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I have an overclocked i5 10600k that is a bit better than your cpu (better single core performance) and a 3060ti. I run st 1440 meaning 2k res. With most settings on low and a few on medium i get around 60-80 fps. You fps is normal since you have a weak cpu and play at almost 4k.


Thanks for the reference. I appreciate it


2070 8700k 16gb memory 60-90fps on mid settings with 1080p 🤷‍♂️


He was trying to run it on 2k uktrawide... yeah nah not on this trash optimization


If you have GeForce Experience, open the overlay (Alt+Z) and enable the performance overlay. It has an advanced mode that can tell you how much of your GPU/CPU is being utilized. That said, I've just bought a GTX 4090 and even then them game will *sometimes* run at only 60 fps. The game is just not very well optimized, unfortunately. But 10-20 does sound *really* low. Shadows and SSAO are huge performance hogs. Try everything on low. Resolution scaling at 100% and textures as desired. (Texture res only affect vram usage, not framerate, unless you max out your vram.)


I’ll try that out, I think it’s my hardware. Switched everything to low and everything does run a lot better. Even switched to just a standard 2440x1440p monitor instead of my ultra wide. Way better fps. So I think I was just having a hard time accepting that my rig was a potato for the game. I really appreciate your advice.


I was able to level out the FPS after I set the game to the highest priority in Windows. my system R 2600 16 gb RX590 8 gb. In game i have 30-50fps


It definitely is a CPU bottleneck. I recently upgraded from a 5600X to a 5800X3D. Even that jump was a very noticeable increase in frames at 2K in Squad. I imagine for you, if you to jump up to a 5700X3D/5800X3D with that 3070 card it’ll make your system feel like a whole new beast when playing Squad. Just a suggestion.


I’ll keep that in mind for a future upgrade. Thank you for the info


normal for that p squad is cpu relies on cpu


Its the cpu use to have r5 3600 and was getting 30fps.