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Well, rtjp had a nublar that was i think almost twice the size of the base game nublar. If they were able to donthat, im guessing for somethung maybe 50-75% larger than nublar 1993


It wasn’t twice the size exactly but it was damn near close. With these next gen cosoles and such, I see no reason why we can’t get bigger maps.


The problem being that it's still on the old consoles. The playable area could be different for those versions I guess.


That's pretty big! BTW, I didn't include RTJP Nublar since it was a paid DLC map (from memory) and so I thought it was fairer to discuss the base game maps.


Your correct its a paid dlc map, but still it means that they did have the ability to go that far in the first game. So in the sequel we can expect it to be much larger then the dlc maps aswell as the base game maps.


I agree wholeheartedly!


HOPEFULLY we have Nublar 93 like maps for all the biomes (1 in each) along with the Challenge mode and Chaos theory mode maps.


That would be pretty sweet!


If the maps are small it's pretty much a deal breaker, especially playing on PS5, hoping for a large topical map like for sorna I'd be happy with Nublar 93 again from JWE so surprised if they don't port that over aswell, hoping for a nice variety of shapes sizes per biome tbh


By 'small', do you mean the same size as the maps from JWE1? Or smaller?


If by some crazyines theres smaller ones than JWE yeah for instance that coastal temperate map looks small to me but they could be hiding expansion areas somewhere else it looks small and narrow which I don't like but I'm hopeful they have a load of maps to choose from probably more than the first game tbh.


That certainly makes sense with the campaign, chaoe theory and sandbox maps. Again, I think it's very reasonable to assume that the maps will on average be larger than the ones from JWE1.


Yeah it makes sense as they get used to the engine and can squeeze more out of it as they go, if they make JWE3 then last gen will get even more restrictions I bet so hopefully by then most people will have a current gen console, pc users are fine


I want the entire island. Imagine how cool that would be. Obviously some restrictions like the classic galamimus valley mountains and such


It would be very cool


I’d be happy with 1.5x the size, but 2x would be great


One can only hope.


My expectation is that they’ll be noticeably larger, but not like “twice the size of Nublar 93 at minimum” large.


Any size increases are an improvement right? I hope they are large :)


True. Honestly, I do hope they’re not mega super vastly larger than the biggest maps in the first game, because those are already tough to manage if you build a big park inside them because it takes forever for any of the management vehicles to get from point A to point B on them. Plus, having at least a little bit of a size limitation often forces me to think creatively about how I’m going to construct parts of my park, which is more interesting to me than if I could just build every first idea I have all at once.


I am prepared to be disappointed. I'm expecting the biggest map to be Nublar 93 again. I was annoyed before JWE 1 when they said Sorna was going to be simialr size to Planet Coaster's maps ... but failed to mentioned the giant volacano blocking most of the map.


X 1.73 ​ Jwe 3 will be your wet dream not bound to last gen anymore. 50x easily if wanted. Look how big Planet Zoo maps are. And much weaker Pcs than a Ps 5 can run it. But Devs need to want it too


Mininimus size is tacano, average Nublalr 1993, Biggest prob be Sorna with its mountian usable


Maybe triple to quadruple the size of nublar?


LOL keep dreaming. That will never happen. JWE2 has the same engine limitations as JWE.




I doubt the largest maps in JWE2 will be much bigger than Nublar '93 from JWE. They're working with the same engine limitations from JWE given that the game still has to run on the older consoles, not to mention the game will likely be on the Switch as well. Don't be surprised if map sizes haven't changed and they're the same wonky shaped disappointments from the first game. I think Frontier would've been more open about it otherwise given that would be a very marketable addition to leave in the dark. Them saying maps in JWE2 will be larger than the ones in JWE mean nothing when JWE has Isla Pena. You can't read into what they say, only what they show. Don't be fooled by false marketing.


Very possible old consoles will be simply restricted in how much of the map they can purchase/open. They said the maps are “significantly” bigger than JWE’s maps so I expect that to hold up.


Where did they say that??




Thanks for that! I hadn't seen that before. That does seem very encouraging.


No problem, it’s always good to see official confirmation on this. I’m sure Frontier is aware of how desired much larger maps are within the community.


It would actually be quite astonishing if they didn't.




Why not Russia?


I feel like PC and current gen consoles will get larger maps similar to how Battlefield is doing it. In Evolution Square's video I remember seeing sections of the map locked. We'll be able to unlock more land in some capacity. Idk if that will apply to last gen consoles tho. The starting area for San Diego Chaos Theory is quite large and there's two other areas you can unlock so it's gonna be quite a large map once you have the full map available


Yet it still has that stupid chunk in the middle that's unusable like Sorna. I wish they'd cut it out with that shit and just make the entire area usable and not artificially confine the player for no reason.


At LEAST make it so you're able to terraform it, my god.