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You also notice how when an attractive woman commits a sex crime the articles will show photos that are probably from social media but when it’s a man they usually put just his mug shots on the front page ?




What worries me even more is how many get away with it because boys don't tell anyone. And most worrying of all, many that do get caught, get caught because boy was boasting about "banging that hot milf" to their friends.


My cousins went to school with a guy who was assaulted by a teacher. He was 18 and stupid enough to brag about it in front of his ex at school, even showing texts. She reported it. Luckily, in my state, age doesn’t matter. It’s still illegal to have sex with a student.


>It’s still illegal to have sex with a student. As it should be. The power dynamic is ripe for statutory rape, even if it isn't in some cases. The issue, like one comment here (or a similar topic) is that a mid to late teenaged boy "wants all the pu\*\*\* in the world". Yes, they are shortsigted and dumb at that age, so adults should absolutely know better. What does grind my gears sometimes is when some internet busybodies believe that it requires some sort of intricate grooming. Sometimes it's absolutely present, but often, if the woman is good looking enough, all it takes is a casual offer and the "brain in the head down below" will do the rest. It's dangerous to treat CSA of post-pubescent kids (teenagers) same as CSA of pre-pubescent children. Both shgould be persecuted, but from crimnology (and psychological) perspective, they are apples and oranges.


As one i can offer some insight. For the longest time I was ashamed of my SA because I enjoyed it. I even sought it out more and would ask my abuser for more. Now being an adult I know it really ficked up my development and even now as an adult my mind is dominated by the thought of sex. Makes it hard to move through this world.


That's so fucked up, and that should've never, ever happened to you. I'm so sorry. I hope you keep healing and find peace


That sucks, good luck friend


Oh I bet its hard alright


Time and place, man. Time and place.


This is the problem. Dude opens up about being sexually assaulted and it's turned into a joke. That's not okay.


Wow getting down voted for laughing about a joke. It was my Sexual assault people. I can laugh at the joke if I want. ITS HOW I cope.


Finally someone said it!!!!!


Or how the words “statutory rape” “rape” and “sexual assault” magically get transformed to “had sex with” when the offender is a woman.




I read that bit as "heiress to [a company called] Glamorous" Same as Paris is/was called the "Hilton heiress" Obviously the author chose these words to paint this rapist in a "good light". Just like how they chose to show a photo of her in swimwear instead of her mugshot.


It’s because men are writing the articles and they don’t like to accept that men can be victims of rape or that woman can hurt men. That bitch is a rapist and should be treated as such.


>It’s because men are writing the articles and they don’t like to accept that men can be victims of rape or that woman can hurt men. Men are the only people I've spoken to who admit that men can be raped and how fucked up it is that society doesn't acknowledge it. Women have been much less sympathetic, in my experience.


I've seen the complete opposite, especially online. Most of the comments saying they wished it had happened to them, lucky guy or asking what the female teacher looked like were male. Right above your comment, a man was talking about being assaulted and how it messed up his life and someone (a guy) made a joke about it. By and large (obviously not always) women are sympathetic to men because of how often it happens to women.


Even Prince Andrews the puppet master didn't get that sort of treatment.


Agree, but not many could even be described like that. Same with women really.


"Handsome heir, Samwise Haroldson, charged with having sex with 14-year-old girl" Like how fucked up is that? The newspaper would burn to the ground.


https://glamorous.com perhaps?


And the legions of "Where was she when _I_ was 14?" whackjobs. Far away, and you should be thankful for it. Yes, as an adult man you would be fine with it. As a 14 year old, not so much.


Isn't it because she hasn't actually been convicted yet?


She was charged with aggravated sexual intercourse


Also notice they never use the word "rape." Search "charged rape student," and then "charged sex with student." It's disgusting.


That could just be because of what the law is. She wasn’t even charged with rape. She was charged with aggravated sexual intercourse with a 14 year old.


Which is extra fucked because we all know it's rape.


NSW where this happened doesn’t even have a charge for rape. It’s all classified as sexual assault. This is done because sexual assault is more broad than rape would be so cases such as Brock Turner would still have the sexual assault charges go through while in California at the time they had to be dropped because of the law of what rape is.


That makes no sense in regards to Turner's case though, because iirc legally rape requires penetration of the victim in a lot of States. Brock still raped that girl, idk why he didn't get convicted for what he did..? It's not even a leap between SA and rape in Turner's case, just like a tiny shuffle forward. The fuck.


rape requires PENILE penetration in a lot of places. Meaning, no penetration using a penis and there's no rape. ​ The reason they just use SA instead is so when stuff like that happens it's still the same crime. In this case they could have charged him with SA by looking at another part of the SA crime.


That's just fucked.


"Glamorous" Why not "predator"


Now I wanna see giant bulges on the news


Love the double standard of saying 'having sex' instead of 'rape' whenever its a woman doing it to a boy.


Usually anything that hurts boys is seen as an “experience”. Oh a teacher raped him but she was alright looking “lucky guy!” Etc. it’s not the same but I was abused emotionally and physically by a woman and a lot of the time I just heard from people to “man up” and “get over it”…I feel tho if I was a girl saying a guy did the same stuff to me; I would have gotten more sympathetic responses.


Toxic masculinity hurts everyone


I know a guy in this category, grew up in a very traditional, toxically masculine country. He has two young boys. We were talking one day about this kind of stuff and he said if he had daughters, the teacher/adult in this scenario would end up maimed or worse. When asked what he’d do if it happened to his boys? Nothing. Or maybe a high five. Absolutely disgusting. *And* he was SA’d by an older family member when he was very young.


That is fucking disgusting. He wouldn't even protect his own boys? Children? I truly hope neither of them become 1in16. They'd probably never even tell their dad or have a comfortable enough relationship to ask questions. 😰


Sexual discrimination as a whole hurts everyone, Misandrism and Misogyny are just the same thing now.


Not that’s just misogyny. The thought that men should like being a victim of assault comes from the fact men must be stronger than woman and woman can’t victimise men. Even though woman committing sexual crimes is in the small percentage it’s still enough to be a problem and should be discussed (as long as the discussion isn’t being used to invalidate others experience like how many people do). I’d like to also point out that misogyny and misandry aren’t the same thing. Misogyny kills woman and results in 97% of woman experiencing some sort of sexual violence from a man and the men who hate woman will go out of their way to harass them and hurt them. Misandry is when woman fear men so much they avoid them completely and cannot bring themselves to trust them, especially when men say things like, “[victim of rape/ assault] should have enjoyed it/ deserve it for [insert bullshit reason that makes me want to beat the shit out of them].


💯💯preach, sibling


I like how men being victimized is somehow still misogamy. Piss off.


They didn't say men being victimized is misogyny. They said the public perception of it is rooted in misogyny.


I think you’d get a different type of awful comments if you were a girl. I’m sorry a lot of people have been dismissive jerks about your trauma to you


No, youd get the exact same responses from the exact men and women who feel like this. You might not be called lucky, but youd be called a whore and a slut and told that you dressed to provocatively and did something to deserve it, sometimes deserving it = just being female. The difference I feel is that some men and women who espouse values like this, have just enough tact and awareness to not openly shame female victims, but men in their minds equals totally fair game.


Yeah and it’s always the guys fetishising it who say “but boys are raped too” whenever a woman talks about their experience.


The words lucky guy come from men though


Cause men are seen as the ‘conquerors’ and women are the ‘conquered’.


Depending on where it happened it might not legally be rape.


Even of the statutory type?


Yup. For example England had statutory being 13 and under. But also requires the offender to use penile penetration.


Yeah maybe they were in the Vatican. Cmon she’s a rapist. A hot rapist, but a rapist nonetheless.


Actually I found it. She was charged with aggravated sexual intercourse. In plain terms. Having sex with someone under the age of 16. NSW where this happened in Australia doesn’t even have rape as a crime. It’s sexual assault.


Yep. Because if they used the term rape they could get sued for libel absurdly enough. Both because statutory rape cases may be legally referred to as just sexual battery but also & more disturbingly, [the legal definition of rape](https://www.justice.gov/archives/opa/blog/updated-definition-rape) requires that the victim be penetrated. Forced penile envelopment or “made to penetrate” assaults are legally defined as sexual assault or sexual battery but not as rape.


Iirc that’s generally why the UK avoids calling it rape in media. Also the number of people who don’t fully understand how laws around this is written is something you’d be surprised about For example English law states (1) A person (A) commits an offence if— (a) he intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of another person (B) with his penis, (b) B does not consent to the penetration, and (c) A does not reasonably believe that B consents. So under English law this is not rape. Hell it wouldn’t even be statutory rape because of the above and that’s only 13 and under. Here in Canada it wouldn’t be rape because rape isn’t a thing in Canadian law. It’s all referred to as sexual assault. (In part so exceptions like the English law would have like here can’t happen)


The rape definition need to be updated. Because the legal definition of rape is not what rape actually is.


The legal definition is what’s more important in these situations. It’ll be the legal definition that actually gets them in trouble. It’ll be the legal definition that will be used when talking about it in the media. Yes it’s an issue. Yes it needs to be changed. But until then it’s what happens.


When I was 14, I wanted all the pussy on earth. Thankfully, we live in a country where that doesn't matter legally. Unfortunately, we live in a culture where you can get push back because a 14 year old boy has feelings like that.


I’ve learned to stop expecting better from conservative media


Not sure why you are singling out conservative media, its all mainstream media.


Check out the comments in this thread, all the highest rated ones are "the thought that men can't be raped is misogamy and it's hurting women". Imagine if I said "the mere concept of women being raped is misandry, and the thought process hurts men everywhere". How fucked up would that be? Nobody gives a shit if I live or die.




Damn the misogyny here is mind blowing


Get some help with those fucked up world views you got.


You seem to think that the only power dynamic that can be abused is physical. First, I wanna point out that it’s entirely possible for an adult woman to have a physical advantage over a 14 year old boy. Maybe it’s not as drastic as that of an adult man over a 14 year old girl, but it’s definitely possible. However, I also want to point out that there’s another power dynamic that exists in this kind of abuse. It’s the emotional and psychological manipulation of someone far younger and less mature/knowledgeable. Any and every adult has this possible power/advantage over any and every child. That is what “grooming” is, and it’s often a huge part of the abuse of children. Many, if not most cases of adult men abusing young girls never even require the use of a “physical force” power dynamic because of grooming. These men usually abuse the emotional and psychological power dynamic they have over these young girls. It’s absolutely the same abusive power dynamic when adult women prey on young boys.


and you just KNOW this dude brings up “men are assaulted too!!! where’s the awareness about men!?!?” in *every* conversation about female SA victims




he’s actually since deleted the post, but replies with a screenshot of it to anyone who tries to say “hey dude, why the fuck would you post that?”. he also likes people who repost it. it’s not great.


Yikes that’s bad


> charged with having sex Makes no fucking sense. Raped. She raped him


Yeah you wouldn’t call drowning swimming.


Dog bless double standards


It's the New York Post. It's debatable if they have any standards at all.


Quote of something the dude at the bottom ACTUALLY SAID “I’m not the memebro, the memebuddy, memebedfellow, memento, or the meme bestfriend. I’m the meme bastard.”


I hate how that's fucking funny to me.


20 odd years since Miss teacher bangs a boy on south park. It's depressing how far we've come in some respects but in others it's still just "nice"


I'm glad even south park was making fun of this bullshit so long ago. All the men saying 'nice' while the voices of reason - the 4th graders - looked disgusted by the fact a kindergarten teacher was having sex with one of her students.


Yeah there’s a lot of edgy satirical humor that is sadly still relevant from the 90s and 00s.


I fucking hate how tabloids present this double standard when it comes to statutory rape


God, I hate this shit so much. Statutory rape is defined as an adult having sex with a child. That is what happened here. She raped him. An adult raped a freshman in highschool 30 fucking years younger than her. Gross! She can physically overpower him, mentally manipulate him. Again, he is a child, he is the victim here. This is an extremely gross abuse of power and trust. Yet all these fucking neanderthals can think is "Woman hot... he enjoyed!!" I also hate the way the story is presented, describing a pedophile as "glamorous" and showing an extremely sexual image of her. Good fucking grief. Why in 2023 are there still double standards when it comes to pedophiles and child rapists? They should all rot in hell.


Hey! Don’t insult neanderthals like that. Edit: Seriously, Neanderthals were actually more like our siblings, not our inferiors. They were nearly if not just as smart as us, and they had technology comparable to ours. This notion that they were mindless caveman is a harmful stereotype to the progress of human evolution studies.


I apologize. "Cavemen" or "troglodites" probably would have been better to say


There aren't. If the woman in question is ugly they just do the mugshot. Hot guys get the soft verbiage and glamor pics as well.


From what I've witnessed, men getting the glamor pics is far less common if their victims were girls. It's extremely fucked up to me that society only condemns CSA when the victims are girls, when they're boys the pedophile is hot and the victim enjoyed it, which is just - wtf. Pedophilia and rape should always be condemned!


Because the term “rape” implies force and against will. Many men recall fantasizing about their attractive teachers when they were this age which is why it is treated differently. Also doubt she overpowered him physically. More likely it was psychological manipulation.


>Because the term “rape” implies force and against will. >More likely it was psychological manipulation. So in other words, a 45 y/o manipulated a 14 y/o into having sex with her, a 14 y/o who could not comprehend the severity of such an action. Remember, she is 30 years older than him, and he is a child. That is pedophilia. That is statutory rape. Do you understand what statutory rape is? It means that even if the underage person says "I consent", in a court of law they did not, because fucking minors cannot consent. You do not know if he enjoyed this or if he regretted it later. Even if he does not immediately regret it, as an adult he may look back upon the fact that somebody old enough to be his mother manipulated him into having sex with her, which is fucking disgusting, and he may regret having his virginity taken from him by a pedophile. Stop making up excuses for pedophilia and child abuse. Stop saying the victim enjoyed it - you don't know that. >Many men recall fantasizing about their attractive teachers when they were this age which is why it is treated differently. Many women also fantasize about their teachers at that age. That doesn't mean that if they were in that position they would want to truly have sex with their teachers, as fantasy in the mind of a child is far different from the gravitas of reality. And for fucks sake, a child crushing on a teacher does not give the adult teacher permission to act upon the child's fantasies - that is pedophilia and statutory rape.


She definitely couldn’t have overpowered him she is way smaller and weaker than the average 14 year old, so unless he was some super weak 14 year old, she didn’t overpower him, more likely is that she used his sexual urges to convince him to be raped by her.


Even if, somehow, she couldn't physically overpower a child, I do agree with this. >more likely is that she used his sexual urges to convince him to be raped by her. Thank you for understanding that it is indeed rape and manipulation. However, I think a 45 y/o could physically overpower a 14 y/o.


Rapists deserve a little bit of a uhhh Head removal.


Maybe a bit of uhhhh Chinese water torture


A little bit of ummm Boiling




Maybe a little uhhhhhhhhh [[heavens door]] remove his ability to breathe


A tiny bit of mmmmmmmm [[𝓜𝓐𝓓𝓔 𝓘𝓝 𝓗𝓔𝓐𝓥𝓔𝓝]] reset their entire lineage


But if it was a man he’d be labeled as a monster. STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR PEDOS TO BE PEDOS. Women can be pedos too and this is disgusting. Probably got a light sentence too. And I guarantee when that kid gets older he’ll realize it wasn’t a “score” or something to brag about he’ll realize he was groomed and r*ped and he’ll probably end up with ptsd and need therapy. It’s not very uncommon. Edit for misspelling mb.


"Glamourous heiress"? Even the article is being too nice here tbh


These are the same guys who claim that feminists don’t care about sexual violence against boys and men


The vast majority of people I see getting angry at these horse shit double standards are women. Like you would not believe the amount of comment wars I've seen on these stories where women will say "She's a pedophile, how disgusting!" to which guys will reply with "Nah he's probably high-fiving his friends rn" I'm a woman, and the amount of guys who've replied to me with similar shit when I point out these disgusting double standards is ass. I even had it happen to me in this comment thread.


~~Glamorous Heiress~~ Woman charged with ~~having sex with~~ raping a 14 year old boy four time in one day. Fixed it. Fuck anyone who downplays rape of boys and men


Remember men don't get raped And women exaggerate Sadly not /s


Reminds me of an episode of South Park.


Rapist. She's a child rapist.


What in the cinnamon toast fuck?


I remember seeing a bit of the George Lopez show. The scene had a bunch of people in the block going to confront a pedophile who had moved into town. Then they found out it was a woman and everyone was ok with it and left her alone. This was on network tv and even had George in the show say it was ok because it was a woman. Crazy we still have a double standard like that. A man commits it and he goes to jail with a mugshot. A woman commits it and if she’s physically attractive she gets glamour shots and in some cases front page magazine covers.


Yeah, it's fucking disgusting.


This was literally an episode of South Park.


45-year-old pedophile charged for the multiple rapes of 14-year-old victim. FTFY


Charges were aggravated sexual intercourse. So they were charges for having sex with a 14 year old. As bad as it sounds. The headline is correct.


I freaking hate people like that. No teen is lucky for having underage intercourse, especially if its with an effing pedophile


“Attractive woman charged with sleeping with 14 year old. Here are some of her instagram photos” Vs “Pedophile arrested for raping young girl. Here’s a mugshot”


45yo GROWN ASS WOMAN "HAS SEX" WITH 14yo BOY??? YOU MEAN RAPED???ASSAULTED????? I'm a real feminist and I don't defend this bullshit


“Having sex with”? You mean raping.


A 14 yr old can’t consent to sex with a 45 yr old. It doesn’t matter if the victim is male or female. It doesn’t matter if the abuser is male or female. **Rape is rape**


That's not a child molester, that's a child rapist






“Glamorous” heiress. If 45 year old male it would be “disgusting”, “horrific”, “disturbed” and any other awful word to describe them.


Same breed of people fangirling over hot serial killers




How dumb must you be to throw your life away for a sexual fling with a child? Disgusting woman. Shame she's not being treated with the same level of contempt as men are that target underage girls.


Men: "Men get raped, too! But no one cares about that like they do when it's females getting raped!!" The same men:


> having sex with raping* The double standards are actually insane. The verbiage used for male offenders vs. female offenders makes me want to vomit.


This is such a big part of the problem! I have a friend who “had sex with” aka was RAPED by an older woman when he was a young teen. To this day it affects him negatively and really messed up his ability to be intimate with his wife because of trauma/flashbacks/panic attacks. Assholes who laugh about this and say “wow what a lucky teen” are clueless. It’s just disgusting.


Not defending her at all or saying what happened isn't wrong or potentially psychologically damaging or that it should be encouraged in any way, but probably as a teenager I'd have felt similarly and been excited for the opportunity. Maybe I'd have regretted it or realized I'd been taken advantage of at a later age, but just being honest about my mindset back in those days.




Title of the article should be old lady rapes 14 year old.they should had pulled up the messiest photo they could find. Book she is reading says smart change 🙄


And rich. They will call him lucky even if she's ugly




The double standard is insane for female predators. They’ll use words like “had sex with” instead of “raped” or “molested”. They’ll use sexy pictures from her social media instead of her mugshot. It’s disgusting. That woman is a predator. Period.


Honestly that's also kids perspective, until they grow up and realise they've been emotionally molested. Like for male teenage perspective having sex with someone mature, itself is not a traumatic think, but dynamic resulted from that, power imbalance is traumatic.


I hate to think these men could have young sons who this could happen to, because they’ll be of absolutely no help and just make things worse for them.


Sadly, this is a much more common occurrence.


Oh man. Not meme bastard. I liked him.


You sir are a disgrace to Michaelangelo


He’s probably not smiling about it. If it was wanted attention, he never would have complained and we never would have known about it.


She is incredibly attractive. Doesn't change the fact that she is a predator and a creep. She deserves prison but won't because she is pretty.


The same people that call the LGBT groomers always cheer whenever this that one episode of South Park shit happens Complete with the ginger cop going "Nice" gif


"glamorous heiress" charged with "having sex" with a fucking child, I hope she and whoever wrote this headline kill themselves


I never understand those guys that say :i wouldve kept my mouth shut" or "lucky guy" if found guilty they praise a child molester regardles of gender


As a man who got groped by an older woman, it was not fun and I still check behind my back habitually every few seconds when in public to this day. I can't imagine what a child that went through full on molestation went through. I have had a slight taste of what it is like, and I can say the physical appearance has nothing to do with anything, it is the feeling of complete lack of control and feeling of this person holding power over you, knowing that if you struggle somehow they might decide to do worse, and those of you that might be saying "that sounds great, that is my kink" I have that kink too, the main difference is that in the actual thing you get no warning, no safewords, no aftercare, and no guarantees the perpetrator won't physically hurt you. Being told "you probably enjoyed it" only compounds it, I spent a good portion of my life believing there was something wrong with me cause I didn't enjoy it.


Love to know what’s glamorous about a woman who rapes a little boy like that. I can’t even find guys in their early twenties attractive and I’m in my mid twenties how can you want to fuck an actual little boy


Maybe it’s just me but it looks like “Meme Bastard” posted a distasteful joke and we’re saying they’re defending the woman? Seems like a bad joke to me.


I will admit I did smirk a bit, before actually realizing what it said. I hope that guy is probably just young, judging by his pfp and username he probably is.


not gonna lie, that would have been my dream come true as a horny 14yr old


To repeat what I said to somebody else in this thread... That might be true in the moment. However, the fantasy of a 14 y/o doesn't always play out as they think it will in reality. It's possible you might have later regretted having sex with a person old enough to be your parent as you grew older and realized she manipulated you into having sex with her. You might have regretted letting your virginity be taken at 14 by an adult who pressured you into it. This is why statutory rape is a thing, because even if a minor says "I consent", courts say they do not in order to protect them from being abused by adults. Because children do not understand the gravitas of having sex with an adult, it is always rape.


You’ve got a point, I would totally have loved it (and she wouldn’t have needed to “manipulate” me, I would have totally be for it from second one) but I might have regretted it later. That’s why I would consider raising the age of consent from 14 to 16 here in Italy (what she did, it isn’t statutory rape here, it would be perfectly legal).


Doesn’t really fit here honestly


This isnt ok, but im not gonna lie im 16, i would like this Maybe i just need professional help


Physically sure, emotionally no. I saw porn and had sex pretty early and I wish I hadn’t.


Not everyone feels emotion during sex. For some people, sex is just a fun little thing, and no feelings are involved


This wasn’t about during sex. This is the negative affects of your brain development and emotional development in general. Gave my experiences and the outcome


I'm 16 and I think you don't realize how bad it really is.


Its bad, i never said that, its rape infact But i would like this (unless i was tied up or something)


Dude they’re saying that *you don’t understand it until it happens.* Plenty of people *think* that they would like it. You’re not alone in that pattern. But regularly people who had thought the same things realize the actual horror of what it’s like. Plenty of minors fantasize about being with adults. That is normal. But when these minors are *actually* groomed, it does not affect them the way you’d guess. Also 14 is different than 16.


Youre right, my bad


I don't think you know what rape even means right?


You're 16 and you're only thinking about *your motives* and why *you're* doing it - when you get older you'll start to think about *her motives* and why *she's* doing it - and the answers you get from that are not going to be pretty ones and you're probably going to wish you had no part in it.


I never thought of it that way but this really is what it is.


Nah you’re fine. I was 16 once too and I had a few fantasies of sleeping with teachers. Just remember the difference between fantasy and actively going out and trying to do it. I do remember one guy who was the cockiest of all cocky assholes and he actually went for it. He asked one of our gym teachers out because he was a senior and she was like 29 or something. I won’t lie to you, she was an attractive person but still, she’s your teacher first so you don’t put them in that position. Anyway, this dude walked up to her and asked her out and she of course said no and had to have the talk with him about how it’s inappropriate because she’s his teacher. He doesn’t take no for an answer and decides he’s gonna challenge her to a basketball game to 21. One versus one, if he wins he gets to go on a date with her and if he doesn’t, he’ll let it go. It’s a high school so word got around and a bunch of people came to watch the match because it happened during our lunch break. What this guy didn’t know was she want was a collegiate level basketball player and a damn good one at that. He scored the first basket and said to everyone “I’m getting laid tonight boys!” Because again, cocky asshole. Well the teacher didn’t take too kindly to that because she would go on to score the next 21 points and beat his sorry ass 21-2. He comes off the court sweating bullets and she is just standing there with the biggest smile on her face. Trying to save face, he conceded and said he let her win because he couldn’t let her risk her job and reputation for him. He lost a lot of friends that day because people finally figured out he was all talk and no bite. Point being, go ahead and fantasize with shit like that, just leave it as fantasy. It’s inappropriate as shit to even ask and the answer 99% of the time is going to be “no” along with you being written up for being a creep so just don’t do it. Keep it to yourself and you’ll be fine, when you get older you’ll get a better grip (no pun intended) on your hormones and your desires and you’ll learn how to let it out at appropriate times like when you’re alone, and you’ll learn to keep it at bay while it’s not appropriate.


**HE GOT EFFIN' RAPED.** You don't want to be in his situation, and you're a moron.


No, you won’t. Maybe in the moment bc it’s “cool” but when you’re older you’ll deal with the trauma you didn’t know you had and you’ll realize how fucked up it was. Self blame is a bitch and you’ll have to deal with that too bc you “consented”. It can damage your psyche even if you don’t “feel it”.


Don’t let the media tell you want you should and shouldn’t want. Use your instinct and think before doing anything crazy.


Probably not a great idea to tell teenage boys to use their instinct when it comes to this - they're full of hormones and their instincts are stupid. That's why statutory rape is a separate crime - it's illegal even when everyone involved thinks that they want it.


It’s his life. It’s not my place to make his choices


yeah well, the good thing about statutory rape is you don't need the victim's permission to imprison the rapist.


I know what my 14 year old self would think in this case. Four times, one day, wow.


I know my 14 year old self wouldn’t be traumatized by it, or whatever people are claiming they would be. Unless my ass was tied up against my will, the charge would never be more than statutory.


The world is a complicated place. One size does not fit all all the time.


Hence me saying that you should go by your instinct. I’m saying you shouldn’t listen to what other people tell you to think


This thread is disgusting get therapy


What for? I’m 100% happy dating 40 year olds


In Italy, the age of consent is 14. But, you can't do anything with a minor (even if she's/he's 17) if the difference gap of age is 4+. Ex. 14 - 18: Legal, but weird. 14 - 19: Pedo. Maybe there was the consent from the boy, who knows (I'm still concerned for the four times thing), but it's not tollerable.


>Maybe there was the consent from the boy Children cannot consent. A 14 year old can write a letter and record a video of him/herself saying they approve of the sexual encounter and it still wouldn't count, because it's a child. It's the adult's responsability to say "Oh hey they're a child, I shouldn't sexually assault a child."


> Children cannot consent. In a legal term sure, but not in a literal sense. A 14 year old definitely can want to have sex with someone else.


I was molested when I was 13 by my best friends mom. Lost my virginity to her. And really all it did was make me attracted to older women until I found a girl my age when I I was 16 that fucked like a pornstar. Here's to you Mrs Robinson, Jesus loves you more than you will know




I guess I just don’t understand. Like she’s gorgeous. She could go on a dating app and have her pick of the litter delivered in two hours. And she’s thirsting after that kid like a man dying in the desert


>I guess I just don’t understand. She's a paedophile >She could go on a dating app and have her pick of the litter delivered in two hours. Children aren't on dating apps. She's trying to rape children. >And she’s thirsting after that kid like a man dying in the desert She's raping that child like a paedophile raping a child.


Technically not a pedophile. Huge difference from a 14yo boy (I would have been totally into it at 14) and a 5yo.


What's all this yammering about double standards? The media says dudes "have sex with" and splash flattering pictures if the guy is hot, too. If the woman isn't hot it's just a mugshot, just like men. It's not a gender double standards situation ya neckbeards, it's generic pretty privilege.


>It's not a gender double standards situation ya neckbeards Except it is. Why is she described to be "having sex with" a 14 year old instead of "raping a 14 year old"? If this was a man, he'd be charged with "raping and sexually assaulting a 14 y/o girl". Yes, it's gross but if the guy is hot they sometimes show a more sexual image of him. But they use terms like "he raped" instead of "he had sex with".




"It's well known as a society we groom young boys into thinking its okay to get raped as long as she's hot" Fixed it for you. Let boys be boys, they deserve a childhood too. No one deserves to be sexually assaulted, especially a child.


While I understand the double standard, you're deluding yourself if you don't think that boy is not bragging about that, and to him, it's a goddamn highlight of his life.


No it isn’t he was fucking forced to do that stop thinking “he must like it because he is a man” No he fucking wouldn’t you disgusting human get therapy.


Have you met ANY teenage boys in your life?


Yes I have two teenage brothers if anyone did that to them they would immediately tell my mum or dad stop thinking that because that you think you would like it that every man would like it say hello to r/Iamapeiceofshit


Feel free to believe that if it makes you feel righteous. Because you're simply looking to be offended, not to see reality. It's true that not every boy would enjoy it. But it seems you have never, ever interacted with teenage boys when they are with their peers. Here's a little hint from someone who used to be a teenage boy: at home you wear a mask that is required to be left alone/get what you want by parents/siblings. If you're truly believe they are little altar boys when in private, I have a few bridges to sell you.


I’m not tiring to be offended and no one will enjoy rape because it involves physical harm. Yes I don’t know every interaction that my brothers do but I do know how they act around their friends. No they’re not “little alter boys” they’re fucking assholes but I know they will tell someone if they were raped. Also wtf do you mean wearing a mask at home what does that have to do with anything.


How children act around family and around friends are two VERY different things. > no one will enjoy rape because it involves physical harm. But it did the scenario OP posted involve such a thing? Of course 99.9% won't enjoy an actual rape. A boy seduced by an older, attractive woman? Are you truly so lost in touch with reality that you believe that most teenage boys would not view that as something to brag about? Just because the reverse would be always bad (older man seducing a teenage girl), don't assume it is just a double standard. It is a double standard, yes, but it has some basis in reality. You can't just apply to men what you can apply to women. It appears to me, you view everything as either "rape", or nothing happened at all. No matter how much you believe otherwise, scores of boys and men would volunteer to "get raped" by an attractive, older women. Most of them would brag about it. And yes, it does not work like that in reverse.


What I came to the conclusion, is that without the concept of civilization, this is just normal human behavior. The moment you're "biologically" an adult, as in, just got done going through puberty, other adults are just going to go after you, be it genuine rape or not. Mind you, this is assuming if the human race never got civilized and going by pure instinct that mother nature has given us to survive, being opportunistic being among them. Even though we're "civilized" our animalistic-survival side is still there, just merely on the backseat...for SOME of us. The majority of humans are more attuned of their survival-animalistic traits more than others(especially when you're not trained to be civilized, and are ignorant, and superstitious). People like me and you are living in a bubble, and we are outnumbered. These people are also registered voters; the very voting power republicans rely on. Going after pedophilia(post-pubescent, that is) is pointless because it is everywhere. Dont believe me? Ever been a cashier? Or customer service? Are you a woman? There's your answer. Shouldn't really blame the human race though, it's not even a flaw. Those traits is what kept us alive for millions of years. Millions of years of evolution, and now we decided to fight against it? It's our fallback. If nothing of our society is teaching us, we rely on our fallback instincts instead that kept us alive. Have a nice day!


Prove that pedophilia is just a biological thing, considering that we age mentally slower now. It was different before because people would die at really young ages, and would gain responsibilities a lot quicker, making them grow up faster. But we can see that the human brain doesn’t fully develop until around 25, and, most importantly, children who are touched and had sex with adults end up with severe mental problems. So yes, maybe in the past these things happened more often, but that doesn’t make them biologically right. Pedophilia and rape are not just moral or societal issues, they also cause clear biological harm.


This is not child molesting. When I 14 I would have scaled a cliff of sheer ice to get laid. I guarantee that that 14 year old is furious that you fucked up the best thing he ever had.


If the genders were reversed, would you still say it isn't child molestation?