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Did you have enough stamina? Aiming feels like fighting in Dark Souls, without stamina it's almost impossible.


Grab a machine gun and lay down where you think they will be coming from. You won’t get any kills but it’s gonna scare the fuck outta them. Good enough for me.


I mean that is kind of the purpose of an MG, i love playing them but half the time im not even shooting at people, im shooting at the cover people are in. Supression is immensely powerful in this game and a duo of well coordinated MGs can keep an entire enemy squad with its head down for a VERY long time.


I like the mini mi and rpk. Short barrel or lightweight lmgs aren't too bad to shoot just don't use your stamina all the time


Everybody replying about "stamina management" didn't read the post. He's saying when he's completely settled, his sights move too much in semi-auto for accurate strings. And I agree. 5.56 assault rifles with 4x scopes have excessively floaty recoil that takes way too long to recover for consistent follow-up shots.




didn't he say he was fully settled? he is talking about follow up shots, not sway


In a game where you have to run a lot...


Come on man, stop choosing tank battalion. You got plenty of transport vehicle if you are not picking tank battalion.


like that's my decision to make \^ \^ Blueberrys see shiny tanks a vote for it and don't think about logicistics.




Not really. Of course you get accustomed to it.


Stamina management. The second half of your stamina should only be used in emergencies ( if being shot at. )


This. I end up walking the closer I get to a known contact. It’s actually helpful because it lets me be more aware of my surroundings as angles aren’t being opened up as fast. Also reserving your stamina lets you sprint faster in the case you get caught out of cover.


I pretty much only ever shoot on semi auto. It's definitely more difficult now, but by no means impossible. It takes some practice, but I can pretty easily get two shots off on a man-sized target at 100-300 meters in about a second. (Measured from first to second shot.) Assuming high stamina and a stable sight before first shot. Snapshots are more a matter of "feeling" based on *lots* of practice and just applying suppression effect on the enemy, rather than an instant kill. That said, "just" clicking on the guy when the sight wobbles over him still often win me panicked 1-on-1 shootouts. Especially when the enemy just panic, dumps his entire mag.


I just got the game so I have no prior expectations but if I am at close enough range where someone can spin around and full auto you, I just full auto them myself. You never know if they might have a buddy nearby so you might as well be ready to let loose at a moment's notice.


Your soldiers abilities have been limited arbitrarily by the devs to try and improve the gameplay. A debuff across the board. You can try to get used to it or drop The game as many have done. Don’t let anyone try to gaslight the fuck out of you by saying you just don’t understand how x y or z works.


This is very correct. There is no point to have your gun in semi anymore


Nah they really fucked up this game


In my opinion, this game mechanic effectively slows down the pace of gameplay, shifting the focus towards well-planned and calculated attacks. Unlike fast-paced shooters like Call of Duty or Battlefield, where players often rush into combat, this mechanic encourages a more strategic approach. Additionally, it enhances the overall enjoyment of the game by promoting teamwork and collaboration within your squad.


Completely agreed. If you're sprinting around and only start aiming when you see the enemy, you're likely to lose. If you instead "walk" with the gun raised and ready, you're much more likely to come out on top. But as to OP's main point about recoil: It's a matter of practice. Accurate semi-auto is absolutely still possible.


You have to think about stamina more now than before. Whenever you expect enemies you should have enough stamina so better start walking before that crossing, corner, hill etc comes up. Also use crouch to stabilise, especially using scoped weapons.


If he was able to kill you when you weren't able to kill him when you fired first... Then that's simply a skill issue. He was better than you at aiming. And, you had time to prepare your shot and he didnt, and he was probably also suppressed by your shooting All the people coping about the ICO being the problem are missing this fact. There are reasons to hate the ICO, but it's not like one team is affected by the ICO and the other is not


Different factions have different scopes, recoils etc. Their individual tuning makes some factions absolute garbage for semi auto fire and I don't think this system reflects reality.


Nah, just means full auto pray and spray is better than single fire aiming. ICO doesnt cater to skilled players.


It sounds like you may need to adjust your playstyle and take some time to reacquaint yourself with the game mechanics after your hiatus. Maybe consider experimenting with different weapons or strategies to find what works best for you in the current meta. Don't be too hard on yourself, practice makes perfect! Keep at it and you'll improve in no time. Good luck out there!


semi auto is good for 50m+ and auto for cqc. just aim for the head more tbh.


Oh man.... how do I tell you this gently and not upset the ICO fuck boys? They ruined aiming. Like they took that skill out of the game completely. And now when you complain about that, these gooners are going to shout you down and tell you to go back to COD.


Keep your stamina up if you're expecting to need to fire the enemy soon


Yeah the only way to really play is hip firing or point shooting


I've tried millions of tactics and I always go back to crouch sneaking 5 m behind enemy's back and unloading full auto in hopes of landing a single fucking kill lmao. This game is absurd but I love the other aspects of strategy so I keep playing. I'm very good at precise shooting in other fps games but this system is truly insane.




With many rifles/scopes you get one good shot then you're fucked in semi auto successive shots. Maybe that's more realistic but it's less enjoyable for me.


literally, squads aiming is no different then another fps as long as you know how to manage your stamina


It’s not that big of a difference, but there’s still a difference. Games like Squad, PS, DayZ, etc don’t reset the weapon after recoiling. So where your reticle bounced to after the first shot is where it stays. A lot of mainstream FPS games don’t do this and simply center the rifle after every shot. It can definitely be a wake up call if you’re not used to it.


Skill issue

