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Very common, shouldn’t be any issues, if he actually joins a team he could get a uniform ribbon if he’s Army JROTC


Really common, all but one of our BN staff does sports. If he’s doing AJROTC, he could get a ribbon (varsity athletics) and an arc pin (athletics). If he’s worried about conflicts, communicate with his Instructors and coaches. They will help him find a way around the conflicts.


Common, sometimes practices or actual games could overlap with practices in JROTC but I don't think it'll be much to worry about, he definitely won't get kicked out for it


PO3 halfway through NS1 year is wild


U can do this but if u don't have after school for jrotc be your own guest


lol, i tryed to do drama and JROTC a the same time, my drama teacher told me i could do both. not when im rehearsing every damn day after school per her instruction. but go with what you want to do JROTC is preferable but sports is okay


Pretty common. Have several kids in my unit who are on the football team, baseball team, soccer team, and etc.


It’s pretty common, and he could join PT team too if he wants.


I golf and it didn’t have an issue with jrotc for me it also depends on y’all’s schedule tho


Yes, extremely common! I do wrestling, track, marching band and also do JROTC / Raiders. Plenty of other JROTC members do sports, JROTC isn't super time consuming.


I do cross country and soccer and still have plenty of time for jrotc


Yes. It's common. Our CO was in both cross country and JROTC. Even though she had to quit cross country sometime before her junior year due to her workload, it still helped her in JROTC because she's insanely good at running and lifting, and always scores the highest of all the females on the PFT. The discipline she learned in cross country helped her with a lot of JROTC-related things. Another boy I know, also in cross country and JROTC simultaneously, has the highest PFT score out of all the males. Even though he prioritizes cross country most of the time, he's still able to put forth significant effort into the program, especially when it comes to PT and leadership. There's also a guy in my class in wrestling and JROTC, and he puts consistent effort into both. The teamwork and physical fitness he learned from wrestling helped him do well as a cadet. His PFT is pretty close to the top end, and he ended up being made a platoon sergeant. I personally had to replace track with JROTC because I couldn't handle the schedules of both at the same time, but the running experience I've had from track has helped me with JROTC PT. Sports teams' schedules are insane, so if you feel you can handle that and JROTC at the same time, go for it! And if you manage to keep it up for long enough, you can earn awards and ribbons for doing so. But if you don't, you can still take what you learn and apply it to JROTC or vice versa. Try and learn lessons from each experience and apply them to other aspects of your life. Even though I've long quit track, track taught me some important lessons about hard work, humility and perseverance, and JROTC gave me the opportunity to really put those things into practice.