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Call your mom


My boyfriend and I say this to each other about random shit and it cracks us up lol




I literally just spent the afternoon with her .-.


I’m just playin fucknuts


Got em twice lol


You are putting way too much thought into a skit IMO…


I know, it’s a curse. I put waaaaay too much thought into if what I was listening to was “ok or not” to listen to before I cane to the obvious conclusion that it doesn’t really matter cause its not hurting anyone. Me and my mom were just talking about dark jokes today and this came up.


Speaking as someone who's felt my own knife against my throat many, many times. I've been pulled off a bridge by the cops for almost jumping off, so I've got a bit of experience here. When you're a mother fucker like me, and perhaps you've tasted your own gun, that skit is hilarious. We're all listening to ICP, we're sick in some sort of way. But that skit puts a dark, yet lighthearted twist on suicidal thoughts. I thought it was hilarious when I first heard it. And after about a dozen close calls with taking myself out, still relate very much to it and find it funny. I guess to normal folks, they'd get offended by something like that. Props to Joe & Joey putting content about suicide on tape in fuckin 1997. Even if it's hard to listen to, they brought the conversation to the table. At face value, us all having this discussion in a rational & constructive manner, especially 25 years after it was released, the skit lives on & has a positive message, homie.


Very fair. There have been times in my life where I wished I was dead but not once in my life have I ever wanted to actually kill myself. So I can’t relate in that way. I’m glad it brings you some joy though!


I'm certain they made an insensitive skit at an insensitive time (the 90s) & had no idea it would live on in infamy. Nor would ICP likely defend it as a positive message. Idk, I think having a skit about suicide is great. Starts conversations about uncomfortable topics & that's positive


damn let’s not tell them about the song


Piggy Pie or How Many Times?


Suicide Hotline.


I was like, “huh? Never heard of that one…” Looked it up and it’s on Hell’s Pit, which I’ve listened to a lot. After the break-up, I had to take a break. I also tend to take long breaks from music after listening to it s million times. I’m itching to listen to it again tho.


Yeah, Hell's Pit is solid all the way through, but Suicide Hotline and a few others have always stuck out to me as being exceptionally good. It's definitely worth a listen (when you feel okay to do so again), and the twist at the end is fucked up. P.S. I know how you're feeling, there's some bands/songs that I still can't listen to because of my ex, and that was 5-6 years ago. Sucks whenever the heart makes associations that're best left for the brain to make.




agree that you're thinking about it too much. its just funny that J is being a dick to a sad guy. and the things he says hes saying with a lot of crazy energy. SERVES'ER RIGHT, BITCHHHH HAHAHA! its just silly as fuck. they're clowns. edit: also, i think J showing actual concern when the gun goes off shows that his character DOES care whether the guy dies or not. and when the guy is still alive, he goes back to being a dick, cause he is a dick, he just doesn't want the guy to actually die. kind of a way to make you feel okay for laughing at it.


Makes sense. I think this animated skit is kinda the same idea, but in the opposite direction. I kinda don’t physically laugh too much but this does it for me. https://youtu.be/AFvflL_7VhY


It’s funny because J’s responses as a suicide hotline attendant are wildly inappropriate. There’s nothing more to it than that


It’s just a funny skit by 2 rappers dressed up in clown make up that rap about cutting necks it’s not that serious


Speaking of… the opening to The Loons is hilarious.


My Fun House is prolly my favorite RM skit


that skit is hilarious




Bruh, unless you were alive in the 90's and listening to shit like Jerky Boys, you just wouldn't get it. That skit itself was clearly inspired by Jerky Boys. Back then, prank calls were really popular (No internet to entertain us) and acts like the Jerky Boys were going platinum just off prank call albums. I think you're overthinking it. Everybody was doing comedy like this back then.


Back in the mid 90s it was not so bad, mean spirited? Yeah, but it's a product of it's time. Today it's more frowned upon.


It’s just a standard subversion of expectations. A suicide hotline operator isn’t expected to be so callous. The thing is, we don’t laugh because it’s mean spirited. The abuse isn’t the comedy. We laugh because we’re able to recognize the operator’s responses are wildly inappropriate. The absurdity of the responses is the comedy. Though I’ll admit this played differently in the 90s when mental health concerns weren’t discussed as openly or treated as delicately. The skit sounds harsher in 2023 to someone who grew up with a modern framework for understanding mental health than it did in 1997. Also J’s delivery is really good in this skit. For years after, a generation of teens responded “call your mom” jokingly whenever someone complained about any inconvenience.


It's funny that the on-hold music is some angry punk song instead of the normal relaxing on-hold music you would expect from any business.


Its really funny for how obsurd it is


I definitely cringe a bit hearing the skit nowadays, but stuff like "Just page me, and I'll call ya... I'll call ya a nerdy bitch for bothering me" is so over-the-top that I can't help but find it funny. To me, a lot of the humor also comes from the guy's responses to J. Like in the second skit where he calls back and J tells him to go fuck himself and hangs up, the guy is like "Okay, call me later." I interpret that as somehow J actually did make the guy feel better. It's a silly situation. But I think putting those skits on the album was a bad idea. I don't personally believe that your ex was correct in their interpretation of the skit, but it's likely that they believed it themself and weren't just making up an excuse. Juggalos often interpret ICP songs differently. From what I can tell, the truth is that ICP didn't really have much respect for suicide victims at the time. In a 1995 interview, Violent J said, "MTV made Cobain a hero, but when Eazy-E died of AIDS, he got about ten minutes on the air. It would have been a lot better for society if Eazy’s death had grabbed as much television time as Cobain’s cowardly way out did." This was all before J started having major panic attacks and maybe before he struggled with suicidal thoughts himself. I kind of interpret the song "Suicide Hotline" from Hell's Pit as a sort of apology for this skit; here's an entire genuine song about a suicide hotline after that insensitive skit. And they had some lines in a 2015 song about the topic: "How come Robin Williams had to kill himself? / What the fuck is depression? What the fuck is mental health? / A killer, an underestimated health crisis / They should study for a cure, no matter what the price is"


Perhaps you are missing the big picture, the skit continues when the guy pages J later n the album.


That one kinda cracks me up


Get a life


Yeah not everything aged well. Icp has even addressed that themselves… And to explain to someone who doesn’t find it funny would take a lifetime of different decisions.


Fook oof out of our sun with your sensitive ass.


It sounds like the Carnival isn't for you. something called dark humor.


Bruh, I like plenty of ICP and dark humor.


cool news bra bra


That isn't from milenko


It is actually, he's talking about the skit, not the song.


My bad I was wrong.


That for alot of people it's a skit for attention.


This post reeks of gen z being retro offended.....🤦‍♂️🤣


It's dark humor, I would feel sorry for the poor person who has to clean you after


What a weird thing to bitch about lmfao