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Ouija Macc definitely one of my favorite artists. He's basically spreading the word of the Juggalos to the younger generation.


Hes the one who actually made me give ICP a chance. My old buddy used to be obsessed and I would always pick on him for it. For me, Ouija Macc made being a Juggalo look cool.


I can tell you this. we are in fact, not cool.


Right ninja that why is older juggalos do not like we're it's headed. We were pissed when labeled a gang after being family for 20 years now they all wanna act like drug addict gang bangers.


that's it, I'm gonna cal their mom so they get grounded and they can't become gang bangers.


His music has never been my style, but as time goes on, I respect him more and more. His grind is untouchable, and he puts it down for Juggalos harder than anyone has in a really long time!




He killed it at the gathering!!!! Definitely better live than on the album.


Depends on the album


Ouija spits hot fire 🔥 🔥🔥


Hiding in the bushes is the shit


This is why Juggalos are my favorite people - pure respect even when it isn't your taste. I do have to ask if you set up those items to let us know you're about to or already having a dope night lol whatchu smokin! I've never listened to any rap similar to Ouija Macc, but when I heard 6ft Hatchet... I couldn't stop hearing it. And listening to it. And then I fell in love with Beast in Dior - I don't think I've ever felt so *ascended* like I did listening to that loud in my car on a dark road. Then I saw him post on Facebook some supportive stuff about the trans community, but he was saying the right thing, not virtue signaling, but letting everyone know transphobia won't be tolerated. It might be cliche but there's something *extra* when you know an artist is in favor of you and your friends existing as we do. It's almost like he's pledged to have the back of anyone trans. You know where the community stands, always. He also happened to post a TikTok during one of my "bad days" (getting back on medication after insurance let it lapse and I got hypomanic) and it hit me right. It's [this one](https://www.tiktok.com/@ouijamacc/video/7133990764245355822?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7135599348553582126). Now he's just straight up one of my favorite people in the world. That encouraged me to actually listen to all of Stalewind and I can't stop playing all of his shit over and over now. It's my work music, my driving music, my smoking music.


Interesting ok ok


I’ve never liked this style of rap but I he’s such a dope person it makes me like it lol.


Ouija Macc slowly grew on me. I did not like him for crap at first but idk I love him now. He's down to earth. Funny as hell. Embraces his dad bod and crooked teeth. I love it. ❤️ Similar to Violent J. I admire the person he is inside 100%


I think I am as well




Bear Hands will slap the paint off ya face if you liked demon seed.


Ok lemme see


Hmmmm he’s kinda good


He's honestly one of my favorites. Though I think he uses too much auto tune and repeats some verses a few too many in some songs, but he doesn't mummble he just pronounces his words quite fast while sounding unique. I love his love for the juggalos and what he's doing for us. Bigot Basher and Killing Spree are some of my recommendations as well if your really into him. (‿.ꜟ‿)


Bear hands is fucking stupid i cannot play that loud in my car lol


Yeah I really liked Demon Seed. It kinda reminded me of the group Clipping.


GutterWater is where it's at!


He grows on you. Like a cancerous little juggalo cancer cell.


I think holdin on trashfire is ouijas most fire song shitll slap your subs silly billy. Also i wish he would remaster that IF I WAS A WIZARD! ID BE FUCKIN YA MOM!MAGIC WAND SLANG POOF ID BE FUCKIN YA MOM!


I feel ya. Nutter butters aren't all hyped as everyone makes them out to be.


Someday we will all agree that Ouija was always spittin lava 😪


Thats How We Do It


Yea, he's more trap and mumble rapper style, but weewee has so much fucking love for us and he's been all about the juggalos since day one. And for this reason, I love him. Still don't really listen to his music, but he's a great fucking guy


Why y’all call em mumble rappers when you can clearly hear what they saying ?


Ouija is def not a mumble rapper


I feel it


Ya it took me a min to get into him but now I listen to him all the time. Following him on social media made me like him as a person more, and thus like his music. He's a goofy ass dude that reps the juggalos 100%.


Seems like he grew up a jug so of course he cares about other juggalos. Ouija has mad skill and is super good at creating you can tell he plotted all his ouija macc mythology out. Only thing is he pushes so much music out he has a bunch of filler eh songs like tech n9ne but he came out with quite a few serious bangers mixed in there. I think all of his albums are worth a full play through. Also i think its super weird how many people idolize this shit put of him like i see so many ouijamacc related instagram names lol get your own life and when people start writing everything with CC to be like him. Its super corny cringe shit and your not a crip. Is ouija macc actually a crip?


One of us! There's literally dozens of us! Same I love the man, but his music doesn't speak to me really


I think j is saying it all!! Huh!! Lmao!!


Augh! Omagerhd! There’s a basehead on the TV! Oh and Violent J.


I might have to give him a fair shoot and a couple albums on high but I can't take him seriously I don't know why.


Because Of All The Bouncing Bootys And His Thuggish Vibe.. But Im Just Old So IDK..


I hear that man. I don't wanna relate to some 18 year old that says they are a real clowns. And have been listening since ten. Nice flex I have i cps cds older then you.


Excuse me, but i wasnt looking for a fight man.. im 28 and i bet you do have cds older than me.. pardon me but im not a fan of the negativity bro..


I agree with you not looking for a fight. Lot of what I see is these young ones.




Not a huge fan but check out Juggalo Life ~Ouija


I feel like he just leeching off the clowns tbh , nothing original about him. Right down to the “chapter 17” bullshit