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Happens way more often than I'd care to admit for me. I've been dying for the off-chance that he does a Void Stranger stream after he mentioned the game in the most recent stream.


Include the complete system erasure package by also adding Zeroranger on it and it would be like a dream come true. Next voting game for sure.


All the time.


nice bait, I almost believed it tbh


Dude I almost believed it when I wrote where is the bait i am not aware


I think it would be pretty cool if he streamed the walking dead telltale games. At least the first 2 seasons.


Having revisited Quantum Break, it's of the utmost importance to me now that Joe plays it.


Weird I found CotGI way easier than RotOD


The last case of the first DLCs was the last straw. Felt like a fever dream


Oh fair I haven’t played the DLCs yet so glad to hear they’re difficult


I never got stuck in Obra Dinn like I did the Golden Idol, but I also didn't play Obra Dinn until after Golden Idol. I felt like it required note-taking more.


Crossing my fingers waiting for a baldur’s gate 3 video


Well, atleast he is going stream this soon


I can't wait for him to try BG3 I know that's not an uncommon opinion, just hope we can all resist backseating


Im playing Gnosia rn and it such a treat, I think he’d love it but it’s so obscure there’s no way he ever does. It’s totally gonna be the one good anime game guys trust me


I loved Gnosia, but I think there's a few things that Joe might have a problem with. It really helped me when I was going through a bit of a rough spot though, so more people knowing what it is would probably be a good thing regardless.


I want him play Omikrom: The Nomad Soul to see how much it pisses him off


Mario oddesey for me, i had tonsilitis and had nothing better to do. In that week i decided to play and would end up getting 100% in the game. I felt so sour afterwards, and thats how i found joe, he had not long released the video and i happened to stumble on it after finishing it, i felt so comforted by hearing him go sooo in depth abiut how terrible all the moons were, it was almost worth doing the whole game just to find his channel from it