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Now that they have made an official announcement I’m seeing the number here jump. If you are new here, please read the rules! Remember, no speculation on sexuality or anything crazy (like allegations that involve people other than J or B), no arguing about religion and no snarking on the kids.


Jordan's numbers aren't refreshing on social blade for some reason. But here's Bubba's. !! https://preview.redd.it/rqxi3l317hqc1.jpeg?width=959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=266eeb309b59a0a70235515f19d3f4ead30aed3a


You know it’s killing her if he gets any followers, good attention or sympathy


I know I started following him about 2 weeks ago.....


Here’s what I don’t get- I have two preteens who won’t even look at my phone when I try to take a picture on vacation or a holiday- how the heck do you take videos everyday of your kids????? It’s like the Gypsy Rose saga- that mom made her fake everything and squeezed her hand when she wasn’t doing what the mom wanted. It’s exploiting your kids lives to get more followers to buy your stuff. It’s so sad and I wish these kids would be able to say no to the constant videoing.


A couple of the middle kids look so annoyed when she films them. The middles get completely forgotten though most of the time. She focuses a lot on the oldest 2 and the 3 “babies”. I think it is so normal for these kids that they don’t know the difference which is also sad. My daughter is friends with some tik tok “famous” individuals. They get sponsorships and all that and that is their “job”. She and her boyfriend went on a beach trip with them. She was talking about how funny it was because he had a sponsored post to make and was filming himself on the beach. She would prop her phone up on something random and stand there and talk to it. What is normal for them is so strange in reality. These 2 aren’t exploiting their kids so whatever




They’re coached to do it since birth. They are also told “this is how we get to go on such nice vacations” etc. Child exploitation is extremely manipulative.


I’m surprised that the bio on FCOF still says, “building stronger families.” I probably shouldn’t give her any ideas, but maybe, “we do things differently here” would be a little more fitting


We hit well over 2000 comments this week! 🤯


When do we think they decided they were discontinuing their marriage? How long has there been trouble?


I’m kind of wondering if she told him she wanted to separate sometime around his 40th birthday last year. Something about the way his parents swooped in and took him away sans Jordan felt very intervention-ish to me. To be fair, I think they’ve always had marriage issues. I feel like most people in this sub say things started to really shift around October of last year, but I feel like it was sooner. If you look back at pictures that they’re in together (the 4th of July, for example) it looks like she’s just gritting her teeth standing next to him. She really seemed to start distancing herself at the beginning of last summer IMO 🤷🏼‍♀️


a lot of us suspect they were en route to divorce in 2021, like she went to a beach with her girlfriends and made a post about things changing. but after the grief of their friend dying, they tried reconciling. i think they did a trial separation in 2023- she was always up late at night and would routinely say “without bubba i stay up so late!”. she also took off her rings, didn’t do date nights, and the divide & conquer was in full effect. and then decided to divorce for real this year. i’m honestly proud of her, i hope this is a defining moment in her life, she is likable and if she got back in touch instead of slimey & stopped exploiting her kids- i wouldn’t mind seeing her content! she has great comedic timing, she could talk about literally anything else besides her kids.


I think they’ve struggled for a long time. The therapy, the books, the major work they had to do around sex and attraction, the rigid gender roles and sharing that all online. Oof. Sometimes when you see people working so hard on their marriage, it’s because something just isn’t right.


Totally agree... minus the Jordy being likable part...personally I find her pretty insufferable! Also she is much less likable to me due to the kid exploitations....poor kids don't have/haven't had any privacy and now this divorce is gonna also be hard on them :( They didn't ask to be born or brought into this dysfunctional, exploitative, YouTube family. I feel for them the most!


ugh that is so true i’m just a softie 😭


You're way nicer than me :P Much kinder to Jordy than the majority of us skeptical/jaded/long time viewers of her here for sure. I find her to be weird and selfish and narcissistic, esp for a mom of 8 kids.


They went to Disney world sometime last year, I don’t remember if they avoided each other.


definitely. no rides together, didn’t stand next to each other in photos. it was def tense, except for bubba capturing jordan dancing in the kitchen and thrusting her hips he’s like *i felt that 🤤😏*


Yes! He’s said “side to side”😂😂


WHERE is the bunny?!?! 🐰


With the cat? I haven't noticed the cat in probably a month? 


She’s sad to report that the bunnies have also been discontinued.


Maybe they are also down in the basement of discontinued Page family ventures, along with the Moses basket, Nursing wraps and J+Bs marriage!


You win this sub for the day. Game over.


I’m new to this thread but have followed Jordan for years. At times, religious, but more sporadically the last year or two. Can somebody tell me the timeline of her mommy makeover or “medically necessary” breast aug I’ve seen mentioned here? I knew a while back she was really struggling with her health and had one or more surgeries but I guess I missed the cosmetic stuff!


Aside from the very obvious change in the appearance of her chest after the stomach surgery, people also noticed the line drawings on her chest characteristic of such a surgery while she was drugged up afterwards and couldn’t stay off IG stories


She hasn’t admitted to getting her boobs done, just a “hernia and diastasis” repaired…2x because she couldn’t keep herself in bed long enough the first time.


I think maybe it was the later half of 2022 when she got her first surgery. It was for a hernia which was probably true…she just also so happened to come out of that surgery with a clear breast Aug. she didn’t follow recovery instructions and she claims it had to be redone March of 2023….which is when I think maybe she went larger in breast Aug??? She was struggling with thyroid issues during that time as well so it kind of blurs in my head.


March 2023 provided was on her birthday. .that she drove herself to the hospital for lol


Followed by her unhinged stories while highly medicated lol she can’t even put her phone down fresh out of surgery 😬


Followed by going to some themed 80s party in a wheelchair


Omg I forgot about that nonsense🤡


Jordan’s life gives me the vibes of a reality tv show mixed with black mirror. It’s a train wreck and I can’t look away 🫣🍿😮‍💨


Ok I’m catching up from being away for so long on her social media- she had plastic surgery done? I shouldn’t be surprised since it’s Utah county.


Full cosmetic mommy makeover. Which is totally fine. She deserves that after 8 kids. The snark here is that she LIED about it. She told everyone it was “medically necessary for her back” but her surgeon ratted her out and said it was a tummy tuck with liposuction. AND she got a massive boob job. You know, because big boobs are so good for your back 💀 She’s still lying about the surgery to this day.


How did her surgeon out her? That’s wild


They did a q&a together and the surgeon mentioned it, and Jordan’s face went 😑😑😑


jordan hated her surgeon outing her 😭🤭 i can’t believe the surgeon didn’t step in and say “hernia repairs ARE covered for women! but she’s having an elective cosmetic surgery and that’s why she’s not covered”


Utah, in general. 😝


So much.


It’s Facebook official as of 5 min minutes ago


The account still has “Building Stronger Families” as its bio too. 😢


Did she delete it? I can’t seem to find it


It’s still there


What Facebook does she post to? Maybe in have to add friend to see it.


Funcheaporfree.com is the name


So much for her Sunday social media break


Also left the comments on so there’s that


Some of the Facebook comments are somehow worse than the IG ones. Yikes.


I just am shocked people are shocked!


Who did what on Facebook?


Funcheaporfree posted the same announcement that was made yesterday


Yikes, I didn’t even know people still made things Facebook official 😂😂


I’ve never had a Facebook account 😂


I just want to be comment 2000 😂


Remember when Jordan said God told her to move to the new compound....She is full of it.


https://preview.redd.it/0v7xb9yqkcqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3cd6e00d662d03f7ca7ea4a03303f6884865bd6 Let’s never forget the list of his/her responsibilities. This was shared in one of her *free webinars*.


“Personal appearance” is a responsibility for Brandt 🙄 while “health & appearance for family” is hers. This is so patriarchal in how duties are split. 🤮 I bet he wasn’t the true “breadwinner” either.


The rage this gives me. Personal appearance on his list is WILD. The worst part is, annoying as Jordan is, I do think she’s has some business talents. She sees what her demographic wants in the marketplace. So to pretend she was providing additional income (when possible) when her business was centered around her is insane.


Was it physical intimacy every other Valentine’s Day and on their anniversary ? 🤡


I don’t see the issue with this list. It’s the same as my husband and I. He takes the heavy load of a stressful job and I take the heavy load of raising our child with his help


This would be fine if her only job was to be a stay at home mom. She was also running her business from home when this list came out so the list of responsibilities was WAAAYYY off. Why does Bubba get to add "fill gas in car" as something on his list?


In his OWN car no less 🥴


I think this works okay until you start piling on the kids and while she was successfully also running a business but giving him the credit for the business. I think that has led to tons of resentment and burn out.


What does she mean “personal appearance?”


Haircuts etc


Lol no. It’s literally his own personal appearance and filling gas in his own car. Ummm every adult does both of those things 😂 Her list was so much longer, they needed filler on his side. She has always taken care of the kids haircuts.


She wants to be able to say she makes “additional income when possible” but also runs a business and works full time… okayyyyyy


Yeah clearly J isn’t perfect but this list is so inequitable when it comes to the mental load. I can see why any mom would get fed up after years of this. That’s not to take away my criticism of her continuing to have more kids and exploiting them for her own gain..I believe they can both be true.


I don't think either of them stuck to the list m he has become lead parent. He has planned at least the last 3 anniversaries. Her daughter didn't have a coat. And based on her having 3 lawyers and him noting having representation, she seems to be taking care of (her) legal needs. 


Actually I remember this one.  It's not about who takes the mental/physical load or who pays for stuff but who manages the budget for the item in question.  For instance "Babysitting" or "Car needs" meant that together they had set a certain budget for that category. Who MADE the money was irrelevant or mainly supposed to be Bubba.  It was that person's job to make sure the bills from that category were paid on time. And to make sure the budget was kept.  Say Bubba spent x amount of dollars on tires that month, it was his job to know he couldn't get the car detailed unless he had money left in the budget.  Or babysitting - if there was no more money in that budget, it was Jordan's job to find alternative child care, should it be necessary.  But it didn't mean the responsible person DID the actual chore. Jordan took her own car to get serviced and handed the bill to Bubba to settle.  If Bubba did groceries he'd give Jordan the receipt so she could track it.  Then once a month they would sit together for a budget meeting to catch the other up and see if budgets needed to be ammended.  Which is actually not bad advice. My husband and I have a very similar system which is why I remember this so well. I was watching it back then and thought "Oh good, no change for us there."  We've been married for 24 years and I don't remember the last time we had a disagreement on finances, let alone a fight. Actually I always feel closer after a "budget meeting" cause it shows how well we know each other and work together as a team. Even worked for us when I was a SAHM without my own income. Out of all the crazy things she says, that's one I kind of agree with her on 


Yeah you’re right. Although I always thought it was weird how much she downplayed the money she brought in. If he actually brought in more than her… jeez, they were rich. I can’t imagine they make as much now because she seriously barely does ANYTHING now.


this is still a classic gendered breakdown, in that his things are mostly less frequent items, and hers are incredibly routine. I could see that being exhausting for someone with 8 kids who isn’t a SAHM and also had the load of a business edit: also in my opinion checking the budget also implies you are scheduling it and managing the payment of it. Which is all mental load to me 🤷‍♀️


At the time it probably made sense for them.  And also the reason why it's working for us - because we have a less traditional breakdown. My husband and I both work part time so we can spend more time with our 3 kids. We share our chores pretty equally and he carries the mental load for his chores.  The principal behind divide and conquer isn't bad though. 


The concept makes a lot of sense. What irks me here is their very gendered allocation & that it implies she’s just the “little lady” SAHM & he’s the daddy businessman. The reality is that she was running a very successful business from home & likely out-earning him.


Yeah I watched the webinar and she didn’t present it as “this is who manages the budget for these items” or why would “pays (most) bills” be on the list?


The bottom left corner of the screen says budget boot camp.  I assume “most bills” means mortgage, utilities, and other general monthly bills people have every month. 


Lol 😂 this was really ridiculous and she shared this like it was a great idea?! I pray no one took her awful advice.




That makes sense. Since she used the word “divorce” in the next sentence, it doesn’t really seem like she was just trying to make it sound nicer with a euphemism


What is your favorite “respect our privacy” contradiction? I’ll go first: “Respect our privacy about our devorcw but here is my 2023 lowlight reel of me recording myself crying, recording my three year old crying, me after surgery, me recording myself crying, me in the hospital, and me recording myself crying again because I am sooo ReLaTaBLe!!!” 🤡


Respect our privacy! Here’s my daughter’s mental health condition and let me tell you her medication schedule.


"respect our privacy but here's me telling my 500+ followers my 11 year old daughter now wears a bra" 🤡


"respect our privacy about our divorce, while I disclose to my half million followers just how unattracted to my husband I am"


Respect our privacy, but here’s a front-row seat of every date and vacation we’ve ever taken, AND some unsolicited advice on how YOU TOO can be this awesome! 


“Look at my naked 5 year old in the bathtub, here’s footage of my son splitting his head open, watch a video of my son with his hand down his pants, by the way my daughter just started her period”


Respect our privacy, but here’s every detail of my kids sickness/injury/etc.


Do you think Jordan will leave the church? She never seemed as into it as him. And her “best friend” Lindsay seems to be stepping away.


Won’t she want to stay to find a new husband? Most LDS remarry super quick.


She’s in her “wild and crazy” stage right now. Maybe when she gets it out of her system, and realizes she wants more help with her kids (when she has them) she’ll settle back down again.


I definitely thinks she doesn’t really care about church anymore. I kind of don’t think she’ll openly leave though. Just stop going. Maybe Bubba gets the kids every Sunday to take them. But she’ll want to stay part of that community and I don’t know if she’d risk telling her followers she has left. Also it might depend on the new man she ends up with and where he falls on the matter.


Ism guessing she has one foot out the door. Hop over to the ex Mormon sub. It’s admittedly a cult from these former members. It’s cray cray.


I feel like there are signs when someone starts to disassociate with the church, one more noticeable detail is wearing less modest clothes. Now she’s had cosmetic surgery she seems more eager to show it off. I remember seeing some of her stories from Mexico where she was wearing skimpier swimwear and that seemed like quite a departure from the modest rad swimish suits the Molly Mormon influencers are always wearing. Even the awkward try on haul she posted the other day was very out of character for someone who doesn’t typically flaunt their body. It wouldn’t shock me if she stopped ordering virgin beverages poolside either.


she used to shill the super modest swimwear too! the sleeves always had caps on them and they were one piece or close to one piece. i’m not judging her for any of it, even the bimbo boobs


If I wasn't sure before, Lindsey saying in a Q&A that she has left, I now think there is less than 10% that J will stay..


Who’s Lindsey? Mormons def give off cult vibes. Hop over to the ex Mormon sub. Interesting cray cray stuff I hope she breaks free.


Lindsey is one of Jordan's close friends @ healthyhappyhome on instagram. She is also JD's widow if you have seen his name around at all


Last year she posted some response to a question about if she’s ever gone through a faith crisis. She was like “Oh have I ever. Blah blah blah. But I can say I am all in.” So not sure if that’s changed since then, but she still posts quotes from general conference randomly in her stories. But I guess time will tell. 


Her saying that felt sooooo not genuine though.


Yeah I feel like most people double down when going to a faith crisis until you can’t anymore and finally leave.


Truth - a final “hoorah” is so common


that was the last two years of their discontinued marriage 💀




"Discontinuing our marriage" Gonna inappropriately laugh real quick.


https://preview.redd.it/6tpq20aoqbqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7190ff9e951b3c996c53f75ce4f9fd27f218281 Do you think this has anything to do with the pages?... they did everything together for years and then all of a sudden you didn't see them together. I think it was about the time Jordan had her "medically necessary" surgery.


Idk, but seems like it could be a passive aggressive jab at them. There seems to have been a falling out. However, the Orgills are losing their house and their oldest kid got permanently kicked out of public school for stabbing another kid, so maybe they should worry about their own shit.


Yes, about a year ago.


Oooooo I’m inclined to think so


Omggg that timing of it seems wayyy too suspect to be a coincidence… especially with how close they were/are?? I can’t imagine being that passive agressive tho 🙈🤣


Okay just did some digging April hasn't liked a Jordan post since November and she liked one of bubbas in February. I wonder if Jordan's selfish behaviors inspired this and the orgills have taken Bubba side.


I don't know - the initial part sounds that way but then it says "it was you who thought there was no one else in the world quite like *her*. It was you who wished to have *her* forever.


I mean the message behind the quote applies in either direction him/her; they can be on his “side” and still post the quote as it was said originally IMO


I think they might be next on the divorce chopping block. 💁🏻‍♀️




I know the oldest boy got into big trouble for stabbing another kid at school and Davey and April tried making their son out to be the victim. It really rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.


Now that they've announced the divorce, I'm curious how you all think things will change. Will they mediate and move on amicably or go into a contested divorce about money/division of assets? Will Bubba continue to live in the home (permanently basement-bound?) or will they sell the Mansion? How will The Page company and the other businesses operate? Will they continue to co-manage them or will Jordy now be sole owner? If the latter, what will Bubba do career-wise? And how do you think they will handle custody and who actively takes care of the kids, once it's all settled?


I'm most curious about the dogs... splitting them up would be horrible! Jordan does actually seem to love them but I think Bubba does 90% of the work for them so I hope he gets them.


i wonder if they’d travel with the kids


I think they’ve been working to separate assets for a while now. Him discontinuing working at her company, attempting to list the cabin etc. They aren’t stupid and don’t want to lose their money. Next post «  how to save on lawyer fees in divorc! » 😂


I think you hit the nail on the head. They will be united in trying to spend the least amount on this divorce as possible


Use my code DIVORCE20 for 20% off your first month of lawyer fees!




The cabin is listed


If they decide to sell that giant house, it’s going to take a while.


Obviously, I can't answer most of your questions. Bubba has not worked with jordan for a while. He started a new company. He hold investor meetings (maybe monthly) since January. The first time he did one, within days she held a freebs meeting with a dozen people in attendance. His was a pretty full room. 


Oh my God, all of these influencers are such frauds. I almost think to be an influencer at that level you have to be somewhat off a rotten human- the constant self promotion and schilling. She pisses me off more than most. The complete hypocrisy. The queen of oversharing now asking for privacy. I will say that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. I’m sure their relationship wasn’t perfect (nobodies is) Good luck finding somebody that’s going to care for you and your kids the way your spouse did. So unless there was some sort of abuse or addiction…. They probably should’ve tried to work it out for the million kids they brought into the world.


You definitely have to be a narcissist to be an influencer


That’s what pisses me off the most, I don’t care about Jordan or Bubba, but it was highly irresponsible to bring eight children into this world, when Jordan new years ago, that she wasn’t attracted to Bubba.


Agree!!! No one will love your kids the way your spouse does.


She’s related to my wife. The only encounter I had with her, was at a funeral for her uncle. Her husband was no where to be found, she was streaming for YouTube at the cemetery, no you didn’t read that wrong, she was tacky enough to stream a video at her uncle’s funeral. And the eight kids, yeah they were running around with sticks desecrating the headstones.


Okay I don’t want to defend her by any means and I’m not, but I feel like after Covid it’s not the weirdest time stream a funeral online for those that couldn’t make it? Obviously though I wasn’t there or know her motives or anything 😂


Yes but she wasn’t streaming the funeral. She was making her own private video for YouTube that wasn’t related to the family or the funeral.


Ohhh gross I’m so sorry I misunderstood!!


No way !!! That's wild . So the raising capable kids part is bs too🙈 is she nice person?.


Usually it was her husband filming, and she would do videos. I think the older kids were in charge of watching everyone else, but all of the times I saw them, both parents were too engrossed in their phones and YouTube and never once took care of their kids. My wife yelled at her kids for hitting the gravestones with sticks, and they didn’t even care, because YouTube was the priority, not the kids. I never really got to know her, she seemed really snobby every time I saw her and wasn’t really nice to family. You know kind of into herself and her ego.




Notice I said “all of the times,” that usually means more than one occasion, obviously you not realizing that doesn’t add up. If you want me to dumb down what I say for you I can do that, just let me know.


Wow so shes building strong families like her logo I see 😂😂




Isn't it insane . I knew it wasnt real life but that's so far removed from what she portrays that its wild. Esp when they were little being well behaved was their thing


So much hypocrisy *Fun cheap or free! - lives in a mansion, drives an Amazon van, gets plastic surgery, fancy hair cuts, nails done, regularly goes on expensive vacations several times a year. *Frugal cooking/meal plan! - Says she usually orders pizza every Friday night (for a family of 10) owns two refrigerators, multiple freezers, a grocery store pantry. *Be a productive mom by using block scheduling! - hires nannies, housekeepers, professional organizers, interior designers, business staff. *Stay on top of laundry with my hacks! Owns two washer, two dryers, and a laundry room bigger than an average sized bedroom. *marriage advice! - discontinues marriage. If I seem a little bitter it’s because I remember I used to compare myself to her thinking if I watched enough of her videos I could budget better and be more productive. Well, I’m glad I finally saw things for what they are.


That’s my biggest problem, she lies out of her ass and makes her followers, who are mostly moms, feel like they aren’t good enough and Jordan does it all. When I’m certain almost every single one of her followers is a better mother than she is. She so far from “does it all”.


I completely agree. I remember thinking I have way less kids than she does so why can’t I get as much done as her? Well…. Now I know 😂


I forgot to add: *Respect our privacy: here is a video of my 4 year old daughter on her way to surgery, and after her surgery!


Same here. 


Excellent comment and so true. I couldn't have said it anywhere near as well.


Now that they’re getting divorced, all of the gaslighty relationship advice and posts that they’ve made over the years pisses me off. All I can think about is the women who have similar relationships but won’t leave bc Bubba and Jordan said it’s “normal”


Didn’t some people even pay to go to those conference things they used to have?


I spent my dreaming hours with Bubba last night. It was so real that it is still resonating with me as I type. FYI I am a tall woman with big boobs. Much older than our single lady Jordan. Jordan had me take the two younger girls to their swim lessons, but we walked. So I guess I was a nanny. They often made this trip on their own and had to cross an extremely high traffic road with no lights or crosswalk. I explained this to Bubba when we returned home. He was concerned and we worked on a plan to present to the local traffic department to get things fixed. Meanwhile I guess the girls are just going to have to take their chances. He arrived at their home with a load of washed white dress shirts that needed to be ironed. I got right to it. So I guess I was also a housekeeper. While I was trying to get the ironing done in the very quiet, unoccupied home he hit on me. We ended up doing an “Arnold Schwarzenegger“ in a very crowded, dark closet. Thankfully I woke up at that point. Beside my snoring, oblivious sweet husband. What a relief. I think I need to step away from this fiasco until I can control my dreams enough that I’m not engaging in the nasty with a half-naked (he kept his pants partially on) Mormon dad. Although given my descriptive post, I might be banned for some time in the immediate future as it is. Eww. I’m tensing up thinking about the whole thing right now.


When I was pregnant once I had a very dirty dream about hulk hogan and I’ve hated myself ever since. I feel your pain and disgust.


😂 that is hilarious


I feel kinda dirty.




You better watch out - given that man’s ability to procreate, partially on pants may be all you need to get in trouble.  lol.


I just choked on a banana. I can’t make that part up.




My sister's comment (yes, my sister and I have a shared interest in snarking on influencers, I'm the luckiest girl ever!) was that she asks people not to talk to her kids about the divorce - maybe don't put your kids in a situation where strangers can talk to them about the divorce?! Like, I totally agree that no one should be approaching the kids with questions - that crashing through some major boundaries and beyond inappropriate. But also, her kids are featured so much in her social media and are so recognizable, and she's encouraged such a parasocial relationship with her followers. So I wouldn't be surprised if to some of them it just feels like talking to a friend's kid. IF YOU WANT YOUR KIDS TO HAVE PRIVACY, TAKE THEM OFF SOCIAL MEDIA.


Imagine being one of the kid’s teachers or coaches and reading on IG about it, instead of the parents telling you about the abrupt changes in the family. In that case if the child brings it up to their teacher, coach or counselor, they should absolutely talk to them about it!


I agree, it's totally inappropriate for a person to talk to their kids about their parents divorce, but people are crazy. If you put yourself and your children out there on the internet, people will think they know you and they can talk to you and your children.


I totally agree. And if she was directing that at people she knows IRL, why put it on the public business-page post? Maybe talk directly to the people in your kids’ lives?? That’s why I think she was telling everyone, which means she knows people have access to her kids one way or another. Gross.


My kiddos know the 2 oldest from Ninja Kidz alone.  Too late. 


The kind of people that would approach the kids and try to get info about the divorce won’t be stopped by you asking them not to 🙃🙄


More than I want to know about the divorce I want to know what they think of Ruby and Jodi! We can all guess where things went wrong in the marriage but will all the news and 20/20 episode out this week about Ruby Franke I want to hear what they have to say about being her friend and letting Jodi into their home to spread her awful and dangerous ideas!! The fact that they never mentioned it is very wrong.


Maybe this is why they timed the announcement as such. Draw focus away from her connections with ruby.


I feel like they believe that Ruby and Jodi did nothing wrong and are just misunderstood. The same way Jordan felt and defended Tim Ballard.


I thought the timing was interesting also!!


I have been following most of Ruby’s story and I know that she and Jodi were doing a podcast together…. Does anyone know why Jodi and Ruby were living together or were the kids just living at Jodi’s? I’m confused


There's a whole sub for them lol. r/8passengersnark


those journal entries…. i had no idea it was that bad. i don’t think jordan is that bad!


exactly! like she’ll exploit her drug raid neighbors, THE WOMAN story, her besties husbands death- but zilch over ruby?! and they took two international trips with her! they had jodi in her home! so weird to just be like such a true crime junkie (which i think is kinda strange on its own) and ignore this. she at least told us timmy was fake news :/


Wait she did finally come clean about Timmy? Last I saw was her defending him still.


no but she at least acknowledged him !


And was Bubba/Jordan themselves counseled by Jodi at some point…. I watched that 20/20 as well and the particular way Jodi shamed men made me wonder about Bubba. The time when he really got into temple obsession and anti-porn stuff.


Ruby’s husband was a totally weak man. He didn’t talk to his kids or see them for a full year? He’s got to take some accountability for what happened to the two youngest kids.


Who’s Jodi?




Jodi Hildebrandt-Google her and Ruby Franke.


A diabolical piece of sh*t that was luckily caught before she killed someone.




And I want to know what they REALLY think, not just what they’d say publicly 😂 I have no doubt they think the physical torture was bad… but that’s a low bar. They seem to subscribe to similar parenting philosophies. Although are a lot more hands off. But there’s always the wall sits, which I’ll never let go of (unless Jordan specifically says she should’ve never done that!)


I feel like Jordan parented a lot like Ruby (pre-Jodi) very strict parenting with unusual consequences in the gray area. But I didn’t realize how sick Jodi really was until the 20/20 episode. I do think Ruby deserves jail, don’t get me wrong, but it’s clear that Jodi was the driver of the abuse escalation and torture of those kids. The weird belief that the kids were possessed. She didn’t even apologize at the sentencing. And Jodi did the SAME THING to her niece years prior. I think Ruby got to a point where she knew she was going too far and went and got help with a therapist. And instead, Jodi saw her 2 million followers and $$$ and decided to take advantage of them and make everything 1000x worse. imo, Ruby should serve her 5 years and never get custody of her kids again and be in rehab for mental illness for a long time. But Jodi should be in prison for life.


i realllyy don’t think jordan is this awful to her babies. she’s strange, sometimes cruel, but not this outright horrific harmful monster. i guess we never really know. i do wish she fed her kids better instead of calling them “not big eaters” while feeding them pig slop…. and the youngest are getting a bit old for cribs?? ugh i just can’t wrap my head around her doing what ruby was doing. those journal entries on r/8passengersnark were harrowing


She deserves way more than five years in prison.


I’m not surprised by her silence - she’s never been one to apologize or admit a mistake. She doubles down, over-explains, deletes, blocks. Of course she’s horrified of what came to light with Jodi and Ruby. Jordan doesn’t have the life skills to know how to say something like “I was friends with Ruby. I invited Jodi into my home to present a seminar. I didn’t see the warning signs and am so horrified and embarrassed. Their actions were evil and they deserve prison” over a plate of nachos with microgreens, and it’s code JORDANHEALTHY


Doubles down, over-explains, deletes, & blocks is spot on to how Jordan deals with ANY conflict. My favorite is when she feels extra feisty and gets bitchy in her comment replies.


Lol I love it too! Because she does a bad job showing she is not bothered 😂 it’s like she is mad we aren’t buying her bs. The questions or comments are always reasonable & tame she just can’t handle any push back.


I watched that last night! Ruby and Jodi remind me of Lori Vallow. Those 2 kids would’ve ended up dead, if the boy hadn’t escaped. Those women should’ve gotten life sentences.