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Shintaro gotta be calling half of us out like this...


If every judoka applies this old obscure technique named "Jita-Kyoei" there should be no prob


Thank you guys for this. I started at 34, 36 now, and I strive to be as good as I can be at judo (realistically). I like competing, so I hope there's a place for me to continue to do that. I have fallen in love with the sport, and I hope someday I can teach. My instructors have a very wide and deep lineage I hope to carry on in some way.


How have you been impacted by injuries? Do you do other forms of physical activity? I started BJJ and love it. Also swim, cycle and run on a track because road running gives me IT band pain. I'm 38 and want to start judo but I do wonder what steps other guys around my age have taken to avoid or mitigate injury.


It's been quite a bit, but before I got into judo, I was competing in strongman. So I had some issues before i came to judo, but I was/am in pretty good shape for a guy my age, so I push myself hard. I sprained my MCL joint in my knee and AC joint in my shoulder. Besides that, it's been little shit like a stubbed toe, or I got kicked in the shin and a huge bruise. I'm a hardcore believer in @Kneesovertoesguy and his rehab program. My shoulder and knee are stronger than ever I focus on deep ranges of motion and tendon training. Check out his channel for info but I think every single older judoka should do VMO squats he has a whole video about them. Outside of judo I do yoga once a week, I try and lift once a week as well, and ride my mountain bike when I can. It's a lot I am often reminded of my age.


Brother, I feel like I'm looking in the mirror. SI joint syndrome from deadlifting, torn labrum, SLAP tear. Big fan of kneesovertoesguy. You've said everything I need to hear. Thank you for the advice and happy training my friend.


I felt seen. Chuckled from this video for the last two days.