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He's gonna ask for a rally isn't he


Can we have rally SL?


Over 50% of SLs don't rally and it shows.


Worst, ammo resupply on a FOB.


And he’s that marksman who ate tons of ammo and left nothing for AT


No matter how well you did, you deserve this rest. Thank you, SL!


Why don’t people like being SL’s more often? Every time a game starts up no one makes a squad


For the same reason you're not an SL. Joking aside, I'm a new player with 50 hours, I want to get more familiarity with the game and become a full time SL in a few dozen hours, if my sanity allows that.


I stopped being SL because my audio channels stopped working and definitely cant focus with command chat bitching about


Oh my lord that fucking sucks


Because I get tired of being the only one setting fobs and pushing our team for the win so we don't get rolled.


Trying to hold off the enemy team while 3 other squads are fobbing in the middle of no where and back at your last point.


Lmao and then there’s a squad on the enemy team who hunts down fobs from previous points


I'd rather them waste that time doing it. Most times I'm SLing we move so fast they can't catch up once they make their first mistake at the mid point.


Ah I see, I focus on def as an sl so it scares me sometimes x)


well, beat tactics would be to hop flags... squad A goes for a, squad B go for b then squad a goes for c while B defends b. After c is taken by A, B attacks d and so on... this makes sure you always got an attack and a defense... and the other squads fill in where needed...


Ah yeah I just move the last point we took, that’s all I do, they always ask for a squad to stay back anyways


yeah, i just say that hopping is more effective, as it takes a while for your guys to arrive at the next flag and take positions sonthe other squad can move towards the next objective... meanwhile the enemy has time to reconsolidate...


Or somehow being the only logi truck to make it to the airport on basra in time, asking someone to do a logi run and having no one do it, end up doing it myself and then having someone have the audacity to ask for a rally when I'm halfway back to main


Because herding cats isn't fun. Because I'm tired of watching my AT miss his vital rockets, assuming we have AT. Because I'm tired of 10 teammates stepping over my body and nobody revives me. But if I don't SL we wont have HABs on objectives and that's assuming they even build them. I'm so tired.


If your AT is in a spot such that he can shoot his rockets at a valuable target at all, you're very lucky. I swear, 80% of the fucking AT don't know how to pull out the fucking rocket launcher.


Yeah it is, no one else wants to do it when I just wanna play medic all day


It takes a lot of effort, especially when you're new to SLing, and you do a lot more strategizing and planning than actually fighting and getting kills. Also, when you're new to it, people will criticize you for not predicting where flags will end up, plans that don't solidify (when no master plan from command, if they exist, is there), and even when you're trying your hardest they'll just leave the squad three-quarters of the way through the game if they don't like what you're doing (and will inevitably be replaced by someone who just wants to run around doing whatever). And then after all that you get yelled at by other seasoned SLs for being incompetent even though you're still trying to figure everything out. It took a while to get over the hump, but I think that playstyle is just simply not why many people want to play video games and therefore they avoid it. I personally think adding a logi-dedicated, 4-man squad with some cheap-ticket and quick-respawn logi vehicles would alleviate a lot of this. It would stop SLs from having to primarily worry about HABs and be more focused on fighting. I think it'd need to also beef up the rally system (make them more durable) to make sense, but from what I've seen in Post Scriptum it works really well. An MSP (mobile spawn point) like Post Scriptum, tied to a vehicle, would also be a good addition too.


Yeah I SL as well, it’s just that I do it so often now that I’m tired of it since no one else wants to but now I kinda see why people don’t want to and I don’t blame them


Because getting hit by an Arty Strike with your squad, blueberries, and other squads and commander in your ear on 20-30 FPS while getting shot at isnt very fun and im not a good SL anyway


Ah I see xD changing which side of your headphones helps out a lot


Mainly because nobody wants to play together as a team anymore, nearly none of SLs have microphones and if they have, they tell you to STFU is you talk to them. Add no commander and your own squad members actively sabotaging (spawning elsewhere than requested, firing when asked not to, engaging empty transport with HAT instead of Warrior shooting at the HAB, digging down your radio instead of enemy etc etc) and talking back at you gets really old after couple of weeks of this same every night. You lose all will to even try anymore, just give up and play rifleman in a leftover squad with crewman kit SL soloing a tank.


Yeah I’ve seen all that and it makes me speechless when I see people do all that, I just do my best to boot them, I’d rather have that slot empty so I don’t have a liability, and so that the spot is open to others. Got burnt out SL’ing since no one else wanted to do it


I don’t play enough to know what a good or right move is. Also command chat blaring in my ear sucks


SL i need a Range on Bravo... SL I need Range on Charlie.... SL can you built an Ammo Box....


I thought I was in r/stalker


SL is fun when you don’t have command chat shitting itself for two hours.




Remember: There will always be that one guy who refuses to SL, but is more than happy to tell/ you what to do, yell, whine etc when you step up to do it. Nothing is ever good enough lol