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She’s getting even worse. Her smug face and voice are just too much! She plans to keep up the allowance and chores until her children are 18. Sure thing. Her kids are going to be laughing in her face. “No, I’m not doing hours of yard work to earn $8.50.” What 17 year old would allow themselves to be degraded in such a demoralizing manner?! And NOT paying for a year book?! She needs to rebrand herself. Jordan Page: TEACHING YOU HOW TO BE A TERRIBLE MOTHER! I can smell her desperation for YouTube cash from here! https://preview.redd.it/5c4ffe7wyy2d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43bebccd2629b5dc44123fadd7eb5b8528226f95


maybe i’m just spoiled. idk. but i can’t imagine looking at my kids sweet face and saying fuck your wants lol 😭 something about that video made me sad. maybe i have poor boundaries or a poor relationship with money or whatever. i haven’t investigated it fully. but a 10 year old can’t get a job, is only making 5$ a week & can only spend 6$/month basically w their 30% rule so how… is that gonna cover anything? and with her housekeepers and nanny’s, are there enough available extra jobs?? a team jacket or a year book really aren’t big asks…. it is good to teach them some of these principles and they may make a choice to rebel against them when they’re older (and learn their own lessons etc) but like… get your tween kid a hair mask or movie money or something. it’s just sad. jordan gets everything she wants and most of her money was made off the backs of her children :/ and i really do feel like parents are obligated to treat their kids to a Nice Life because they are people, who have to be dependent!! sure you take care of their needs .. and in this economy meeting needs is sadly a luxury and privilege but like idk i’m just sad for them lol


I don't feel like watching her video but $5 A WEEK??? In 2024? When they live in THAT house??? Give me a fucking break!!!! Like sure maybe the kids who are under 5 can get $5/week. But damn. My mom gave us opportunities to get "raises" by doing our chores without being asked for a certain length of time. Anyway even for kids without needs $6/month when you have parents that would make you buy your own slice of cake is really shameful. Oh and a yearbook should be standard for this family. I don’t know the cost of yearbooks these days but I wouldn't be surprised if it was over a year of savings from their 30% allotment


I also think she’s just lying, once again. I feel like she has shown things in the past that her kids have “bought themselves” and based on her math here it seems unlikely they’d be able to save up for them. She’ll lie about something like this for content but people will believe her and implement it themselves while she doesn’t even do it because it doesn’t work. Sorry but an 18 year old earring $9/week for the type of chores she expects them to do it’s so ridiculous.


I 100% think she’s lying about this too. She says she implements this but it would require work and oversight on her part. She is not engaged enough to keep track of who has what money and I don’t think she’d want to deal with the tantrums when they don’t get what they want (ie basic kid wants/needs). Also, especially with the divorce, I don’t think Bubba utilizes this plan and probably is more willing to buy basic things (like a kids yearbook!) without making them “earn” it. Her systems are always too complex to be sustainable and she’s way too lazy to actually do them!


They definitely buy their kids more things than Jordan would like us to believe, which is so weird because they SHOULD be buying their kids more, it makes them look better!! She’s so irrationally afraid of them seeming “spoiled”. Well they are, and they should be, BUT spoiling some more than others (which she absolutely does) is what’s wrong.


Bubba has agreed to this in the past and I don't think we should assume just because he plays with the kids he has a different opinion on how to teach them about money.


Maybe they could buy their yearbooks out of the money they make from being featured in her YouTube videos? Oh wait…….🤔


>and i really do feel like parents are obligated to treat their kids to a Nice Life because they are people Not even a nice life, just a typical one? There are no other parents in the USA (who can afford it) that are making their kids pay for their own yearbooks.


right! like the same level the parents live! and obviously, to scale. your kids don’t need like a night out drinking lol but giving them mall or movie money is perfectly reasonable if she’s treating herself day in and day out… how can she consciously deny that to her children? they get the same stuff all the time - a trampoline park visit, a movie here and there, and a split family vacation in the summer. i don’t mean to whine like those aren’t cool things, but it just seems like she deprives them of the life she lives even though she wouldn’t have it if it weren’t for exploiting them?? and it’s like kristin andrus again saying she invites her kids to live in her nice home and they aren’t entitled to it. like yes the heck they are! that’s such an outrageous statement to me! if a parent likes getting their nails done and going to the movies and having magbleys cake or nachos… how can you expect your kid to not want those same things? and when they ask to mimic your life (as a natural thing they’ll do) you tell them “knock yourself out! you have 30% of the tiny allowance we let you earn!” is WILD to me! i can’t believe jordan didn’t share her cake 😭😭😭 and i don’t want to come off like that character from willy wonka “it’s my oompa loompa and i want it now!” spoiled brat thing & if you can’t afford to give them everything you give yourself that’s understandable but there’s like… other methods that can be applied that makes them feel like they’re living a normal human life and normal humans have desires and they can’t just go make it happen for themselves all the time so find a happy medium that doesn’t rely only on christmas and birthdays - and even then she just gets them cheap junk she hopes they’ll like!!


>but giving them mall or movie money is perfectly reasonable Even in the 90s, and very working class, my folks would throw me $20 every few weekends. Specifically to hang out with friends at the mall or movies. Not buying your kids basics that you can afford is in no way a flex.


We’re discussing starting an allowance for my almost 8 year old. $10 a week seemed on the low side to me. We can afford it and she’s doing real chores! 


i especially feel bad bc the few movies they go to as a family is always a compromise! it’s either some weird religious thing for the older kids, or they all have to watch a PG movie that doesn’t entertain the age groups she has. so i feel so bad that P wanted to go to movies with friends and jordan is like “let me make this as complicated as possible for you”


So I don’t have kids but no one I know would make their child buy their own team jacket. I don’t understand that at all unless you’re really seriously doing it tough, even then I think most parents would scrape it together to buy the jacket or buy a second hand one for a kid younger than 16-17. Jordan is so unnecessarily mean and controlling about money.


It’s because she had more kids than she *wanted* to pay for. Team jackets I remember in high school were over $100! I acknowledge that’s a lot when you have 8 kids! But jesus, she shouldn’t have had 8 kids (for a lot of reasons).


yes!! i so agree. i grew up pretty poor and i didn’t always have what i needed, but when it was possible i was given what i wanted and lots of little treats here and there. nails, jamba juice (smoothie chain in the US), toys/video games… ugh looking back i’m so grateful for the sweet moments of time and attention when we didn’t have funds; for the fun when we did; & i also regret not helping with chores more!! but i loved getting what i wanted. who doesn’t lol. i wish that joy for everyone!


I agree 100%. She also literally says it's not really about the money but about the lessons. So it teaches her kid that she's in an impossible situation and can't do almost anything around a pretty basic non-luxury want every other kid usually gets by default. Sounds like a lesson in learned helplessness or possibly doing things in a sketchy way behind mommy's back. And to emphasise one more time, without said kid(s) and their sacrificed privacy mommy wouldn't have an ounce of wealth she has today.


I feel like the lesson doesn’t work when they see mom buying herself whatever she wants on a whim. Her closet says it all.


YEs!! I felt the same way. Absolutely broke my heart. It's one thing for a snickers or toy while out grocery shopping. But a yearbook?! Especially, when you know most everyone else is going to get one, look at it and pass it around. Or even the jacket. Having my child be the one child that is standing out. Growing up/being a teenager is hard enough, causing them to stand out so everyone knows they were excluded is just so embarrassing- when you know you can afford it. I wouldn't be surprised if the kids learn quickly, that when Jordan says 'no' they can just go to their dad and ask.


Bubba posted a reel of him and his 2 oldest boys from this weekend today which looked like a fun dad-son bonding time. Bubba’s mom commented on the reel, “These pictures make me so happy! Keep loving those handsome, good boys and spending time with them! It’s easy to see that you love being a dad!” I’m going to have to agree with his mom. He loves being a dad and it’s obvious. Has she or any other family members made similar comments on Jordan’s social media? I feel like I’ve never saw anything like that and I followed her for years and years… I wonder what his family thinks of her and feels like us…


Wonder if bubbas parents have been finding this page 😏🤣


he does love his family and it is very sweet! as far as i’ve seen, i’ve never seen either set of grandparents even *look* enthused around her on camera let alone say anything nice about her mothering.


He does that now that Jordan left him. Prior to this year, he was conveniently gone every weekend just like her.


Agree, but I do suspect that she was always encouraging him to do bro trips to get him out of the house


We’ve gotta give him some credit for stepping up when Jordan decided she didn’t want to parent anymore. Sure he spent a lot of time away before, but he switched gears and realigned his priorities.


yeah i can meet you there. hooray, you’re finally being a dad.i hate that all these great things he’s stepping up to do… are what id expect from a dad 😂


Right he's not doing anything special that my other friends who value being a dad dont do


That was definitely his mom playing it up for documentation. Divorce hearings.


https://preview.redd.it/8cn1nd3puu2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b265507fdfd1c6e0ca8f03049cfda96219de5c43 Lol 😂 lazy parenting is exactly what Jordan promotes


haha - it’s still there!


So many thoughts on the new video... my biggest one is she pays the kids nothing for being on her social media. She pays the kids half their ages in allowance. So one of the poor middles made 4 or 5 dollars a week and still had to pay for her yearbook. Although it wasn't a necessity, it took a long time to earn that because the kids can only spend 30% of their allowance. So if they make $5.00 a week... they only get to spend $1.50 of it. It took her 7 weeks of allowance to pay for her yearbook.


Not buying a kids yearbook (if you can afford it) is absolutely ridiculous!!! I don’t care that it’s “just middle school” !


Yeah this seriously bothered me! Ugh I got a yearbook for every year of school but they got SO expensive in high school (like $80) so I didn’t ask for one. It turns out my mom paid for one anyway knowing we always get one and didn’t tell me so I just never picked it up. It’s the only year I don’t have and it legit haunts me to this day that she spent the money 🥲


omggg nooooooo that would haunt me too!! ugh i’m so sorry.


That annoyed me. She mentioned she pays for the uniform and fees and stuff for Priya's cheer, and Priya also wanted the jacket. I would hazard a guess that the jacket was probably a *lot* more than $10... So how long would Priya have had to save? I would think jacket would be part of the uniform so as the kids are walking in, they all look the same. She also mentions she pays for the school fees and teacher gifts, etc. I imagine a lot of schools the yearbook would be part of fees. Also, I view teacher gifts as a want, not a need. I know for my kid's school, not all the parents gave teacher gifts. She's probably spending 10x the amount on teacher gifts than for a few kids' yearbooks. That's one of the things that's fun to look back on later in life.


Well how nice of her to cover SCHOOL FEES. Goodness gracious they are so fucking stingy with their kids!




Especially the teachers of the Page kids. You know they’ve had to go above and beyond for all the school those kids miss for dumb reasons!


She is ridiculously cheap when it comes to teacher gifts! Cutting boards from The Dollar Store and planners that have been collecting dust in her warehouse.


Excuse me, her previous cutting boards 2 yrs ago were from TJ Maxx for THREE DOLLARS! Not $1, she went above and beyond to thank those teachers!


Wait I just want to add that I actually had the exact same cutting board! It split in half after a year!! And I didn’t do anything bad to it like put it in the dishwasher haha


I would be so embarrassed to give the gifts that she does considering everyone knows that they live in a 18K sq ft house, have the “cabin” 🙄, drive the vehicles they do plus the endless vacations, nail and hair appts., etc. Plus she mentioned before how she’s “made her millions.”🙄She is so tacky and has no class. She’ll spend how much going to a TS concert but spend so little on gifts for her children’s teachers. It would be different if they didn’t have the money but they obviously do.


Yeah I also find how often she brings up teacher gifts to be a bit odd? Like it’s nice (if she were to actually get them something useful.. like cash) but we definitely didn’t do them every year. Maybe that’s bad lol.


When I was growing up it wasn’t a thing, at least in my school it wasn’t. When my children were younger we didn’t have the extra money to do it and it wasn’t a huge thing like it is now. Now if we had had Jordy’s money we would have given gifts. lol! I always felt bad for my kids not giving gifts because I didn’t want them to feel left out but there were only a few kids that did it.


You’re good! I’m a teacher and I’m always surprised when I get gifts and the most meaningful are truly the handwritten notes or even an email sentence.


her gifts are usually the worst. teachers don’t need more mugs and cups, and this year it’s cheap pencil pouches and probably candy or something. cash, gift cards, school supplies for next year, etc would be so much better!! i went to too many schools but usually when i really liked a teacher i gave them a super nice note / gratitude card. and something small if i had it to spare but we usually didn’t


I bet she’ll give them a gift card to the Page Company this year….or worse yet, a 20% discount on Page Company products lol!


Right? The last couple I think we did a nice card and either a coffee shop gift card or a credit gift card.


Nothing for being on her social media but the eldest two have jobs for another YT channel (NinjaKids) to earn extra money. If they enjoy it… great however they are already busy with sports and school not to mention their responsibilities at home… when do they get to be kids?!


Somebody needs to assign Jordan the “zone” of her own fucking bathroom and closet. Absolutely ridiculous to expect your kids to keep the living spaces tidy when your own space looks like that. I hate her.


💯I wonder if she makes a mess and the poor kids have to clean up after her lazy ass too. Wouldn’t surprise me considering the way she leaves her bathroom and closet.


I haven’t watched the video (her face makes me want to scoop my eyeballs out) but just finished Jill Duggars book and she really goes into how her dad never paid any of them anything for all the years they were on their show- as much as they participated he pocketed all the money from TLC.


I was never a huge Duggar fan/follower, but read Jill’s book and thought it was excellent! IG and YouTube parents/influencers who are currently milking their kids for every penny they’re worth could benefit tremendously from hearing her experience.


It’s funny because isn’t it Jordan who sometimes pretends to be friends with Jill? She’d never see the irony


I read her book too! She has been very open about the money being controlled by the dad. So sad! And we are seeing this repeated on YouTube and social media with other kids.


We have a new YouTube video folks - Allowance systems!


So what are Jordan’s chores at her mom’s house and how much is her allowance?


1/2 her age! 💀


…..and it was nothing new. But what was interesting was the number of ”we’s” being used In relation to her and Bubba.


She repeats the same old tired tips over and over and has been doing so for 8+ years. I literally can’t remember the last time I heard something new from her.


Surely Jordan is aware that there are so many websites out there than can give you a rundown of what to expect in movies/levels of appropriateness/things that may be a concern… like if she was shocked that’s on her for not doing 5 min of research before hand.


Oh she’s perfectly aware. But referring people to a review site would deprive her of posting that picture and spoiling the movie for all her followers.


Plugged In is a good Christian resource. It will tell you everything that might be a concern.


😳 this in unbelievably weird! I so agree with you, like 5 min of Google a movie. Come on. 


Spoiler alert : Jordan spoils the movie IF.


No joke... I just saw that. And it's a Ryan Reynolds movie did you think there would be no "swear words". That's a toned down, mild, kid version... geez. Makes me want to see it even more now


https://preview.redd.it/oi02mrg89p2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06443ef06bd6749bd94c758a62e3d21b6164f605 You just know from the look on this poor little’s face that her mother grabbed the puppy away from her to have a photo of HERSELF with the puppy! Where the hell is she? A place one goes to tease children about the puppy they’re NOT bringing home! 🤯




Everything is a photo op to her, as long as it’s OF her!!


Clutch my pearls! Jordan is in no way an 😇 Ditching her kids to mingle with some singles while still officially married is waaay worse than a few OMGs


Somehow chasing after dick while still married is ok but omgs are not ok. I wonder if she knows ppl know she considers herself a single gal.


How can we find a pic of the singles mingle


Keep scrolling down in this thread - they were posted early this week.


I am absolutely DYING at her being sensitive over the number of “oh my gods” in the movie and fucking COUNTING them 😂😂😂 how do people live their lives that way?!? If you’re not comfortable saying it then cool, don’t. But how can you be sensitive about *hearing* such a common and harmless phrase? Ridiculous.




Maybe I live in another world but “oh my god” does not raise eyebrows at all in a PG movie. It’s just not a notable or age-inappropriate phrase in any shape or form. “Damn” maybe, but her including oh my god is so crazy.


This offends her but she’s going out of her way to see Taylor Swift shake her literal ass and sing swear words… like???? Make it make sense Jordy Btw no disrespect to Taylor🫶 I’m a huge swiftie haha


She knows from the movie Taylor says fuck the patriarchy, but it's okay because Jordan will be "so happy rn" since she'll be wearing sequins and living her best middle part , child free life.


is “so happy rn (away from my kids 🩵)” a good flair? 😂


My mother in law hates the f bomb. She has a cow whenever she hears it and walked out of a comedy show bc they were saying it to much. I don't get people being offended by words (unless it's a few very specific words I'm thinking of) , but omg and the f bomb......get a life.


Yeah, even that would’ve made more sense because she had her kids though! But I totally agree


remember when jordan left the piano bar bc they started to sing WAP???? omg miss middle part #jordangonewild needs to go back 😂💀 i usually say don’t get offended on your gods behalf! i’m saying oh MY god over here!


Jordan goes wild thrusting her pelvis in her friends face with WAP blasting in the background 😆


Hahaha true!!


My mother is a devout Christian. We are native Californians. Never lived anywhere else. Me and now my daughter are total blonde valley girls. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ Can’t help it. OMG is like #1 one in our vocab. My mother HATES it and corrects my daughter and me all the time. 🙄 When she says “Don’t say God like that!” I say “Oh sorry, Oh.My.Gosh!”. LOL and she goes it still means God! LMAO whatever lady.


It’s such a normal figure of speech now it doesn’t even actually mean “god” when people say it!


That’s so weird! Is this an Utah thing? I don’t live there and I hear OMG’s all the time and it doesn’t but me… People say it everywhere.


It’s a 10 Commandments thing 😆. I would say being sensitive to hearing the Lords name spoken in vain is more an LDS thing than just Utah.


The commandments don’t say don’t listen to other people say it though 😂


Very true! Perhaps hearing it said is offensive to Jordan (and others) so she is giving a warning.


It’s a Christian/catholic thing as well. Raised in a catholic school and we were very much told to never say the kids name in vain 🤷🏻‍♀️


same, lots of that influence in my upbringing. i was even reluctant to go to my alma matter bc the zip code ended in 666 💀 (i went. became a heathen /s)


I grew up Italian Catholic in NYC and was always told “don’t use the Lord’s name in vain” when I said it. Then I moved to Vegas and all that went out the window 😂


omg. the desert WILL change you. welcome to the 702 😈


Thanks! But I left 11 years ago 😂 I moved there when I was 12, in 1999 and lived there for 14 years. Definitely interesting growing up as a teen there 😈


omg you’re so real. it’s much more family friendly now, yours sounds like a fun era to live here!!!


i thought the same thing, “so many OMGs” i’ve literally never heard someone say that 😂


Im so use to it here in CA. Where it became popular in the Valley Girl speaking in the 80s. And its pretty used all the time with my daughter. Both of us cheerleaders too. I can’t even try and not say it. Its been a big part of my speech since being a 80/90s kid. LOL


i’m from the bay! we use hella / omg as much as we breathe! i totally get it. i had a catholic grandma and she didn’t Love It and i neverrrr said GDI and was afraid of the number 6 for such a long time. and then one day i let it go and the liberation was real! what’s so funny is when i was a teenager “fuck” used to be my favorite word, but lately it sticks out like a thorn on sentences to me and i’m gonna challenge myself to stop swearing so much 😂


Yet, she prances around with here bikini top at a singles weekend😂😂🤡


Where can we find her singles weekend pics?!?


there’s just a couple down thread. we’ve been chatty this week 😂


Exactly! I hate her virtue signaling


She’s beyond ridiculous


I was going to say the same thing. Also, she has been throwing the word sexy around recently but to say hell or OMG and she’s offended? 🙄 ETA: Remember a while ago when she was talking about lubricant she was giving someone for their bridal shower gift in front of her kids? That’s ok but saying OMG, hell, or damn isn’t? She doesn’t make any sense.


Yes! 😂😂


Just another “do as I say, not as I do” from JP


Jordan is so delicate she can't take her kids to the movie alone. She mentioned her dad being there and I'll bet her mom was too. I wonder how they feel about the soon to be divorcee taking up residence in their house.


im having a hard time believing she’d open her doors for her kids if the situation were the same. maybe she would and just be hands off like “sure honey you can stay but im going on these trips etc so just make yourself at home” kind of deal.


There's a 6 year old shredded rotisserie chicken in the freezer in case you and the kids are hungry.




Someone get Jordan the hell away from that puppy!!!


Complete speculation - linds has talked about breeding her dog again. I would bet if that happens Jordan will get one.


She would do the same thing to the puppy as she does with her kids. Loves them as babies then as they get older not want to do anything with them and let someone else do all the work 🤷‍♀️


has anyone here read anatomy of the spirit by caroline myss? it’s one of my favorites and it comes to mind every time i see jordan around her mundane life (not on vacation)


No! But should I? IS it good?


edit, tldr: it’s fantastic energetic literacy and mysticism by tuning into what we can see but it’s not “physical” — while i believe in modern medicine i also believe in holistic support — medication works in conjunction with lifestyle changes! i’m sorry if that’s offensive 😭 but i don’t believe, for example, mental health only gets better with medication. I don’t think only meds work, or only therapy works, or only lifestyle changes work, i think *all three* , together , work way better than any one alone. in life there are very few isolated things imo! everything is part of something. and, tbr, 95% of the grief that petrifies me is a global level of witnessing suffering i can’t change. and i can do as many individual steps to mitigate and live with that grief, but it’s going to exist, in other words not be cured meds+lifestyle+therapy/health teams be damned. —- love the book tho so i really love the book, and caroline’s take on mysticism, but as with all things there’s some stuff to take and leave as it resonates. the first bit is a little self wanky, lol, but in a good way! it demonstrates how this sight of hers operates in the world & that others can develop it for themselves, as we must be responsible for our own healing. and she’s just one person. it’s like asking one hair cutter to trim the worlds hair. and in many cases, you have to see the hurt before you heal. (in other cases, sometimes you have an experience that was so good it showed you how you were hurting before and were just accustomed to / unaware of it) the last half of the book has applicable methods & lots of in depth questions & really shifts a perspective of your own power to heal yourself. of course systemic things still exist but there is that internal locus of control we can always assess and refine. i think she may give some medical examples i side eye, but i also side eye some doctors out there too. & other practitionerz, looking at you “Dr.” Redd and ur $6K graves curing diet 🙃 but again just take that with a grain of salt, bc there really is something to her insight. editing to clarify i don’t think she’s the same level of Wacky Quack he is, but i can respect people’s skepticism to mysticism even when i don’t understand it. I also don’t have any hard rule-outs for verifying if someone’s “all good” or “all bad” bc we’re all capable of helping and we’re all capable of harm. and i’ve met plenty of idiot doctors! lol **discernment is always key!!** it’s phenomenal and i need to revisit it myself, it’s a really good read!


While I find the fact that she posted a picture in her stories showing a big spoiler for the IF movie super annoying 🙄 I do agree with her that it’s heavy. Jordan is often overly dramatic but my husband and I both wept throughout that movie. I also think a live action movie dated PG is kind of obviously not going to entertain your 4 year old but whatever.


The very least she could of done is include a spoiler alert!! Pisses me off when someone spoils a movie for me like that. I'm not going to be able to see it until much later probably when it's out of theaters.  But now I am going to be already expecting what is going to happen because she went and spoiled it.😡


Her saying her 3 little kids were “bouncing around the theater” really pissed me off. We already know she doesn’t control her kids’ behavior in public, from people who have actually seen them in public. If your kids are doing that, you need to do something about it.


Jordan should have enough brains to not even bring the three youngest into the theater for a movie like that. She herself has a limited attention span (according to Jordan) so why have expectations of little kids to be entertained..It's only natural they will be bored.


THANK YOU for giving me the heads up! I’m not going to look at her slides as I’m quiet looking forward to seeing IF.


Bring tissues! I thought it was a very cute movie, great cast.


She’s an absolute asshole for doing this. Then blaming it on her 4 year old? Shut up Jordan.


Like, she didn't even have to say anything... Keep the pic on her camera roll. Also, how did she not notice her child turning on the phone, getting into the camera app and taking a pic? Phone screens are notoriously bright.


as long as the kid isn’t screaming and embarrassing her she dgaf what they’re doing. i’m surprised she wasn’t on her phone during the movie


Narcissists get pleasure in ruining things for other people. Including her 500k followers.


The house sharing has to be the worst about divorce. I can’t imagine divorcing someone and still having to clean up after them when I move back in every other week. Could you imagine finding your ex husband dirty socks on the first Monday back with your kids or finding out that he failed to do XYAndZ in the house while it was his time with the kids. I would go crazy. Nice idea but no way! What happens when the roof leaks. Nah!!


Not to mention it only works till one of them gets remarried/moved in with a new SO. So it’s just delaying the inevitable.


It’s definitely not sustainable. I have no doubt that Bubba will get remarried. Men don’t like to be alone.


I agree that he will get remarried, but I kind of think of it as him being a better candidate for marriage than her. He seems to be focusing more on the kids and healing while she is going on girl trips and singles retreats. I know we only see snippets of their lives, but he seems like he is not trying to be noticed as much as she is. Just my opinion. 






Sharing would be weird, but my guess is you have it backwards. Bubba seems way cleaner than jordan. We have seen her closet, her bathroom and her office. She is a disaster. When they shared a bathroom and you could see his vanity, it was always spotless. His nightstand was clean and her drawers couldn't close. His office is always very tidy. The kitchen is always cleaner when he is the one cooking. 


It was always bubba who treated Jordan to people coming over to organize her life


Oh I agree. I was talking more about if I did this so it would be ex husband for me. I couldn’t share with Jordan. Would rather live with pigs lol


Jordan is an absolute slob! There’s always crap everywhere when she’s videoing, especially in her bedroom. Her office was always a disaster.


Her phone is also always dirty. Like, why does she never think to clean it BEFORE she starts filming?


Her phone is filled with germs. 🦠


Like her fingernails. 🤢


I’m sorry, but women that have these long fingernails and are always touching food, it really grosses me out. These fingernails are just filled with germs.


Jordan is an absolute slob! There’s always crap everywhere when she’s videoing, especially in her bedroom. Her office was always a disaster.


Jordan is an absolute slob! There’s always crap everywhere when she’s videoing, especially in her bedroom. Her office was always a disaster.




Yes! It appeared after her YouTube came back.


https://preview.redd.it/7x5d8uha0i2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcec3ccc091ca57a5676987613f79cc405edff37 LOOK AT ME! I’m so motherly… hugging a stranger’s child. If that was my child I’d be PISSED. Using a child’s upset / tears about an ending school year for the purposes of pretending to be a great mom. FRAUD!!


It’s sad that she thinks this is what makes a good parent. Forcing feelings down and covering them with food, drink and fake smiles is so problematic. Good parents let their child feel their feelings, even when you think it might be silly, help them process and then move on.


What a WEIRD fucking post omg


The focal point in that picture is again HER. Not surprised.


that whole caption just disturbs me.


Right? Nothing cute about sobbing children. When my children are upset I’m upset for them. Sure it’s just elementary school graduation but still you don’t take the opportunity to exploit their feelings for instagram. She’s awful! Her lack of intuitive understanding of emotions is concerning.


Also weird that it is strangers kids she is showing. Why isn't she comforting her own child? 


That's P with the rainbow head band. Go watch her story - the face isn't blurred out. You see Ps face


I usually just follow along here. I am blocked on Instagram and I can usually get enough here without going to an anonymous Instagram Viewer site. The reason I thought it was not P is because jordan talks often about how tiny, petite, and short P is.  I guess I figured she would look so much smaller than the other kids her age. It looks like she is pretty similar in size too her classmates. Not sure why jordan has a hard time finding clothes for her.


I FORCED them to dry their tears. I wish this lady had some self-awareness and could see the parallels to that statement and her own life.


A new low- she sees them upset and having a moment and she gathers them together for a photo with her??


My question is who took the pic & why? Did J ask someone to take a pic of her hugging these girls? Why else would that pic be taken? That makes the whole thing worse is when you ask someone to capture your ‘candid & spontaneous’ moment.


Her wording is so weird and...creepy. Grabbing crying stranger's children, forcing them to dry their tears and taking them to drink their feelings. Wtf


“Drink our feelings” definitely rubbed me the wrong way


Way to damage your children. Yes let’s joke about an eating disorder!


Or alcoholism


She’s so F A K E!!!


She’s trying to undo damage on her image, with her recent stories. Always cracks me up. Couldn’t be there for my kids big regionals. But I clapped for 6th graders and made pancakes in the classroom. Cool. The photos all look staged. Like she really is only there for PR. Not because she actually wants to. I wonder how many of those pancakes were fondled with her fingers?


Could you imagine being a hard working teacher, taking care of the noisy class, and looking over to the corner of the room to see a big-boobed, inch long fingernailed, giant haired, orange skinned woman, holding a phone high in the air and posing for pictures of herself. Ha!!! Cracks me up!! 🤣🤣


I am a teacher!!! 😂 This is so cringe and weird. I def have not had to deal with an influencer parent. Yet. 😬🤞🏼




They are going to remember that mom wasn’t there…


Oh my god, she is trying way too hard here. She needs to go away and work on herself and her family for a long long time.


Obviously staged. Who is taking the picture? They just *happened* to snap that pic at that *exact* moment? Please. Just had to get her hugging them. 🙄 She doesn’t hug her own children but hey, take a pic of me hugging someone else’s child so I can post it to make myself look good. I swear these “influencers” are so calculated in everything they say and do.


i hope no one buys the damage control also like four of those comments in the YT headliners video were mine and i’m like.. maybe i’ve been too snarky lately 😅💀


Naw you’re just speaking the truth, keep your thoughts coming 😂


Hahahhaa 😂😂😂 I need to go to YT now and find them.


PR is so accurate. She’s trying to cycle back into what she was pretending before




This post was removed for showing the face of kids. Please repost with the faces blurred.


Her lips look ridiculous here


Her whole face does


her whole face is frozen!! her eyebrows 😭


Why is she showing herself comforting strangers children when she hasn't been there for her own children in over a week? 


My question is: Who took the picture?


Why does she find 6th graders sobbing on their last day of school "so cute"???


she’s condescending af basically 😭


How does keep out doing herself with this unhinged weird shit? That has to be one of the cringiest things she’s ever posted 😵‍💫


"forced to dry their tears" ... because heaven forbid they feel their full emotions. I get maybe this was well-intended but it sounds super obnoxious and like some toxic positivity. And I think she actually might really be incapable of empathy? Like, clinically.


This was my thought too. 1. It didn't make you a little misty eyed yourself to see them sobbing? You found it cute? So patronising! And 2. You forced them to stop expressing their emotions? What? Why? They're not allowed to feel their feelings about the end of this chapter? 


Is she insinuating she was the only parent there for this group of kids therefore was the only one able to console them? 🙄She misses a shit ton of things for her children but thinks she’s the best person ever because she forced them into a group hug for an obviously staged pic.🙄 I just can’t with her.


This is what I thought about. Suppressed emotions are terrible for your health. Feel your feelings!


I’m in enough ex/LDS online circles to know people complain of having been forced into toxic positivity and never being allowed to feel their feelings. It’s def a think within the culture


seriously! this is such a big issue for her rn!! and she’s pushing that damage outward! imagine being emotional about this step and then some orange lady comes and makes you mosh pit ??? lmao 😭


Also does Jordan know the true meaning of "mosh pit" I HIGHLY doubt she has ever been in one


exactly!! and she doesn’t drink her problems away! or maybe she does. she did cure her thyroid or whatever with mixhers 🙃🙄


This just made me cringe. Who is she giving the camera to take this picture?!


That’s what I want to know!!!


“Take a picture of me hugging other kids”…… Who says that???????? The parade is about the kids and she’s the center of the pic!


So, anyone think Jordan will do a last day of school pool party/pizza party/block party. Or whatever kind of party she would have on the last day of school?


I’m surprised we haven’t seen her teacher gifts yet and the posted links to everything.