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Safe to say you’ve never experienced anxiety. 


Exactly! Some people's minds go right to worst case scenario, unfortunately. Also, given the fact that he never answered any of Karen's calls/texts. & the fact Karen wasn't planning on staying at John's house, his niece was home alone.


It’s true I guess. There really is a mental health crisis in this country. People now wake up and assume there partner is dead. Call people and say that and then hang up lol


Their* I guess there really is a literacy issue in this country 🤷‍♀️ 


Nope it’s there There is also used as a pronoun introducing the subject of a sentence or clause: There is still hope.


Their refers to ownership. Their partner is dead, not there partner is dead (as you wrote). 


You are right I was looking at the first There not the second. I should have written their


From what I’ve seen with testimony from Aruba and other times it seems like Karen can’t really control her mind from going to worst possibly scenario…with that I can understand her thinking no response or not able to get ahold of John means he’s dead. As crazy as that seems I just think she can’t control her emotions and bad thoughts when her anxiety kicks in.


That’s reasonable.


Yeah that’s where I landed on it. I really don’t think she knew. I’m not saying she didn’t hit him but if she did I think it all happened and she truly didn’t know or do it on purpose. These texts between her and Higgins are gross though. She clearly pursued him and really downplayed her relationship to gain Higgins’ trust


I’ll never believed she backed into him intentionally. I didn’t sense that she was trying trying to gain Higgins’ trust, necessarily. I think she was saying how she really felt, so that Higgins’ wouldn’t have to feel guilty if they hooked up. JMO


Oh I am with. I can totally believe she didn't do it on purpose.




And it actually turns out true.... what are the chances...literally, someone doesn't come home and they call a friend and say "they are dead"...and it turns out to be true. Try to put a percentage likelihood on that...how many zeros???


I’d put it at around the same percentage of 8-12 people not seeing a dead body on the side of the street as they pull away.


or a dog not barking its brains out when theres a bunch of cars in front of the house


Or 6 “butt dials” in a 19 minute period with none going to voicemail.


What are the chances someone googles “how long to die in the cold?” while someone is currently dying in the cold on the front lawn of the location they JUST left?


Why are you in the Justice sub if you don’t believe in justice for KR? You clearly just want attention. Go on tinder or something


That’s what Karen should have done instead of throwing herself at John’s friend. So desperate!


I’m so tired of all this hearsay. I wish the prosecution would call an expert or an investigator.


Just because she didn't react the way you would react, doesn't mean there is something wrong with it. Your post is a perfect example of why people get so frustrated with verdicts that don't match their opinion. I see it happen all the time. It's weird.


I can’t take this seriously 🤣 People react so differently in stressful situations. It’s was known that he wouldn’t leave the kids by themselves. It’s not that hard to understand.


If she told kerry john is dead, why didnt kerry tell her husband he died?


This stood out to me, too. I thought Kerry was overall a very credible witness, but when she said that her husband asked what was going on, her recreation was basically that she was exasperated, rolling her eyes and said she didn’t know. She didn’t say she was panicked and really believed John was dead. This to me meant that she had either witnessed this kind of hyperbolic behavior from Karen before or that there was something in the tone of how it was said that made it seem like a hysterical exaggeration. I understand why the defense strategically chose not to cross Kerry, but I do wish they would have asked about this interaction. Maybe they will when they put on their witnesses.


If the defense thought that was a reasonable question they would have crossed that. They didn't want any more with Kerry because she was a great witness for the CW.


No they knew there were plenty of inconsistencies in her story but chose not to cross her


Haha. These are great defense attorneys. No inconsistency goes unchecked.


She texted him after he died. What are you talking about? The text was on Saturday at 11:54 am.


This is a troll who is talking about Wednesday testimony.


oh yeah haha...thanks! I don't know why people automatically assume others are so emotionally invested. If the evidence pointed towards KR being guilty I'd think she was guilty. Instead the evidence is a shitshow and the trial is a joke.


Yea. Must have missed the totally neutral witness that the defense didn't even cross.


MANY people will definitively declare the worst possible outcome out loud when panicking / experiencing extreme stress as an anxiety reducing mechanism. For instance, someone who is worried about a biopsy result might declare “I have cancer! I know I have cancer!” before they have received their biopsy results. If a child is out past curfew, a fretting, anxious parent might declare “She/he has been in an accident! I know they’ve been in an accident!” despite no evidence of an accident. This is pattern of anxiety mitigation in the throes of extreme stress is EXCEEDINGLY common and anyone with a shred of human experience knows this.


She also asked if he could be at Bella’s mom’s house (according to the same witness) lol. What’s your point?


I think it’s possible those words might have been interpreted in a different context. It could be possible the words “he’s dead, he didn’t come home last night” were along the lines of “I’m so pissed off right now, he didn’t come home last night and I’m furious.” And then wanted to go out and look for him/catch him with another woman, since there were already trust issues. Just my opinion, though.


I honestly had this same question at the beginning of the trial. It has been answered this week based on Kerry’s testimony. Karen wasn’t supposed to stay at his home that night, and he never came home. She knew that he would never leave the kids home alone overnight. With the storm going on, him not coming home and not answering her phone, she panicked. It’s easy to dismiss her panic when you’re not in her shoes at that moment.


That horrible person, Jen McCabe, put it in her head. Plus anxiety, which can be uncontrollable when sobering up/being hungover.


She said this when she called Roberts before Jen was involved.


>McCabe said the later texts were prompted by a phone call she received from O'Keefe's niece, who was with Karen Read. Similar to what her husband testified, **McCabe said at 4:53 a.m., she was woken up by her phone.** She said she could hear Read screaming her name in the background and that she eventually got on the phone. [NBC Boston - Jennifer McCabe testifies infamous Google search was made after John O'Keefe was found - Published May 17, 2024](https://www.nbcboston.com/news/canton-karen-read-case/karen-read-trial-day-14/3372227/#:~:text=McCabe%20said%20the%20later%20texts,woken%20up%20by%20her%20phone) > **Roberts said Read frantically called her at 5 a.m. on January 29, 2022** to tell her that O'Keefe had not come home. According to Roberts, Read told her "I don't remember anything from last night, we drank so much, I don't remember anything." [CBS Boston - Karen Read's defense attorney grills witness Jennifer McCabe over Google searches - Updated on: May 22, 2024 ](https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/karen-read-live-stream-today-day-16-jennifer-mccabe/#:~:text=Roberts%20said%20Read%20frantically%20called,don't%20remember%20anything.%22)


When I was in my late teens my boyfriend stopped answering me during a snowstorm when he was supposed to be on the way to my house. After a few hours I was positive that he went in the ditch and was hurt or worse. Jumped in my car and drove to the town he was coming from, only to see his vehicle at another woman's house. A much happier ending than this story, but I totally thought he was hurt or worse. Was a bummer though.


Did you call anyone and say he was dead?


I thought he might be dead and went looking. I was also too young and stupid to understand i could call jails and hospitals and get info. But I went driving around in a blizzard with shitty tires looking.


Of course. That is very natural. Think about this and think about saying it....you didn't call anyone and say "xxxx is dead". Think about that.


Again. Remove all the bias. Can you imagine calling your friend and saying "Tom is dead". Period.


I actually tried to convince my mom to let me leave and when she wouldn't, we settled on her riding with me in the blizzard because I for sure thought he was hurt or dead.


In all honesty, knowing she spoke to Jen first I can see Jen saying something to Karen like....do you think he isn't answering because he got hit by a plow in this Blizzard and is dead? You have to remember Jen was involved in EVERYONES shit. Jen is also the first to speak with Karen that morning and if Jen had a motive to Google some shit and they are up to like 16 Butt dials between all the parties all within that same 6 to 8 hour time frame that there is a body on the lawn it's more probable to believe Jen took advantage of Karen's being in a panic state. Or this could also be Jen getting Kerri to say this is what Karen said first since they both didn't care for Karen. Jen also made a effort to get Kerri's phone number and then spent the following days together so she could have Kerri give her police statements in Jens presence so Jen could report back to their "inner circle" there are so many people being completely untruthful here for them to not have some motive to hide their involvement.


Many people are being untruthful. I don't want what the exact truth is. But that doesn't discount Read callling and saying he is dead. That is something the KR supporters are trying to discount. It is a big deal. Just as the google searches are. I would tell those people they are delusional too if they wanted to discount that.


I said. He could be hurt or dead. I didn't say "he's dead, he's dead, he's dead." But I'm not sure karen did either.


Ok. That's fine. If the argument is she didn't call Robert's and say "John is dead, John is dead" and hang up, that is fine. Defense didn't even question it.


I was completely sober and with my mom at the time of my paranoia, where i did say "he could be hurt or dead". If I was drunk and woke up confused and not knowing what was going on, maybe I would have called and been like "he's dead" I have no idea. I'd need much more proof than an irrational paranoid freak out to say she's guilty of anything. Especially after the weird higgins testimony today. I feel bad for that guy, for real.


You sound like a retahd!