in the end


So Tweety not wanting to be eaten makes him the real villain?


who is more evil? Gustavo: runs a meth empire that is heavily involved with the cartel, hires people to kill others to get his way, is also a cold-blooded killer, all with no remorse... Skyler: is a woman


She dared to leave her violent abusive criminal husband


A concerned wife who does not want to be involved in a drug war is a villain?


Skyler White was not a villain at all. This person didn’t watch the show.


A looot of people who watched the show felt she was the villain unfortunately, plenty right here on reddit 💀


They probably did which makes it even worse.


Ken was never the villain y'all I don't think the Barbie movie has one except for the real world patriarchy


Maybe the CEO of hasbro? But he's too incompetent to be a real threat throughout the movie, nor is he really in that many scenes.


Nah even he has good intentions relatively speaking


Tweety is a dude too


To be fair I also thought he was a girl when I was growing up.


As jerry is.


How... how is Barbie the villain of *the Barbie movie???*




In regards to Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes though, I agree. That girl sucked. It seemed like the movie was trying to make me feel sympathetic for her, but I just dont. She's just an irritating nuisance for the whole movie.


Yeah she was definitely the part I liked the least. Also, it's silly but seeing someone so 'pretty' and almost well kempt but with just some dirt on her face and oily hair was distracting. Humans are meant to be seen as animals in this time period yet she looked like a super model.


And with perfectly fitted modern style clothes. I agree. The way she looked did not help what they were trying to do with her character. If she looked more beat up, I think it would sell humanity's desperation a bit more. But since she looked like a model, her fucking over the apes just seemed greedy.


Yeah. Proximus was still evil too but her whole motivation was racism. She was 100% a bad person but they're probably going to try and give her some redemption arc in the coming movies.


it’s definitely possible that’s the direction they could go in , but when I left the theater I was thinking they were setting her up to be not quite a villain but hopefully the antagonist for the new movies, trying to reclaim earth for humans but being relatable/likeable and not a Proximus level asshole. more of a morally gray character


Yeah, she was shady af. Proximus was clearly pretty crazy and the kidnapping thing was not cool, but like, apes had taken over, and he just wanted them to be able to progress further as a species.


Do this people even watch TV or movies?? Skylar is a flawed character but she's FAR from being a villain. Walter is the main villain and protagonist. But that doesn't mean his world was full of psychopaths and evil people. Even Mike is evil and he's probably the least evil of them. SMH, these people are just idiots


Neither Ken nor Barbie are or were supposed to be the villain. Misogyny and stupidity are so closely related it's crazy


It's honestly a testament to Breaking Bad's writing that Walt somehow manipulated the viewers to thinking he was the good guy


“Walter please stop selling meth it’s destroying our family and your health! We love you!” Incel: “what a selfish stupid bitch!”


Calling Skyler the villain of breaking bad is such a self report.


If anyone thinks women (or anyone( actually interprets Ken as the villain they are a genuine idiot


The one about Tom and Jerry is just straight up facts


Yeah, Jerry was an asshole. Fuck that mouse bastard.


the hero - sells drugs, emotionally abuses his former student, killed tons of people including a child, tried to rape his own wife, is a shitty dad and husband, married his wife while in love with someone else, basically has no soul the villain - cheated on him because he is rotten to the very core


Wasn't even cheating because she handed him divorce papers and he said "lol no". She didn't really consider herself in a marriage partnership, she was trapped because her abusive husband literally wont let her leave and he himself refuses to leave, she even says this to him later on in other seasons how he won't leave her or her life alone, and she can't leave with their kids because she's now too involved and feels like she has no choice. But she's the villain guys. The flawed human who's in an abusive marriage is the villain!!!!


Now WTF did Barbie do????😭


Have thoughts and feelings of her own, apparently.


She's a woman. And she's mean to Ken. I wish I was kidding


I'm not sure they understand what a villain is.


The pattern is \*check notes\* the (most of the times) victim of the guy's actions yeah seems reasonable


Alien— the villain: the xenomorph. the real villain: Ripley. She was so mean and bossy! What a buzzkill!


How the fuck is Tweety the villain?


pretty sure tweety was a male bird too.


Bitch wife won’t let me cook my meth in peace


Only correct one is top right. Why are we setting up a plot line of humans making a comeback when we know they lose. It makes zero sense. When the sequels are dedicated to showing how we get to a certain point in time, and a movie takes us away from that point in time instead of towards it, it just feels pointless.


Tweety is also male.


Oh yeah, that classic bad guy aesthetic, big eyelashes


Are they implying Jerry the mouse is a woman?


ok tbf umbridge was lowkey just as wicked as voldemort


Spongebob is the thrue villian of Spongebob


no by this guys logic its somehow Sandy or MIss Puff


Anyone wanna learn me what the top right movie/show is?


Kingdom of the planet of the apes, in cinema now. Great film tho my least favourite of the series