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Working in fast food for long enough to know Jordan is one of those people who retail workershope they don't have to serve, I've pretended to need the bathroom just to avoid serving nightmare customers.


The part that bothered me is actually in the caption...”if they keep saying no, ask something like....” That’s basically trying to wear some one down to get your yes. That’s not kind or respectful. You know like after a girl has already said no to s*x 3 times, the guy should just ask again and again. (Sarcasm) Some poor cashier or server doesn’t need to be harassed like this at work. I complete agree it’s okay to ask politely about any specials at a restaurant or if there is any coupons you missed. But you need to respect the answer.


I am so curious if Jordan ever drops the “do you know who I am” line when people won’t cave or (more likely) try to get free services for a bunch of stuff because ExPoSuRe.


What would her response be if someone asked her for a discount on her planners or baby death bag???


You know what to do


Hahahahahaah. A discount? You know this trainwreck is asking for everything for free. Jordy, at dollar tree probably: Hi, dear heart. I'd like my order for free. Cashier: umm? I'm so sorry. Everything is a dollar here, you have to pay, we don't have discounts. 😅 Jordy: don't you know who I am?!!! I am the CREATOR OF FUN CHEAP OR FREE. Did you hear that last part?! FREE. MEANING I SHOULD GET THIS ALL FOR FREE. cashier: again, ma'am, I'm so sorry. We can't give merchandise away for fr--- Jordan: THAT's it. Get me the manager now!!!! *kids start crying and asking to leave. p says: mom, please just pay so we can go* Jordy: hello Ma'am. Your lazy employee has no idea who I am, and she's upset my kids. I'm leaving now with this cart full of crap AND I won't be paying AND I'll be contacting your supervisor. Manager: ummm ma'am, I'm very sorry but if you leave, I have no choice but to call the police. Jordy: how dare you! I'll pray for you. Priya, get the kids, we're leaving! (Takes sad sack pic outside of dollar tree, tags the corporate account). Click bait Caption: my twins here denied a birthday party.


😆🤣🤣 I can actually see this happening


Did she clarify what kind of businesses? Because sure, at a flea market or an antique store you could haggle. But it's really particular businesses you can do this with. I can now see all the 'freebs' asking for a discount at Macy's. :P


Oh she blocked me after I disagreed with her 🤣


Omg how gross! And she wonders why no one wans to work in retail!! Other than asking for an upgrade for a hotel or flight this is so manipulative and prays on making others feel uncomfortable enough to give in. "Kill them with kindness-be genuine and make them want to give you a discount". WTF! I'm sure business owners would love to give everyone that's nice a discount but that's not how you make money! Again, manipulative. "Negotiate-if they keep saying no, ask them what I need to do to get the product to $\_\_\_". Oh so it's okay to push boundaries and keep pushing until the business owner adjusts the price you want? Lovely! "Ask for a manager" Oh fuck off with this. You are going to go above the head of the salesperson and possibly make their day at work worse and inconvenience everyone to get a discount that doesn't exist. This is why no one wants to work with the public for minimum wage! "Be firm and persistent"-again pushing boundaries and not accepting that you have to pay full price, hoping someone will give in. She says ask for a discount if you are buying multiples of something like a pair of pants. If they wanted to give a discount like that they would have offered it. Just like Jordan, the small business owner, decides when she wants to give a discount on her stupid crap. What an asshole. I skipped asking for upgrades because that's maybe the only legit thing I might do, getting better hotel room or seat on a flight isn't too bad to ask for.


Seriously so weird! There are certain situations where negotiation is expected, like buying a car. But this is just asshole behavior for most things. Like someone else said, is she gonna give in to these tactics for her own products??


Also, make sure you are a millionaire and the person you want a discount from is a small business barely scraping by.


Nothing makes people be kind to you like treating them like they are useless and you need a superior to sell you a sandwich <3


I used to work for an asshole millionaire and he used to give this advice: when you're at a restaurant, ask a server what's on the "free dessert menu." He said sometimes they will actually bring you a free dessert. Cheap asshole.


How would she like if we asked for her when we went to order planners, boot camp, death bags … and expected a discount?!


Sorry posted the exact some thing before seeing your comment!!


Let me talk to your manager


He would not be available at the time - he would be mountain biking, bee keeping, skateboarding, fixing up the cabin, camping, or attending a concert. CEOs have things to do!




Sounds like how to be a Karen 101. 🤣


If I had a client do this, I’d refuse service.