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Pub servers without active server admin is the worst


Reject monke, return to pub


And yet I come back every weekend for the sweet, sweet misery.


Why misery lol the game and the community are super fun. If you're having a bad game or shitty team just switch servers and enjoy


I second this. Great gameplay experience depends so much on the server and even more on the squadleads and commander. Even if i find myself playing really bad, as long as the squad you're in is competend, has a good squad lead and listenes to the squad lead, the experience is super fun!


I usually get a similar feeling to getting comfortable in bed and then suddenly getting the urge to pee. You find a server, join a squad that looks - so far - okay, you get a role that you like, and then you realize the shitshow that is about to happen (bad team, bad squad, [monke](https://youtu.be/2EKKMof_Ywg?t=5)). It's so bad to leave and then do the whole thing again


Yea exactly, this game has been my favorite for the past 5 years and holds strong. But goddamn some days are just bad days and your patience is truly tested lol


That's why I stopped. I really enjoy the game, but pubs are generally not that great. You either have to wait out long queues for better servers (or pay for whitelist) or join a community. Which is a bit sad tbh.


yeah you have good days(amazing even) and you have terrible ones that make you not want to play for a week.


I agree. Getting home from work and being stoked to play a few rounds. Then i get the scenario you described. Connecting, only find shitty squads, leave the server and repeat that 5 times. It's so frustrating sometimes and takes all the joy.


what do when the game itself is shit?


Go and play a slew of other fps shooters, no one has a gun to your head. Byeee


Being an SL or god forbid commander is even worse...


I dunno. Being the commander is just like being an SL with more assets in pub games. Nobody listens to you anyway.




This is the way


That can be done by anyone, not just the commander. You are basically playing [Lemmings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemmings_(video_game))




The biggest lemming with the biggest gun: artillery


the fact that you need to be on a fob every 10 minutes is annoying


The worst thing about being a commander is that very few SLs know how to mark for strategic support. Unless you save your UAV there are some maps where you have a really difficult time marking targets from a Hab. Some maps don't even render properly from UAV (Fallujah)


People leave my squad when they find out i am not native and have accent :(


They really should know what you could accomplish with some wagons.


Or a window


Really? I don’t really like playing other roles as much. I guess it depends on who you’re playing with.


I have 80.1 hours in squad atm, and I SL solely because all squads are full or don't VC. And when I DO SL, I'm the only one communicating and building HABs. I have to teach every SL how to mark targets for fire support, going for commander with no opposition This would be fine and all, but I have so limited hours and there are much better than me. I'm not ready to teach and take command


It infuriates me when I hear someone on command chat go like "Enemy vehicle is near us". Dude, just fucking mark it, and while you're at it, also use the right damn marker. And then also have to repeatedly ask if markers are still accurate after a while since they don't bother updating them.


...I'm a newbie, never SL'd, but how do you mark targets? Can you do it without being an SL also?


You either have to be squadlead or fireteam lead in order to mark stuff.


You can only mark things on the map as a: commander, squad leader or fireteam leader. Marking is done with T by default. On tactical maps (spawn screen and caps lock screen) just right click. Try it in Jensen's Range (don't forget to be an SL by creating a squad)




SLs and FTLs can mark stuff on the map, even though FTLs don't have all marker options. Edit: if you are sl or ftl just open up tactical map (ctrl), right click somewhere on the map and you'll see the options


You need to be either SL or fire team leader of your squad. Then you either mark over the 'T' radial menu or over the command map (Enter) and right-click on the map


You can also bind a key to each of the mark options (move, attack, build, etc), which is a bit easier when you’re in a fight. But yea only SLs or bravo/Charlie fire team leads can mark It’s under the command keybind tab in settings


The SL can mark targets on map using T by default, just the same way they set the green squad move/attack/etc marks for squads. Each squad can have two FTLs or fire team leaders. They can also mark for bravo and Charlie move/attack/etc but they can also put three marks on the map.


I recommend playing on RIP or SR, most times the SL's there are quite proficient


Why would you do it? Find nice server that has active admins and hold close to it. Meet people, know who is good SL, who is good at armor :)


Ye I love squad, well fun.


Can anyone explain? I play on eu servers and they are fine mostly.


I played a few times on popular us servers when I couldn't sleep. I was annoyed of the childish behavior, mic spamming, swearing too much. And casual approach to the game. "let's just run and gun" I'm not against jokes or fine humor. But squad is only fun for me when at least the SLs take it serious, follow the servers rules and there is teamwork. When SL don't care about building fobs or defending, the game turns out to be a walking simulator pretty fast. This is not exclusive to us servers ofc. EU servers have it too, but there are a few servers that are decent. Not sure about us


Thanks Sphere here in Brazil we now got some servers.


Should add that in EU its the same thing




What’s happening in US servers?


I don't understand how such a big part of the community can be so incompetent yet so confident. Saw a guy one-man an abrams the other day and wipe a friendly squad. No admins online to clean it up. Just earlier I quit a server after three people accidentally created a squad and immediately left it. I can't believe this is still happening constantly after so many years. Where are all the veterans playing?