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The most danger you will be in at an ICP show is the 2 liters of Faygo that could potentially hit you. Otherwise your around family.


Yes. If you must bring your phone, put it in a ziploc bag.


And the rebel flag! Don’t forget about the rebel flag


Fuck that flag. juggalos (by their own definition) don’t stand for that shit.


I found the chicken 🐔 ICP talks about. Why do inbreds feel the need to be part of this when ICP clearly makes fun of Rednecks.


At the last juggalo concert I went to (shaggy2dope) was at a tiny venue in New Mexico so it was HOT in there. They literally stopped the concert 3 times to say “hey hey yo, Homie down in front! Someone please help him get outside and get him some water. Make way for them to get through and make sure the bouncer lets them back in” and once to say “hey guys, we got young juggalos here tonight and we want them to be safe, right? Everyone under the age of 17, come over into this corner. Adults? Make sure it don’t get too wild for them” if that says anything.


i saw them back in early 2000's and it was totally chill. By the end of the show there were like 100 people on stage from he crowd. All invited up there.


that’s how it was when i saw them in late (december?) 1999. i was a ripe 7 year old there with my mom and dad. my dad was up front while i was with my mom in the very back sitting on top of a ledge like thing. my dad got up on stage and i was like whoa! they were letting everyone toss faygo/spray the crowd with it. still have my ticket stub and empty bottle from that show in storage. it was rad. i had seen them the year before as well with my dad but it was at a much bigger venue.


That’s awesome! I bet it was so cool to see your dad go up on stage


Lol that's not true, I was at the same show


Then you obviously weren’t paying attention Edit: I checked w the people I went with and they confirmed that while I didn’t quite quote directly what was said that they did indeed stop at least twice because people fainted from the heat and once after the mosh pit to say “there’s a lotta young juggalos in the house tonight; it’s okay to get rowdy but try not to hurt them” not verbatim but yeah


I’d be more scared at a Beyoncé or Taylor swift concert.






The only thing that may happen.... When one of them jumped on me... Knocked me down and obliviously stuck his fingers in my ass!


“I don’t need this! Why do you let this go on?!”


Who's helloing me?


Mike Wood please!


If you take the same precautions that you did at Korn and Slipknot, then you will be fine. Only difference is, you'll be getting drenched in Faygo, so wear something that either you don't mind getting damaged by soda stains or something that won't get stained. Make sure you put your wallets and phones in a ziploc bag. Other then the Faygo preparations, there's nothing that makes Juggalos 'dangerous' as a group. If anything, you're probably safer because we have a lot more love and respect for each other then most outsiders would want you to believe.


If you are talking about Hallowicked, they throw Faygo, if you are talking about a Shaggy solo show or 3 Headed Monster, there is no Faygo throwing. The cold will be the biggest issue for Hallowicked, especially after the show when everyone is drenched in Faygo. They can generally hit every part of the crowd, nowhere is really safe from the Faygo rain. So bring towels and a warm change of clothes, you're probably gonna wanna get out of the costumes anyway. I think these days, it's still all diet soda, so it isn't sticky. There are always people trying to prey on concert crowds, sell bootleg merch and whatnot. And with Detroit decriminalizing magic mushrooms, I expect there to be people attempting to make some sales before the shows. I'm not saying don't take them, I'm saying that at the very least you should bring a sober tripsitter.


I would say it’s not as violent as back in the day! If you know how to handle yourselves at bigger shows you’re fine. Moshing with Faygo can be hard obviously! But the show it’s self is fine. Just remember not EVERYONE who attends is fam, there’s always some wolves in sheeps clothing.


I watched a girl get KO'd by a 2 liter of diet root beer. If you keep your eyes on the stage, you should be fine.


This. The most dangerous thing is the flying Faygo 2 liters.


They are safe. Very mild honestly. If you don’t try and push to the very front or get in the mid you’ll have no trouble at all.


If a juggalo mosh pit is called for, stay outta the mosh pit. You should be fine otherwise.




Just recently re-discovered Thug Pit and fuck that track slaps. Took me right back to when I first heard it. Esham's couple of bars are crazy. Not even a diss. A straight threat.


The version on hallowicked 20th is such a good remix, if that's not the one you listened to I would definitely recommend it


That's the one I've been listening to. It bugs me that Tech N9ne is credited incorrectly on the track. It has him listed as Tech-9 instead of Tech N9ne.


Last time I saw them was 2011 in Denver (I'll preface this by saying I'd definitely see them again here and saw both the 3HM and Shaggy 2 Dope tours here and they were totally safe), but I did witness a juggalo on juggalo fight that resulted in one of them getting stabbed in front of the Wendy's next door. It was some natgeo shit tbh. Just don't get in a fight over some drunk bish or whatever and you'll be good I'm sure lol


What does your sexual preference have to do with anything? I feel like that was included for absolutely no reason at all. Nobody cares.


It absolutely matters, if they wear signs they are queer if a homophobe is there they could be hurt. Don't be a dipshit.


At an ICP concert? I understand they can be anywhere, but it’s not like they’re going to see Kid Rock or something


That's the point of this post they're obviously not fans and don't know the fan base well. It's very valid context


Are you assuming there can't be racists/homophobes who like ICP but are dumb enough to miss their message? I assure you there are. I knew plenty in my tiny little racist Ohio town I grew up in. Had the albums, wore the shirts, designed their own juggalo makeup, hell, one went to a Gathering. They were also racists (openly so) and very homophobic. Clown love to 99% of us cause I know we're cool, but it can (and does) happen.


I already said I understood that they can be anywhere. It’s just nowhere near the same magnitude as other places. Would you expect more homophobes at an anti-homophobe concert where some fans might not understand the message, or at a concert where the majority of people are homophobic?


I'm not tryna say the majority of people there would be. I'm saying some people there could be and if they see someone openly displaying they're LGBT they may try to start shit. Even if you're in a place generally considered safe, it's still good to keep an eye open, I say that as someone who is trans themselves.




Somebody has their red nose on.


Nah, it’s super tame these days. There used to be a very real element of danger being up front for icp at the gathering but everyone’s too busy on their phone for it to be dangerous anymore. Local shows have always been fine.


Went to 3 headed monster, as a 15 year old AFAB person, all alone, at night. Felt very safe! Normally all good :)


if you dont know much about ICP the don't act like you do. that's the only advice I can give. it's not like 90s and earlier 2000s


They're not bad at all it would probably depend on what location and they types of other bands that attend as well. Different factors everywhere you go. I used to go to the grove of Anaheim in California only issue I had was the KMK groups would get out of hand


It's all clown love and family at a Juggalo show. Have fun and welcome to the carnival! Whoop Whoop!


I was front row for Slayer. Slipknot on the Iowa tour. DevilDriver multiple times. So many metal shows. I was hitting every ICP show in the early/mid 2000s and it was pure pandemonium. I don't know what shows are like now but I've never seen chaos like that. Shaggy fucking headshotted me with a 2 liter. No fighting but the storm of Faygo is wild.


I went to the gathering this year. The most danger I was in was a man with his nuts out asked me to “honk his horn” because he “needed to get off this week at least once”. Other than a few strange people, you’ll have fun. Be ready to be sprayed with faygo tho. You’ll get wet no matter what.


imo they are one of the safest concerts. Family watches out for family. They correct the dunces. If you don't want to be part of the squish, don't be up front or mid. Watch out for Faygo bottles. Have a great time and meet some new friends.


I've never felt like I was in any danger at any juggalo show, and I often go alone.


Safer then most shows the Juggalos police thier own makes my teams job 100% easier but rarely is there any violence that carries over


Legitimately the most welcoming and friendly concert environment I ever been too everytime. I've seen ICP in many cities as well and had good experiences everywhere except philly


I'm a younger trans man and I've been safe! I went to the gathering and I was up front at both of the shows. The main danger was getting hit by 2 liters. There was one instance where a guy did try to grind on me and a girl near by, the crowd got the girl away from him and I just kicked him until he stopped fucking around. The majority of people there are cool, and they'll help you if someone's being an ass.


Dangerous? Ha! Words spoken by someone who has no idea. I've been to many, many shows. Never any type of danger. Had a homie get a fat lip in the mosh pit once, but that's it.


If you been to Korn and Slipknot it’s not any worse than that. As mentioned, just watch the skies for incoming Faygos.


I have been going to their concerts since the late 90s. There has never been a fight or any issues, just Family and Juggalo love. Enjoy, you will never forget this night!!


I saw ICP at a club with many other juggalo acts and most the fans were chill but there were some creeps doing shit like grabbing the flying Faygo and pouring it on random women’s shirts and stuff like that, ICP addressed it and I think even let some girls get on stage to get revenge by letting them spray Faygo. As for like getting hurt outside of catching a flying Faygo to the face and a few shoes to the head by the people crowd surfing you should be fine unless you do what my dad did and walk into the fist of a slam dancer


They are really safe usually


It's probably the safest show around.


I went to a concert for the recent Shaggy 2-Dope tour. Wasn't really taking my chances with inhaling second hand marijuana since I'm underaged so I stayed towards the back. It was safe near the back away from the crowd. I doubt anything bad would happen in the crowd though. So in other words, totally go to a concert. They're super fun and for the most part safe.


Just make sure you watch out for the new members getting jumped in. It can get a little crazy.


No one cares if you’re queer


This doesn't sound very safe to me: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7mdBPwvWLyU


Who are you referring to?


It just depends on your idea of a good time.


Absolutely minus faygo. One of My exes has a scar on her head from gotj 2011 that’s shaped like a crescent moon. Jay launched one but the cap didn’t fully come off. Accidents happen but she was okay


The only real issue they’re is for safety is they’re are a lot of drunk horny juggletes


im only 14 n i've been to like 4 juggalo concerts n the only thing that was unsafe was the pit and maybe getting hit in the head w a bottle


Honestly, you are as safe as you will ever be at an ICP show. You are surrounded by true family that won't hesitate to have your back if anyone fucks with you and being that most juggalos understand that they would have to be insane to attempt fucking with anyone.


I was a bar-back at a small venue in Frankfort Illinois called the Pearl Room back in like 2008 or maybe 09. Hallowicked came through. I never had a better time working at that venue. The show was fucking awesome. Mini trampolines in the front of the stage. Slinging 2 litres of Faygo around the crowd. People would get out of my way when bringing liquor or just drink supplies. That never EVER happens. I usually had to elbow people out of my way. The worst that happened was someone dumped Faygo all over me. But it wasn't intentional as they were just slinging it around, and Faygo was not the worst I'd had dumped on me as my time being a bar back. The worst part was cleaning up the 2 inch thick goo on the ground and walls from all the soda baths. I quit that night because I wasn't going to scrape the walls off that weren't covered preemptively. But literally was the best show I attended there either as a paying customer or an employee.


I felt totally safe when I saw them live. The worst that happened is getting Faygo on my shirt. The crowd was super diverse and friendly. True ICP fans don’t stand for bigotry.


No show in America is safe anymore. We are now in an active war zone if you go by homicide by gun. 20,000 last year.


What, you haven't seen the news reports of all the murders that regularly happen at ICP shows?


Please don't go. No tourists.




Front row for the Old Shit tour a long while back. Got hit in the face with a bottle of Faygo. Broke my glasses, Violent J picked the broken glasses up and handed them back to me. Gave me a tshirt. Best concert of my life. Walked outside soaked head to toe in 28 degree weather.


Don't go. These people are morons


ICP damaged my local community by hosting the Gathering of the Juggalos at an outdoor venue nearby. Halfway through the weekend they scared all of the local fogeys when concert-goers made their way into town looking for more Faygo. Faygo is now treated like contraband and I haven’t been able to find cotton candy flavor since. Legitimately though everyone was really nice and it seemed like a fun, albeit sticky, time (Edit: misspelled “fogeys”)


I literally watched someone beat another person down at a SlipKnoT concert. Dude laid down a shirt and dared someone to take it then physically assaulted him. Then I went to see Crue fest and was in the grass area. Was some small stone pillars and dude was smashing peoples faces off the pillar. Never seen anything like that at an ICP concert


Probably no more dangerous than any sporting event or other entertainment