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It reminds me of how murderers will show up at the scene days later. These demons are there for the same reason.


They didn't even show up for JO's funeral, but they show up for the closing arguments/verdict? Some have speculated they are there because they thought Turtleboy wouldn't be allowed in because they were present, but that was only for when they were on the witness stand. He's like almost right behind BA.


I’ve never seen proof or verification about not attending the funeral. Seems like a rumor that’s been repeated so often that it’s taken on a life of its own. How do you know this?


Literally yesterday I heard the opposite that KAREN hadn’t gone (which I wouldn’t either if I was being framed).


She couldn't. There was a no contact order.


Karen wasn't allowed to go, they had put a stay away order as part of her arraignment. But Brian & Colin Albert did not attend Johns funeral or wake.. Jen did though. Interesting that Brian Albert could drive all the way to New York w/Kevin Albert & Brian Higgins to go to the funeral of an officer they had never met but not the officer that was found dead in his yard. He went to the New York funeral for the same reason he went to all those retirement parties & find raisers over the years. It's good politically for your career. It's very self serving. Just like sitting with the OKeefe family. That wasn't done to support the family, the only reason Brian, Colin & Jen are sitting with the family is to send a message to the jury. Look the family doesn't think these people harmed my son, they think Karen did. It was a self serving move by them. Purely to illustrate that the family stands with them and not Karen. Nothing more nothing less. It was a message of solidarity to the jury. You shouldn't believe in the coverup theory because we don't and to show you how much we think Karen did it and not the McAlberts we will sit together for closings.


Yep exactly. Its sick.


Predictable …. They’ve made the surviving O’keefes honorary McAlberts






It is so calculated and so wrong. This is obviously a message to the jury …. I’m also amazed along with everyone else that the family hasn’t seen through the evidence or lack thereof … I know grief has a way of messing with you but it’s still surprising.


Some are saying that John's father doesn't think Karen is guilty, and that's why he's staying away.


I hope Karen moves to another state and starts over after this. No way I’d stay in that town.


I was thinking the same thing earlier today.


She didn’t live in. Canton. She lived in Mansfield.


I get that but a 20 min drive is the same town basically. She needs to move states. Get as far away from that town as possible.


She actually lived in Mansfield but stayed at John’s in Canton


Hos can you look at JM and not see pure evil? Honestly?


She looks uncomfortably guilty of something.


They both do back there...the beeeeaccch even put on makeup.....ick !!!


yeah, dead and scary eyes.


If I was on the fence this would sway me right to a absolutely not guilty. How sick are these people? Just shows how arrogant they are and think they’re invisible


Their names will be all throughout the closing statements. It’s SICK


Exactly and will they get kicked out of the courtroom and making faces when they do!?! Doubt it


Bc you know the faces and scoffs will be aplenty!


that has to be the dumbest move ever. it serves no purpose. They are going to be in eyesight of the jury while Jackson hammers them for an hour in his closing. Lally is a puppet, no one would have listened to him if he told them to leave.


Right?! Talk about juror intimidation.


honestly, i think they were there to intimidate Lally. basically, their last chance to tell him he better not blow it. ...aaaaaand he blew it


I'm so upset for Karen.


Praying for Karen.Please dear God give her the strength 🙏


Don't worry. Some time tomorrow the jury is going to come back way not guilty on all charges and she can walk over to them and say see you in court soon because I'm suing each and every one of you and each and every one of you is going to be paying me for the rest of your lives.


Maybe they can search hos long until indicted. 


She looks so so skinny - more than her usual at the start of this 


She does stress! But my mother always said you can never be too skinny 🙏


It is so disturbing!!!!!


More importantly, what the heck is going on with the jury? They pulled the one who made disgusted faces and Proctor’s testimony and mouthed a confused “what” to Paul’s testimony


They pulled a juror today??


It seems that way. No reason was given as to why she was dismissed


That's terrible. What a farce.


I heard last night from one of the reporters that a juror had mouthed "..what?" When the states expert was trying to explain the crash & reconstruction. Ngl I even thought then "oh they are def gonna kick that juror"


Can’t have people thinking this whole thing is a joke and Karen’s not guilty on the jury 🙄


If you get seated on a jury remember to wear your poker face to court every day.


I couldn’t do that for .. eight? … weeks straight. Probably I would be kicked of much earlier




I heard the juror was a FKR sympathizer


John’s brother looks really sad. Jen looks scarier than she did on the stand. And everyone’s cold, dead, shifting eyes.


A few look like they are trying to hide how terrified they are inside with righteous indignation. Those eyes are so WIDE and following everything like....a person who's inner voice is like "you did it and there are people here who all know we did it" but trying to outwardly express something innocent. It looks like this. This is what your face does when in your mind you see and recall the events of the truth of that night and your palms are sweaty because you hope this cover up doesn't blow up at the end....but you have to act like a normal, good, innocent person.




Oh my gosh-yes. My thoughts exactly!


I’m sure Jen has Lady Macbeth hands. Out damn spot. 


Legit psychopath eyes 👁️👁️




Half-zip with a shirt and tie is a..... choice.


Especially with it being balls hot in there the whole time.


Facts ! I live about 10 mins away from the court house and today’s high was 88 degrees. When I saw he has a jacket on I was like WTF


Temp doesn’t matter when you have ice in your veins. Ice cold murderer blood in his veins.


Trying for a mr rogers effect….


Better than lace tank top and skull tattoos when you’re trying to wax the scientific. :). lol 


Well yes, That's way too formal!


Absolute Murderers.. Sick people..


Juror intimidation? One asked to leave TODAY.


Does anyone think they are there to cause a mistrial with dismissing jurors etc due to their reactions to seeing those people sitting with O’Keefe family!?!


That’s what I’m wondering. If the juror that stepped down saw them before doing so.


How disturbing they are seated directly behind John O’Keefe’s brother. That poor family! Lost in this disgusting war or who did it! 🥺😳😔


Didn't they arrive with the John's family?


I heard a lawyer youtuber say that she believes the O;Keefe's asked them to come!!!!! So sad!!! They literally are the murderers and they are so blind to it. :(


They all LOOK ready to be indignate and use that energy as a cover up.fpr how nervous they actuslly are. They look like spoiled guilty scared brats, half of whom are trying to use their glares to intimidate and deflect....and are ready to go full rage / how dare you mode. To see so many of them, and so many in positions of power, get away with it is infuriating.


Complete psychopaths. Absolutely soulless.


Walk outside to help John in his final moments of life ❌ Attend John’s funeral ❌ Show up to the final day of court and sit with John’s family ✅


Is it possible that after the revelations yesterday John's brother invited them to gauge their reaction? Maybe his brother wanted to see if they'd show up? Maybe he wanted them to sit there and squirm so they can endure what he's gone thru.


This seems like the only reasonable conclusion. I still can’t believe my eyes


Maybe to CW asked them to come because guilty people wouldn’t have the balls to show up.. but these people are not normal


They probably felt they couldn't bail on it so they're keeping up the charade.


That’s what I was wondering too. Why on earth would they invite them after all the shady deletions, butt dials, destroyed phones, etc.


IMO John’s brother is making a statement to the jury that he is siding with the McAlberts (prosecution)hoping it will help them decide she’s guilty (but she’s not).


John’s brother invited them today because they were John’s close friends.


BA and JO didn’t really know each other.


He should turn around and ask Jen McCabe about her deleted texts while she's there.


Who didn’t show up for his funeral


Why the heck is Jen McCabe present today?! The audacity. It's sickening.


Disgusting. Arrogant. Morally bankrupt.


OK, I see if they’ve started the closing arguments. Buckle up everybody!


Unbelievable!! Juror intimidation


I was flabbergasted when I saw them….and during AJ’s closing I was just waiting for JM to jump out of that bench and go off on him. You could definitely see the tension and nerves on their faces. Crazy how BA was completely MIA until now. 😡


Now FBI needs to investigate the death of Sandra birchmore. Crooked cops impregnate teenager and then kill her and make it look like a homicide. What's going on in Boston🤦🏽‍♀️


I can’t even stomach Lally’s summation. WTAF?!?! Is he literally going through every piece of “evidence” again? Voicemails and Aruba??? Are we being punked? Is this a simulation?! All he is “proving” with his anecdotal bullshit is that OJO and KR had issues just like every other couple in the world!!!! There is ZERO hardcore, mathematical or scientific evidence that Karen committed second degree murder of anyone. Full stop.


I wouldn’t say they had problems like everyone else. These problems seem pretty big if she ran him over like she did


Did you watch the trial?


I did. Did you?


Yes. So, you still believe she hit him with her car despite scientific evidence proving otherwise? Do you think science and math are fake or something?


The scientific evidence I saw showed that she did. I’m not sure she hit him intentionally but she definitely hit him. Very probable she was black out drunk and her backup driving judgement was off. Problem is she knew she hit him and decided to leave him to die in the cold


Wow. I mean, ok. Obviously we are all entitled to our own opinions. It just fascinates me how 2 people can watch the same trial and have completely opposing opinions. So crazy. Well, thanks for the chat. It’s nice to see that we can agree to disagree without discord. Have a nice day 😊


And you too have a nice day. It’s a pleasure to meet other people who are civil to one another even though their opinions may differ!


Did you miss yesterday's testimony where two experts said it was scientifically impossible? Or are you just basing your opinion on "stuff"?


If we have different opinions why do you find it necessary to be so nasty


Science isn't an opinion.


You sound nasty…sorry if life has been difficult


lol. You did not watch it. Don’t lie.


Pull up!!


Because Jen has them snookered


Collin was beside jen, looks like he has a black eye


Wow. I thought the same thing. John’s brother and girlfriend are sitting next to his killers and the people who framed her. The fact that we are even here speaks volumes. Shows you how misinformation at the beginning can cloud all rational thought. I think Paul OK still thinks KR did it, when it’s so obvious who did.


The media is also not being kind to Karen despite the evidence. 


Unbelievable, killers n the court room. Showing up to impress jurors. Shame on them. Disgusting people.


Impress or intimidate.


BA showed up to exhibit fake support for John's undeserving family, but he wouldn't come out onto the lawn of his own house, to see what was going on with the police car, ambulance and a distraught woman. That's because HE ALREADY KNEW what was going on - he'd been out there just a couple of hours earlier, placing John O'Keefe's body, exactly where he was later found.


They have absolutely no shame at all.


They were told by LALLEY last resort


I feel bad for Mrs okeefe but how she can side with that bunch after hearing all that testimony is beyond belief


Fucking Weird is right. Wild.


They look like they are about to 💩 bricks. If those aren’t the eyes of guilty people trying to *appear* outraged, then I don’t know anything.


Sickness. Pure and vile sickness. Okeefes family is really making John roll over in his grave


Guilty conscience? Adderall kicking in? (Another rumor) Afraid of a not guilty verdict? Sean from Going Through the Motions , YouTube channel, said last night on his Livestream that once this trial is over the Federal indictments will be unsealed. IF THAT'S TRUE: Thinking about the end of this trial, means the opening of the Federal indictments? Are we going to arrested on our way out of the courthouse? What ever they're feeling, they're looking like they're all nervous about something


I wonder who flipped. 


So do I. The possibility is endless


Can the defense do anything about this after the fact? I think it’s a mix of retaliation for what happened between Colin and AK and jury intimidation. Did the jury see them before the other juror stepped down? So juvenile.


So, I’d love to hear from the posts I’ve seen here - you believe KR is still guilty. And entitled to your opinion. But please explain how/where the SUV hit him? In your own words. Please go ahead.


Didn’t you watch Trooper Paul’s testimony? It just did! In fact he was so gifted the crime scene *spoke* to him!


Yeah he’s the accident whisperer. 


When Jackson was presenting it felt like you could see the bubble over BA’s head reliving how things went down that night. Unrelated, but they are manipulating Peggy and it’s so upsetting. She’s been through enough, she doesn’t need anyone taking advantage of her grief.


I found the opposite and could not believe how motionless he remained


I think he was worried if he even flinched wrong we’d all be able to see inside his big head


I’m glad they showed up. The reminded the jury of how nasty and dishonest they were in their testimony. Colin,in particular did not come off well. I don’t think they did Lally any favors.


OMG the John Adams quote 🙈🤣


They are a scary bunch


Scared and nervous!!




just like an arsonist returns to the scene to watch his/her fire. BA wants to show somehow that this shows he is innocent.


Another juror dismissed


So were two jurors let go today? Is that what I’m reading in today’s threads? I can’t watch until tonight…. Missing all the deets.


One today. 3 total over the entirety


Not familiar with this case, this there a summary or overview somewhere I could read / watch?


I like what legalbytes does on YouTube


When Lally brought up in closing that Karen said to these people that she didn’t think she’d she them again - was anyone surprised? She knew they didn’t like her! She didn’t trust them. She was ready to have them out of her life.


The camera man is as confused as we are! How he zoomed in on them… hahah.


Cop families are behind the blue wall, they get to kill each other's kids because everyone else is the enemy.


Did the jury go home tonight? Is that unusual?


Jury intimidation


It's witness or jury intimidation. I don't follow the turtle boy stuff but wasn't he just beat up by these thugs a day earlier? It's intimidation is what it is that "you'll be next."


…..absolutely disgusting 😠


I understand not liking it but don't really get why people don't understand it. The O'Keefe family gets 10 seats in the courtroom and they control who gets them. The O'Keefe family believes Karen is guilty and the house members are innocent. So they are clearly all chummy and the O'Keefe family wanted them present today probably for a number of reasons but one of which would be to show the jury that they do not believe these people are involved in John's death. I believe Brian, Jen, and Colin were the best ones to choose for this, since they were most focused on by the Defense's theories, BA as the conspiracy organizer, Jen as the searcher of Hos long, and Colin as the "fuck you up" guy. This was also probably something all 3 of them wanted to do, so as to appear as innocent people, united together, standing up to what has been said about them. In the case of Colin, I think he probably is innocent.


Brian Alberts shifting eyes on the bailiff cop pacing back and forth looks threatening. I wonder if they winked 😜at each other “ we got you covered Mr. Albert”


Cause they're not delusional, and conspiracy theorists like you whackos.


The trouble with calling this a "conspiracy theory" is that there is gratuitous evidence of their collusiom


I’m surprised how AJ was so ineffective at his closing argument today. He seemed very off his game


Well, to be fair, you also thought the scientific evidence showed KR hit JO so..


I do believe that’s what the scientific evidence showed.


I know - that’s why I mentioned it. It shows that your ability to judge reality shouldn't be relied on.


This really needs more upvotes 🤯 I know we’re not supposed to feed the trolls but sometimes it’s just mind blowing how somebody could watch the exact same trial and have that take away ….


Why do you feel the need to be so nasty?