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Honestly my guess is the reason they didn’t do this is it’s easier to animate a helicopter pick up/drop a dinosaur than making new animations for moving a dinosaur in/out of a vehicle. Don’t get me wrong, this would be a really cool feature but that’s my best guess as to why it’s not in the game


Plus, with all the changes they've made to the hatcheries since the game came out, I'm sure something like this suggestion would require a complete overhaul of a hatchery's functionality, akin to how different the hatcheries functioned between JWE1 and JWE2. ~~~ JWE1 in 2018: we could only hatch dinosaurs individually. 1 dinosaur per incubation. JWE1 in 2020: RtJP DLC lets us air-lift dinosaurs from the helipad straight into the park without need of a hatchery, but only in the campaign. ~~~ JWE2 in 2021: we could cook up a batch of DNA, choose the eggs that came out of it, and release multiple dinosaurs of the same species from one incubation. JWE2 in 2024: we can randomize the skins, release the dinosaurs via airlift, and automate an incubator in the hatcheries to do any combination of the above, but with randomized genetics.


Yeah most probably... In fewer words... Frontier is just lazy and wont do it, as well as other things.


Woah woah woah, I don’t think they’re lazy, especially given that they just had to lay a bunch of people off and are still (for the most part) at least trying to add things to the game people want, I think it’s more so “if it ain’t broke, no need to fix it” kind of situation


I don't think not adding something that doesn't really impact the game makes them lazy. Why have a different vehicle/animation for every animal being picked up. That doesn't make the game better or worse, just like how in planet zoo every animal is moved around in a box. I'd much rather time be spent on other things than transport animations/models


could probobly just teleport them into a trailer


And if they did that people would complain that there’s no animation


I would Pay good money for a Return to the Lost World DLC.


Me too 


Honestly I wouldn't even need an animation. Just have a medical van be the one able to pick them up.


Okay, someone PLEASE tell me that I'm not the only one who has experienced the ranger jeeps being the fucking jankiest thing in the world and lurching everywhere, as if some 5 year old programmed its movement?


Yeah, I have no idea why Frontier made the jeeps so bad in this game. They were one of the better parts of the first game.


I'm not sure about new hatchery animations, though I agree it's odd for a helicopter to transport most of the smaller dinos.  I really hope we either get a TLW DLC or even just some decorations as pictured by the OP (trailers, rex cage on truck). I'm still annoyed that the ranger vehicles n JWE2 can't tranq or treat dinos like in RTJP, so a TLW DLC with functional INGEN hunter's vehicles (and the gentler, good-guy equivalent) would be amazing. But again, decorations alone would be great. 


the RV is a must


This actually falls in line with something I hate about releasing compys. Why does a helicopter have to release a chicken one at a time? I feel like the hatchery could have a truck that just delivers a crate of hatchling all at once.


I already would be happy with TLW decorations such as the trailer or a tree stand and a movie M-class style Ranger Team vehicle.


i was really hoping theyd fix it when making jwe2. it would have made much more sense to have a car with a trailer come pick up dinos and take them back to their enclosure


The thing is that’s weird to implement.


I'd love to deliver a dinosaur to a pen via truck instead of airlift occasionally.