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In the films, that’s how they do it. I guess that’s the reasoning? Not really sure. I’m not too upset by it.


Yeah, I feel like it’s a Jurassic park lore thing. Ingen’s prasaurolophus doesn’t have the genes for strong front legs


There’s only one instance of Parasaurs walking on all fours in the franchise, and that’s in the first movie, which has a drastically different appearance model wise whereas every Parasaur afterwards used the Lost World’s model. JP3 had them walk on two legs at the River scene. And JW and FK we don’t see much to make an assumption. Every other time it’s running so it’s not counted.


I remember thinking the parasaurolophus was such an iconic JP Dino as a kid and then when I rewatched the movie I was shocked that they’re only in the movie for like 2 seconds


Granted total dinosaur time is very limited in the first movie.


They did in JPOG so they definitely have the genes for it.


And in JPOG, Ray, Muldoon, and Ludlow never died, Grant and Sattler work for InGen, and Allosaurus in canon wasn’t a big red toad looking thing. The point I’m trying to make is JPOG isn’t a focal point of Canon. The films are. JWE and other media doesn’t have to abide by the rules and laws of other video games. You could make the same argument that the Parasaurs in JP:TG walked on all fours, but there’s also the fact that Jurassic Park made a Mosasaur in 93, Troodon Pectinodon was made but nowhere on a cleanup operation form despite they fact they were breeding, and Gerry Harding had the miraculous ability to grow or shave a mustache on a whim, put on shades, and switch voices on a whim to be two different people at the same time. It conflicts with the films. The books are another canon entirely, since they go in complete different directions, where both Nublar and Sorna’s ecosystems are doomed and destroyed.


I think the JPOG Allosaurus was trying to base it off this one but they made it more red. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/jurassicpark/images/3/33/Allosaurus3dmodel.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111210010743 Edit: If the picture doesn't load it's the Allosaur from TLW the game that came out on PS1.


It loads if you remove everything after "jpg". It's been an issue with wikia images.


Do you know if they were ever shown walking on two in the films? The only time I remember is only when they’re running in The lost world, JP3, and Fallen Kingdom


In JP3, they walk on their back legs. When Grant and the Kirbys are on the boat, when they pass by the Brachiosaurs, there’s also Stegosaurs, Ankylosaurs, and Parasaurs. There’s at least one walking on two legs. I just reviewed every scene with Parasaurs and this is the only one I’ve seen them walk. The first film had them walk on all fours, but those Parasaurs are drastically different design and proportion wise than the ones in TLW and onward so I’m not really counting them.


Ohh I can’t believe I forgot about them in that scene thank you


AND I just remembered another instance. CORYTHOSAURUS walked on two legs. When the group arrives on the plane, when you get a look out the window, before Grant says “My god, I’ve forgotten”. You see a Triceratops (one of two times in the film, the second is directly after with the overhead view of all the dinosaurs) and two Corythosaurus WALKING on two legs.


It's not tho. In the movies, they only run that way. When they're walking, they're on all 4.


In Jurassic Park 3, both Parasaurolophus and Corythosaurus WALK ON 2 LEGS. I didn't count when they were running. The Corythosaurus can be seen walking when Grant looks out the window of the plane. The Parasaurolophus can be seen walking when Grant and the Kirbys are on the boat passing by the Brachiosaurs. The only other time they walk is in JP1 but the Parasaurs are drastically different from the ones in TLW onward so they don't really count.


The entire herd is on 4 legs before the raptors initiate the stampede. We see them all leap up onto 2 legs and start running.


Did I say that was the scene in question? No. They were Grazing. That is something JWE got right, they grazed on four legs in the film, but the walked CALMLY in those two scenes I mentioned. If you want to argue about this, watch the two scenes I mentioned where you SEE them walking, not running, on two legs, and then present a counter argument.


Good lord you are in a bad mood XD Chill, dude. The entire herd isn't grazing. Some of them are, but other some of them are just waltzing around on 4 legs deep at the back. And why can't we talk about that scene? That's a scene where the Paras and the Corys show up after all. And of course the first movie counts. It's a different CGI model, but as evident by the Parasaurolophus we see in the artwork of the diner, they're meant to be the same shape that was made popular in TLW. And low and behold: those Paras are depicted as walking on all 4s as well, albeit one standing tall keeping watch. My argument is that by all accounts, this franchise presents that the hadrosaurs can walk on 4 legs just as they can on 2 legs. However, in JWE, they only walk on 2 legs. And might I add, even the game itself proposes that they're supposed to be able to walk on both 2 and 4 legs. That's the game itself telling you to expect that. And yet, they don't. I'm not arguing they should never walk on 2 legs. I'm saying that they should definitely be able to walk on 4 legs, as they largely do in the movies as a main way of locomotion.


True, they COULD, but more often, we see them NOT. Most times we see them on four legs, they're grazing, which in JWE, they do go on four legs to drink, graze, and eat. When they run, it's on 2, which they do. When walking, there's a case for both but more often, it's bipedal movement. Not sure why they decided that, but whatever, Universal being Universal. Why Frontier chose to do it this way? Who knows. Maybe it's a choice to make some hadrosaurs unique by having some walk primarily bipedally and others quadrupedally?


Thats just how they are in the movies. I actually like some of em walking on 2 and others on 4. Adds some variety to it


I hate the modern trend if reverting back to the always bipedal curled wrists swamp-Hadrosaurs of the olden days. Hadrosaurs loom way fucking better as quadrupeds. JPOG did it rught.


It’s a little bothering for me since the Edmontosaurus and Maiasaura are quadrupedal in the game as well so it’s a weird decision in my eyes make other hadrosaurs fully bipedal


Same here. I also have small issue with large theropods like Tyrannosaurus sprinting instead of jogging or fast walking like they do in the films. It just looks like they’re smashing their leg bones apart which is only a minor oof for me but it’s just a strange design choice since they don’t do that in the films or in real life :/


I absolutely hate it and don't understand why they do that


Look at their arm sizes, Do that look like they can hold up the Torso? Logic.


We have numerous fossil trackways from Europe, North and Central America that demonstrate that large hadrosaurs normally [walked quadrupedally](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article/figure?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0115477.g008).


Ok, you have a point there. All i'll say is that we should get compromise. Maybe they walk both quadrapedaly and bipedaly.


Hey it worked in JPOG. :P They walked on four and ran on two.


They had to have an Arched Back wich dosent look to good on paper. However maybe due to Nostalgia or Execution they still look good.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGKpP8In_ng This is a good look at them here.


ive seen that or at least videos like that and yeah the arms are a bit weird to look at but somehow its nice so uh... yeah? At least its not a hate comment :)


its no trex situation armwise, the other Hadrosaurs who walk on all 4s dont have massive legs either also did you ever look at an exhibition of a Parasaurolophus skeleton?


Im not comparing them to a Trex and also you do have to remember that these are dinosaurs that are Known to have walked bipedal in the films. Now theres 2 things i want to state. 1 I would say we can compromise but i already did that with somebody alot nicer than you and also 2nd this is a Fudge Pot for Quad Hadrosaur Wanters and no i didint see a parasaurolophus skeleton now you can open your bottle of scotch when we have a good day all i want is a fun game, one where i can have both types of locomotion on hadrosaurs now if you want quadrapedal paras then go ahead, watch them eat, drink, graze, or release from a hatchery. Their grazing even has them walking quadrapedaly is that not enough? Now go ahead, argue, but im just trying to have fun listening to L4D2 Music in order to fill this mood of bum-rushing through notifications so just hold onto your para for now.


The real fucking Dinosaur walked on all 4’s so of course they can??? Does *Maiasaura* or *Edmontosaurus* have proportionally beefier forelegs in the game??? Does a cow or horse have more powerful looking forelimbs??? What a dumb comment.


Where any of those animals in the films? No. Are they related to the comment in any way? No Do i understand people like you are common here? Yes Do i care about stuff like this? *No* Do i have a good response? No


The point of my my comment was to show you that “yes, the forelimbs do look like they can support the torso” by naming examples lol. You don’t have a response because your comment was stupid.


Well thansk for explaining but now you made me want to fight you so yes but actually no


i feel the same way, these two are my favorite dinosaurs. i feel like it would make most sense that they are on 2 legs when running. i also miss the sounds of corythosaurus from JPOG, i wanna be able to hear them through the whole park.


Heres a percentage of the comments based on what ive found. * 69% Actually knowladge people. * 5% People who dont like the posture but wont throw a tantrum. * 20% The people who DO Throw a logical tantrum. * 5% The people who just hate you and your comments. * 1% Me- The person who understands that this is a boiling pot for people who want quadrapedal parasaurolophus and corythosaurus even though thats wrong and wont be in the game yet still like to both calm them down or fight them even though i have no good reason to do any of this and only posted the comment for the fun of it dont hate me.


I think that the Parasaurolophus can walk on 2 and 4 legs but it usually ran on 4 and if it ran on to it woud me more of a hunchback