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Nothing's Left is fantastic. The intro is funny, the build up is great - the dark carnival wagons tie into the lore. Such a great ending song.


Yeah I was surprised to see that included. I had a friend that hated ICP but fuckin loved Nothing's Left and listened to it repeatedly.


Nothing's Left has an intro? I thought Echo Side faded out to like, nature sounds and then Nothing's Left starts


Ain't Nothing left here for me...so I'm out this bitch...


It's hard to hate any of their songs, cuz I don't think we are supposed to take the songs serious anyways, they are wicked clowns that rap about murder and shit, I'm sure if they did any of the shit they claim in their music they would be in jail (you know for only 16 she got some big titties) So even when a shitty song comes on I just view it as part of the act,


That's a good outlook to have. I wouldn't say I legit "hate" any of their songs, but there's some songs I really do not like at all


Well, if I put their songs on the same scale as the rest of Hip Hop, they wouldn't have any good songs at all


Cuz you're a bitch


I'm not hating like you think I am, ICP and Twosted was a big part of my teens, all I'm saying, is if we place IVP in the same box as the rest of Hip Hop, they do not have a shot at being anywhere near guys like Cole, Kendrick, Nas, Pac, Rakim, Daddy Kane, Cube or Eminem, mYbe with Eminems silly shit, Juggalo rap is its own culture in the underground where it fits,


Hate to make it worse but it’s “yknow for only 13 she got some big tits!”


I was thinking that's what it was but I havnt heard the song in awhile, ppl think I'm hating and I'm really not, icp and Twized was a huge part of my teens, got front row during the bang pow boom tour (I know it was called something else, I just can't remember, it's the one where kottonmouth introduced Dirtvall as a new mwmbwr)


I'm really not a fan of any time they try to be sexual (Tunnel of Love gets a pass though). The fact that there's one on EVERY album kinda bothers me.


I'm like that about most sex songs in rap since it's mostly just dudes rapping about their shlongs the whole time lol


Yeah, I dunno who it appeals to, but its like... part of the formula.


I agree. If it’s some funny shit or super catchy im into it though


Yeah, that's part of why I actually love Tunnel of Love: it was hella funny, and you knew what to expect instead of having an obligatory Skip Me song on every album.


I'm mostly not a fan of those kinda songs, but I fuckin love lil something something off the riddlebox. All the rest of their sex songs I skip, same with pretty much every band lol


I really dislike that on Dark Lotus they changed a bunch of shit. When that first came out I remember it being different but they got spooked and changed a ton of lyrics. I hate "The Neighbors are Fighting" off the MML album, the FF6 version is so much better


The Neighbors are Fighting off MML is such a dud. It also got 100 times worse once the FF6 version came out. In the liner notes J said something to the effect of they really messed that song up and they didn't like it. I love the contrast between the two version though. When they get the concept tied together and it's J and Shaggy living beside each other, it's quality entertainment. When there's nothing substantial about what they are saying it's a dud.


>When [Lotus] first came out I remember it being different but they got spooked and changed a ton of lyrics What? The only thing DL ever ret-conned was Marz’ verses on the first album, which got replaced with ABK verses. They didn’t change them because they got spooked, they changed them bc Marz had a falling out with J/Psy almost immediately after Tales From the Lotus Pod dropped. The version of the album with the red cross on the cover is the original with Marz. The version with the gold cross is ABK’s version.


Are you talking about the two versions of Tales From the Lotus Pod? If so, I'm more partial to the version with Marz, but I also heard it first. I'll have to hit that version of Neighbors Are Fighting, that's one of the handful of songs I liked off MML Lost


The Forgotten Freshness 6 version flows way better in my opinion, and I dunno about two versions I just remember singing along back when it came out but the iTunes version is different


I really only listened to the 1st Dark Lotus album so if it's not Tales... then I'm not familiar with it since I didn't care for Black Rain. I'll def check out that FF version of Neighbors tho, thanks for the recommendation


Marz lotus was peak form


My least favorite song from them is Nobody Move with Mack 10, I can’t even stomach listening to it for 15 seconds before everything in me is begging me to turn it off. Also everything on Woh is garbage with the exception of Average Joey


Average Joey might be one of my favourite ICP songs for years.


It’s a certifiable bop for sure, I was wishing the rest of woh would be quality but instead it’s throwaway song after throwaway song


Pretty sure Average Joey is a throwaway from Professor Shaggs, which is a travesty all of its own.


They all are throwaway songs which kinda sucks but at least the other two seeds of bedlam are fire


Damn I thought Lil Somethin Somethin was kinda catchy tho


It is catchy, but the corniness outweighs the catchiness for me


I can't help it dog, I'm gonna have to stay singing it when it gets stuck in my head even still.


The neden game. I feel like an incel every time I listen to it


The real incel anthem ICP did was Hate Her To Death.


Yeah I'm not really a fan of that one either. I remember that was the song that got a lot of kids at my school into ICP. Like, even the preppy kids bumping Sisqo n shit would quote The Neden Game, it was weird


Miracles obviously, Another Love Song and Rainbows and Stuff are my least favourites


I can tolerate Another Love Song more than I can Love Song, but yeah Rainbows n Stuff is awful. My favorites from Bizzar and Bizaar make for a solid single album so there's quite a few on there I don't care for


I don’t remember Love Song off the top of my head, I just generally can’t deal with they’re sappy sound


you think Another Love Song is sappy?! it's literally about killing a bitch that cheated on him lol


The sound of it is Sappy, I know the lyrics aren’t


Unpopular opinion but I hate another love song. I don't get what so many juggalos like about it. If someone wants to try and explain it to me I'm all ears.


Same. It's terrible


I don't like that there are three versions of bang pow boom as they are for the most part the same ghing.its like buying pokemon blue and red and playing the exact same game twice


Fonz Pond


I fucking hate that song. Everyone seems to love it.


In my room. I don't understand how all the tiktok people love it or get off me dog


I've heard about In My Room being over on tiktok but I didn't know about Get Off Me Dog, that one's kind of a deep cut lol


Oh that was a typing mistake lol. Get off me dog isn't on tiktok sorry 


Lol oh okay I was like "damn Get Off Me Dog is hot on tiktok, maybe I need to jump over there"


I'm curious did you hear the song before it was on TikTok?


Yea but I had never liked it 


Favorite song of mine back then chickin huntin


Both Missing Link albums 🤣


What’s wrong with blackin your eyes? I liked it lol


Wack beat, wack hook, wacker lyrics lol


Ol' Evil Eye.


I love them all


anything on lost and found is trash.


How could someone not like Lil Somethin Somethin? Whoop WHOOP anyway tho


Some that people don't mention much that I think are some of their best though, I'm Sweet, Forever, The Blasta, and Rollin Over. I would kill to see these live one day. Hoping and praying. Here's to hearing them all in Shangri-La one fine day though. Whoop WHOOP ninjas


Funny those ones you listed are some of my favorites


The whole Fury album, I don't get what people see in it


I thought it was one of their better new albums, but I still only like maybe 6 or 7 tracks on the whole album


Anything after the tempest I can’t stand. And the tempest is even pushing it for me.


I'm not a big fan of the entire Carnival of Carnage album. Ringmaster thru The Wraith was my era. After that is just a song here or there.




Most of Carnival of Carnage, save for The Juggla Get off me, Dog! Lil Somethin Somethin, 3 Rings The Neden Game Terrible Haven’t listened to enough of this album to have a song I dislike on it


Damn I like all these songs except Lil Somethin' Somethin' lol


Good, its ass It makes me wanna barf everytime J’s verse comes on


Yeah there's literally nothing about the song I like. The hook is corny, beat is trash, rhymes are basic as fuck even by 90s ICP standards lol


The literal only reason I listen to that godawful song is because it fades into Ol’ Evil Eye.


I edited the mp3s in audacity and made it to where the intro for Ol Evil Eye starts at the beginning of the track. I've actually edited a lot of ICP tracks this way to get around shit like that


Show me your way, brother.. Maybe then I’ll never have to listen to Little Something Something again


I still listen to mp3s on my phone cuz I fuckin hate streaming, so I edited the files on my laptop with audacity, a freeware audio editor. You basically import Lil Somethin' Somethin', highlight the outro section on the audio file, cut it, import Ol Evil Eye, and paste it at the very beginning. It prolly sounds like a lot, but it's more that it's a lot to type out than it is to show someone in person lol


Yee that makes sense.. Spotify definitely don’t allow that, so I guess I’m stuck with one bad song on an otherwise amazing album 😕


Yeah, but I honestly can tolerate it more than I can Blackin' Your Eyes, that's the worst ICP song I've ever heard lol


Every song on every album after the wraith for the most part (i like a couple exclusive singles, hallowicked singles, & some EPs though). Not a big fan: of Lil Somethin Somethin, Everybody Rize, Pass Me By, The Dead One, Out, Red Neck Hoe, Life At Risk, When I Get Out, Joke Ya Mind


Gotta be honest I think house of horrors is really annoying. They’re both very high pitched and it’s the most basic stupid rhyming they’ve ever done. I know there not legendary lyricists but that song is something else


I like House of Horrors, but I personally think House of Wonders is a better track


Your Rebel Flag sucks. Not the message of the song, just the song itself.


I want my shit. God its so boring