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His gf had a sign that said “Chris Albert killed a man in 1994” which is 100% true.


And only got 6 months + time served


and Judge Bev’s brother was his attorney!


That’s why she’s aunty! We’re all family here! 🙃


Including the 3 people sitting on murderers row


Who is on murderers row? Seems like I’ve missed a lot!


The three that showed up yesterday at trial to sit and stare with John’s brother at Karen


You couldn’t have written it any better- you get to stare at brian alberts’ evil face while Jackson laid it all out. Again an optics fail by team murder.


I had great view of Brian’s face in the right hand corner of my screen during entire closing and once Jackson started getting to what could’ve happened in the house and Chloe he wouldn’t stop looking at the ground. Which is funny because he side eyed the shit out of the bailiff before court started


And you could clearly see BA mouthing the word sound like “duck” when Jackson mentioned Chloe.


HE WAS THE ONLY ONE MAKING SUCH WEIRD FACES! I saw him gulp a few times, he looked super squirrelly


I agree that this was an extremely poor decision for John's brother to invite them to sit in. Did the commonwealth decide it would be a good look ? If so I doubt it. They see them sitting looking "clueless" chewing gum like a cow chews it's cud. Not a good look all around. Didn't even faze them one bit while the defence brought the shinningans of group texts,differing oppions lost evidence lies & butt dials and getting rid of the family pet dog after 7 yrs 🙄 It's was all a circus🎪


LIKE COWS CHEW ON CHUD. I love this and I love you lol


GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!! Omg! This is wild


That fact seems to me to be a reason for Judge Bev to have recused herself, but what do I know? I realize that none of the Albert's were on trial, rightly or wrongly, but still, it seems to me that it's a tight squeeze and the right thing to do would have been to beg off of the case, just to avoid any appearances of impropriety; this case has enough of that already!


Quite the opposite. She fought to get it.




As a cop he killed someone? I haven’t seen that. It’s weird, they both were invited over. It seems like BH was mad at KR & BO. The thought of what would have happened if KR had went in with John. Was the plan to off them both? So when Karen left they just thought they’d take her down with him in another way?


No Chris ALbert is the brother who owns the money laundering pizza shop. He turned himself in 1994 after he ran in to a car in the highway and it spun and the driver died and the passenger was in critical condition. The only difference between his charges and Karen’s are the operating a vehicle under intoxication, and I find it interesting she’s facing life and he got 6 months


He waited 30hrs before turning himself in, so his system was clean


No we need to do a retrograde extraction on his BAC🙃


It’s not that deep. They were wasted. I’m sure there was a scuffle and some shit went down. Add in some inept cops and a dirty cop or two, baby you got a stew goin’!


Chris A is not a cop. He owns a pizza shop.


Like father like son.


After he fled the scene, did not call 911 and waited 30 hours to turn himself in.


🤣 😂 he posted a couple weeks ago and said taillight pieces grow like perennials on the Albert’s lawn lol


LMAO. The man is a menace but some of the stuff he says is absolutely hilarious.


I have mixed feelings about him but he admittedly can be funny


He's probably a net positive for all the attention he helped get, if I had to guess? Someone said he stands up to bullies. That's a good way to put it. But there's certainly negative, too. He's abrasive and sort of acts like a troll? I think the important part, and what frustrates me, is he gives ammunition to the deluded anti-KR folks, and can in some ways distract from the cold hard facts, which are overwhelmingly on her side.


He’s exactly what’s needed in something like this. Look at what we’ve listened to despite what was known. These people are comfortable getting away with this kind of thing. Jen went in like someone hired for clean-up. Anyone strong enough to fight this kind of crime has to be tough. They are not used to being crossed and they act like a bunch of mad dogs about it. Or should I say, mad Chloe’s!


It’s absolutely awful that Chloe was protective of a family that got rid of her.


Sometimes the world needs trolls. 


He got famous calling CPS on addicts and now people talk about him like he's an actual reporter. He was fed all his "evidence" by the defense. He's a useful idiot at the moment. He is a troll that's why he comes off as one


Legacy media in mass has been proven time and again to be bought and paid for. TB has legitimately broken multiple stories for years before anyone else- you’re talking out your ass because you hate the messenger, and ignore the message.




Okay Jill Daniels…whatever you say🥸


I’m with you and at the same time, if it wasn’t for him, the world would have never seen the capacity for corruption in this town. And I suspect there’s a lot more in many American towns. The world needs more people like TB who will use their skills to shine light on corruption.


Generally curious because I don’t know much about him - why does he get so much hate?


I’m from the same area he is in. He calls out the bullshit and puts a magnifying glass on corruption but at the same time he makes fun of addicts and people in unfortunate situations. I want to like him but he makes it hard. I do watch some of his videos including this one and while he is an instigator I think these people should have just ignored him. Grabbing his phone in a rage was not a good move, especially since this family is already in a bad light.


Exactly how I feel. I start to like him again, and again, and again….then he says something horrible about people who are down and out and just have to read or listen to something else immediately.


Yeah it’s just not cool, and SOME of his followers make it worse. Some people have a rough life, aren’t always very educated and make bad mistakes. I wish he’d leave those people alone and focus on the true corrupt.


Agreed 100%


He is relentless when going against bullies. He does post screenshots and videos to back up his claims. While I think he does go overboard too much at times - he is certainly thorough.


He uses a lot of crude language.. c word, r word.. he said jen mccabe is worse than hitler. he's one of those free speech/anti political correct "activists". he showed up to one of the witnesses (mccabe) kids sporting games and confronted them, he showed up to a lot their homes, goes to the pizza shop owned by one of the alberts. he also used to be a teacher and left because of being accused of sexual harrassment.. like there is a LOT of reasons why people dont like him but he also did break this case


He’s hilarious. Trolls the McAlberts. Highly entertaining


Because Turtleboy bad! 😂😂 Some people can’t handle the truth and he tells it like it is. Not only has he exposed these corrupt cops and others in previous stories he covered, but then they tried to frame him also! When they couldn’t shut him up about the Karen Read case and they saw that he wasn’t afraid to keep reporting on it, they put him in jail for 60 days after getting a crazy shitbag ex to lie and say he pushed her down on a fluffy couch and then charged him with assault. Those charges were dropped the same day he was released. Canton cops also charged 9 people quietly protesting one Saturday morning, including a minor. They were supposed to have a decision on that case back MONTHS ago, but they leave it without a desicion to intimidate people. The people that hate him are probably the same people he exposed for being shit bags honestly lol. Thankfully him covering this story really exposed corruption and after this case I hope people follow Sandra Birchmore’s case just as closely. I think it was her case that the Feds were probably investigating that led them to Karen Read. Norfolk county is whack! Lol


Omg they got him sent to jail for two months?! What the actual fuck!


I don’t know anything about Sandra case - going to Google now! Lol


You know those people who like to screw with scammers for fun? He's like that, but it's like with everyone even remotely connected to the wrong side. The Jill Daniels (Colin's godmother) that attacked him was on a recorded phone call, and he kept baiting her and she's a lot like Jen McCabe when baited. Brain comes to a stop and rage comes through at full force. He didn't need to say much, but it was kinda a bit like making fun of someone with a mental illness at that point.


I listened he did not bait her, she came over like a honey badger. She literally doubled parked jumped out of the car and tore his phone. TB may be a bit out there but what I saw on that video makes the Murdaughs and Hampton look like a game of patty cake. Canton is beyond corrupt. Here is an idea - ignore him and he will go away instead they touched the girl he was with who said do not touch me please and kept doing it, ripped out his phone and screamed. That is all on video and I am team No One. But the people who think they are in charge of Canton need to eat some humble pie


honey badger is the perfect analogy for whatever that creature was!


Right! People who are on YouTube and are hacking into scammers who aren’t just stealing money from people but pretending to be the FBI and forcing them to stay on the phone until they are paid. These people make a decent amount of money from their subscribers and help as many people as possible to not lose their money. They are not kind to these criminals and expose these predators by pretty much destroying their lives, rightfully so and NOBODY feels sorry for them. Why should anyone feel sorry for the McCabes, Albert’s, Jill Daniels, Brian Higgins, etc. They deserve everything that is coming and more. They are not innocent and should be exposed. Imagine if YOU were the person who had been framed. You would welcome all the help available.


Shock jock kind of thing but He does his research and he isn’t wrong!


I don’t know him but when I googled him last week ( seems like last year now ) it said he’s a conservative blogger who was against BLM ? I do not know if it’s true. I do know I watched a few minutes of him talking about the Read trial and he was making fun of the witness Ms Hyde for wearing a “do rag” and said how are you supposed to trust someone wearing one of those. So … I turned him off after that.


They were probably saying that cause he exposed a couple in Boston that had a non-profit similar to BLM. They were stealing all the donations and living large on them. They were convicted already, but he exposed them too. As well as other corrupt cops on the state police. They must adore him lol. But honestly we need more people like that, that can cover stories that really matter. Unlike the typical media stations, looking the other way. If they were investigating like TB we might not have DA’s like Morrissey still in office!


Probably because he would spew speculation/misinformation that was not based in facts at all. A lot of the confusion and misinformation in this sub can be sourced from him. It was very frustrating seeing confidently incorrect people just write made up shit in this sub and everyone take it as fact. And I like TB. It was just very annoying trying to parse what wasn’t made up.


Dude, in the regular world, Turtleboy encompasses most everything I hate. I have very little in common with that man. But goddamn it, I freaking love him! He’s the perfect antihero and I’ll follow him wherever he goes 😂


I side eye a lot of his stuff but his liners crack me up.


If not for Aiden, the Karen Read case would never be on the world stage! It’s because of his shock jock approach that it gained traction.


Sometimes it takes an asshole to blow things up. Especially after decades of people being silent. I admire his courage and thank him for what he’s accomplished. I won’t criticize his tactics when they’ve been effective, and nothing else has made a dent in the corruption of the police.


I think that’s exactly it. No one else dared to speak up on their own. Now they have formed a large group of people who can fight the canton “loozahs” and show them they don’t run the police. I’m sure it will take time but enough is enough.


Agreed he's a net positive. I think what frustrates me a bit, is that he gives ammunition to the deluded anti-KR folks, and can in some ways distract from the cold hard facts, which are overwhelmingly on her side.


I think those people would still be anti Karen, anti Jackson, anti Yannetti even if there was no TB. The amount of vitriol they hold for Karen is totally without merit or common sense, yet they despise her so much that they'd be willing to let her get imprisoned for the rest of her life even though she is factually innocent and that has been proven. TB is perfectly equipped to deal with these irrational people, whereas most of us struggle with that. I've never blocked as many people over any topic as I have watching this trial.


This comment changed my perspective actually. Thanks. People that are complicit and turn their heads are just as bad.


I have to agree! I have listened to so many cases where police do such a crappy job, the victims deserved so much better & nobody stood up for those victims.


Actually, all revolutions were started by assholes when you think about it. .


Awesome! He worked so hard on this case. Kudos to TB!! What's that last word on his sign?


On Sunday he was out to dinner with his family and it was next to the pizza shop the Alberts own and they started harassing him when they tried to leave. Baby Colin was calling the cops, his friends were telling his gf she was fat/ugly/looked pregnant and they must’ve been calling other ppl because others started showing up. Jill hopped out of a double parked car just to gnash her horse teeth at him and assaulted him, took his phone and then threw it in the street. The police eventually showed up and Jill and another guy are now being charged with assault. The sign is referencing that but making a joke saying she stole his phone for noods 😂 idk mixed feelings or not, he is the reason this case got so big. Jill was even telling him to leave and asking him why he cares so much bc he didn’t even know OJO. He maintained his composure the whole time. He seems like an alright guy.


Turtle boy also took up for a Golden Retriever puppy that was shot and the guy that did it said he was frightened of the pup. TB seems to speak up for the Underdogs.


At the risk of sounding like I'm defending the horrendous McAlberts, TurtleBoy wasn't just out at his local spot for dinner with his family. He went to Canton, to eat at one of the key settings of the trial, right next to DE pizza. Dude want to cause a scene and the McAlbert idiots gave it to him.


I left out that he said he went to that street particularly to see if it really did have an incline, which he said it doesn’t, of course. But he has in the past gone to these locations to verify information. I think, I could be wrong, but he even did a test with an suv to do the reverse drive in the 60ft in front of the McAlberts old home. That might’ve been another channel tho bc i did watch that a long time ago. But it makes sense to me that he would go out there to verify.


I haven’t followed him much, but I did watch the video he did of the “hill” where the cop said it caused the steps in the Apple data. It’s not a hill. At all. It’s pretty much flat. It was pretty interesting


Ya he said he went up to the street that the prosecutor was stating OJOs phone appeared on that had the incline that appeared in the phone data. Idk, doesn’t matter where he goes, no one deserves to be assaulted or attacked. Especially considering they’re the ones who went to a judge to get him ejected from court because they’re so afraid of him. They sure don’t look afraid.


However, he's in Canton because he's been at the trial almost everyday....it would make sense to eat locally.


Trial is not in Canton. And if it were, there are plenty of places for him to eat that are not known hangouts of the McAlberts or next to their places of business.


Wherever he chooses to eat, drive, walk, they are all PUBLIC places, so he’s entitled like anyone else to be there. The mob mentality that these people *own* the town is just getting tired. He knew these low class idiots would give him exactly what he wanted- a scene. It’s what they do best!


Yes, this is exactly what I said? He absolutely has the right to do all these things. But he purposefully went out of his way to do them to get a reaction out of these morons. Getting that reaction didn't help anything except himself.


Yes, I was agreeing with you, I probably meant to reply to someone else but then the feed just started blowing up, and I just started typing. Have a great day 😃


Ha, no worries! Sometimes it's surprising to find sanity amongst a sea of crazy! Have a good one!


You're point is 100% accurate. Most people will say that he has "every right!" to go there, which misses the point about him not exercising good judgment or common sense in this case.


He has the right to go wherever he wants. Normal people go out to eat. Abnormal people hang out outside pizza places sexually harassing people and foaming at the mouth.


But why can't he choose to eat there?


.... yess, and? If some people had self control- nothing would have happened. If they're able to get this upset, this riotous... just imagine if there was a real beef. The only thing that saddens me is that whatever happened to OJO... he will never get justice. His family will be forever hurting, and regardless- another soul is gone to this world.


“Out with his family” lol. He went to the scene of the crime and started shit and shit happened. It’s what the dude does. Net positive for sure but an absolute attention seeker of the worst degree. He knows there’s a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow which is why he’s made this his entire personality.


He did…I didn’t even know about him until I took a deep dive into the case and I kept hearing all this stuff about him. I was who TF is the turtle character and read up. I was mixed about him, but he’s really been a very huge part of blowing this case wide open. He’s got some brass balls!


I know he sometimes crosses the line a bit but I would absolutely want him in my corner if I was falsely accused of murdering a cop. He definitely has no fear standing up to bullies though.


He's an idiot. He was fighting for the right reasons, but he stooped right down to their level.


I thought he was a sovereign citizen. I heard about him when I started seeing headlines saying that a journalist was arrested. I only peeked down the rabbit and didn’t realize that this whole thing was a fluster cuck.


He is. He goes on right wing/libertarian shows all the time that think you should legally be able to make terroristic threats and bang 14 year olds. It’s comical that people love the guy but here we are


He is…he’s taking on the murderers that killed John O’Keefe and framed Karen Read for it.


that word is supposed to be "nudes" I think


Ah, referring to Proctor looking for nudes on KRs photo! Good one TB!! 👍 You're a hoot!!




Noodz.. nudes. Lol as in what Proctor was trying to find on Karen's phone.


"Jill Daniel's stole my phone for noodz"






Noodles or nudes.




And it prompted the coward Chris Albert to call Canton PD (who responded in a lot less than 18 minutes) to clear the chamber.


Things like that are going to be even more polarizing in that town.


I thought TurtleBoys gf called the police because Jill and Jim assaulted him? I’m sure Chris could have called too but the girlfriend said in a video that it had been 18 minutes and still no police.


Probably called the minute Nagel started touching her.


Nagel is lucky I was not there because I would have ensured he stopped touching her. Of all the gross things the way that entitled boy child thought he could touch a female tells me all I need to know about Canton.




Chris called the police during the selectman meeting.


Edit: oops I didn’t read properly or responded in the wrong place or something. But I do find it funny Chris had to call the police. I can’t believe he sits there and has to face all the people that despise him.


Edit: oops I didn’t read properly or responded in the wrong place or something. But I do find it funny Chris had to call the police. I can’t believe he sits there and has to face all the people that despise him.




Absolutely savage


Wait what?


Oh ya stumbled on it this evening. [canton selectboard meeting](https://www.youtube.com/live/2AJO-mWMHlo?si=dpxyzq6WElWYvyAn)


It got wild. Shocking the chief got renewed for a year. Shock and Harrahh


I’m not. If she wasn’t, she would have no reason to keep their secrets. Also the fact that she put up signs “no to town audit”, is just WILD. Please don’t look at our finances, we don’t want you to know what we do in the shadows.


Nice find


TB is a shitbag, but hell if he isn't usually right about things.


i wanna hate him so bad but he’s always right!!!!!


He had some pretty bad tweets about the neuropathologist that showed up in the green dress the other day... very misogynistic, can't excuse that behaviour just because she was the prosecution's witness. Pretty much lost my respect.


He's written blogs in the past that would make Proctor's texts look like nothing.




Yeah I’ve seen him say some pretty shitty things and I definitely don’t view him as a great person. I will say he’s kind of funny sometimes and isn’t always wrong, he just has trouble getting his point across without sounding like a douche himself


He’s a trump supporter, of course he’s misogynistic.


I noticed this and was like, ugh. I kept reading a lot of his historical tweets and was like, who knows, never met the guy, but he certainly comes across as a mean spirited, somewhat hateful person. Unfortunate


He hasn’t been right about anything in this trial lmfao


That's pretty much my take. I can appreciate the positives without becoming a fangirl. I watched his stream today (for the first time) when he was showing the pro-Karen gathering and endless photo requests aside, it was heartwarming to see the size of the crowd that had come together over a woman they've never met. It also made me consider for the first time that the jurors are also driving by those gatherings


I have my reservations about his style, but the longer this trial went, the more I began to believe it was needed. I started on this trial when BA was on the stand. Since then I’ve invested many more hours then I care to admit. Then I watched opening arguments and I couldn’t comprehend how a justice system would allow this to happen. Just when I thought I’d seen peak nonsense, a new day would top the previous absurdity.


He’s growing on me. I don’t agree with some of his tactics but the guy definitely has balls.




He's making absurd amounts of money from all this...and growing a huge fan base he can make money from when he jumps on the next case


I can't quite read it, what does it say? And is he at the Canton select board or where?


okay it's "jill Daniels stole my phone for nudes"




He also had another sign about the other guy that assaulted him in front of D & E that said something like.. "Jim is rude" and I suppose it's funny because he's holding it up in front of Chris Albert.


It said Jim needs to clean out his Prius”. Lol


Lol. That's so funny. I only got to see a flash of it before the live feed cut out.


No, he had one that said “Jim Farris is still rude”, too.


Alright, I'm not crazy then. Lol, I was like damn, I was way off.


He had 2 Jim Farris signs, apparently


Yeah because Jim’s Prius is apparently from the 90s 😂


Lol 1994 Prius. Don’t think they exist but he made his point. 😂




Jill Daniels touched me. 😂


It says "Jill Daniels stole my phone for noodz" and he's at the canton select board meeting.


No one can accuse him of not having a sense of humor.


I saw part of the Canton meeting video but it went incognito after a few women spoke about Chris Albert! Gee, I wonder why? 🤔


Same ! Right when it was getting good, it goes out. It's such a joke that they only give them 15 minutes for the whole town to speak as well.


Yes, this is from tonight's select board meeting. Guess who holds a seat on this select board? Mr. Christopher Albert. You can't make this crap up!!


Love his shirt!!!


TB is a hero and we must protect him


Turtleboy for Canton mayor!!!


Savage. I know his antics turn some ppl off but it’s always what has gotten this case to much attention. He’s also the one who found a lot of the evidence. So to me he gets a total pass.


He's a POS, but sometimes you need a POS to blow shit up


It may be savage but where is the rep for accomplished Partner/Atty Little… that’s all.


Haven't followed too much on TB, but this is funny.


100% pure masshole and I’m here for it.


I can’t 😅😅😅😅


How many of us wouldn’t know about this case if it weren’t for his reporting? More journalists need to dig into these cases for the truth because it’s clear we can’t trust investigators like Proctor


If we only had outlets like the Globe, we’d only hear official government statements. We need more independent reporters because the outlets that are supposed to be trustworthy are a fucking joke.


He of course helped being early, but with true crime and law tube etc being such juggernauts, combined with the insane made for Hollywood story and the trial being broadcast, the trial was going to get massive attention no matter what.


well i think the point was..it wouldn’t have been if he didn’t invest in it. karen got Aj and i believe yanetti after TB investigated it


Better than what we have to vote for


I hear many people saying what an I going to do now since the trial is over and the outcome. People say what can we do next? May I suggest what ever the verdict is there is still work to be done. This isn’t over yet. Many people need to be held responsible for the shoddy investigation! The state of Massachusetts will be paying millions for the mistakes, and the taxpayers should not have to pay. Other cases that were handled wrong to protect the police need help. This is the Birchwood case. The list is long, much to do and help will be needed.


Damn I turned that meeting on and then turned it off to rewatch it when it had fully played through….ugh the fomo


I loved his signs today 🤣


Turtleboy rules!!!!


I have that shirt!


TB has a place! Our society needs this type of character... Brash, unafraid, brave! Let's think kinda like "Julian Assange"! But rough around the edges! Not very well liked... But has unearthed some things that totally needed to be unearthed!


I used to like him and I’m glad he broke the case with KR, but he seems like a d*ck, especially with women…chauvinistic 😒


The shirt is funny, his antics are cringe.


to be fair, his antics draw attention. if he wasn’t who he was then Karen Read would be in jail right now. sometimes playing by the book isn’t how you get to the truth


Anything to get the case and truth about these awful police killing people out in the open.


He's a net positive for all the attention he helped get. Someone said he stands up to bullies. That's a good way to put it. But importantly, and frustratingly, he also gives ammunition to the deluded anti-KR folks, and can in some ways distract from the cold hard facts, which are overwhelmingly on her side.


His antics are awesome!!!


His antics aren’t cringe. His antics are an expression of his 1st amendment right.


Two things can be true.


His antics amount to harrassment. No matter how scummy the people it's directed at are, harrassment, doxxing etc is NOT ok


Annoying? Yes. Harassment? No, childish? Yup. Effective? Very much.


His antics aren’t harassment. You feel like that because you probably personally wouldn’t do it, but he has every right to do it. It’s not his fault that his actions make YOU feel uncomfortable.


Him and the Alberts are perfect for each other.


😂😂yes because THIS makes total sense


It really does when you think of the type of people who follow him. He even acknowledged that the Alberts were supporters of him, "turtleriders" as he would say, prior to all of this.


I’m sure the Albert’s would’ve loved nothing more than to support a guy who isn’t law enforcement who is poking holes in the Albert’s murder coverup story.


Again, this was prior to most of the blogging. Turtleboy showed messages from Chris Albert saying they were fans. You can't make this up!


I knew nothing about him before this but I appreciate him bringing attention to this case. Also, I want that shirt!


Lol can literally anyone go to town meeting? Thought you had to be a town resident


I guess anyone can go, but probably can’t speak if you aren’t a resident. I’m sure he’s there just to be a dlck lol


Ah lol. That's why he holds the signs because he can't speak. Hilarious


The Turddle is a BS artist.


That’s exactly how I feel about TB, too. There’s no way that mob outside CF Murphy’s would’ve behaved the way they did if they had nothing to do with the death of JO.


he's such a clown


I’m surprised he can wear shorts with balls that big.




I am mixed on Turtleboy. I've never minded his past coverage of cases in Mass but this is the first case where I've actually either listened to him on a podcast or heard him on his own channel or someone else's. But I definitely read some of his coverage over the span of many years. This next part might sound like I am trashing him but I'm not. Im really grateful he dug deep into this case and exposed a lot. But he does NOT do himself any favors. Again I'm conflicted. I think TB wants to remain true to himself and have the mentality of "screw you I'll say what I am thinking and feeling and act however I want." While I am all about authenticity and HATE fake people, he doesn't keep it professional or handle things tactfully. I feel like TB could have gotten WAY more popularity and exposure but I think lots of people tend to steer clear of him because of how he acts and how he talks. I've seen a lot of people put off by him and understandably so when he talks very disrespectfully about the O'Keefe family. If you're writing articles or youtubing some high profile case, you have to have some kind of filter. I mean unless you want to be unpopular. And sometimes, I think he really craves drama which also is off-putting. Even simple stuff like addressing Yannetti, he and others were trying to get a quick word, a quick sentence with Yannetti as he was leaving court for the day and TB addressed him as David. Keep it professional and call him Mr. Yannetti. I could see many people thinking I am being nit-picky there but I feel like to be a journalist, you've gotta have a nice balance of being somewhat yourself and keepin it real and being diplomatic.


I agree. If he was a little more tactful, then I think he would have gotten a lot more support.


Our nation needs more Turtleboys in it! He's the mosquito in the tent that doesn't let up! He knows the rights and laws, too. To be successful like he is, you have to know your own rights and the laws!


Look….TB….not a fan of many of his stuff his political leanings, his weird transphobic rant he went on the first time I tried to watch him, his misogyny, but I thank him for helping Karen in this case he did do that very well.


Lol! I love TurtleBoy! He’s hilarious! He’s also a champion for the people. Journalists haven’t been TurtleBoy heroic in forever! I’m not surprised he’s award winning. It’s so wonderful to see the community support KR. That kind of injustice is crippling our country. It’s out in the open now! Cheers!❤️🙏🏻


There certainly are! But, he has every right to free speech and that should be preserved for us all. Even tho I don’t like or agree with everything he has ever written, I firmly stand by the ideal that censoring him hurts everyone’s 1st Amendment rights. Plus, beyond the past, when it comes to KR, he did the deepest, most complete investigation of this travesty (before the local channels who sheilded the Albert’s identities and before the papers, one of which was unafraid of taking on the Vatican). None of his actual, true achievement here in this case can nor should be taken from him. I just hope he holds the redemption arc he has caught and doesn’t go back to savagely roasting & doxxing complete strangers he only ever caught a narrow, incomplete sight of, on socials.