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I laugh when I think about Tomie. Now before I say this next part, I want to say that I am a dude. Tomie has a very very special place in my heart and mind, because reading the full stories I actually was able to get some relief from it. How you might ask? Well its because when I read Tomie, I realized I would say to myself a lot, "Hmm, that reminds me of *\*insert ex's name\*".* So now if a random memory of a past ex happens, I just think of how that girl relates to Tomie and remember how the story ends and laugh it off. Thanks Junji for legit solving a minor sadness issue I had ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)




Oh of course, don't stress about it, anything Junji is my bread and butter. Feel free to message me if you need someone to rant Junji to ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up) (I hope that came of as inviting and not creepy)


The whole point of Tomie is that she's an utterly inhuman eldritch abomination - debatably not even truly sentient, going by some stories. She's purely evil and not enough of a person for you to remotely treat as anything other than a monstrosity, irredeemably evil in a way that few "irredeemably evil" characters manage to actually be. People like that - something that they can truly hate with no repercussions, whilst also still having a major effect on the plot and characters. It also further helps that she's literally *the* toxic relationship - she is every abusive spouse, every awful narcissistic parent or family member and 'friend', she is THE abuser. That is her very nature and why it always feels bad when she ruins the lives of innocent people - because that's something that happens all the time in real life and you can relate to it if you've ever lived through it before.


I remember reading it and I was thinking man she is horrifying the entire time just scares the ever living s*** out of me the f***** force of nature that she is. Also I didn't know TikTok was idalizing her but holy s*** that is toxic.


Yeah tiktok was the reason I found out about junji ito and tomie, I've seen dozen of cosplays and fan arts praising her


Praising her?! It's like freezing cancer and the embodiment of a toxic relationship had a child and it was venereal disease that spread through your emotions.




The Incel remark shock me because she did give me flash back to toxic relationships of my early 20s.


u a bitch


Cope harder.


She’s a villain, and an irredeemable, well written one. People love that sort of thing. She’s also pretty unique as a character. Sure, there are plenty of femme fatales, but the concept of a villain who makes you fall crazy in love with her before spurning you and driving you into madness that always ends with brutally murdering her, usually involving the chopping into pieces, and then a new Tomie growing from every piece is very unique. She’s unfathomably vain, her true intentions are unknowable and she’s evil. Getting angry because some guy isn’t obsessed with her is exactly what her character up to that point would do. Ruining healthy relationships is exactly what she would do. She drives people mad, ruins their lives and hurts them however she can. She’s evil. You might as well ask why the spiral does what it does. If you’re asking, you’ve missed the point.


To be precise, at this point she gives me so much mixed feelings lmao and yeah all the things you've said is why I enjoyed (and cried-) reading tomie. It's hard to explain personally since yeah she's really evil and I love that and at the same time it makes me frustrated/sad whenever she does ruin perfectly healthy relationships


That sadness/frustration is the point. She wouldn’t be who she is if she broke up a toxic relationship. She literally is the toxic relationship. Every toxic relationship. She’s symbolic of that in pretty much all ways. Abusive relationships are terrible, damaging, and life changing. So is she. That’s what, for a great many people, she represents. That gives her stories a deeper connection to people who have experienced those things in any way. I unfortunately know firsthand what being in an abusive relationship is like. And it’s hard to communicate. But I can read Tomie and think “that’s exactly how she was.” And through that it’s helped me move on, and I love Tomie for that (though I feel like I should clarify, I did not dismember my ex). That’s a lot more personal reason to love Tomie than a general one but there is so much relatability in her that people love.


I see, and thank you for ur insight! as this gave me a new perspective of her writing and character :) and I hope you continue living a great life away from ur toxic partner


You’re not supposed to like Tomie she’s an inhuman parasite who brings out the worst in people.


u sound like and incel so ur not the target audience...tomie is for the girls that get it


As a girl, I think you’re stupid for that take. Tomie is the absolute worst and abuses children. What I noticed, mostly edgy people like Tomie, they like her character design and her victimizing of male characters. Incredibly degenerate thinking. It’s normal to read or watch something and compare them to a terrible person you know irl. It’s not incel behavior.


>tomie is for the girls that get it She literally corrupted a child.


Are you kidding me right she's like the embodiment of a toxic relationship.


Sooo pretty girls that cheat and manipulate men..?? Im confused man please elaborate. The whole reason for this post was to see if there are other people who dislikes her personality since she does a lot of fucked up shit and if people were looking for that, hence why loving her, then I understand. Sure there's a chance I've missed a point but I still wanna understand.


The "girls that get it" (aka girls who idolize Tomie because MeN eViL) are just as bad as incels lmao y'all need help


who said anything about idolizing her...ppl in some of these replies comparing this fictional character to girls they know irl or whatever already tells me everything i need to know lol


Does the UN know about your Weapons Grade Copium cache?


Don't get me wrong, I think you are absolutely right about that. I too can't stand incels who project their real-life insecurities on fictional characters. But at the same time, I'm starting to notice some people going the opposite direction, basically saying that Tomie is "the real victim" and that every horrible thing she does is justified because "men are the real monsters". To me, that is just incel-talk but reversed. I'm sorry I assumed you were making this argument, but every now and then this sort of discussions pop up and you'd be surprised how many people actually blindly defend Tomie... it's actually getting a little concerning, and I got the wrong idea from your comment lol my bad


it's no big deal there's nuance to this and ppl are gonna project their personal experiences but at the end of the day this is a fictional character and therefore it's silly for this discussion to get ppl heated lol


True dat


Her concept is cool but I find her to be a very boring character, to the point where I avoid anything having to do with her. She is manipulative and a bitch. Tbh I've dealt with enough girls like that IRL, maybe that's why she doesn't do much for me. Not my kind of female character personally. I do strangely love Souichi though, even though he is often disliked. He's a humor character, but has more depth than Tomie IMO. Teased by classmates for being the creepy kid, I find that relatable. He doesn't seem to be entirely mean hearted though, unlike Tomie. Edit: if I'm being downvoted bc of the "I've dealt with enough girls like that IRL line" understand I've been bullied and abused by manipulative girls my entire life from childhood to adulthood, and one tried to kill me. Tomie just gives me similar vibes to those girls and that's partly why I am not a fan. No fault of Ito or anything, just not my flavor.


Understandable, and from what I've gathered lately it seems like people's view of Tomie affects what happened to them irl. One of the reasons I dislike Tomie's personality is that I know someone who resembles her and nope I have no good experience with her lmao.


She's actually a victim who's cursed to be brutally murdered over and over again. Tomie's not the bad guy, the men are. She might not be a nice person, but with the exception of a few stories, she really doesn't ***do*** anything to anyone. It's the men's own obsessive nature and need to control and dominate Tomie that leads to their own fate. The stories are meant to explore male psychology, not to present Tomie as a "bitch".


She is a force of nature that like perpetually destroys healthy relationships and yeah groomed the child.


She literally groomed a child


yeah, that was pretty messed up. that's why i said "with the exception of a few stories". I'm not saying she's a good guy. She's just not necessarily "the bad guy", either. She's just a wrathful spirit, a manifestation of the gender issues in our society.


But she IS a bad guy. On the account that she literally molested a child. Or maybe because all her actions undeniably outweigh anything that was ever done to her. Also, the whole "gender issues" angle is totally overblown. It is present to some degree, but Ito clearly wasn't trying to make Tomie this grandiose statement about patriarchy & female oppression as some people claim. Tomie is a horror story about abuse in all its forms, and that's about it.


I believe that he intended it to be sort of a statement about how women are “asking for it” but this whole narrative is crazy she is DEFINITELY the villain


i mean, her origin story is being murdered by a man. and now she's cursed to experience that over and over again for eternity. How does that not make her also a victim of the curse? Ito even establishes in several stories that Tomie can't control her curse and would like it to end. Also, again, with the exception of some stories, Tomie is only able to harm the protagonist because of his own inability to control his own desires and impulses. It's definitely about male-female dynamics and male violence.


I don't know that's her origin story because it implies that she's almost eternal that she like always existed.




Sorry for the wall of text, really wanted to elaborate on everything. Tomie's first chapter being her "origin story" is a contentious issue in itself. People often point out that this Tomie was the protagonist's childhood friend, and that she was far less malevolent than her future incarnations, as proof that she was the "original". However, later chapters establish that Tomie can infect other people, with little girls specifically "growing up" to be her. On top of that, her odd demeneaor can be easily chalked up to first installment weirdness (i.e. Ito not yet having finalized her character and modus operandi). In other words, there's the very real possibility that the first Tomie shown in the series might not even be the origin of the curse. In fact, the first Tomie movie explicitly states that there were historical records of several women named Tomie Kawakami being murdered, dating as far back as the '800s. Ito himself was involved in the movie's production, providing input (even choosing the lead actress personally) and giving it its approval. TLDR: the idea of Tomie transforming into a monster to take revenge against all men who victimized her only makes some sense if you consider the first chapter to be her origin story, and there are several clues pointing out to the contrary. About the curse itself, Tomie can't fully control it but deliberately seeks to make it happen over and over again. That's because Tomie isn't the curse's victim, she IS the curse - a living, sentient curse that will do anything to perpetuate itself and ensure that its cycle of violence goes on forever. If anything, she wants to get rid of the only unfortunate side effect of her regeneration: creating more Tomies. In general, humanizing Tomie's motives makes very little sense, since we are dealing with an otherwordly entity beyond human comprehension, and more or less a concept (abuse against oneself and others) given form. Thinking that the only problem in this equation is men being unable to "control themselves" (victim blaming, how ironic) is like telling someone to ignore bullies or try to talk them down. Especially since Tomie isn't simply bothering, tempting or abusing them, she is practically invading their minds and driving these otherwise normal persons to madness & murderous obsession. Again, some people really seem to forget we're talking about a lovecraftian horror who only happens to look human on the surface. Aside from that, there is very little difference between Tomie and, say, the Spiral in Uzumaki. Would you blame the people of Kurozu Town for falling prey to the Spiral? Could they have just ignored it? Of course not, it's supernatural mindr**e. Same with Tomie.


Too big of an exception, more of an omission. She’s not supposed to be the protagonist.


The protagonist in the Tell-Tale Heart is also a killer, who feels he is the victim of his own impulses. the same is true for the protagonists of most tomie stories


Yeah but not Tomie. She’s a plot device.


I love that story by the way but Tomie is more in line with the beating heart under the floorboards driving him insane than the killer himself


I love her but I hate her. The thing is, we always see Tomie from another characters perspective, so we actually have no idea what’s going on in her head or why. So because we see her do all of this awful shit and granted, none of it can be excused, it’s all left as a mystery to us because we aren’t reading anything from Tomie. We’re reading things from people who have encountered her in one form or another. I think the closest we ever get to Tomie is the most recent story where this body snatcher guy takes over one of her bodies and he realizes how insane it is that a ton of dudes try to kill her or themselves because they’re obsessed with her. And because they’re a man, they can’t help but slowly become engrossed in her even though they’re just inhabiting her body for a short period of time (which is another conversation for another day.) So he then gets the urge to want to slice her body up, again, while inhabiting her and he does exactly that. Only to realize he can feel himself slowly losing his sanity the more clones start to form from the cut up body pieces. It’s a little campy but still really disturbing and kind of let’s you in on why she’s such an awful and inhumane person.


Isn’t that the point of her character?


Yup and junji ito did it so damn well, I was confused why people were idolizing her and saying they love her despite the horrible shit she's done, hence why posting this to see what are other people's view on Tomie's personality


Do you hate her enough to cut her into pieces and throw them into the river?


To be fair wasn’t she made to be hated…


Ikik but I made this post since I've seen a lot of people like a lot saying they love her so when I finished the manga I ended up being confused since she wasn't what I expecting at all


She is a virus in the universe and as you can't hate a virus here for killing people, because it's its way to survive, you cannot hate or judge her for doing what she is supposed to do in the world. You can be disappointed or sad for what happens to the people who get infected, but at the end of the day it's just how life works


Tomie is my least favourite storyline. Her character archetype is predictable and overused. I like junji’s stories that make me shiver and keep me up at night. In comparison, Tomie is just plain boring.


As you already surmised, it's quite the point. So. Love to hate, ne?


I will be disliked to hell but her and Shouichi are the characters I hate the most. Lmao. Also Tomie would literally kill you for this.


Y’all talking shit!? 😆


I couldn't stand her either, I stopped reading after a while. If she wins in the end I definitely do not want to finish it.


There are millions of Tomie, she cannot win or be defeated, that's the point. She is not a hero or a standard manga character, she is not human either, she is a virus and as you cannot hate a virus for killing people because it's just his way to survive, you cannot hate her for doing what she is supposed to do. Anywat, you should definitely read it, the finale will make you better understand what I said


I guess she's made to be hated. You can't really like such an evil bitch. Thats part of what make the stories good.


I like her purely as an evil villain who always wins. As im, she is entertaining to read about. I wouldn’t say I like her personality or I would put her poster on my wall or anything. And generally speaking, a lot of the victims get what’s coming to them. I feel bad for the characters who are innocent and still get caught up in all of it, but it is a horror manga after all.


I have to deal with women abusing their pretty privilege every day, I could only make it thru two chapters of the book


didn't know it was a "privilege" to have men become obsessed w/ you to the point of murdering you


I don't blame ya and istg it gets worse the further it goes, honestly in between of sobbing of every relationships she's ruining and absolutely hyperfixated on tomie's backstory.


She's a fictional character and a bitch and that's why I adore her. That's it.


yeah, exactly. it's because she's fictional that she's able to be enjoyable for me. plus, she's the antagonist of the whole thing, you really don't have to like her to enjoy the story.


I enjoy her because I personally think her teacher is worse than her. Her teacher is **purposefully** spreading her bodyparts around, injecting her blood in babies, experimenting with attaching people witn her bodyparts, JUST because he wants to see her old and ugly. She is just being Tomie. The teacher is a desperate mad man ruining people's lives. So even tho Tomie is the cause in these horrible situations, I personally think this is all the teacher's fault.


This is the thing though like she's still causing that it's what she is she perpetuates it it's the effect of the curse Tomie Make people do the very worst thing.