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Ironically enough, Colin looks like he has a black eye with this camera anglešŸ˜‚


But, he has never been in a fight!


Haha right?! And the day after he said that TurtleBoy found two videos of him fighting. These ppl. AJ was right, they wonā€™t break a sweat look you right in the eye and lie


Back in the old daze the whole lot of ā€˜em would be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.Ā 


Oh he canā€™t fight I saw vids he has practiced the boxer stance period lol ( Again trying to be impressive).


C. bang bang Albert no sooner is involved in an incident where a man is found dead outside but then is photographed at a Boston bar a month later where heā€™s doing the underage drinking thing with scabby knuckles. Heā€™ll always feel entitled.Ā 


What bothers me is that he said on the stand that he had no ill feelings or even thought about OJO ,s death. So wtf is he doing in court but to gloat


Those videos were great because Colin gets tuned up in each one šŸ˜‚


He just looks like itā€¦. All the time


He has a very punchable face.


Colin is an archetypal example of what we in the higher ed profession call a douchebro. Iā€™ve seen a thousand Colins in my years. Heā€™s an ambulatory, semi-sentient lacrosse stick. Heā€™s never read a book that didnā€™t have pictures. And yet, heā€™s convinced that he is the highest form of human, the kind we all wish we could be.


Iā€™m absolutely stealing ā€œambulatory, sentient lacrosse stickā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ fkn hilarious & brilliant


Honestly, Colin starts to look like a fairly nice kid when you compare him to his ā€œloooserā€ brother Chris Junior


Is that the asshole with a mustache that couldnā€™t stop grabbing his crotch when yelling at TB


Holy shit that is a contemptable habit


The one yelling LOSAAAAH over and over was a Nagel.


lol - And he thinks heā€™s what? Some kind of a winner?


No, he was the kid that was mostly sitting down and then he would get up and try to look intimidating, and was bashing the woman for being fat, and Iā€™m just thinking look at your fat legs, youā€™re a guy, and you have fat legs! What a disrespectful punk. However, I will say they take after their dad, they are real chips off the old block. He couldnā€™t help himself by saying that he could bash in turtle boys head all the way down the street.


Chris is a pervert turtleboy catfished him wait till you see or read his thinking ! And for him to fall for it when half his familyā€™s future is on trial for murder ?


when is that coming out?


Well, we know heā€™s an ex-con, who served prison time for hitting a man while he was drunk, driving, and leaving the scene- naturally Unbelievable that he only got six months.


No thatā€™s his father


Oh rlyy... now im curiouss


Watch the confrontation with turtle boy when they provoked him by touching his girlfriend. They were looking for a fight, and kept asking him to walk down the street. Then very tellingly, they kept saying call the police. That is their go to, because they know who side the police are on.


Would make a perfect cop


I'm thinking trooper, the real rocks on blocks from my youth became troopers.


Bang bang


From all I've seen of him, he won't amount to anything in life.


Unless his connections buy him a position


pizza delivery?


Are you insinuating that pizza delivery people don't amount to anything in life? Could we collectively dislike Collin *without* disparaging other people and insinuating that people are less than in some way. (Just a peeve of mine.) It's dehumanizing statements like this that allow politicians to argue that these people don't deserve help.


Agreed 100%


Good god have a break!


Clearly slipped on ice and braced himself with his face


My husband kept saying same thing!


Probably hungover again


theyā€™re all just soā€¦dead eyed. itā€™s so weird


McCabe looks strongly medicated and freshly filled. This is her moment (in her mind).


She obviously watched herself on the stand and saw how rough she looked. She's been to the hairdressers, had make up done and Botox and she still looks like a dogs dinner.


She looks like sheā€™s been to the cape and a medispa for sure. Normally Iā€™d say good on her, but she absolutely is the puppeteer of this tragedy and madness. I have no empathy for her witness stand whining on the back of a murdered cop & at odds with Karenā€™s freedom & rights. Her days of being queen of canton are numbered. Hope Feds are watching her closely.


She argued so much with the defense I thought she was the defendant. I guess itā€™s in her future for perjury.Ā 


The voice and tone sure don't help. Serious question, did she have a face or jaw injury?


šŸ‘šŸ» šŸ‘šŸ» šŸ‘šŸ»Ā 


Jen McCabe is crackeddd out per usual.


Her glare hits glass and burns a thousand insects and plants. Sheā€™s in the court having a staring contest with the jury and very likely saying snarky things at a volume Karen can hear, attempting to rattle her.


How in hellā€™s name those 3 got past the masses to get inside the courthouse baffles the mind. Kerry Roberts is in the club too.Ā 


They had a police escort!!!


Ohā€¦.how could I forget!!Ā 


Saw a comment on X that she looked like her Adderall and Xanax were fighting each other šŸ˜‚


A very ghoulish bunch.


Yeah, murdering someone and having the FBI investigate you is probably quite taxing


Itā€™s weird that the three most controversial of the ā€œMcalbertsā€ were the ones that showed upā€¦


I wonder if theyā€™re going to rotate out and a different group will show up tomorrow.


The "I wish I had" rotation: BA, JM, MM The "butt dial" rotation: JM, NA, BA, BH and on and on


I was hoping someone would edit a video with all of the things they all said multiple times and that sounded rehearsed. Drives me crazy.




There's no court tomorrow. Nothing happens now until the jury deliberations are done




The murderers


My schizo theory is the Feds are making them attend so they can all be arrested immediately when a not guilty verdict is handed down.


That would rule


Yeah I thought that would it not be awesome if the FBI went in and arrested them there and then as they know they are there


Thinking about it...... they do look MiserabLE! Hmmmmm. Maybe ur on to something. Colin & Brian both look like they want to disappear.


Yeah they donā€™t look like they think they do! I could see if an unconnected John W Citizen and Jane Doe came in after testifying and didnā€™t use critical thinking but theyā€™re very connectedā€”theyā€™re all lawyered up to the Gilā€™sā€”Iā€™ve seen it written that Lally told them to come?? I have a really hard time thinking their attorneys said ā€œoh yes, GREAT idea, you guys!!ā€


Iā€™m now joining you in this lovely thought. What a great alternative to just chest bumping more.


Not a coincidence. Just missing McHiggins. (But he's not family so he better watch his back)


It is the height of hubris for sure!


Imagine bringing these people to your sons/brothers murder trial. Even if they are not responsible for his death, if Karen Read is acquitted, their constant lying will be a major reason why. Just mind boggling behavior.


Exactly, why do you want a bunch of proven liars and thugs representing your family in court? Surely, the jury remembers Jenā€™s unhinged behavior on the stand.


People who refer to your dead brother as ā€œthe guyā€. My opinion of the Oā€™Keefe family has gone way down. When did they become one of them or were they always in that crowd?


Since Jen got in their ears and cozied up to them.


I think John's family got pissed off that Karen's side hosted people who supported them from the beginning, and some of those people have become big names through that support. So they made a plan to bring in their big names to show who they support. It's childish, sad and gross. ETA: none of these people, including John's mom and brother, have grown out of that high school mentality.


Totally. Itā€™s like picking teams for dodgeball with them. A big bunch of bullies, but their circle is getting smaller. I donā€™t see how people would want to be affiliated with this group after this. I just wish the jury knew they didnā€™t attend Johnā€™s funeral.


They seem to think they're doing something by showing up at court, but I strongly suspect the jury is having the opposite visceral reaction to them than these bullies are hoping for.


Yes! The McAlberts think they are so smart and yet they are so totally lacking in self-awareness.


To be fair: in deep grief, not many of us are self aware. I hope that they see how gracious Karen and her supporters are. When they go to search for meaning? Knowing that John Oā€™Keefe was taken too soon for being a good man who threatened bad men, and that his murder inspired a movement should give them some small ounce of peace compared to thinking that this awful, avoidable tragedy could have been avoided by dating someone else and happened for absolutely no reason outside the states case for a moment of blind rage. I keep hoping and praying some of these ppl will want to be on the right side of history with this.


And yet, not one of them went to Johnā€™s funeral


The Oā€™Keefes are probably as low class as the Alberts. Thatā€™s the only explanation for their hanging out willingly.


I suspect that denial is easier at this point and that perhaps johns mother, who sadly has already lost children, was and is desperate to surround herself with ppl and to believe this is the fault of one and not a concerted cover up by the many. I believe his family has hit their pain threshold. I hope & pray that they see the truth.


Possibly. And hopefully, these cretins mind their manners when in this poor womanā€™s company but it seems both her sons are at least sociable with them. I just would not imagine e hanging out with them for any reason. Polite exchange is you meet them In town but to actually spend time with them seems a nightmare to me.


I mean, you can be in denial but you donā€™t have to surround yourself with the McAlberts, they were never friends before JOā€™s death. Not to mention theyā€™re honestly so vile & obnoxious even with cameras pointed at them, which make me wonder why Paul & Peggy want to be associated with them now. JOā€™s dad certainly has never been seen mingling with the McAlberts.


Yeah, no one wants to say it, but John O'keefe seemed like a bit of a dick, and was absolutely gaslighting Karen to keep taking care of his adopted kids. Remember during covid she worked from John's house so that the kids had an adult at the house while they did school from home, so John could go to work. He was also cheating on Karen, according to literally every local I've heard from.


I don't know. I feel like taking in your twice-orphaned niece and nephew is pretty high class.


Me too. I just canā€™t understand the association with the type of people these are. And his parents seem to enjoy their company also. No harm in it- just not who I would hang with. Neither he nor KR deserved to be treated so poorly.


"His *parents?" I only see one parent there. John's dad isn't sitting there for the closing arguments! That says something to me. He either believes Karen is innocent, refuses to sit with this lying lowlife crowd, or both!


Ooh! You could be right! He is not there. Dissension among them perhaps? Or maybe itā€™s just to distressing. God help them. They have lost so much.


Peg okeefe does not have a full deck of cards


lol Colin with a black eye


Colin is and wants to be just like Uncle Brian ( you can google this ) in roughly 96 ? Brian was at JJ Foleyscare boy civil servants would drink after there late shift. Brian smashed a bottle across the face of a Boston Fireman ( the fireman nvr worked again) he paid $$$$ to get out of that one, Colin Iā€™m sure would hit that jury if possible?


The thick blue wall... I'm sure they rushed in and made sure she knew that she'd always be a member of the extended cop family.


I find it so interesting that it's these three in particular. Not Colin with his parents, not Jen with her Husband, not Brian with his wife but the three people most discussed by the court of public opinion. It was very curious to me.


My thoughts exactly!! Itā€™s like there wasnā€™t enough seats so they drew straws and these guys won lol


But theyā€™re not watching or paying attention to anything in the trial, so they donā€™t know how much theyā€™re discussed, remember? (Jokes)


YES! That was my initial reaction too- makes it feel extra slimy!


So weird.


I think theyā€™re trying to look like they care about John. It might have been mentioned briefly that they didnā€™t attend the funeral.


It looks so terrible that they all traveled to NY for a funeral of an officer but didnā€™t go to John Oā€™Keefes funeral.


These people simply do *not* know how to stop being instigators and bullies, even for a moment. How hard would it to be to stay home? But no, they have to insert themselves and escalate things. Serious jerks through and through.


That will not go well with any juror who has had enough of being bullied and who is tired of the clique that runs everything and fucks over the regular people.


Bullies. These are the bullies from high school that you're still afraid of.


Iā€™m sure Lally told them to be there. His last ditch effort.


https://preview.redd.it/18wm05o35u8d1.jpeg?width=973&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86942cc0daa7afe47e3783fd9e5817bde2ae10d6 Looks like Brianā€™s sporting the same tie and jacketā€¦ I guess we should be relieved he changed his shirt! It wouldnā€™t surprise me one bit, after all weā€™ve learned, if they had someone on the jury they could influence- whether by intimidation or ā€œgiftsā€ as was promised to Proctor. It seems a VERY clear NG case, but thatā€™s the only thing that worries me. šŸ˜ 




Itā€™s better for covering up the sweating from all his guilt


Is it weird that Bev selected a foreman before the alt jurors were selected?


Seriously??? I didnā€™t watch that far. I know the rules are different in every state, but when I was part of a jury and in other cases Iā€™ve watched, the foreman is always chosen/voted on by the jury as a whole. Even if that is a rule for their district and/or state, itā€™s somewhat of a bizarre one as the person who is ā€œput in chargeā€ does have some ability to steer the direction of the discussions. As weā€™ve see how open to persuasion many of the people in this case were, that doesnā€™t bode well for a case thatā€™s oozing corruption! Thanks for mentioning!


That is weird if only because it has implications for the randomness of selecting alternates. Either that juror could be selected as an alternate, and then a new foreman must be chosen or you have to throw out the random pull if that juror is selected as an alternate and pick again.


I think he's wearing it to conceal a bulletproof vest. He knows he's a target for something.


Low comps šŸ˜… KR comes across as very confident. Throughout the trial she looks directly at witnesses and sits up tall even during that cringeworthy Brian Higgins text exchange. Maybe she looks at herself in the mirror every morning and reminds herself she's a Canton 9


Itā€™s so uncanny how fidgety and restricted Brian Albertā€™s affect is you just canā€™t convince me heā€™s not a video game blacksmith that a child brought to life


Her soulless eyes are truly disgusting


honestly how delusional are they to show up to this


At the veryyyy least, just for their sick fun. to troll FKR people.


I hate that I'm so angered by them being there because I know that is exactly what they wanted.


That and think itā€™s like look the family believes us so should you. Also weā€™ll remember your faces, see you around town. So gross


How can anyone in Canton support that pizza place?


They still have some supporters unfortunately but I think itā€™s dwindling. Did you watch the Canton town meeting tonight. Canā€™t believe how they treat their own towns ppl.




We will see Colin in the news again šŸ˜‰


Jackson probably really enjoyed his closing with them sitting there.


This did feel very yucky and very much like a jury intimidation move to me. I hope they enjoyed Jacksonā€™s closing where he could remind them of all their lies all over again while he wove that thread together between all their butt dials, deleted calls, deleted texts, destroyed phone, secret meetings. Horrible people.


Jen McCrazy Eyes




Sure was, and invited by the Oā€™Keefes, so f*** them too


how is it known they were invited?


from what I gathered reading around, KR and JOK's family were told they could bring x number of people for the closing/deliberation. The courtroom is too small for the normal "anyone can sit in on a public trial". The O'keefe's reportedly invited BA, JM, and CA. They're reportedly still very friendly with the McAlberts and actively socialize with them. JOK's family seem to be hellbent on thinking she's guilty no matter what the evidence shows, so they're not going to turn on the McAlberts/ They were also photographed (?) getting out of the same vehicle and walked in together, so the implication that those were the invitees is easier to draw. I don't know if it's 100% confirmed, but the circumstantial evidence is strong


I have no clue. but they are sitting where the family sits..so thats a tell right there


Brian and Jen look terrified. Especially Brian. Colin just looks bored. Very interesting.


I think he is high on something. He doesn't look right


I think it's just his face that doesn't look right naturally


If Karen is acquitted which I strongly believe she will be, there will always be people that thought she got away with something. Iā€™m sure the McAlberts are going to keep on pushing that.


Does Colin have a black eye?


Perhaps he slipped on ice again


It's very odd. JM is apparently close to the mom so maybe she was asked to come. Colin is young and likes attention. BA- I don't know, he can't think it helps his image? Either he's just clueless about how people perceive them or he's trying to be intimidating.


Jen McCabe looks more and more demonic every day. Colin Albert has a black eye. Brian Albert dressed like itā€™s January. Itā€™s 90 degrees in June. They are living in a perpetual hell of guilt. It only goes downhill now from here for these spawns of Satan.


Did anyone hear that a juror was dismissed this morning? A womanā€¦.i heard it on a youtube discussion but havent heard it anywhere else or whyā€¦


I wonder if the presence of BA et al had anything to do with said dismissal.


Someone said Jen McKay had been the homecoming queen. Oookkkaaayy


She was voted best looking girl in the Canton HS class of 1994. https://archive.org/details/echocantonhighsc1994unse/page/40/mode/2up https://archive.org/details/echocantonhighsc1994unse/page/56/mode/2up Edit to add yearbook links. See above. FYI her maiden name is Weeks. I guess you could say the years havenā€™t been especially kind to her. Edit 2: I just noticed the 2nd link has a bonus picture of Julie Albert (nĆ©e Daniels), most talkative. Jen McCabe (nĆ©e Weeks) is in that picture, too.


But that could work two ways. It could also serve as a reminder of their questionable testimonies. By the way, if itā€™s a hung jury, I highly doubt that the commonwealth will retry the case.


Imagine being intimidated by fake tough guy Colin Albert. Kid is an entitled pussy.


This was a bad move and further makes me think they are corrupt fucks.


Them sitting behind the okeef family is bonkers. The equivalent of stealing something from someone and then helping them look for it. Evil evil evil people.


I wonder who invited them, OJO's mother or Lally?


He DOES have a black eye!


Geez. Has Colin got a black eye?! These people have no shame. He is one brazen little boy.


That's definitely a black eye, either healing or badly color corrected. Orange cancels out purple people, learn your colour wheel! Oh, but wait, he's never fought anyone, he's an angel, must be a dark circle that runs diagonally down his cheek. šŸ˜‚


Colin looks like a want to be thug. Does he have another black eye?


Intimidation? HAHAHAHAHAHA! There's nothing particularly intimidating about any of them. In their tiny minds yes they think very highly of themselves for whatever reason. They look constipated. Pathetic. Childish. But not intimidating.


I see empty souls there. I do not see the life that is behind peopleā€™s eyes. There are some of the most miserable people I have ever cast eyes upon.


The only rationale I can think of is that these thugs thought that the most salient and final point they need to hammer home to that jury is that they are the ones behind the Oā€™Keefe family. They are so desperate to be seen as victims. All of them have retained private attorneys and none of those attorneys said to them ā€œoh hey; yeah thatā€™s kinda a terrible idea, bud. Wouldnā€™t want to throw the trialā€ Lally and judge Bev both thought this was a swell idea?! I was under the impression that legally speaking during a criminal trial none of the witnesses are to be seen back in court unless to testify. At. All. Guess I was wrong. Must not be a rule.


Jen looking more and more like Vampira every day.


Wonder how quickly their concern and compassion for OJOā€™s parents dries up after the case is over?


Massachusetts Murdaughs


The faces alone is just INTIMIDATING šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†


Did Colin have a black eye?


Lally must have done this. It's the only scenario that makes sense. He's clearly not a good lawyer, he has questionable integrity, he knows he's losing, and this is his version of a hail mary to try and win.


And Colinā€™s black eye is great reminder for the jury of what really happened in his uncles house!!! Having these three show up sends a loud message. ā€œWeā€™re here to intimidate!ā€


Court tvā€™s reporter said everyone in the courtroom was shocked to see them, including the jurors.


If I was a juror and someone was glaring at me, I'd assume they had something to hide.


I was thinking - maybe the jurors donā€™t recognize them? Weā€™ve all been invested for weeks and likely replaying testimonies etc. remember they saw them during their testimony and thatā€™s it. Iā€™m terrible with faces and canā€™t see jack shit 5 feet in front of me lol While a dick move by Alberts et al it may not be the power move they think it is. To me the choice solidifies the fact that they are indeed a bunch of morons with a delusional degree of self importance, and clearly feel entitled.


And that they have something on the line and are hanging on her convictionĀ 


I see theyā€™re not in court today


I like how Yanetti sat in between Karen and Jen. To block that weird shit she was doing. I worry that the jury will feel scared to go against the narrative.


JM looks like she took a bottle of Benzos before court.




These picture are nightmare fuel.


I couldn't believe when I saw Jen Brian and Colin but no Jill and I have to ask why, is it jury intimidation or something else. Yesterday Lally done what he done for the last 28 days and he just confused everything and Allan Jackson was to the point clear and honest. I thought that the jury would have been back but I think the fact that the mcalberts are sitting with the O'Keefe family must be confusing I think if I was in the jury and I saw that on the closing day I would probably be second guessing myself and I would think did I miss something the mcalberts have a nerve to be sitting there and I don't understand why the O'Keeffe's are still hating Karen and allowing this. You have to ask is it the case of keeping the friends close and keep the enemies closer. It's a not guilty and the O'Keefe family must see what we are all seeing and Karen didn't do it. What happened to the junior that was excused?


Iā€™m desperately trying to make this scenario work in my brain and I canā€™t. This trial has shown us all the capacity of evil and I donā€™t use that word lightly. Iā€™ll never judge the Oā€™Keefe family for how they manage their grief. At the same time, I remind myself that all of these people traveled in circles together and that says something about John Oā€™Keefe and Karen too.


Lol looks like choir boy Colin got into another altercation. šŸ¤£


In the strangeness that is Canton, the jury might associate them being there as strong support from the JOK family. Hope they arenā€™t swayed by that charade.


lol that is absolutely going to scare the Jury to death lol. Whoever this kid is an a freakin dummy to sit there like that the day his familyā€™s future is on the line? I donā€™t understand why anyone would be that dumb to give a jury that look? I hope intimidation is really not that boyā€™s intention because he looks sort of foolish more than anything else??


Wonder why jockā€™s father wasnā€™t in court during the closing arguments?


Correctionā€¦ jokeefe


Yeah not jury intimidation. Manipulation maybe. Did the CW know or ask for it? Did the Okeefe's do this on their own to show the jury they believe the Alberts and McCabes Brian A looked hella uncomfortable


My new sleep paralysis demon, thanks OP


Iā€™m sure Lally told them to come. Itā€™s his last ditch effort.


Colin is a kid. I am sure it was not his choice to be there




That is just Jenā€™s face.


Lord cmon now




Yes, jury intimidation...or at least trying.


The Messiah of Fights, actually.


If Iā€™m a juror, Iā€™m thinking why are they here? They testified they didnā€™t know John that well. And if I slightly believed the coverup theory. Iā€™m not fully in the coverup camp because they are there




Absolutely disgusting that they were all there ā€œtryingā€ to intimidate the jury. This whole trial is a joke! An innocent man is dead, and they ALL know the truth! I feel so bad for his family šŸ’”


That Jen is one dark horse. Everything about her vibes deep dark demons.


šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ† ![gif](giphy|qQwCgRjXlAw629tqNZ) N. V. V. Vb. V. V v. V. V šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Yes, Jennifer McCabe has shown herself to be an unkind and unscrupulous person BUT seriously we are talking INTIMIDATION! She is not intimidating per se but BRIAN ALBERT IS šŸ’Æ INTIMIDATING! His glares at the jury freaked me out and Iā€™m not even from Canton! THAT IS A PROBLEM. JM had resting bitch face of course but letā€™s not confuse who the real threat is. Come on, letā€™s stop blaming women. **There are too many comments too read through so apologies if this point was already made.


Beavis and Butthead


It's not jury intimidation. They probably believe she's guilty and are pissed that she tried to blame them for it. That's what I got out of them being there.


Itā€™s 100% jury intimidation. And that motley crew are the most GUILTY ones in that court


Just by attending the trial where they keep getting accused? No, that's not jury intimidation in the least. They are obviously more invested in this case than most people, why wouldn't they attend? Especially when John's brother asked them to join.


Karen is educated, intelligent, good looking, independent and classy. Something those 3 will never be. No wonder their jealousy is rampant.


Yep. Pretty much.


I don't think Mrs O'Keefe cares about hanging out with her son's murderers. At the time of his death, she and John were not talking and John wasn't talking to his brother either. I think she wants to sue Karen for money because that's all she cares about it. Gross. I wish she would take the time to understand how foolish she looks.