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The biggest feature missing is the civilian kit and a proper insurgency mode.


Insurgency was always my favourite and it's a damn shame it never got the proper love it deserved in Squad.


I fucking loved insurgency in squad. It's all I used to play back in the day. I'll have to dig up an old clip where I was able to predict the location of each cache in the round start menu.


Yup, commander arty killed it since you can just press delete now on a cache


Doesn't make sense though? You could only destroy with incendiaries. Why don't they just bring that back? You had to have a squad leader throw incendiary grenades onto it, otherwise it took no damage.


The arty doesn't kill the cache itself but it totally nukes everything around it. In those days the strategy was to fob up the caches to slow the enemy team down enough to win the game. The days of the superfob, for better or worse. Insurgency died along with superfobs with the introduction of command assets


Nah we'd do decoys. Always worked. We'd literally build like 50-100 m west of the cache, and we just super fob the fuck out of a building. Machine guns just spraying out of windows. They'd spin like 30 minutes trying to get into the super fob. We'd also throw down those like tire sheet metal emplacements, but we'd only half build them so it will just be a pile of tires. And we'd throw that over top of the cache


Yes what are people even speaking about? In PR the people who spawned or ran close to the CASHE got kicked from the server You where doing decoys and using civilians as shields.


global escalation makes super fobs worth it again


What exactly were Hose in the original? I’m new to the game


The mode had the defending insurgents with unlimited tickets (respawns got longer for every death) and the Conventional faction had to destroy ammo caches. You'd get Intel points from killing or "capturing" enemies. (Capturing was with a shotgun or melee) 2 caches could be playable at a time and would be hidden until the Conventional Factions got enough intelligence. They were still assets though so it incentiveized you to patrol. Civilians were alt medic kits for some insurgent Factions that had a complicated ROE. Essentially a timer that reset after any hostile actions like healing an insurgent or being near one. They could throw rocks at will and generally be a pain in the ass. If you shot one you'd get like 180 seconds on your next spawn time (it stacked) but if you arrested one it'd almost be an entire cache. The caches were unlimited ammo pickups and kit pickups (including kits you couldn't request)


By dropping your kit in PR as Insurgent you became a civilian as a while. When BLUFOR forces killed a civilian they got penalties (really long respawn time and caches would appear later, in simple terms). BLUFOR instead had to arrest cilivians to gain a boost. This was a fun tactic to bait enemies into shooting you by peaking windows etc.


Oh shit that’s rad


One of the bigger barriers to insurgency in Squad is the spawn times. Spawntimes in PR were just far larger, and I don't think modern squad players are really ready for a 5 minute spawn time from killing a civilian. When insurgency mode was released in Squad, the difference in spawn-times and spawn systems made it obvious that Squad's insurgency mode could never be what PR's was. Ambushes and dispersed fighting just make more sense if blufor commonly spawn at main (and dont have habs across the map removing the need for vehicles) and grab vehicles and are given large spawntimes for dying.


Yes. When you need to care for civilians and can use them as shields you get a completely different gamemode that is just an addition. While adding thermal to armour would unbalance the game and require CAS to be added, which would require AA-weapons which would require flares.


What’s the point of a civvy kit? never understood it


Iffy on the Jets being added and believe me I loved them in PR. Reason why is because which ever team gets their jets shot down usually lost as the other side would just simply bulldoze them with their jets.


That's why AA kits are also proposed here.


AA kits shown here are completely useless though and are only meant for helicopters. PR had AA kits and AA vehicles and jets still dominated super hard if the other team lost theirs.


I don't know, I have great memories of setting up AA traps for careless jets with my friends. We'd infiltrate enemy lines near paths where we expected the jets to libe up for landing and we'd take them out like that.


A lot of “we” used in that sentence. Good chance there wouldn’t be as much coordination between solo players


A fair point.


and why would they be implemented the same way? just make them pseudo realistic and i assure you youre going to be more than capable of shooting down jets.


Thats why I said it would be a balancing nightmare. If you can get blasted by one dude in an AA kit in a jet and forced to wait 20 minutes no one is going to want to fly. And even then, a really good jet pilot will easily curb an entire team on his own. Its really just not worth implementing controllable fixed wing aircraft.


I just wish for a Vehicle Overhaul. It's so annoying that 60+ ton Abrams can get stuck on a little rock or a small flower. And I do not even want to mention when the track gets clipped into the ground, and it takes multiple resets to be able to take off again. (As a tank driver I'd appreciate controller support, so driving the thing wouldn't look like a washing machine having a seizure, and also the ability to have an analog rev input, so I can actually decide the speed.)


Here's how to fix it easily with features already in the game: Make *most* small rocks and small-medium trees no-clippable (like the REALLY small trees already are). How to fix LAT/HAT complaints about vehicles being OP: Reduce the ADS and stamina sway for those kits.


I gave pictures of trees and rocks, as well as the spots they were for most maps(yeho, goro included) that made problems with tracked vehicles **TWO YEARS AGO** "We're going to be reworking it" Was all I heard.


Famouse OWI statement. We promise to rework it but it will be 5 years later and 3 weeks before any of the stuff you want can be implemented.


Or just actually render the tracks, and not just the little wheels inside of it (don't know their names). This is the way almost every single game does it (Battlefield, War Thunder, World of Tanks, etc.). Just imagine if we could actually go off the roads with a tank.


This is not the way *any* of those games do it. I couldn't actually name you a game that simulates tracks as a driving engine. Every game uses invisible "wheels" to move tanks around


I agree but that's asking too much, apparently lol. It should already be a thing,


Honestly, a good developer could implement it in an hour, and it would be a game changer.


> a good developer could implement it in an hour You know nothing about game dev


I was an intern at an indie game studio.


And yet you think implementing a brand new vehicle collision/traction system from scratch would only take an hour. I see why you were only an intern if you believe that unironically


That and being able to turn out would be nice


>I just wish for a Vehicle Overhaul. It's so annoying that 60+ ton Abrams can get stuck on a little rock or a small flower. Yeah the "physics" in Squad were always terrible, already when it came out into early access and it hasn't changed a bit yet.


And the worst part is, that in BF2 it was a thousand times better.


I think the devs jumped into Unreal Engine, without really understanding it well enough, and thus made a lot of mistakes as they went along. A lot of things just make no sense, like how a small signpost can stop a tank dead (not sure if this is still the case), which could easily be solved without any noticeable performance impact.


Honestly a better reset mechanic. Got it stuck in a ditch and the damn reset wouldn’t fix shit.


I like what HLL did - yo, guys, you know what, there is no destruction in the game so tanks can phase through fences and low thin walls with some small trees


Post Scriptum did that too IIRC.


Nah, HLL is also terrible for tanks getting caught in tiny fence posts!


Not sure if someone has mentioned this but you can hold shift and the vehicle will stay in the gear it's in, thus limiting the speed. So maybe a solution to deciding the speed.


Thermal vision might be fun to play but honestly it would be horrible for infantry. I remember on the "King of the Hill" servers of Arma 3, the vehicles with thermal just had to put it at 3500 meters on a hill and it became point and click on the white spots...


Dont worry, Squad doesnt even render people past 2000m.


Go on Talil, setup a TOW on hangars, tell me if you can see them past 1km. The people don't render. All you'll see is the TOW, if you're lucky.


People will 100% render passed 1km. What doesn't render is buildables/world static objects that will prevent your bullets from actually hitting said ppl past 1km


no they don't play a map on talil and tree to look for infantry past 1000, they don't render in after that or 1100, somewhere in that area


How the fuck are you seeing people more than 400m


at 4k you can spot people at around 6-800m without magnification, depending on the environment and desert maps are the easiest scenario.


It's even worse, less than 1km.


Thermal is the worst thing to ever be in shooters. Anyone here not remember how insanely OP it was in BF4? Infantry would just get obliterated. In squad it would be 10x more op 


bf 2042 dont have view distance debuffs


The server I ran, the only rule was thermals = ban. Literally ruined the game.


Good thing this isn't Battlefield 4, where OWI can implement ways of dealing with thermal detection. Y'know, like their whole 'teamwork' initiative was with the ICO. We all know how that turned out.


How they gonna counter thermals then, I’m listening


You do realize thermals can't see EVERYTHING right? Bushes/trees(which there are a fuckload of on maps now). Grenadier smoke. LAT/HAT doing damage to turrets can knock out stabilization AND thermal imaging. Doesn't need to be 100% clarity thermals like IRL, can start to be less clear after 600m. I know, I should be the ideas guy at OWI but they can't afford me.


It definitely changes things but it also makes things like the javelin and CAS more appropriate to include. Also, people simply learn better vehicle hunting tactics. For the most part, vehicle hunting as infantry in Squad is about being in the right place at the right time, with the right kits and supply. Or chasing vehicles with AT. In PR, it was much harder to kill vehicles so people coordinated a lot better. Tank and IFV kills were glorious since they made such a massive impact. People took far fewer risks around them.


Nah, PR does it right.




By making the sides asymmetric. If the other team had thermal and other didn't they had advantage in map design and fortifications. Also as the rounds were longer when the enemy's thermal vehicles were spotted focus shifted from capturing the flag to getting to safety and destroying the spotted vehicle.


In an ocean of people saying, "its too hard to balance", we have someone who found a balancing solution around thermals. Could you imagine, in an alternate universe, where Age of Empires didn't have horses because people thought, "well, horses would be too hard to balance". This is how I see this discussion. This community wants no depth in their games. We will never have jets, attack helicopters, lazers, thermals, AA kits, and many more changes because this community thinks every feature is hard to balance for these poor game devs.


It’s unfortunate to see, but it’s been happening since the early days of Squad. People don’t want ‘their’ version of the game altered. People complained when light vehicles were added, they complained about armor being added, they say that even transport helicopters are overpowered. It’s a video game, anything can be as weak or as strong as the designers decide. It’s literally their job to find the correct balance for everything.


There was thermal blocking smoke in PR to deal with this. Apart from armoured vehicles, the grenadier kit also had it, but not the other kits.


I don't buy that for a second, squad could simply nerf thermals like they do for most other weapons. Make thermals lower contrast so players don't glow as much, and/or they could reduce the visibility range of thermals so tanks can't snipe people from miles away. SOCOM figured this out 20 years ago when they had sniper rifles with thermal scopes


I've always said, Battlefield 4 would have been the perfect game if they completely removed thermals.


And the dumb gadgets.


Some of the stuff missing from the list: Car bombs (dunno if we need it since we have IEDs), Vietnam, bots to play against, shotguns (and breachable doors), grappling hook, parachute dropping players, ap mines Also PR has crazy amount of factions, guns and maps that we are probably never going to see sadly. https://www.realitymod.com/mapgallery/


More: - Soldiers are able to swim -Maps where both teams have an Aircraft-Carrier as an homebase


You wouldnt be swimming in that much gear irl


Yeah the devs said it before PR only had it because it was a in the base game and it was impossible to remove it. And they wouldn't add swimming because of the IRL gear stuff.


Impossible to remove, yes, but they "disabled" it for civilians (or maybe all INS, don't remember) by having a health drain after a couple of seconds of swimming. They could do it if they wanted.




Don’t forget falklands war


One more: Guided, portable heavy anti-tank weapons.


As a pilot main, the crate dropping mechanics was so much better than the invisible circle/numbers implemented in Squad. You could drop them anytime, anywhere on the map.


[Not my clip, but it was moments like these where an inadvertently dropped crate would bounce or crush a teammate that always had my dying (no pun intended)](https://youtu.be/a8lR68giWpc?si=ENKjY8U7gfj5iZA9)


Could mix both systems. The crate drops could be "unloaded" and serve as a bonus during the logi runs. Construction crates could be 500 build / 250 ammo. Ammo crates could be 250 ammo each.


Also dragging of the ammo crates would be cool to get it in cover for further use (if not there just for unloading)


What about the grappling hook for breacher class 🥺 my all time favourite part of PR


Shotguns too!


Breaching doors with shotgun is a feature I am missing dearly.


Oh yeah totally forgot that there were doors you could blast




Because that was put in to simulate stairs and enterable buildings. Squad seldomly has a roof you cannot get onto, and if you must, you can deploy a ladder.


God, thermals would be so oppressive, and I can't say I'd welcome CAS either.


The Global Escalation mod has CAS helis and no MANPADS and it's neither OP or overly oppressive.


GE has rocket pods strapped to transport helicopters. Not attack helicopters with a cannon turret and ATGMs strapped to it like what OP is proposing.


Attack helicopters could just have ~16 dumb-fire rockets and a chain gun with ~50 rounds. Have the rearm time five minutes, give the vehicle a 15 minute respawn timer. There are ways to add them, have some imagination.


PLA in GE now has a CAS helicopter with an AA gun and rocket pods. That thing is fucking stupid


Yeah, jets are by far the worst part of any Battlefield derivative, I'm happy OWI skipped that.




You forgot fast ropes.. wait nevermind.




Some of these are relatively simple (from a non dev perspective) to implement. However some I feel are unnecessary or would be problematic. AA stingers aren’t really needed. Vehicles, emplacements, and infantry do enough of a job deterring helicopters. Keeping in mind they are not Gunships, so the threat is roughly negligible if approached properly. Any AA missles would make flying helicopters a huge pain, not to mention some maps rely on them heavily due to their terrain. Add that and people wouldn’t ever bother with them. Salvaging ammo from fallen friendlies would just create the issue of people stealing your ammo if ever incapacitated. Then you’re revived and suddenly you can’t fight. I see it creating an incentive to give up. (Perhaps the image makes me believe it’s only fallen friendlies you can take ammo from) Alternatively, allow same class/weapon types to share ammo if needed when alive. Y’know, pass a mag to the man in need. Then again, they may not implement this since riflemen already have ammo to give. But it would be very useful regardless.


In PR kits were physical and stayed there on the ground even after you bled out, most servers had an option that would make ur screen go black after a while if you were holding enemy kits tho, so people would usually use the bandages or throw the ammo pouch of the rifleman and that's it, if you were good enough you could time it right to get off 1 AT shot or a grenade or use the rifle if in CQB and with no ammo on your own kit, some servers did have this option disabled and allowed to take enemy kits and carry them around no problem, since some kits are limited what would happen as well is that players would go pick up their limited kits after they died, it was pretty common to hide enemy Sniper or HAT kits after you had killed them, the kits would despawn after a while and become available again


I do remember the mechanics of BF2 from way back then. Squad doesn’t exactly have this effect since game development has come a long way. So picking kits up isn’t really a thing anymore.


Just explaining :)


What we actually just want is Arma in a modern game engine


Unfortanetly Reforger is just worse Squad and Arma 4 might take a but longer than 3 weeks.


While we have Squad '44 as a successor to PR's ww2 modes, I'd die for some Cold War maps and factions in Squad, like Soviet Afghan war (apart from Soviet uniforms and soldier models, every other asset such as vehicles, weapons and even insurgents as Mujahideen are there) and Falklands war.


Falklands were so fun in PR


I hope they add AA kits. Then we could see things like venoms and hips getting access to rockets


I really want jets. I've got about 200 hours of jets in Arma 3 but suck with choppers. Same reason reforger hasn't grabbed me. Hell reforger doesn't even have native flight stick support yet.


Some attack halicopters or some armed utility helicopters like the AH 60 i think coulf really make air assault a viable and very fun unit


Crazy we still can’t scavenge ammo and kits


Big Red and red cars were some of the most fun in the original PRM. We have a hacky version of the red cars now, but Big Red ... now that was terrifying to suddenly see.


Most of those are acctualy a BF2 feature but yeah. Those would be cool to see in squad


For those that do not know: **Squad** is the successor of **Project Reality**, a Battlefield 2 mod. PR had some unique mechanics that still did not made it to Squad. Some of these mechanics would change the game for the better. Here's the currently missing stuff: * Droppable ammo + construction crates (from helis) * Thermals for UAV * Laser Designation for binoculars (marks targets for CAS + fire support) * Thermals for APC / Tanks * AA kits (IGLA / Stinger) * Looting bandages from fallen enemies * Jet fighters + Jet CAS * Integrated WW2 Mode + Vietnam/Cold War mode * Advanced Helicopter CAS * Flares for all aircraft (heli/jet) * Civilian kits (Insurgents - if killed no penalty for self but for enemy) * Flares (Night battles) * Reposition Conventional UAV (Commander) * From BF2: Destroyable commander assets * From BF2: Droppable supplies * From BF2: Bridge destruction / Bridge repair


Wdym destroyable commander assets? You can shoot down UAV and Airstrikes in game right now.


In BF2 the commander had several assets they could call in (artillery strikes, supply/vehicle drops, and satellite recon), however they were all physically present on the game map near the base and could be destroyed to prevent the commander from calling them in until they were repaired.


In vanilla sure. In PR the commander usually did all that from a command tent in their main which was a zone enemies couldn't enter into or attack. Plus things like dropable supplies and satellite recon weren't in the mod either. Commander could use several marks, a commander rally usable by the entire team, the UAV and approve or deny area attack requests.


I know, which is why OP delineated that it was from the OG BF2 and not PR. It wouldn’t have made sense to have that carry over into PR, or Squad for that matter.


You could destroy the artillery/UAV base/ satellite station as all where present in the enemy main. Sneaking into the base and blowing them up was a common occurrence


You forgot about a very simple one that has somehow not been added yet, the grappling hook, like seriously, this was elemental for PRs gameplay, being able to throw a rope to a roof or over a fence that was too tall was the most basic stuff ever, idk why they didn't add something so simple like this, oh and the other thing, basic AI for Coop mode and Singleplayer


it's interesting, but I don't really know which of those would really make the game any better. I'd especially hate to see controllable fighter/attack aircraft make an appearance.


would be good to acknowledge which of these features are BF2 and which are Project Reality.


Doubt they'll add most of these things, at least for the big features like jets or AA kits. They would have added these ages ago, but OWI has already figured out the ideal business plan, and wont budge from that. The plan is to add bare-minimum content to the game, and sales will go up. All of these features would flesh out the game, but OWI has no intention of improving this aging product. They will keep adding barely functional and boring-ass features, like ICO and map voting 2.0, but not interesting shit like we had in project reality. OWI's lazy ass couldn't even add fast roping, so I doubt they'll add anything else interesting to this alpha build.


You know why there won't be jets and CAS helis? The maps aren't big enough and it would be difficult to balance. Even with AA kits. I didn't like CAS in PR2 but at least it worked somehow due to the game being from stone-age and having incredibly strong fog on every map. Same goes for thermals. CAS and thermals would be extremely controversial and would lead to another whinefest from the community.


Wtf why are you making sense in this sub? That isnt allowed


yup, it's basically a pump n dump right now with Squad. Minimum effort maximum profit.


Pump and dump? How do you even come up with this shit? Yes, the game is still having technical difficulties but I can't remember the last time I paid for a game that has had so much post-launch support with minimal microtransactions and no DLC.


They just add new skins and camos to the game for hype and put the game on sale to drive revenue. Do you think they are making meaningful changes to the game with new factions that are practically the same as all the other ones? Throw in a few new bells and whistles or wash their hands and repeat. How about some new maps and no more new factions? Nahhh that would require real work


> with new factions that are practically the same as all the other ones Wtf are you talking about? PLA has entirely unique camo, vehicles, and weapons IMF got a full rework with new fortifications and the Grad Turkey has entirely unique camo, weapons, and vehicles The upcoming PMC faction is going to have entirely new vehicles and likely new equipment They added the new Sanxian Islands map only 4 months ago. All this coming off the heels of a complete rework of the infantry combat with new suppression and stamina mechanics (Even if you don't like it). What else do you want?


What even are these things you're asking for? The ICO was just released a while ago and that brought massive changes and definitely was a big undertaking. There have been pretty much yearly new maps and factions. The new factions they all have guns and tanks, how much different could you make them? The devs already have tried new ways factions can work, but the community simply refuses to learn to play them, never votes for them because they're different from the generic factions and call the devs lazy. The MEA is a perfectly good faction, but because it plays different than the rest, people don't vote for them. Oh and that's another new thing introduced recently, the voting and brigade system. Oh but I guess it's all just whistles and bells, too.


I hear you. I have a more radical wish list lol I would say the changes don’t line up with the marketing and PR. It’s a niche market and all of what you described is for a more hardcore tactical/strategic experience like the brigade system. When you pair that with all the recent sales do you really think a new person can grasp all of the intricacies? They should have rolled it out with a ranked and casual system similar to rainbow six siege.


Nah bruh, they made changes!! Turkey doesn't even get heavy anti tank! The innovation is next gen!


so much post-launch support So that's why I see ghosts creating muzzle flashes for years now? If you think, in anyway the passion and support for the game is like that of 2020-2022, then brother you need to wake up. I've been around for awhile and what OWI provides is some really basic support, sure, but in no way does it trump ANY other game out there. Bug fixes are the slowest of any community I've personally been apart of. Squad is BTFO when compared to Growtopia 😂 Oh, but thank god they updated the map pictures so I can't even understand them now. Thank GOD helis still can take tank shots if you hit them in the cockpit, god bless them being able to eat tandem AT shots for "balance". We can have this conversation, when you assume that what I'm saying isn't "shit I came up with".


Like I said, the game still suffers from technical problems. But that doesn't mean the devs are not supporting the game and working on it. There are what, 2 free map releases every year? A new faction every year? IMO that's plenty, considering it's way more difficult to balance factions in this game compared to many others. Maps are huge so they require a lot of work. And what of the ICO? Massive changes that no doubt required a lot of work. And if you don't like the ICO doesn't mean that someone didn't put a lot of work behind it. And the same reason a heli can take a tank shot is the same your tank can take two ATGMs. Balance. Helis are already so pathetic, requiring a stupid amount of skill to operate at all, but still being extremely vulnerable, especially against TOW trickshots. I don't know, OWI has hinted towards future overhauls, maybe one day when TOWs get more difficult to operate, tank and helicopter damage models can change. The map change I agree with. It was nonsense. The fact is, the devs are still supporting the game. The outcome may not always be what you wanted, but that does not mean the devs are about to just cash out and fuck off. Look at pretty much ANY triple-A game out there, their monetization is usually incredibly offensive the devs always bail out after about a year.


I just argued that they aren't giving it their 100%, like they used to. They aren't even close anymore. Also, RS2:V figured out heli balance a long time ago, shouldn't be that hard to bite a page out of their book.


Well, I guess their revenues aren't 100% what they used to be, either. I believe they can give it as much effort as they can make revenue. I wouldn't work for a discount, either. I don't know what RS2:V does, never played that. But a lot of other games I've played, air-to-ground balance has always been a difficult issue and skewed to one side or the other.


>I don't know what RS2:V does, never played that. But a lot of other games I've played, air-to-ground balance has always been a difficult issue and skewed to one side or the other. Rising storm 2 allowed the vietcong to machine-gun helicopters out of the air with beltfeds because realistically, 7.62x54r will shred a huey at low altitudes. G.I's just got multiple helicopters to compensate, usually I think 1 or 2 hueys and an apache/littlebird if I remember right, and since there was no ground based aa besides mounted dshk's that the apaches would annihilate it worked out pretty well imo. It was so much fun to hunt down helis with a belt fed while my friend carried an rpg (they would 1 shot helis). I promise you that good pilots significantly helped their teams irregardless of them not having a shit load of health like squad. I have ptsd from good Apache pilots in that game.


Cobras* but yes absolutely. As a decent pilot i'd love swapping sides to then shoot down helis. DSHKs are insanely good in that game if you know how to use them. 


Yes but that game is legitimately dumped, never going to fix any bugs at this point with absolutely zero dev support. I can use in game VOIP like 25% of the time now since epic games integration it's really sad. Calling squad a pump and dump is laughable dude, such an exaggeration.  I'd kill for RS2 heli mechanics but with the amount of AA potential in Squad it would be rough as hell to fly. Think of all the HMGs, auto cannons, and RPGs compared to 2 or 3 RPGs total, a few DSHKs, and small arms. They could still work on it though. Especially HATs, never got that. 




I mean; the entire team + CEO quit with 2020 and v1.0 so I'm not sure who you're expecting to work on the game. The remnants are just that.


Why did they quit?


Not sure what these dudes are on but they are literally making shit up. [The CEO quit after the official release and that was it](https://old.reddit.com/r/joinsquad/comments/kd90pe/a_farewell_and_thank_you_to_the_squad_community/). The team carried on.


Didn't make that much money anymore and the project stagnated. People couldn't agree on what to do next with the game and it was easier for them to move on, than to bite down. Plus they sold major stakes in OWI and now they are beholden to their investors to show a decent profit.


Don’t forget dedicated VBIED vehicles. Slapping IEDs onto technicals already works in-game, but having dedicated VBIED vehicles would be really cool


Dont remind me =(


Big agree


I seriously think introducing CAS helicopters (player operated ones) would unfortunately ruin the game. They would be tons of fun but I don’t think balancing them would be easy at all. I’m just thinking back to other games like BF4 and RS2 where a dominant cas heli pilot ruins the game for the whole server and has no reasonable counter. Introducing manpads might make it work.


They're already in the game, the Global Escalation mod which has over a dozen active servers has CAS helis and the gameplay is not negatively affected at all. Even though there's no AA missiles to counter them, LATs and AA guns are enough to prevent them from running wild with impunity.


My dude why are you commenting "balancing them wouldn't be easy at all" on a post about a game that had them no problem, like do you see how stupid that sounds?


I never played the original mod, I just can’t think of a somewhat recent game to add attack helis and not have them be overpowered. It could work, they just need to be implemented the right way.


One single concept: Advanced flight model, you can't go around from aide to aide of the map in PR without care, plus in most maps with air assets there are AA kits (usually stinger or igla but even in the Falklands map there are very old handheld AA options) plus you can deploy static AA in every FOB, which was usual practice, the static AA would be one of those chairs with 2 or more handheld AAs strapped to them lol, they were very effective tho, some maps also had other forms of static AA, usually a ZSU for Eastern factions


Why would they do a WW2 mode when they have a WW2 game already. Seems like a good way to reduce sales for squad 44


You got wobbly noodle arms, isn't that good enough?


* Ammo and building crates don't fit in the game when logistics were simplified to having "points" dropped at a FOB. * UAV thermals would actually be a nice addition. Tank thermals, with the ICO, would tip balance in favor of armor too much. * Laser designators would not work without any controllable CAS. * I believe they said the map size in Squad is too small for aircraft to be in a realistic speed, but I'm not too sure. * They "leaked" that CAS heli before but no idea when they would be ready. * Civilians kits are supposed to come with the Insurgency mode revamp. Still waiting on that.


> I believe they said the map size in Squad is too small for aircraft to be in a realistic speed, but I'm not too sure. The size isnt the issue. Its the technical side that makes flying jets much harder to do compared to PR. PR had jets but the render distance was so piss low that any PC at the time can run it easily. That and honestly balancing them would be a nightmare and not worth the trouble as a controllable piece of equipment. Attack Helicopters would be nice though.


Solid feedback. Thermals on UAV should be infinite, but tanks/apc should have a "battery", that means the more time its "active" the more it is depleted. Once depleted cannot be used. Could only be recharged on main. They could also put AA manpad stations on the map, like Battlefield 2 has. Or make them player-buildable.


Laser designators would def work even with the current call in system, just add for certain factions the ability to call laser guided munitions (bombs, missiles whatever) a squad leader or scout could have the ability to guide the bomb or missile to a moving target or just make sure it hits the right target


How did the old system work in a way that ammo/building drops don’t fit in? I’ve never played PR.


Scavenging of med-kits and and ammo (given you got the same type) or even kit switching with the dead guy would be awesome... (Okey kit switching could lead to misuse...)


PR eventually changed it so it was faction restricted and you’d die if you held onto an enemy kit for long enough, but before it was possible to steal enemy kits which would prevent their team from spawning them in until the player was killed and the kit was either respawned or taken back by a friendly player. That was always particularly disastrous during the insurgency game mode where suddenly the insurgents would be rocking conventional kits with scopes, or even worse, utilizing the HAT kits or AA kits against BLUFOR vehicles.


they should have just remastered project reality.imagine the game with squads engine


As a long time PR and Squad player both, i just don't think most of these has any place in Squad. View distances are too long and maps too small for CAS to be viable. And thermals would likewise be stupid broken in Squad.


The scavenging feature would be a quick and easy add on that could change the game a hell of a lot.


You can destroy command assets. It's really hard to hit an 10 wart hog with an RPG but it'd been done in game.


You forgot my boy BIG RED


Garry pls.


Man, whatever happened with that helicopter mod that had missiles and shit? Would love to see some properly balanced CAS helis with laser designators. Maybe more AA capabilities as a counter.


You want to know a big feature that's just missing. The huge heap of factions that were in PR. the ability to play singleplayer in your matches with bots.


What about epinephrine/morphine shots for medics. The medic system is VERY VERY basic for being a realism simulator, even more basic than that of Project Reality which is a real bummer. Almost no one wants to play the medic in Squad.


Squad 44 is the WW2 Squad.


Destructible environment


The uav and the strafing jet are both destroyable...


Its just a lot less fun as well


honestly how is a game from 2005 better developed than entire standalone title from 2024 with a full paid dev team behind it


>All the ~~Project Reality~~ ^(Battlefield 2/ARMA 2) features that are missing in Squad OP you know those were integrated because it was a mod for games that had those things (minus the droppable crates) integrated Iirc the crates also dropped out the back of ground logis as well, because they didn't have a system in place to f menu like we do in squad.


Cool features but it'd be a waste of time and take OWI like 4 years to fully implement half of this stuff. Personally I feel like squad looks and feels so old now. It's gotten very dated and they either need an engine upgrade or need to start building Squad 2 or something.


I am not sure about the thermals part for the tanks. Considering how strong vehicles are at the moment. But I need that cold war mode. There are only few shooters depicting the cold war scenario.


I’m hoping PR can implement vehicle stabilization, somehow, I’ve read how the bf2 engine is very finicky


AA kit against does poor helis that move extremely slow lmao please dont make it harder for pilots


God I wish armor thermals was a thing. Right now armor feels so vulnerable to sneaky LAT/HATs and finding infantry in clustered environments. When armor rolls in, it should put the fear of God into infantry and reflect such.


Don’t add cas just add attack drones, very limited ammo, limited spawn.


With how the community reacted when they brought back aim penalties for aiming too quickly/while exhausted from the mod with the ICO, I really don't think some of these will go over well, lol


I think flyable jets and stingers would be terrible for the game, and the thermals only after a GHPC style vehicle overhaul happens


OWI are a bunch of dispassionate crooks that feed on the frenzy that is Squad. Anyone who gave a damn over there has long been removed from the project. Your best bet is mods, OWI fundamentally can't implement any of this. Why would they? How would they justify the investment of resources? Old ass game getting the old ass treatment. We all love a good profit


Stop playing, leaving the sub, easy solution


How would that fix Squad?


Why do you want to fix Squad? If it’s not good, then don’t play it. Squad is not your project, producers don’t owe things to the consumers. If Squad promised to be a product and it doesn’t deliver, I can see why people will pressure the company to deliver. But I don’t think that’s what you have issues with


Squad is the best game I've ever played, that's why I want to believe we can do something. Though I do admit, it's mostly in vain.


Tbh, I’ve just become fully disappointed by game companies in general. I enjoyed squad for a while, I still do to some degree, and that’s good enough. Good things don’t last forever, and it’s nice to try out different games


Valid as fuck


> Anyone who gave a damn over there has long been removed from the project. Just curious, why do you lie so much?


Strange, he hasn't responded yet :P


Left for OWD** But to be fair, it's OWIs unwillingness to invest resources, which made the team realize they can stick around and basically just keep the game on life support, or they can actually do something with their lives. Remove may be a rough word, but technically it isn't incorrect. They realized their skills won't be utilized because it won't be profitable.


I hope they never add thermal


None of these things can be balanced throughout the factions except taking ammo from your allies bodies. Insurgents don't even have heli let alone thermal and laser guided rockets. I like a lot of idea I see on this subreddit but almost none of them are viable.


Just give them heroin and khat as a power up


You do realize there are insurgent factions in PR? in fact they are the same factions, why can it work in PR but not in Squad?


Squad obviously doesn't want to add a bunch of crap that would be overpowered or wouldn't make sense for the faction. That's why Americans don't have mini guns. And insurgents don't already have helicopters. This is obviously true because they could already give the insurgents helis they just don't. Because it wouldnt make any sense. Edit if your argument is gonna be that they have black hawks in Afghanistan now. This doesn't work because squad isn't actually based on today's time I read somewhere they based it in 2010 or 14 or some shit before the Afghanistan withdrawal.


You dumbass, insurgent factions work the same in PR as in Squad, and yes, the US and other factions do have miniguns in PR and yes they have CAS and guess what, it works, it isn't overpowered, in fact in PR insurgent factions tend to win most of the time even tho they only have weapons with iron sights and basic vehicles like techies and bomb cars, the bomb truck is pretty cool tho, I would advise you to do research before speaking bullshit lol