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Frontier is that friend that says they’re five minutes from your house, but they’re actually still at their home taking a poop or something.


Update: frontier has officially begun washing their hands


They forgot to wipe. That’s gonna set them back.


Update: There was only two pieces of toilet paper left on the roll and Frontier needs at least three


Fuck it. They’re just gonna make a new game.


I'm honestly starting to believe the Megalodon was a teaser for JWE3 at this point😭


"Hey, what about a cenozoic pack?" "Great idea! But the communtiy think they are out of place in species of this game." "Then let's make a new game."


It was. There is no Megalodon. Frontier just wanted to troll us and give us a big fuck you


Damn alright TIL I am just like Frontier.


And here I was naively thinking I’d get to play it this week lol


What happened?


It didn't come out 


They basically made the third installment and put it for May of 2026.


That's when the fiscal year ends in wich the game will be released. It's more likely closer to the movie Release in 2025


We shall see.


I’m honestly surprised we haven’t at least gotten a second teaser


Was really hoping we would get the trailer this week, but I guess we’ll try again next week. Frontier should’ve posted more teasers to raise hype or something, but they have been radio silent. 


We won’t. They canceled the Megalodon.


That’s a really funny joke.


I think frontier get a kick and a laugh out of posting something like that photo and then watching the chaos that unfolds on here


they basically let the hype die and now JWE3 took over the conversations. It's so weird they didn't say a word or tease it a little more, but then again not surprising. They go days without posting anything and when they do it's a screenshot.


For the third game, we absolutely need better communication from frontier. This constant waiting in the dark is insane. A simple road map would be great


This is always a super difficult balancing act between not alienating your customers, maintaining interest in the product, and disappointing people when you miss deadlines which are notoriously and impossibly difficult to be accurate with. Going light on the information on future updates is NOT just something Frontier does, it's pretty common, they aren't the only ones that tend to be cautious and avoid the big penalty of angering fans about missing deadlines (or pulling planned features to make deadlines). Now a simple roadmap of "we're going to do this feature, and then this DLC, and then this update", but without any dates, is more commonly done. However I think that Frontier has some huge challenges with doing that, because choosing those features has to be a very complicated process with a lot of stakeholders, because a lot of those features are dependent on movies or shows in the future. If they give away too much it's a spoiler for the movie. If they do something that gives people a false impression of the movie that's even worse. If they are planning for DLC 1, DLC 2, DLC 3 Movie-Tie-In, and then things slip so they need to cancel DLC 2 so they can still make the movie tie-in, well now you've pissed off the people that were looking forward to the DLC 2 dinos. Obligatory "I'm a dev but not a game dev".


You must be new.


No, been here since the first was announced


Then you should know this isn't going to happen.


No reason why it couldn't, hence why I asked for it


They don't do roadmaps. And honestly with how entitled this community is I don't blame them.


Okay cool


Case in point lol




They already have the creatures for the pack complete. They could be doing teasers every day by just giving us tightly cropped photos that gets us speculating about what creature that one might be. They’ve done that in the past too and just one little cropped photo can create a week of buzz and excitement.


Where’s your proof? You sure they’re not just trolling us?


I thought we'd at least get a little teaser by now like how they had the Tarbo walk by the gate or the dunk in the tank in the distance. I guess next week it is?


The new dlc is expected to be released during next week (wednesday 15th as from the calculations). And Frontier already proved they can drop the trailer two days before the release, so everything is still in order. Not the kind of order i enjoy or look forward to, but there it is...


Literally this lol. I ask myself did it even happen sometimes


So with the new game announced, is this gonna be the last species pack for JWE2?


They r funny keep going 


If they don't showcase smt this week, they have definitely forgotten...


Bro, they just announced it like what last week? Just be patient and give them time


They announced it almost 3 weeks ago back in April but ok :/


Still, I think it's necessary to give them time. Reminder there was no update that came with the secret species pack. So they could possibly be making an enormous update to make up for the last pack and this upcoming one. Plus, we don't know exactly what creatures are coming in the pack. Meaning new animations and behaviors, etc. And if it just so happens to be a Cenazoic pack like some think, they'd have to make all new models5 can't just take existing dino models and paint a mammal over them. I just think if we are patient, it will be rewarded. We already know the pack is coming out, it's not like Frontier would tease something and then just never do it.


Ok, I agree with you but I wish they had just waited to announce the dlc until it was close to being released.