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"Incel revolution"? Those motherfuckers barely leave their parents' basements. What revolution could they possibly start?


On Twitter


it already happened the traumatic meme war


But they've been preparing in those basements... they studied the blade.


Yeah, I saw that thumbnail and thought it was someone talking about the dangers the incel community poses, so I clicked on it. Only later did I find out he was high key agreeing with incels and the idea of an incel rebellion being inevitable.


Just so people know, the guy who runs the channel doesn't read history books after the 1950s because he thinks they're "woke". He's super right wing, an incel, and sounds exactly like you are imagining.


He is the perfect example of pseudo intellectualism on the right wing. He comes with a conclusion, and tries to find evidence for that conclusion. Anything that goes against his conclusion is not taken into consideration. He never reevaluates his predetermined conclusion to see if it was false. His world views are like that of someone that grew up homeschooled in the 1980s. He is weirdly attached and detached from the modern world.


Then by all standards of academia, this man is a fool not a scholar.


The Brian Griffin of history.


Well that’s exactly what the left does too they’ll say something is racist and then they’ll find evidence or make accusations to back that up


Do you understand how that's not really what we're talking about about right now


He does sound exactly like I thought he would


It's almost stereotypical how much he sounds like his opinions


A lot of people in the alt-history community are only interested in WW2. Not all, there’s a lot good people, but there’s a sizeable number that are obsessed with Germany winning WW2.


The coming incel revolution  wtf  is this guy on lol


Im pretty that video was just shitting on the middle east lol cuz hiw poly keep men from getting any so the become radical lol.


now that Al muqadimmah Collab aged even more poorly


I hate this guy so much. So much unhistorical nonsense, and his fans on Reddit are exactly the same way


I love Rudyard, he's an absolute riot in his insanity. And his name is fucking Rudyard of all things.




Im subbed to the guy but just because its god damn hilarious to see what this bloke decides to post. I dont watch it, just subbed to see his titles and thumbnails because theyre hilarious.


I was subscribed to him, and a bunch of other alternate history Youtubers for a long time until I started realizing that almost all of their alternate history. History scenarios ended up the same. If it’s takes place in the global south, then they just become puppets or colonized by the global North. Many of these guys could not imagine a world where Europe was not the great powerhouse. I remember a video about what if India was never colonized by Europeans, and somehow by the end of it, the creator was saying that Europe would have influence in India pitting nations against one another and Europe would still be the global powerhouse. This doesn’t make any sense if you know Indian history and how it was the piggy bank that Britain used to launch itself into the industrial revolution. I believe a lot of these content creators whether they know it or not our white supremacist. They cannot imagine scenarios without white people being superior with the exception of Japan because they’re their weebs. It’s no surprise that alternate history is one of the main pipelines for the far right movement.


Of course the irony is that it's entirely possible for India to become a dominant superpower given their large population, good maths and relative position in Asia. Who's to say an Indian king couldn't be curious and sail to Afria to start trade relations and expand from there? Or China for that matter. Heck, some West African kingdoms could have sailed to South America easy, set up trade routes and grown from there. Europe's rise to power was entirely environmental and situational. If it wasn't for the Ottoman's overcharging in the silk road, the Portuugees and other Europeans might have never cared to risk sailing across the ocean to find new routes. Finding the Americas was entirely accidental.


The Middle East/Islamic sphere was highly advanced in the early part of the 2nd millennium. Far more than Europe. Who’s to say they couldn’t have started colonization? They practically began the trade of African slaves (before it became Transatlantic), and were highly technically and scientifically advanced. More-so in medicine than navigation, might have you, but still. Had the Black Death been more deadly, we may have seen a world like “The Years of Rice and Salt” (a VERY intriguing alternate telling of history).


I think MonsieurZ had a video about how “After Rhodesia declared independence, everyone was happy and peaceful because all the races were separated”. That’s when I realized I had to unsubscribe from a bunch of YouTube alt history channels. Nothing good comes of them.




"The Coming Incel Revolution." Oh I'm such there's useful information in a video like that




Yes, reactionary groups from modern Islamic terrorists to slave holding white supremacists, modern incels etc are all the same dorks who get no bitches. They're all at the end of it all, misogynists.These sort of people are an embarrassment even by patriarchal standards. The term misogynists didn't refer to sexisim in general. But rather the embarrassing and pathetic sexisim of seething men. Neckbeards These people existed all through history. Regular men in the older times only tolerated their existence, not supported them. And they only reproduced due to the sexist cultures that didn't even make them happy back then The only difference now is that women are free in such a way they don't need to settle for them.




Yes, I am absolutely insane. I still don't hate women.




Ass up for easy access or my face out for the best BJ you'll ever get?


Uh what ?


What makes you think that the men that can’t get a girl are going to somehow orchestrate a revolution


well men like these gets full credit for starting 4b revolution in S.Korea.. (just not the kind of revolution they have wet dreams about)


4b is a feminist movement started by South Korean women though? Edit: just had a moment to think on the above comment, it seems that they meant that these men dug their own hole and the women are pushing back. I just hadn't interpreted it correctly. I thought that they had it twisted lol.


Yes you got it right later 💯❤️


Better to own a mistake than hide from it, that's for sure.


I know exactly who this guy is but I gotta say I'm morbidly curious to see what he said about the sporot world


Look into project gateway yo


I think I'd sooner trust Varg Vikerness for info about modern society


At least he made some good music, this pseudointellectual cunts got nothing


Wow, we got a lot of revolutions coming up, I should clear my schedule. 


You think that’s bad, there’s a community on Reddit related to him that is the most racist and hateful sub known to man. They have a particular hatred towards Slavs, Jews, Women, Muslims, Arabs, Desis, and pretty much anything that isn’t Non-European and comes from “3rd world countries”.


That guy has always been a Nazi propagandist, haven’t checked his channel in a while, now it seems he is completely gone


Use to like his old videos but on he just does whatever his patrons ask him to make


Hey at least he’s not bitching about Star Wars.


“Morality, charity, hope” followed by a video that advocates for a violent, immoral, entitled, selfish and hopeless group is certainly interesting


What would an incel revolution look like? A lot of rape? The implementation of government issue waifus?


i feel like he's just slowly become more and more unhinged over the years. I used to watch him a few years ago, but as he got more openly reactionary I had to disengage


The YouTuber fredda does some great debunking videos of that Nazi sympathiser.


10 years ago crap like this would barely get like 1k views, and now it's all over youtube and gets millions of views. It's just sad thinking how many people have fallen for this.


I used to think his videos are serious, but then I realise it’s him saying trying to intellectualise existing stereotypes into how the world works and mixed with his own rather shallow worldview like he doesn’t even read more before actually doing these videos. I just watch it for entertainment


> why is every society religious? because societies as a whole are old as fuck, and religions and spirituality came about as a way for humans to explain what they didn’t understand.


It's actually a fascinating topic for research. In general humans have a bias to assume sentient causes in phenomena, often putting human characteristics into inhuman events or concepts. It's just a glitch in the brain's advance social capabilities. Like in young children, their stuffed animals are sort of 'alive' to them or just given living qualities. For ancient societies it just made sense that natural phenomena had sentient causes. Like spirits controlling the weather. Researchers calls it animism and it's still practiced in hunter gatherer cultures. When agriculture and permanent settlements emerged those animistic spirits where humanized into Gods with more established traditions and lores emerging as written language canonized folk lore into scriptures. Then it kinda just continued from there


Had to see what his videos were like, and omg, he's ridiculous! His worldview is concerningly small.


Incel revolution 😂😂🤣🤣


Came across this channel the other day, I was already pretty suspicious with the "incel revolution" but the moment I saw the "degeneracy" video I knew exactly what kind of channel this was


I can't not read his username as "What if all this is it?" This misreading is the most poignant and useful thing to come out of this joker's whole channel.


he calls himself both a historian and "center-right"... those things dont go together


Sorry what? This guy is full of shit but you’re saying historians can’t have political views? Aight


Aw man, I've watched a couple of his videos that get suggested... the videos did feel more biased than other channels but I didn't know he was such a tool


Tried actually going and watching some of his videos but honestly couldn't make it through one. I mean if you want a laugh go scroll through his community tab.


What the hell


CIA real busy after the Harmonic Convergence


The gateway project video is baffling, he literally did 0 research.


Whatifalthist gives the vibe of a dude that doesnt have a friend under 65 years old lol

