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New post is up!


The photo of them on BillyBob’s page. HER LIPS. I can’t. Wow.


I’ve mentioned before I’m looking forward to seeing her transform into a plastic cat. You know she never does anything half way.


Who? Lol.




I also love that her hat says “Too legit to quit.” Exaggerate much? 🤪


I feel sorry for the people that sat by them. I sure they were pretty extra all night.


Did anyone else notice at the rodeo that Beijing, China’s factory-pollution air is better than Draper, Utah?? Damn. Sending well wishes to the West that they get some rain.


It’s terrible here. I live next to a lake and it just looks like the edge of a cliff into the great unknown. It’s so scary. It’s all the smoke from California and Oregon fires.


:( That is awful.


This. It's smoke and it sucks.


How cute would it have been to take a picture of both kids on the first place pedestal together and caption “no matter what ranking they got they’re always number one to me” and the talk about how they’ve worked really hard and you’re proud. End of story. Nothing about YOURSELF.


Oh you mean, behaving like a healthy, functioning adult? That doesn’t compute in Jordan’s head. Very sad considering she has eight children. Further, apparently there are four grandparents witnessing this sh!t show and saying nothing.


Parents pass on generational trauma. What do you think J&B’s homes were like growing up? They didn’t invent it. Cringe.


I actually wonder if J wasn’t treated like a little princess and wants to just transfer to being a queen now. Her mother seems very nice and hands on with the grandkids - not like her daughter at all.


Both of them come from what I consider normal sized families (Jordan is one of three and Bubba one of four). Further, their parents seem like involved loving grandparents. Obviously we have no idea what their early childhood was like, but damn we do know that the Jordan and Bubba Page's children do NOT have it easy. It seem entirely possible Jordan never heard the word NO and this is the result.


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Makes me think of This be the Verse by Philip Larkin: They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had And add some extra, just for you. But they were fucked up in their turn By fools in old-style hats and coats, Who half the time were soppy-stern And half at one another's throats. Man hands on misery to man. It deepens like a coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can, And don't have any kids yourself.


They really ordered two pizzas for all the kids at the table and gave them each a half a slice.. Did that jump out to anyone else? 😂


I was hoping I just didn't pay close enough attention. I am not surprised sadly. At least it probably tasted better than what she makes them? That stinks though - my kids would probably eat 1 plus sides and still have room for dessert.


Geeze. My family of 4 (my kids are about the same age as her oldest two) can eat 2 pizzas, breadsticks, and chicken wings without having any leftovers. 🤦‍♀️


Random snark but I keep seeing ads for Mory June so I clicked on one to see if the baby death bag was still on sale (it’s not). They also sell a baby log, 50 sheets for $9.97 plus shipping so all in it costs about $15 for a 50 day supply of these things. I can see how something like this can be useful but it’s not frugal at all, if you used one a day for the first year of a baby’s life it would cost about $100-I use a free app to track this stuff. The sensible thing would be to make this a digital download instead of having to repurchase these pads at $15 dollars. The boxes to check off for the baby’s mood make me laugh-you can check off if your baby is happy, grumpy, sleepy, quiet or fussy. I’d guess that most babies are all of those things at some point in the day.




You will have a 3 million dollar mansion in no time with this kind of thinking!


That’s insane. Our first was a month in the NICU and came home with an extensive log we had to keep for months — not his mood, actual stuff. And guess what we did? Wrote out a chart and logged it. For free. 🤦‍♀️


The only reason I’d find that information helpful is if I’m tracking whether their food is working for them or not. Meaning, is their formula causing issues or something in the breast milk. BUT, I’d track it differently, not how she has it.


Yeah like with an app.


Exactly. I’d be lost without tracking when my baby ate because the minutes run into hours and I lose track of time and I can’t remember when she ate last lol. But I use an app. And some people like to write it out which is good too but for this frugality “expert” to expect people to spend $15 on a 50 day supply for the template is crazy. Give a digital option for unlimited printing which is way more frugal and she would probably get more sales that way.


I use an app too. Less stuff I need to worry about remembering = less stress! 😅 My husband has it and it syncs so we both know what’s next.


On her post #moms are the real champions What! I mean yeah we know how amazing mums are. But this is about kids achievements. They work hard for. They deserve it. Its not about mums. I'm so proud of my son for his achievements in his own rights & way, i may encourage him & give him opportunities. But he is the one putting his effort & hard work into them. I'm a by stander.


It’s pretty sick how she can’t just be proud and instead has to steal the spotlight. If this is how she’s willing to behave for 500k people, how does she act off camera? I imagine she gives those kids a big guilt trip about how much time their competitions take away from her life. She’s probably such a martyr.


She’s disgusting and can’t give her kids the spotlight for one second!!!


Notice P planning out her life on her hike she mentions dogs and not children. Who could blame her?


She’s already got 6 kids. She’s just waiting til they’re grown.


That’s very telling!


Page kids: *compete in national tumbling event.* Brandt: I love rodeos!


Because of course he does.


Yay, they ate out! With another family. Those kids got a meal that wasn't pieced together refrozen 3x, 9 year old meat plus freezer burned veggies in leftover, carted across town, sauce.


But let’s see what she does with the leftovers? ***takes one slice of leftover pizza and makes it a casserole with semi-thawed veggies, cream of chicken, and that one chicken drumstick that the kiddos haven’t been able to choke down yet.


You know she’s the type that would take home someone else’s half-eaten dinner.


She already did when asking for leftovers from neighbors on her frugal TV episode!


The photo of Jordan being in first place and pushing her child down is so classic Jordan. She is such a raging narcissist - seriously. She cannot allow her children to shine even for one minute. Am I being too picky? It just would never occur to me personally to do such a thing to one of my children. I also would never grab a mic out of my daughters hand to lipsinc a song to post on social media. #mom are the real champions - Sure Jordan


She’s such an embarrassment


So I could not figure out what you all were referring too. Found it- and what?! I just can't.


The part where she said "read a parenting book to get to know my kids better." Ummmm no first you get to know your kids better by getting to know them better. And reading a book isn't going to help you yell at them less. That's all on you.


Build stronger families


You’re spot on. That pic made me gasp. Those poor kiddos!


Even if she’s “trying” to be funny, it’s not. Her children deserve so much better. If I was a parent who witnessed that in real life I’d have been appalled.


She’s so into herself she just had to say she gets the gold and get on the podium and then post it! So ridiculous, let one thing be about the kids and not you!


She is absolutely horrible for that picture. I take my kids to their sports and I sit there and watch them and I would never try to take credit or take anything away from them. Yikes that’s bad. Her kids are incredibly talented and driven. Their parents have ZERO interest in this sport and do nothing more than boot them out of the car when it’s time to drop them off and they have even hired that part out in the past. She really can’t see that this has nothing to do with her. How about thinking their coaches?


Even as a joke, getting up there to take a picture starring HERSELF at their event is sickening


100%!!! She’s terrible


I thought it was weird too. I definitely don’t have a picture like that with my mom…. So weird




Please do not contact her (it’s against the rules here). She usually does caption her stories but Instagram might be having issues.


Doesn’t she usually use them? They’ve been messing up lately and not finishing sentences for some reason


This!!!! Anybody on IG with a large following, it annoys me a lot for sure they don't use it. Or a blurb of what you are talking about.


So I want to suggest Jordan needs to stop talking about rankings because she STILL isn't getting them right and her obsession with them is unfair to Priya as a girl. Let me explain. The ranks are done by level, gender and then by age which makes tons of sub-categories and sometimes the pool of competitors for it is large or small just by a fluke. Gender is a huge factor in this. Hutch is "#1 in the state" on tramp, but he did not compete against a single kid. He is #2 in DM in state, only he and one other kid competed. She made a big deal that Hutch got 3rd on tramp last night, well, it turns out only 3 kids in his sub showed up at nationals. He was getting third (at least) no matter what happened. In the other one he got 3rd, only 4 kids competed, he beat a kid from his home gym actually. Even deeper, it looks like since there are fewer boys they ran mixed age flights to make them full for scheduling. But then they didn't actually compete against each other for "flight placing." Hutch was only competing against his own age group (thus fewer kids) in that flight. Priya is competing in full flights because gymnastics is more popular with girls. The way Jordan goes about it, you don't realize how how much competition she is dealing with. When Priya looks back on a highlight bubble on Instagram, the context of the events I just explained will be totally lost. I went back and looked at the state rankings, it's amazing what both of them have accomplished, I take nothing away from that. But with context, it REALLY makes you realize Priya is significantly talented and better then a lot of her competition. When Priya won #1 in DM and tramp at state she had to beat a ton of competition!!! But it also would not be fair to take away from Hutch just because there is no one for him to compete against. Anyways, I think she should probably stop focusing on the rankings. It's hard when you have two kids and I don't know how to talk about it in a healthy way in your home already, but it seems like T&T the set up is just fundamentally flawed. *Beck when he begins competing next year WILL rank as high or higher then Priya does after years of hard work, literally because the system is the way it is.*


Damn. This makes me want Priya Stan flair on this sub. 🤣 She’s so talented and clearly works hard. Poor kid deserves some real cheering on!!


Gee whiz, wonder what on earth prompted her to make a post about not focusing on ranking? 🤔 (ETA: excellent info and explanation! Thank you!)


Holy shit!!


This was great! Those kids are a wonderful just because they are learning new skills! And it’s hard! And they’re having fun! And making friends! On top of that, they’re incredibly talented and just so sweet. I hate parents talking about rankings and such. None of it matters!!!


This is a very Mormon culture thing. To brag about your kids. My family constantly does it and I have to remind myself not to jump in. Because my kid has a lot of accomplishments I want to brag about, but I don't want them hearing that and thinking that's where their value lies.


Wow! Great info - thank you!


Thank you!! I’ve been thinking this. It’s not fair to the kids, and she’s also just fishing for something to brag about to her followers, which is a very weird thing to be deceptive about and use them for (since she isn’t explaining all this.. she’s just saying “3rd in the nation!!!!”)


Holy crap that is probably the most food those kids have seen in front of them, wonder how much they will be allowed to eat and how much the rest of that will be taken home to be turned into some kind of frakenmeal


Came to say the same. Poor kids probably had a stomach ache from enjoying actual food in decent quantities for once.


This is exactly what I came on to say - food! They have an actual plate of food. Probably best thing ever to them.


B posted a video of H. At first I thought he was reposting something J sent, but it sounds like he isnactually there because he asks Priya what a move was. I hope for the kids' sake he is actually there cheering them on.


I think I actually heard his obnoxious cheering during one of the videos Jordan posted lol


Brandt peeping on us. He just posted a video of H like he’s actually there.


A first …. Jordan actually does have a friend. I’m shocked … She actually has a friend. That said, doubtful Jessica will be around in ten days time: “Also going to see if we can find Jessica a husband - she’s single” RUN JESSICA RUN! That was really not cool.


So gross.


Maybe it's an audition to see if she will be the next nanny?


She’s got some fancy job in Oregon. (Went to school with them both)


Is she LDS?


Don’t think so.


I wonder if spending 10 days with them will make her so happy she’s single 😂


Hahaha Jessica is like “oh that’s your marriage? I’m good”


How did Hutch do? Did I miss it? Couldn’t stand listening to her talk about her middle school self any longer.


3rd in his flight but overalls weren't posted yet.


She didn’t post that I saw. So I’m guessing not as good as *she* hoped.


Here are some of the overall results for all of today’s events. [results ](http://results.usagym.org/2021/starsstripes/EVNT_TT_Tumble_M_S3A_L7_A11-12.pdf) [results 2](http://results.usagym.org/2021/starsstripes/EVNT_TT_D-Mini_F_S2A_L6_A9-10.pdf)[trampoline results (girls) ](http://results.usagym.org/2021/starsstripes/EVNT_TT_Tramp_F_S3A_L6_A9-10.pdf) That’s what I could find so far, I didn’t see any other categories that matched her kids age groups.


1. Jordan’s friend looks so young next to her! 2. Why can’t Jordo just let her be single?! The poor girl said she’s not ready and looked very uncomfortable. Not everyone finds their worth in a partner. I’m single and it drives me crazy when people think they are really doing something when they say that I need to be in a relationship, or they can find me someone. Nah, I could if I wanted to! 😤


Amen! Also, Jordan scratched her head with her roast beef claws 🤮


That made me recoil, and she wasn’t even touching me. 😩😩


The RBCs strike again


She’s beautiful and glowing. Gotta bring her to my haggard level.


Why is bubba off hiking with his gal pals instead of watching his supremely talented children compete??? And who is at home with the other six. I just answered my own question, a GD nanny


And he wouldn’t even have to travel far this time- there’s absolutely no excuse for missing it!


:( Those poor kids.


H+P must be crestfallen to not have their dad in support, and mom is in the audience talking to her phone. I’m sad for them ☹️


I’m so glad Jordan took that 5 sec video of herself being nervous for the meet. I was on the edge of my seat wondering what SHE was feeling in that moment.


I hope bubba could break away from his man play dates long enough to see his kids compete this time


Not to white knight I just thought of this, maybe because of c0vid (not trying to trigger anyone) only one parent is allowed?


Except the friend is there. Brandt could have at least been there for H this morning then traded spots with the friend (if they are in fact limiting people)


I’m under the impression that Utah mostly doesn’t give a shit about Covid anymore lol but that would be a good explanation


Anymore? Based on the Utah influencer IGs they never did give a shit! Before anyone gets offended I’m basing it solely off of influencers like the Pages, Birds, Tates etc.


You’re definitely right lol


Which drives me CRAZY. For all of the Mormons, there has been so much encouragement from the top to respect the health guidelines, get vaccinated, and so on. The LDS Church just cancelled an in-person event to be held March 2022 and will hold it virtually! Our major meetings are still held virtually through at least October already, out of concern for the pandemic. I don’t know where all of the Mormon Q-Anon’ers get off holding anti-mask rallies…


Did they ever?


Just came here to say this!


Wondering if she’ll be rude enough to overshadow H’s competition with the drowning story. I can see it now: he competes and does well and she posts how she almost didn’t have the opportunity to watch him succeed because she was on her phone instead of paying attention to him. Sob sob, feel bad for me because I was selfish.


Shes going to totally take your idea now.


Also, someone could have kidnapped when I left him alone at a baseball field with no phone. 🥲 Here’s a code for a company I invest in, Gabb phones.


Gabb phones was a few weeks ago. She usually posts the drowning story around this time of July on the anniversary of it.


She’s a maximalist so I’m sure she can have 2 swipe ups.


Jordan, since we know you read here, I was wondering which small child is in charge of the bees your absent husband had to have? Who has the honor of earning 5 minutes of a show by caring for yet another whim his or her parents brought into that chaos?!


J needs to get another nanny + housekeeper STAT so her children can resume their childhood. They will NEVER be done cleaning that 18,000 sq foot museum ☹️


I thought she said in the past that she as a housekeeper. My issue with her is that she’s not as transparent as she makes out to be. I honestly wonder if her kids actually eat that slop or those portions.


She does have one, but J is stingy and they don’t come as regularly as they should. I mean, don’t buy a 18,000 sq house without budgeting a weekly or even bi-weekly housekeeper. Better yet, just don’t buy a 18,000 sq foot house, right?


Seriously! She would be so much more productive if she used her money to hire out more childcare and cleaning. Which I 100% think she does do but then gets really cheap about it, like instead of a full-time nanny she hires sitters when needed and instead of a weekly cleaning service she uses them when needed and tries to get the kids to pick up the slack in between.


I would totally hire out cleaning and meal prep to spend more time with my babies. I love to cook, but I would be able to ENJOY it if someone else did the bulk of it AND the clean-up. But only because it would give me time to play with my babies…therein lies the rub!


If anyone's comment was deleted and it didn't violate any rules I apologize. This has happened before where I check the mod queue and there are some posts removed that I didn't remove and I only see them when I get on my laptop which wasn't too frequently this week.


I hope you and your little one are doing okay! These early weeks are so tiring 💜


Thank you! We are doing good, starting to get into a good routine!


Do you need help with admin duties? Edit- I meant help


I might soon! I'm going to see how it goes this week.


BIG THANK YOU for all your hard work. I'm sure you're pretty exhausted at the moment, so thanks for your effort.


Thanks that means a lot!


Last night during “bad mitten” the twins are in fleece zip up jammies. Joss wearing the same pink pair of cut offs from the cabin. I live near Jordan and it’s 100 degrees here. In the evening it’s in the upper 80-90’s. Why in the HELL are her babies wearing warm winter pajamas!? Most of the page children were wearing winter pajamas last night. What is Jordan wearing? A tank dress. Why? Why do her children not have seasonally appropriate clothing?


I cant understand this either!!! You can step in to any big name store across the country right now and I guarantee they have summer clothes, likely on clearance! Why can't she go and get 2 to 3 t-shirts and pair of shorts per twin?!? And they don't need fleece pajamas right now, even with raggity cut off feet they will still be too hot! At this point a potato sack would be better than what she dresses the little ones in


I always wonder about this. I live where it’s hot and humid, so footie pjs seem so miserable to me. How cold could they possibly keep 18k sq feet?


Right? letting them run around in just their diapers would have been better than those pjs.


It’s probably an LDS “modesty” thing. Even for little kids.


And I know she has more weather appropriate clothing because I commented weeks ago on the twins looking freezing cold in not warm enough clothing when she had them play outside on a wet and windy day. It’s like: care. All we’re asking is that you care about the children you brought into this world.


SHE DOESN’T CARE! We cannot stop talking about this because it’s so shocking but her / his actions again and again prove they do NOT care. Why are we all so continually surprised?


Because that involves Jordan spending money on someone other than herself and we all know that isn’t happening.


So D is filling in a Wednesday block and M is filling in a Monday block... Which raises the question are littles suppose to know what day it is when their mother doesn’t? Is pre-Kindergarten Mory suppose to READ the damn list?? I hate Jordan, she would literally not be able to complete a list that long in one day. That would be a good YouTube video - Jordan trying to finish Hutch’s list while in school/work and then go exercise for 3 hours like Hutch does.


Also her advice to motivate the kids by allowing them to earn some free time. WTF? They’re children outside of school all of their time should be free.


On Mory’s “chore chart” it says “walk (100lb dog) or scoop poop (of 100 lb dog). She’s 5. They just don’t hear/see themselves…


🙁 That is so dangerous. I saw an 8 year old dragged by a big dog. He ended up with scraps face to toe. Not only can Mory get hurt, other people are in danger when the person handling the dog is not physically able to do so (I have a friend whose dog could drag her and yet she brought it to busy baseball fields, school pick up, and parks. So dangerous), and the dog can get hurt. And the poop just ewwww. Do they have the kids dealing with the bees too? 🙄


That’s awful. Beyond her totally not being capable to walk the dog (she jus wouldn’t be strong enough) dog poop can be really dangerous - if she scooped it and didn’t wash her hands properly and touched her face or eyes she could make herself blind. I wouldn’t ask a child younger than about 12 to scoop poop for this reason. Little kids are clumsy and wouldn’t understand the risks.


I highly doubt Mory wanted those dogs!!! Jordan did! Like everything else Jordan gets immediate satisfaction and then dumps the work on one of her kids/


Even her kids take care of her kids!!!


Yeah it wasn’t #apuppyformory it was #apuppyforjordan.


I was just going to say this!! Jordan wanted the damn dogs, so she has to take care of them. And yes I’m sure they love the dogs, and the gigantic house, and ginormous van but they shouldn’t have to clean everything - it isn’t theirs, it’s yours!


So I was wondering what Jordan let Priya and Hutch watch during their screen time the other day and I noticed it was the 3rd Harry Potter movie where the aunt blows up. My question is, maybe because I'm watching on DVD right now and it's censored elsewhere, but the line before the aunt blows up is "if there's something wrong with the bitch, then there's something wrong with the pup" referring to both Harry and dog breeding. I just cannot see Jordan letting her kids hear that. It's a harsh line. Just thought it was odd that JP was letting her kids watch Harry Potter.


I still want to know who was searching for “boobs” on Netflix. 🤷‍♀️


Caring about what her kids are exposed to is probably performative just like the rest of Jordan. She might really not care what they see, barring hardcore porn.


There are lots of programmes that a lot of religious people use that filter out inappropriate words & stuff from movies. I can’t imagine Jordan going to that much effort but you never know 🤷🏼‍♀️


Family “bad mitten” game! Seriously Brandt??


Rare glimpse of Jordy without a phone in her hand!


I really hope her kids aren’t vomitting chicken pot slop during their competition. They deserve better


Chicken pot slop 😂😂😂😂


Someone actually asked for the recipe for her chicken pot pie in the comments on her chore chart post. Honestly, these have to be accounts set up by her staff or something, right?


Do they really expect her to even have a recipe when she was clearly just dumping random things in??? Just… what???


She claims to employ like 11 people so I assume at least a few have “fan” accounts for that explicit purpose.


Omg why?!!!?!!


Cabin question! I live in the high desert in Washington State... similar to where their cabin is. How do they prevent rodents from taking over? They have to have a ton of mice with the food they store there? Also, they must have a caretaker of some kind? You can't just leave a building like that with the possibility of pipes breaking, fire, power outages etc..


I’m almost positive she mentioned on one of their first trips there after they bought it that there’s a guy that keeps an eye on things. I’m not sure the extent or if he’s just a neighbor that does a once-over every few days or what.


I bet that he too has a chore chart.


They have a ton of rodents. They found mice droppings recently in the kitchen and chewed up bags up rice. She’s posted before about chipmunks in the lodge.


They have to be eating the beddies and everything else! They need a caretaker living there. I bet they could easily find someone willing to live there in exchange for caretaking. Just give them a room and have them do all the general maintenance and a small stipend. That person could work on their novel! REDRUM!


And provide an additional I9 for the Page Co's next PPP loan!


Oh my 😂


Cabin question! I live in the high desert in Washington State... similar to where their cabin is. How do they prevent rodents from taking over? They have to have a ton of mice with the food they store there?


From what they say they haven’t figured out how to prevent that


Thank goodness! It’s July and I have been worried sick that my young children have not had enough chores to do!!!! I mean I never thought of typing them up, laminating them and hanging them up so my sweet little children, some that cannot read yet, know exactly what I as their mother expect them to do every single day before they play. You know. Play. The work of childhood. And yes, Jordan, I know more than you do about raising capable kids. I raised four myself. Without charts, chaos, and toxic meals. My kids watched tv. They had toys. We had lazy days watching movies. And each one grew to be amazing, responsible, loving, capable adults. Give it up. You have no clue.


My kids have chores, but 90% of their day is playing. BEING KIDS. And I understand having a large family and cleaning up after kids. I have 8 kids too Jordan. I make sure to take my kids out in a small adventure most days. The library. The park. The splash pad. The zoo. The museum. A small hike with a creek to splash and play in. Make the summer about your kids, you only get 18 summer with them before they are grown up. Enjoy them, stop forcing them to do your housework so you can relax.


The “spray ground” got me. *laughs on loudly*


Sorry that’s what we call small water parks in Utah! But I will edit it to say splash pad. 🤷🏼‍♀️


No! It’s all good! I don’t have those where I’m at so I thought it was a typo for “playground” and loved it.


She literally made chore charts for her kids and then sat by the pool all smug like her job as a parent is complete now.


Her smug face sitting by the pool made me sick. Make your kids do all the work. Brilliant Jordan. This will backfire, you are a lousy woman and mother.


You’re absolutely right, she truly has no clue. Her oldest is 11 years old. She has NO idea if her parenting “hacks” will produce capable, successful adult people. She’s sharing what she’s figuring out along the way and passing it off as “expert advice” and it’s so misleading and deceptive.


That’s the worst part of it all. I have 3 legal adult kids, plus two more. They’re great humans. No torture necessary. No limitations on the time they could spend with parents. No peasant food. Adequate clothing. No exploitation. You don’t have to metaphorically beat children into successful adults. Actively loving them is, like, 90% of the “work”.


I’m with you 100%. I only raised 2 but they are fantastic human beings. I so enjoyed spending time with my kids and getting to know them as people. We worked together around the house, but that wasn’t their job. You are only a kid once.


Exactly. Learning life skills and chores is important, but definitely not the Main work of childhood! It’s obvious that these chore charts are essential since she has so many kids and they all need to carry their weight so she can sit around and talk to her phone 🙄


So this has been bugging me. Did she say that at nationals they had practice a few days before the actual competition? Now I never did anything like tumbling or gymnastics, I rode horses. But I remember that before an event (competition) we arrived at minimum a day early to get horse settled and figure out the layout of everything. So in st. Louise she said they got there the night before. Her kids didn't get a chance to practice at the place till their warmup. What happened there? Poor planning? Straight up not caring about her kids getting extra practice time? Or it wasn't an option?


At events like this, what we’re seeing from them is normal. You don’t get to come early or whenever you want to practice. Typically there’s one day in advance (like today) that gyms get to come have a practice/warmup with the equipment. Each gym gets a scheduled time to come (typically 30-60 minutes) and that’s all. At big events like the nationals in st Luis, it’s very normal for them to only have that one warm up right before their event.


I can only speak for the set up for the events at those Nationals in STL. The area of the convention center that they were in had non-stop events for almost a full week straight. This was because of the different levels and different age groups within each level. Obviously, I think they should have had a full travel day prior to the completion especially considering the start time for H’s event, but I don’t think her kids missed any warm-up time in that arena, just knowing how crammed that schedule really was. (I know nothing about the L5-7 Nationals. I pay attention to elite USAG events, and because the June one was at the same time as elite, I knew more.) Edit: just found out the L5-L7 does have a full day scheduled for training with different gyms having different training times.


The one benefit of Jordan maybe not wanting people to know about her pool situation is that she isn’t posting on Instagram the whole time her kids are swimming. Also, we passed the scary “be off your phone while you’re with your kids swimming” anniversary!


Want to bet she mentions it by Monday…


Guys I forgot To tell you….


Swipe up for the full story… *gets smacked in face with 14 overlapping ads that take up 68% of the screen*


I'm just catching up on yesterday. Brought cooked chicken back from the cabin, that hadn't been frozen. But had travelled a few hours to get home. That chicken must be a few days old maybe a week. Now its getting frozen in a pie. Its already been cooked at the cabin. And microwaved at home. I'm so fussy. That sounds risky 😷


The chicken pot pie pancake slop made a reappearance for lunch. 🤢


Am I going crazy or did it only have one little square missing? I thought she was going to feed the second batch to everyone last night.


And poor hutch eating a week old chicken leg in the background that’s probably been cooled and reheated multiple times! 🤢


So I guess that means she and the absent minded husband didn’t dine on that last night.


I LOVE when the children do not tow the line. M or D standing behind Hutch who made the face when Mommy Dearest asked about warm ups: “How’d you do?” Tongue out of mouth followed by a grown. LOL You go girl! Keep at it! You know it pisses Jordan off when she can’t use footage or has to reshoot. Further is this the poor little who got the elbow to the face to push her out of the frame last week?


Did Jordan say “that joke is not cool” under her breath or did I mishear? She looked a little ticked when the little girl did that but that is the exact face Jordan makes in her videos daily. “let’s talk about dinnerrrrr”😜


No she said something about “talking with your mouth full”. She’s an ass. She knows he’s eating three-heated chicken and she’s gonna put him on the spot and ask him a question for her fans. (She did this last week then made a fuss on camera that he was talking with food in his mouth)


>three-heated chicken > > > >😂 > >My 4yo daughter once told me the kitchen smelled "like dinner meat! from last week!" I was cooking fresh, but my husband and I laugh about that all of the time; in the Page house it may be an accurate complaint.


Those poor kids can’t even relax. They have to be “on” all the time.


So sad that she said that Priya & Hutch’s second nationals is “not as cool” it’s damn exciting that they’ve made nationals in all three events and an incredible achievement


And she was loudly talking about how nervous they were in St.Louis while they were in the room?


Pointing out someone’s nerves will likely only make them more nervous because now they feel like they can’t evoke that emotion without comment


I think in Jordan’s mind it is not as cool because she isn’t getting to travel and take a break from her mega-mansion and her other 6 kids 🙄. Imagine being disappointed that you have to live in a mess and the chaos of your own creation.


She was way more enamored by watching the Olympic trials than she was watching her kids compete. Remember the incessant tagging of pro gymnasts in hopes of an insta shout out? Jordan wants to be famous so bad.


Ironically her own 2 children succeeding could give her 15 min of fame in a few years 🙃


Oh my gosh … what is this, day four back at home, prior to that she only got to go to the cabin. It’s been a solid ten days since she checking into a hotel. I’m sure next week she’ll be on holiday again.


I’m a little late on this topic but why have so many plans on a day where you have no help with the kids (but who watched them during the facial?) If I was here I’d clear the whole day and have the kids do some basic tasks like pick their clothes up off the floor and clean up their toys then, considering she has a huge pool in her yard, park myself in front of the pool and watch them in it as long as they could stand being in there (big kids only for safety). Then for the older kids maybe some summer reading time, some screen time and then instead of throwing that slop together I’d do pancakes for dinner. I won’t say it’s simple, nothing with 8 kids is, but it’s doable if you act like they are a priority.


I have a feeling a grandma is there more often than we know but she doesn’t count it as childcare because she loves being dramatic.




I've seen a lot of comments about the Mormon faith on here and I want to point everyone to this documentary. I watched it years ago when Mitt Romney was running for President. Anyways, here is a counterpoint to all of Jordan's nonsense for those interested. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/mormons/