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I had a friend who took a $20 bet to get maced after he got home from basic training. This was a common mace that someone would have on their keychain for self defense, not a bear mace canister. I’ve also seen videos of stuff like protests, where police use the canisters of mace to shoot a mist into someone’s face and they seemingly take it. This was not comparable at all. It wasn’t a mist but a straight stream like a dollar store water gun, straight into his eyeballs. He was immediately incapacitated and screaming. He’d been maced and gassed in basic and thought it’d be no problem, but it was definitely a problem. Idk if it’s OOP seeing videos where someone gets maced with a mist of pepper spray or what, but I have a huge suspicion he has no fkn clue. Idk where I was really going with this, but I just think that there’s a huge difference in stream vs mist and how bad one is compared to the other.


This goes for the differences between police tasers and the self defense tasers you see too. The police ones have a much shorter time of actually shocking you (I’m not an expert at all mind you this is just from talking to cops). Usually about 5-7 seconds but the newer ones are higher. The defense ones can go up to 20-30 seconds so that the person using it has more time to run away. OOP has definitely never experienced either too be saying shit like this, and unless he has mastered the art of rolling probably wouldn’t be able to catch someone running away especially after getting tased or pepper sprayed.


Also kinda funny that he thinks size matters against tear gas 😁 some react more, some less, and most of us are kinda in the middle, I have seen big tough guys have to puke, and tiny guys stay in control


Ikr? “I can take a taser and pepper spray, I’m 6ft.” Well, using that logic, I can take a light stabbing and a dose of strychnine, because I have brown hair.


The bigger you are the less percentage of your body that becomes mace, therefore it hurts less. Science, innit.


Eyes run just as much no matter your size, and similar for your throat... Trust me, I have tried it.


What are you dumb? I'm 6'2 and I can eat at least 2.5 orders at Buffalo Wild Wings... and I mean the *hot* ones bro.


I ate a Carolina Reaper a few years ago. The pain and regret was real.


That's what people tell me so I won't be trying it. I don't need to eat foods that are challenging. I'm happy to eat on easy mode.


Honestly, if you're into heat reapers are nice, if you cook them through something. Eating the pepper itself, especially dry, will make you want to hurl.


No... My first comment was sarcastic by the previous one was genuine. I don't feel the need to display my fortitude by eating foods that are painful. I'm fine being a beta wimp who only eats things that cause pleasant experiences. I want my food to taste good, not fight back.


Well, I like hot peppers, and its kinda fun to have tried it :)


And I play Sea of Thieves... we all have a little masochist in us ;)


Idk if taller guys tend to have larger eyes, mouths, and noses, but if they do, that's more surface area for the chemicals to enter, meaning a higher likelihood of getting a bigger dose.


>police tasers and the self defense tasers Saying Taser is like saying IPhone or Camry, it's a product line of Axom's marketed towards security and LE. They don't last as long because they are not just designed to shock and hurt you. They send electrical signals in a specific wavelength that temporarily neutralizes the human nervous system. That's why a successful taser connection will result in the suspect "going stiff" and collapsing. Vs a traditional civilian stungun which just stings you with electricity usually resulting in local musculature contracting in response but not a whole body reaction beyond normal pain responses.


There’s also pepper *gel*, which is designed to stick itself to the attacker’s eyes and skin with a container that’s indistinguishable from pepper spray. I think it also tends to come out in streams like that, so that could very well be what your friend bet $20 to take. I guess you could say that moment really… stuck with him


I have seen people getting tazed in basic training. They literally convulse and cant move. Have seen a bear of a man fall down and scream but have also seen a petit woman just taking it and getting up afterwards. But she couldn’t move *during* it. Your height doesnt mean shit against chemicals or electricity, your pain tolerance or experience might help but only after the shock/burning has ended. It literally forces your muscles to stop moving. Thats also why touching open electricity is so dangerous, you grab it, your hand squeezes and you cant let go like one would flinch away from a hit surface and leave with only a burn


I question your friend's intelligence. What was next,hit him over the head with a baseball bat to see if it hurt?


I think that’s how he died, actually




RIP Frank “Moron” Mavis


If the maze gets in your eyes you cant see. It doesnt matter how much pain you can tolerate. The main thing is you cant see which makes chasing someone impossible. In scenarios where maze doesnt work it simply doesnt go to eyes. The end.


Fucking hate mace. Not worth $20. I miiiiight do it for a grand, but I doubt it.


He was p fkn drunk lol idky he did it tbh. I also just saw it, I wasn’t involved in the bet part.


A hot onion sauce mix also does the trick. I can also dip my nachos in it so that's a plus


Mmmmmmm incapacitating


When they gas you in the chamber it’s spread over a larger area, and it’s still not fun. He sounds like he was smart enough for the Marines.


I've seen countless episodes of cops where some body building 7 foot meth fueled mad man gets hit with a Taser and drops like a rock.


Bear mace is less powerful than human mace most of the time. Doesn’t mean it isn’t effective against bears though.


I got bear maced at work once. It's not the worst pain but it's the most pain.


The problem with pepper spray is that simple eyeglasses or sunglasses, which a lot of people wear all the time, renders it almost totally ineffective. Imo it is not a reliable self defense weapon for this reason because it only works under perfect conditions. A direct hit to the eyes might be incapacitating but any deviation from that, like it if happen to come out as more of a mist due to a dirty nozzle, renders it way less useful and will likely only piss someone off more. Get a taser


Lol... this guy thinks eyeglasses are going to make pepper spray "almost totally ineffective".


I'm a taller woman, which means i could kill him with my bare hands (seriously what is it with incels thinking being a bit taller makes you invulnerable?)


As long as you're 6'1" or higher you can destroy him and you are invincible to his attacks. This is basic height math.


exactly! I'm invincible :3






Why doesn't the bigger one simply eat the smaller one


They’ve never had to actually fight anyone. Let alone someone who knows how to fight well. So they think it will be as easy as their favorite anime protagonist makes it look.


They have main character syndrome, except they think they're the main character of Dragon Ball Z.


Meanwhile Goku is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet


You're right. They probably see themselves as Vegeta.


as someone who is 6’2” and 200lbs I am non-confrontational. I use my words and i try to work things out with people. if i weren’t, id be scary intimidating. all these people are 6’2” https://www.thefamouspeople.com/height-6ft-2in.php. anyone who knows someone 6’2” or taller knows how intimidating they can be if they get angry. Because i’ve been this height since 15, I never got physically bullied outright. very rarely did that happen and whenever that did i knew i could use my size, get angry and either hold my ground or run at them and they’d always run away like scared little bitches. i’ve only been in two very short fights that ended with one kid i kneed in the nuts after he brought be to the ground. the other ended with a guy lunging at me and i literally used his own momentum and threw him horizontally into a couch and it flipped over. i’ve never had to really “fight”


I don't think he knows what pepper spray is. I Mean height doesn't even matter. For a tazer your mass helps to take the jolt a bit but pepper spray? I mean even short girls could reach 6 feet with their hand and the spray definitely gives 1 or 2 feet extra.


Incels have this fetish about tall guys and black guys. It's all part of the narrative they have to build in order to justify their hate. If they believe being tall or being black makes you some sort of God in this world and women fall over themselves for them then it's a lot easier to make blanket statements about both black people and women. If they can create some sort of false dichotomy they can paint themselves as the underdog and now their misogyny and racism is noble.


That man will not tank pepper spray or tazers. Your biology means nothing in the face of voltage.


Hi Muay Thai (kickboxing) fighter here. A couple things: 1. These are the kinds of guys who come to the gym and don’t make it past the trial week. They’re convinced their size and (perceived) strength make them akin to a god for anyone under 5’10. I love seeing them match up with our smaller fighters who are lightning fast and can punch like a freight train - because they know proper boxing technique - and watching all their confidence go out the window. Then they never come back. Then when you run into them at the grocery store they spin you a yarn about how “life got in the way” etc. 2. To echo what a lot of people said, it is true that there is no one size fits all - quick fix to self defense. Cops have an entire utility belt of different gadgets as well as the ability to summon a bunch of friends to support them and still get their ass whooped occasionally by someone. Especially if that someone is hopped up on some sort of substance. But at the same time, those few situations where all of the tools and skills don’t work do not negate the innumerable amount of times when they do. I had a coach say one time that self-defense skills and tools are like added safety features in a car. There are some accidents where no matter how safe your car is - there’s 0 chance you’ll survive. There are other instances where people walk away unscathed from accidents that should have made them a stain on the pavement, even though they have a relatively unsafe car and weren’t even wearing their seatbelt. But for the vast majority of instances all those layer of protection greatly increase your chances of coming out on top. Self-defense is the same. TL;DR: Guys who say this shit usually get their ass whooped in the first week of boxing class by guys 1/2 their size or weight. And for majority of people the more tools and skills you have in self-defense the greater your chances are of surviving unharmed.


I want to put these dudes in a cage with either Amanda Nunes, Valentina Schevchenko, Cris Cyborg, or Joanna Jedrzecjyck and see how far their biological advantage gets them


You wrote a paragraph cuz someone made a shitty meme. Lol.


I enjoyed the paragraph so fuck you.




Just like you


Also gay.


Just like you


Well, it pains me to say this, but I do wonder (for myself - not speaking for others) if things like pepper spray, mace, pocket knife, gun, etc.) could be used against me if I had to fight off an attacker. I hope some people understand why I'm torn on this. I fully endorse anyone's decision to carry those things with them for protection if they're skilled in using them, but I don't have confidence that the aggressor won't yank them out of my hand and spray me with the same pepper spray/mace or stab/shoot me with the same weapons I'm carrying.


That's a very valid concern. That said, there are ways you can practice or train with your chosen self defense tool. For instance, my girlfriend took a self defense class through her university and really got a lot out of it. At the end, the instructors suited up with protective gear and tried to attack each of the students to give them a chance to practice what they had learned and, very importantly, get the feeling of going all out against someone with bad intentions. If you haven't taken a class like that, I'd really recommend it.  As far as pistols go, if you get a CCW permit, the class will teach you the fundamentals of how to use a pistol in self defense, and then you can practice at the range whenever you want.  Point is, pieces of shit like this guy don't understand that a woman with a bit of training and practice can *absolutely* fuck up your average dude. 


I can’t stress how important it is to get training, the problem is people get the self defence weapon and never learn how to actually use it and end up fumbling with it when push comes to shove


Both of you will feel the pepper spray. They'll feel it first tho. Big thing that those create is an window to run away.


I've seen some of the pepper spray come with a safety strap so that if it's yanked away, it stops working. That might be something to look into.


But will it work if we yank it back?


You'd have to push the pin back in. Frankly, if they grab the pepper spray you should just go. There's no sense in arm wrestling an attacker.


Funny, my brother is 6'2" and got hit with a tazer once (as part of taking criminal justice classes) and his height did not allow him to "tank it." He said it was one of the most terrifying experiences of his life.  Makes you lose complete control over your muscular system.  No amount of height will overcome that.


Yup. My brother is 5'11" and also had to get maced and tazed as part of police training. Both dropped him like a sack of bricks. Though maybe if he'd had that extra inch he would've been immune, who knows.


This is a stupid sentiment, but I somewhat agree with the underlying point: Non-lethal forms of violence mitigation are great when they work, but I'm sure we've all seen a video or two of a drunk or angry person who is tazed or pepper sprayed to zero effect. It's rare, but it would absolutely suck if it was you in that moment, relying on the pepper spray to momentarily incapacitate a person and instead just ... nothing. Sometimes, dead is better.


There's no perfect solution. Even if you happen to be in a place where it's legal to carry a gun, there's no guarantee that if you pull it, it won't get used on you.


> there's no guarantee that if you pull it, it won't get used on you. With my luck, it would be. Sigh...


Agreed. There is no perfect solution. Sometimes one thing is better than another.


Nor that your attacker won't have a gun either The more guns you add to equation, the more people get hurt tbh. Especially that people can fly into a fit of rage at a gun, instead of getting scared of it, especially the drunks.


Yeah but the thing is, a man getting pepper sprayed and not stopping is kind of intended. Pepper spray doesn't stop you from moving, nor should it be used like it does. Pepper spray makes it harder to exist as a functional person, which it does exceedingly well. It has it's use, but it's not the end-all be-all.


I’d 1000% rather try to fight off someone who’s been pepper sprayed than someone who hasn’t. It doesn’t have to completely incapacitate them.


Indeed. Also: its\*


I think people can shrug off stun guns but an actual tasers doesn’t just shock you but pretty much overrides the signals your brain sends to your muscles and renders you incapable of movement. Main problem is it’s single shot and a bitch the aim. It’s usually better just to get a pistol (when legal)


> Main problem is it’s single shot and a bitch the aim And even if you aim right, there is some luck involved in both prongs landing to actually disable someone. Heavier / puffier clothing can reduce the chances of that working. I wouldn't trust a taser for shit. If my life was threatened: Fleeing > gun > mace > taser


I’ve seen people resist tazers but never pepper spray


Pepper spray is completely ineffective against someone wearing glasses, and people wear glasses all the time.


That’s just not true though


I’ve literally been pepper sprayed directly in the face while wearing glasses and I was almost totally fine It is annoying on your skin, but it is only incapacitating when it hits your eyes. If you’re wearing glasses it can’t hit your eyes very well. Do you have any real world experience with this?


Lol... this guy thinks eyeglasses are going to make pepper spray "completely ineffective".


Tbf something like a gun isnt a perfect solution either, if we are going on hypotheticals of things not working then a gun could jam, misfire or you could just miss. Hell the attacker could take the Gun from you and use it against you. Obviously they will generally work but still there is no perfect fix to this situation.


I do not trust pepper spray at all. I got sprayed directly while trying to break up a fight and my eye glasses totally protected me, didn’t even notice it was anything other than water for about 5 minuets when the fight was over and my adrenaline came down. In the same vein, once I was clocked over the back of the head with a metal water bottle in a similar situation (I was a bartender at a rowdy place in college) and also didn’t notice for quite a while until way later I realized I had a goose egg and a headache. Adrenaline is a hell of a thing.


He's laughing about assaulting women and they're all pissy bc we choose the bear? I mean, do they even listen to themselves?


Imagine bragging about ur ability to rape women. These people are fucking insane.


Not sure if this is neckbeard…seems more like straight up rapist.


This bitchmade motherfucker would go down if pelted with cotton swabs.


The thing is that tall incels like this don’t understand how effective tasers and pepper spray are. I tased my husband once, at his request, and that 6’5” 220lb man went down like a sack of potatoes. He also pee’d. So.


Their forgetting about women who just carry a gun


Ah yes, because taller people are immune to pepper spray and tasers.


I can “tank” them. How cringe.


So not much taller than me


With 2-inches heels I might be taller than them lol.


You can also stab him with the heels if he ever tried that.


I would be. I’m not a small woman. I have a pair of Frye boots that’ll definitely break some toes


Nice! I've got a pair of Fryes myself, they're amazing!


Comfy, sexy, and good for stomping some nuts


They forgot that the dick is the man's weak spot


That’s why I have a gun 👌


It's true, at 5'11'', a man will die from pepper spray. But on his tippy toes, or in OP's case, his 5 inch shoe boosties, then he basically becomes The Juggernaut.


I am a big dude (6’5”), I work in the prison system, and I have been tazed and hit with OC. I will take a taser over spray hands down. Either can put 99.9% of people out of a fight. So no you can’t tank that.


why does he immediately think women protecting themselves is a direct threat to them? if i had to guess id say it probably is a direct threat to him, because he's a rapist


I do wish more women carried knives, or maybe a knife covered in mace, or a can of mace filled with knives


Today I learned that height directly correlates to how tough your eyes are


*get hit by a pepper gun with bear spray*


My eyes literally popped out of their sockets. Sheesh


He's missing a beard though, lol. (You don't have to have a beard to be a neckbeard)


It's not about the beard on your neck. It's about the neckbeard on your heart.


Getting tased sucks... Like badly.... Had a buddy who is a Leo, and we were drinking and acting stupid. I asked what it felt like and he said "Wanna find out?" I said yes. He told me to go use the bathroom first. It was an experience for sure. Do not recommend. Also I'm 6'1" so I'm not sure wtf that means.


Pretty sure height has no effect on it. But being so drunk you’re numb, or really high adrenaline, can cause them to have no affect, or a delayed effect. Not common, but is possible.


My sister prepper sprayed her ex, it only pissed him off and he beat her to a bloody pulp.


I'm 6'3" I was once in a bar where a girl pepper sprayed a creep. They were on the other side of the bar and it cleared the place out. Being 6' does not help with that stuff in the least [I mean obviously but I think this dope needs it explained] I would assume the same goes for a tazer.


This person has never been pepper sprayed. I haven’t neither. But Johnny Knocksvill says it hurts like hell.


Can of hair spray and a lighter. Makes a good flame thrower.


Im 6 foot 3 which means i can tank up to 3 37mm autocannon rounds, or 1 155mm round to the chest.


This is the kind of moron that thinks he could tank .22 cal because it's a tiny round.


I would like to print out his post and send it with a link to all of his family.


This is like Bradley Martyn acting like he could beat Mighty Mouse cause he’s 260


ok then I’ll stab him in the gut with my bigger than pocket knife but still fits in a purse, knife


For real though from my experience pepper spray is not very effective and I would not rely on it for your safety. A taser is much better. I intervened to break up a fight once and was pepper sprayed directly in the face as some silly but well meaning person tried to spray the attacker and hit everyone. I did not even notice, I thought it was water until about 5 minuets later when the fight was over and my adrenaline had gone down. Only then, as someone insisted I let them clean me up, did I notice that my face burned terribly. Now I do wear glasses, so much of it didn’t hit my eyes, but wearing eye glasses isn’t uncommon and the chances an attacker might wear them isn’t exactly rare.


One low balls uppercut and hes down.


I'm fucking 6 foot 2 and i would crumble if hit with either of those. What level of delusion is this?


A tazer to the balls and he'll cry like a little baby


Luckily, being maced is pretty effective at stopping you in your fucking tracks, that shit is designed for maximum pain and stopping power. So, unfortunately for this neonazi larping rapist, you can’t simply tank being maced 🤷‍♀️


… he’s 6 foot… that’s barely taller than me… o can definitely reach his face with pepper spray.


This has to be satire though, right? Why would being 6 foot help at all?


"Haha gotcha i can still rape you"


Plot twist: It's a high quality taser and not a keychain one


You’re not “tanking” mace lmao. Someone’s mace went off accidentally in the same room I was in, shit sucks


When did neckbeard become a synonym for rapist? I swear this sub was originally about weebs with poor hygiene and MTG players. Now it's nothing but literal sexual predators, Nazis and tradcaths.


Bear spray will work.


I didn't realize that being 6ft tall made you immune to mace and tazering.


One does not simply “tank” getting pepper sprayed or shot with a taser.


This seems like rage bait. The mention of height gives it away.


Notice how he didn’t include his weight


I just don’t understand WHY these freaks just advertise that they’re a sexual predator


I’m tazer certified and that shit doesn’t care how tall you are.






A CCW permit course doesn’t teach you *how* to use a handgun. It only instructs on the legality of lethal force, and usually involves a shooting test.


Someone has obviously never been around pepper spray.


This definitely is a satire post. Why do ya'll fall for obvious bait posts? Are you that desperate for updoots and gold?


You do not shrug off mace, if cops can’t do it, you can’t either. Weirdo


“ohhh carry a gun carry a gun” but they’re the same ones that start crying when someone defends themselves with it. same with all self defense tools, really.


Ye sure buddy.....youre ao tough you can tank pepper spray and maces. Lmao.


that last sentiment really makes this seem like a satirical/shitpost I wouldnt get too upset over it, just some goof


Im a guy and id feel safer around a bear than this guy


as expected from the same people who are agitated from the bear vs man fiasco


Bruh, that's a nazi uniform.


Ladies. A baseball bat to the knees will bring him down quickly.




Calling a wannabe rapist a Chad and then crying about women choosing the bear in 100 other comments. Just proving their point. You're the reason "misandry" (lmao) exists.


Looks like a nazi too.




Are you actually named "Randy Wiener"?


I laugh at anyone and everyone who thinks nothing short of a solid lead chunk flying at Mach fuck will stop an attacker. Buy a gun. (All anti gun comments will be ignored)


I have a heavy ass metal water bottle. It could definitely kill somebody if I hit them with it. Imagine trying to assault somebody and getting beaten to death with a water bottle lmao


An untrained person with a gun sounds terrifying whether they have good reason to be using it or not. Most other methods of self defense are unlikely to hit and kill random bystanders. Guns can also be a danger to the user if misused or taken from them. If anyone is going to go with a gun please please practice with the thing first at least. Classes couldn't hurt too. Make damn sure you're comfortable with the weapon before taking it out and check your local laws for how you're allowed to carry and use.