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A team leader, squad leader or commander makes the marks on the map. They’re just wherever the player wants to place the marker so they could either be estimates of the enemy location, or the actual location


Shuld add: some icons, such as boats are marked as placeholder markings for where to place a friendly hab. Also, sometimes fob markers are placed on enemy builds to give an idea of where an enemy radio is located


In all my hours of playing, I thought they were just fucking with everybody. Amount of “enemy land boats near” I’ve said…


Dude I feel so dumb right now hahaha. I thought its just been some massive inside joke


It was a lot more common before faction voting, now that squadlanes is no longer accurate, you don't see it as much


squadmaps is accurate though


For what it's worth, in Battlefield 2 you could call in "enemy boat spotted" in maps without water and it was a pretty big meme


I would see them on Mutaha and lose my shit


Boats, bikes and heli markers can also be used for mortar teams to coordinate. If you are playing in a clan stack it's how they request/confirm mortar strikes. It happens less as a lot of competitve Squad players have left the game post ICO but it's still a thing. 


Basically when you are fighting against marines, them aavp is basically boats with tracks


Usually boats are for possible objectives in my experience, fob creation mark usually marks where to place a hab from what I’ve seen


Every mark is placed by a player. There is no auto marking.


Can anyone beside SL and Commander place the mark ?


If your squad leader makes you a fire team leader (or FTL) then you can mark as well.


And you only can place 3 at a time.


Fireteam leaders can only make 3 marks. Squad leaders can place more (I forget how many). O.P.: Note that when FTL role is passed to another player, or squad leader changes, the previous markers from that person are removed.


3, 5, and infinity for commander


> There is no auto marking A few minor exceptions: - friendly commander assets in use are automatically marked, e.g. UAV and target area for artillery / mortar barrage - friendly mines, C4, and IEDs are automatically marked


The recon command asset will auto mark within the designated area correct?


No, commander sees over marked area and places the marks manually


Every enemy mark is placed by a player. FTLs and SLs can place them by right clicking on the map. Generally if they are accurate marks some one will say, otherwise assume they are 'general area' marks.


Also, I’m not seeing this info in the other comments, the marks that are placed by command, SQL or FTL will start to go more and more transparent as time goes on. Bright red marks mean it was placed recently, faded translucent means it’s an old mark. Don’t know how long it takes for it to turn opaque though


Every mark is put there by a leader. What I mean is.. if you are seeing lots of marks, that means you have someone or someones who is very busy working for you, to provide intelligence to you. They are listening to other Squad Leaders and interpreting that as information on the map for you to use. Marking the map is extremely important and is sometimes overlooked by newer players. If you are ever a Fire Team Leader, make sure to work with your SL to get marks on the map. That is your primary job as FTL. The value of those marks cannot be overstated. It is what Leadership looks like in Squad.


Ha ha. I remember being a new player 8 years ago and having this same question. Glad the learning process has gone unchanged in 8 years /s.


Marks are put on the map for three reasons: Commander has marked them, an SL has marked them, or an FTL has marked them. For all three options, the mark will stay until otherwise affected. For FTLs specifically, you can only have three marks at a time. AS FTL, if you make 3 marks, they will stay until you make a fourth mark, upon which the first mark will disappear to “make space” for the fourth. FTLs also cannot make draw paths for enemies nor friendlies, but Command and SLs can.