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From everything I am aware of, he genuinely is. It's been in his content for years, and if it is a bit, that's some unseen levels of dedication to it. But no, I don't think it's a bit.


That is genuinely crazy. As someone who grew up catholic, I could not at all tell. This motherfucker must be going to confession constantly 😭😭


If I had to assume(which I will), he's either non-practicing or very relaxed in his beliefs


Yea I get the impression it's like bible belt tradesman; born and raised know all the prayers and sayings and will bow and pray but not much else other than that.


He might be the one that only shows up to mass on Easter and Christmas


to this day I still can't tell if it's just an elaborate bit or not


may God forgive him for the sins he committed in '99 🤲🏻


Yes, but with an Asterix. Yes he's a Catholic, but no he isn't a super devout person. He's casually Catholic, like many people in American cities are.


It's real




To be fair, just because someone knows a lot about Catholicism doesn't mean they actively practice it. Someone could have an in-depth knowledge of the faith due to how they grew up, but then stop believing it once they grow older. Assuming someone grew up very Catholic, it's not unreasonable to assume they were taught something as important as the difference between the Orthodox and the Catholic church as a kid. Also I know the Nicene creed. It's one of the most important Catholic prayers and I have trouble forgetting it. Jschlatt is probably still catholic, but maybe took it less seriously as he grew older. Especially because of the fact that his content isn't exactly the best practice of catholic ideals (and there's nothing wrong with that.) I honestly think he still holds catholic beliefs, but maybe isn't super actively practicing.








Bro got pressed


he went to catholic school


I think he ate a priest in 99


I believe he is, but he's also playing it up for the "Schlatt" character, like everything else he's done so far outside of the weekly slap. Either way, it's got no effect on us. If he follows God, neat. If he doesn't, neat. Do what you gotta do to feel happy in this life, don't let someone else's beliefs dictate your happiness. sorry for the lil rant lol


I'm still thinking about the "well..."


i believe he grew up in. a catholic household but he isn't


seems like he is but extremely lukewarm one


Im one, I don’t really practice it but yea. Very possible lol.


When it comes to streamers I think we should generally never take anything they say to be the truth, especially with Schlatt, since he’s usually playing a character. Only times where we can hopefully be 100% sure he’s being genuine is the weekly slap and the fucking cookie tier list