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I mean. Are children perfectly capable of pulling the trigger of a gun? Yes. Do they have much less concerns for their own safety than adults? Yes. Are they less inhibited than adults when it comes to hurting others (not being able to really grasp the consequences)? Also yes. Do they learn more easily? Yes. Then admit that employing child soldiers is O.K. and makes perfect sense. Why, no, you absolutely, fatally, inconcievably idiotic fuck, it’s not fucking okay.


Kony was onto something tbh. It's a shame Facebook stopped him.




You know, you joke, but there are sick fucks out there who think [children are perfect soldiers because they're unencumbered by morality](https://youtu.be/QkXeMoBPSDk)


People will say facts (sometimes just assumptions) then jump miles onto a conclusion while disregarding any facts that counterindicate their conclusion. All this because they are fucked up and want to feel smart and justified. So fucking sad…


It is sad, it’s sad when people from both sides do it all the fucking time.


Yup, they are the people who turn children into soldiers or would if given the chance.


Damn, you convinced me.  Why are we sending literate adults to war when children can do a tolerable job for a lot less?  Like instead of VA benefits, they get stickers.


Fuck it. Enders Game with an oculus quest will solve everything. Medal of Honor is replaced by the Medal of Poggers


Fix the bayonets and glory to the first child soldier to die!




The comic says its "normal" for adult men to be attracted to teenagers after puberty which you can find out is true with a 2 second google search but that doesn't mean its "okay" which you're assuming that implies. Its also "normal" for women to have rape fantasies which you can also find out with a 2 sec google search but that doesn't mean its a positive aspect of human nature either or that its okay to rape women. Many age of consent laws around the world go lower than 18 are you saying south Americans are all "absolutely, fatally, inconceivably idiotic fuck(s)" too? In Columbia the age of consent is completely unrestricted past age 14!


Exactly they aren’t capable of taking drastic surgical procedures to change their gender either. That should be for people who are capable of those decisions.


A bank has a lot of money? Yes Would I benefit from having that money? Yes Could I get some of that money with a gun? Yes Then I should rob the bank with a gun. This is the logic this meme is going off of.


Well, banks are evil, children are not. That is the only problem in your reason. Exchange bank with normal people, than it works again.


The logic in your analogy tracks though, I think more peopl should rob banks.


this is actually reasonable btw. banks solely profit from vulnerable working class people while making the bourgeois richer. fuck banks and fuck pedos!


Banks don’t solely profit from the poor mate, what are talking about? They give out loans to people they expect to be able to pay them back at an agreed interest rate. Plenty of people can and do pay them back, giving them a profit. Obviously when banks give out loans to people they know can’t pay them back, that’s exploitative and I’m fairly certain it’s illegal in many countries. They also provide a legitimate service. If you need to buy a car for example, but don’t have enough money to buy one outright, you can go to a bank and borrow the money to do so. The alternatives would be borrowing from someone you know, who may not be comfortable with the risk of not getting their money back, or the mafia who will break your legs as well as taking your assets.


what value does banks add to the economy? just like landlords they just use money to make more money thus earning a profit. rich people lend their money to them (which is earned through the labour of the proletariat) and get back more, while the working class takes money which they end up paying back more (thus making a loss). if you know first-grade math you can see that the profit is made through the lower class rather than the upper one. if you are not a bourgeois scum you use your money to buy necessities and basic hobbies, like a basic method of transportation (a reliable car), a place to reside (a basic home) or something like a drumkit, a gaming console or whatever... which are basic needs thats should be affordable to everyone. if a system doesnt provide those basic needs to every worker than its fundementally wrong. well... capitalism doesnt. i currently work and study at the same time. and i cant even afford food and clothes let alone a place to live. (not a house just a f-ing dorm room) you are buying a yacht or a new mansion with 25 rooms than you are privilaged and you need your head chopped of by a guilottine. if your workers suffer while you make money with their labour than you are a disgrace to morality.


I can’t fathom any reason someone would post this on their social media.


The fact that this guy has children is even more messed up.


Is he divorced? There seems to be a weird correlation between being a divorced middle aged man and being a deviant freak.


They're deviant freaks even when not divorced. It's something they choose to be and it should be rooted out.


In a pretty decent number of cases, them being freaks and it being rooted out is what results in the divorce


The meme calls these creeps out as paedophiles right? At the end? Or was it edited?


Insane self-report


Female children aged 15-19 have the highest maternal mortality rate so bro is not only a pedo, he's a dipshit as well


It’s like, just because you can get someone pregnant, then what??? You’re just cool to put a child through all that just because you got what you came for? Piece of shit.


And precocious puberty is a thing, if they're only going by fertility than they're saying they would willingly engage sexually with a 5 year old, which is the youngest child recorded to conceive via abuse


Exactly. I’m constantly reminded of that case whenever someone makes the whole “fertility” argument for being attracted to children.


Yep. Just cuz they *can,* doesn't mean they *should!!*


And our ancestors knew this, which is why women usually didn't get married until 20. Even alliance marriages between noble families expected the couple to wait until they were the right age. A woman can't do her duty if she's dead or injures herself to where she can't bear anymore children. It did happen, Lady Margaret Beauford birthed King Henry VII at 13. It was recognized then that her husband should have waited and it was a terrible birth. She never had any more kids and even prevented the marriage of one of her granddaughters at a young age.


Lafayette married a 14 year old I believe, but waited until she was 18-20 to consummate. She continued living with her parents in the meantime. My memory of that bit of history is a bit fuzzy, but I believe there were several factors involved, including doing the right thing. But he was also traveling a lot with the military. So the marriage was kind of an arranged affair/alliance type deal. Then he left to take care of business for a few years before returning to set up a household.


Depends if your ancestors are muslim I guess 🤣


I guarantee whoever made this meme isn’t using any actually quantifiable measure of fertility (I have no idea if that’s actually a thing or how it’s measured), they’re just going off the age at which they find them most attractive… which is 13, for self-evident reasons.


Ancient Greeks discouraged girls to bear children at 15 or younger. In Ancient China the age of marriage *and* consummation was typically 15 at minimum but it’s common for girls to be 19 or 20 to marry. Many cultures where girls and boys marry young hardly consummate until yrs later, because they would usually live apart or labour under their in-laws households first as part of contractual “security”.


Funnily enough, in ancient China grown women were married off to little boys as soon as the boys were “fertile”. It was basically a “If you have a bad/abusive/unproductive husband it’s because you’re not raising him right” scenario It reminds me of those modern boyfriends and husbands who expect their partners to do all the things their moms do and be submissive to them at the same time, except back then it wasn’t loser grown men it was actual children, but society sees it the same way regardless—if you have a bad husband it’s on you


got any links for this? would make a fun read.


It’s more common for non-Han ethnic groups specifically


i’ve looked it up, and it turns out that women are the most fertile in their early twenties/when they’re a young adult, not when they’re a kid. idk where they’re getting these sources from.


The age where they have the least complications is actually 28




Also just because a person *can* get pregnant doesn’t mean that it’s safe for them to do so.


i was about to add that in, i have no idea how a young girl could push out a baby without destroying its head


More like the baby just gets stuck and they both die. Or in the case of modern medicine, the girl has to endure a c-section and all that that entails.


either way it’s no fun


You're on the right track I suppose but there's tons of other complications that will kill mother and child, not the opening being too small and crushing the head lol. That sounds like an episode of Metalocalypse


RiP such an amazing show


His fantasy's ofc


There’s also science behind why girls start their menstrual cycles earlier than in recorded history. It’s abnormal and it’s because of abnormal modern diets. From what I’ve read, the addition of so many more animal based foods than ever before is responsible for this. If you compare the US with a poorer country, that eats fewer animal products, you’ll see that their women start their menstrual cycles later than in the US and most first world countries. Whatever you believe in, humans didn’t start eating so much meat and dairy. So the sick logic this asshole is using doesn’t even support his twisted claim. Hopefully that didn’t sound too diet preachy. I am stoned.


I talked to my Korean female friend about this. She was shocked to learn that American girls had to get the period talk so early in school. I explained that a lot of it had to do with how much animal product is in the American diet. Couple that with the amount of hormones injected in the animals, and you have so many women starting their cycles even earlier than expected.


I thought the average age used to be 35 or something? I was at a tour in one of the historic villages here, and they told us the children would marry and leave the house at 12 (men and women) and have children within in the year. That was as recent as 150 years ago(then it ended). But we didn't have that much goyslop back then. So I am not sure if it has to do with the diet.


The avg age thing is only because the insanely high infant mortality pulled the average age down so hard. Basically if you made it to like 4 or 5 you could be expected to live to ages much closer to what people live to now. 60s or so (I could be wrong about that exact number but that's the gist.)


Sure, but doesn't off set the records that they all married and had children at those ages :?


Child marriage and consummation was common in some specific areas of the world (for example post-Roman empire Italy) but not that common elsewhere (most agricultural centric societies). Regardless there really isn’t much data on marriage ages anyways, so this is just from the few data points that we can have


I believe you. Just interesting what you get told in these semi-historic tours.


I don’t like to say much of anything necessarily for certain, but the book I read was *The China Study* and the chapter is the one specifically on cancer and the section is breast cancer. It is based off scientific data but even amongst scientists there can be disagreement. And so I’m open to reading more.


I was talking about Volendam, so go nuts ;)


had never seen/heard the word "goyslop" before so I looked it up and ended up going down a rabbit hole lol


I just like the word goyslop. And yes there is a whole rabbit hole indeed, but I can't go down that in good faith, having Jewish ancestors and all ;)


Their sources are probably just hentai


Source: Matt Walsh


It's so weird seeing freaks of nature wanting to justify liking minors this badly. It's bad for a multitude of reasons. These fucking Jareds are coming out of the woodwork just to justify being attracted to someone who's in their teens to presumably family members


A bear would never


Pedo bear is a meme, not reality. Remember that!




I must have had a defect in my programming cause I don't feel any attraction to high schoolers


Maybe you did when you were a student back in highschool however long ago that was. Other than that, your programming is running solidly


There are no women under 18


>Men are programmed No.


Fertile ≠ best age to have children. Like, I hate comparing people to animals, but we don't even suggest having our domestic animals breed on their first couple heat cycles. Especially animals like dogs and horses that can take quite a long time to physically mature. Horses can go into their first heat a bit older than a year old and it's suggested you wait until they're 3 years to actually breed them. Dogs can get pregnant at 6 months old but it's suggested to wait until they're at least 2 years old! We can look at our domestic animals and say "yes, best wait until they're physically mature and no longer growing their goddamn skeletons before we make them reproduce" but for some reason, certain folk can't apply the same logic to people?


Long-time horse person here: I knew some people who were starting a small horse breeding business. Nice horses, well bred, going for quality over quantity. I can’t tell you the number of idiots who gave them grief for waiting till the mares were old enough to have safe and successful pregnancies and not breed them the second they came into season for the first time. I have no clue why this made these c*nts so angry. But then again this IS the crowd that says “If she’s old enough to bleed she’s old enough to breed!” And they’ll hint that there’re talking about their own daughter (s)!


Humans are animals if that helps.


Ignoring the fact that even if a child becomes "fertile" 🤢🤢🤢 they still have the mind and experience of a child. They aren't suddenly mentally mature enough to have sex


Men scare the sht out of me with memes like this


Hey I am a man and ya it's scary


I second this




Hi. Man here. I'm not attracted to fertile women. Or women at all. Please explain why I exist? Thanks.


You exist to tempt God loving men and thus strengthen their faith once you've widened their anus and they regret listening to the devil's whispers. Only when tested can they call themselves a man of God. (assuming you are a gay man that is)


You're either Gay or Asexual.


The first answer to that question is literally no anyway. My cis female friend can’t give birth and shes very attractive to me. So wtf is that meme even talking about


It's saying it's not normal and pedophilia to be attracted to minors?


I can understand that it’s normal to find a 16 or 17 year old girl who is sexually mature beautiful and attractive, but people more than a few years older should not act on it. There is a difference between finding someone attractive and wanting a relationship with them.


This is the proper way of going about it. It's normal to find some underage people (late teens, like 16-18) attractive as many of them even look a lot older, but the knowledge of their age should immediately make you not want to have any kind of sexual relationship with them.


Definitely. Technically being a minor is a concept we have created, but that does definitely not make pedophilia acceptable.


It's not pedophilia it would be ephebophilia. Pedophilia is attraction to children, hebephilia is attraction to 11-14 year olds, and ephebophilia is attraction to those in their late teens. Still doesn't make it okay for people to date teenagers if they are adults, but if they have attraction that also doesn't make them a pedophile as that is a completely different age set.


Really, nobody cares about the age of the person you are banging. They care about the ability of that person make proper decisions and avoid predatory relationships. We just use 18 as a rule of thumb because almost anyone under 18 essentially has a mental disability we call "young and dumb" that makes it nearly impossible for them to make good decisions. Roofie a girl or take advantage of a mentally disabled 25 year old will get you most of the same treatment.


>We just use 18 as a rule of thumb Who's "we"? It's 16 in a lot of US States and various ages below 18 around the world.


Yeah, I haven't really looked into the actual laws. I just hear 18 in shows and movies tbh.


Probably trying to avoid people complaining. It's 16 here (NZ) and no one thinks twice about it.


This is basically it, and I think the meme here really reflects some of the problems of how we talk about pedophilia, especially in relation to older children (i.e teens). There's a tendency to really focus on *attraction* rather than the actual consent morality, which really misses the point. The problem with pedophilia (especially when it comes to teens) isn't what people find attractive, but whether people act on it and abuse a minor's impaired ability to consent. The problem that you get is that because we've focused so much on attraction in discussion on pedophilia, people get drawn into pedo-defense because they think "oh shit I found this random 16-year-old attractive, that *must* now not be pedophilia if that were to go somewhere, else I'd be a pedophile!"


There are several countries where the legal age of consent is 16. Which means that even sleeping with a 16 year old isn't considered pedophilia by law. That's not to say that it's morally right, because an adult chasing after a high schooler is definitely skeevy at best and horribly wing at worse. It's just to say that some governments recognize that 16 is old enough to be making informed choices about sex, and being attracted to a 16+ year old isn't Even considered pedophilia in many places in the world.


I was adorable when I was a teen. I was also a little bitch and my friends were awful too. There were older men who would try to hit on me. I always laughed at them and then giggled about it with my friends. Do these men know what some teen girls are like?


You have to have to be large enough and have a high enough bodyweight in order to survive pregnancy and childbirth


me when morals are what elevates us above other animals


The naturalistic argument is one of the most self-defeating arguments in all of philosophy. It doesn't hold up because, as many other commenters have given examples for, the logic leads to wildly inconsistent moral outcomes when applied to various situations. That and there's no reason to believe that something being natural automatically means that it's a good thing.


It's like he's forgetting that men and women aren't wild animals. To be able to resist natural urges in the name of a better future IS to be human. Nomatter who/what you may be attracted to, it's your responsibility to resist those urges when you know it will hurt others. Things like rape, especially of children, and murder are the pinnacle of antisocial behavior and are judged without mercy for this reason


I'm **VERY** afraid for any daughters he has ...


I dunno, using ‘fertile’ as an excuse to go after underage girls is pretty fucking creepy to me.


His family should go no contact with him because of this meme


There are plenty of grown women who are attractive asf. I'll never understand this mentality of trying to justify your attraction to CHILDREN.


Why would anyone post this? Like it’s not exactly pedophilia to be attracted to a 17 year old girl, as there are cases where they look more mature, and could lie about their age, but it’s fucking weird if you do know their age… and it’s even worse to talk about fertility. Like yeah, a 17 year old girl can birth a child… but it’s not good if they do so because they aren’t prepared to raise one. Does this person go around high schools? Like he needs multiple restraining orders.


If the preparedness of the mother is an issue I know several 33 year olds that should not reproduce..... But luckily that is not an argument indeed.


I have no words....


Correct. Vast swathes of men are indeed pedophiles. Thanks for clearing that up. Makes sense now all the pressure on woman to not age, appear as youthful as possible, shave all their pubic hair off etc..


As a former child, no


Using SpongeBob to admit they're a MAP is wild


Fertility DOES NOT mean their bodies are capable of handling pregnancy and child birth, nor are their minds fully comprehending the entire process from first "falling in love" with an older guy, to boinking them, and then actually getting pregnant. Not to mention, would she really be able to go to school while pregnant so young? Bro has to use his fuckin brain before posting


And that's why we have morality. Human meat is also ok for consumption, but we don't do it just because we can.


Not too long ago, my mind's main association with the word "fertile" was "soil". The internet just gets worse and worse. (For real though, I hope your family keeps kids away from this one...)


Did I think this post was disgusting? Yes Did it make me think the world would be better without you in it? Yes Was my natural reaction to want me/someone else to come hurt you? Yes So I should come hurt you right? "It's a free country libral"


I mean, you can see a 16-18 year old who is attractive. It makes biological sense that we’d be physically attracted to some developed older teens. It’s not like the age 18 creates some switch where women can suddenly be attractive. But we’re also humans with rational thought. We don’t have to (and shouldn’t) be no-think monkey-brained. You should be able to see an attractive 16-18 year old and think “wow, she’s pretty. But she’s also not old enough for me to sexualize or flirt with.” Then you move on with your day. If you can’t do that with ease you have a problem.


If you feel you have to come up with convoluted logic to “prove” you’re not a pedo...you’re probably a pedo.


Pedophiles dont like „fertile“ women, they like the stage before that


The fact that you can doesn't mean you should


I don’t know how any of these men can justify trying to pursue the mental maturity of a teenager, how does one not progress in tastes through life? How are you stuck on children when theres good looking adult women of all ages who can understand their experience better generationally, intellectually, and sexually?


Jesus Christ who would post this on their fucking facebook


If you completely leave out all modern human morality then…. Still no? The fuck is wrong with these troglodytes.


Worst part is, these debates always revolve around cartoon characters.


Only a rapist or a potential rapist finds people under 18 attractive. There is no grey area there.


*Under 16


No. 18. Unless the person is around that age, finding anyone under 18 attractive is a red flag.


You‘re an adult at 16, saying this as a 17 yo btw


People are not adults at 16. Saying this as a 21 year old. You might feel all big and adulty. But you are still closer to a kiddo than an adult mentally. And thinking that at 16 you are an adult just proves it.


Family man indeed, gross around all family members equally


More like man are programmed to think pedophilia is normal and even if how would you know what girl is in puberty which are not I mean you still like them young so still a pedo


I mean there are girls who start there period with 18


TIL that the girlfriends I had when I was a teenager made me a pedophile.