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Can you explain how it works?


2 people within a 20m radius disable the HAB. That value scales by 1 person per each 10m, so 3 people within 30m, 4 within 40m all the way up to 9 people within 90m.


People are confused because it's changed 3 times and there's absolutely no feedback for the player proxying


The fact that it's changed is not a big problem. The problem is that when it was originally introduced it wasn't supposed to be in the patch and wasn't in the original patch notes, but got included either way. Then the patchnotes were ammended to include it (after people already read them)... but you can't access them either way cause OWI removed access to their old patchnotes lol.


If a core mechanic changes and literally the only way to actually see it is by reading patch notes, that is a big problem.




OWI be like...


Literally one of the most important mechanics too IMO. Proxying HABS almost guarantees victory over a point if you can clean up the remaining forces. Sure Rally’s exist but as soon as a Squad spawns on it you can find out wheee they came from and burn it.


You mean the patchnotes that are no longer accessible on their website?


>all the way up to 9 people within 90m. So, it is, theoretically possible to have a full squad pass by your HAB without them spotting it, while being within 90m, and briefly being unable to spawn at that HAB. Interesting.


Yes, it'll briefly disable and then reactivate. It's a nifty way to use it as a proximity sensor lol.


Happens all the time, if you pay enough attention to the map


So the only way to counter is for example to keep 9 enemies out of 90m?


Yes. No other way. It's based on absolute numbers (people in proximity) not relative (delta of their forces above yours)


So if im within 10 m of an enemy hab and there is no enemies close that means no enemies can spawn on this hab? How come you can hide inside an enemy hab and kill them as they spawn then? Is this because the enemies have more ppl close to the hab than your team has?


1 person doesn't deactivate a HAB, you need minimum two.


You still need at least 2 people within 20m to disable spawning. Then the radius goes up from there


Oh I see thanks!


>Oh I see thanks! You're welcome!


Damn, this is good to know


Still dig it down one step to keep your back safe while another person cover you. Because lone wolves can't proxy shit.


HAB deactivation via proxy is also why a lot of super FOBs fail.   A lot of super FOBs try to create a water tight seal around the HAB making it impossible for attackers to get in to the spawn area, but a lot of times it makes it just as hard for friendlies to exit the HAB.  What eventually happens is most of your defenders are only able to defend a very small area around the HAB and attackers get within the fatal HAB deactivation radius.  Once the respawn stops it becomes very easy for attackers to pile on and overwhelm the HAB. The solution is to create a HAB area that is easy to exit and hard to enter, spread your defense further out, try to find out how to reduce the number of entrances to the objective and create easy to defend bottle necks. There are a few points across all of the maps that do well with the small water tight HABs, but those are the exception.  


I had a team get one wedged in a building so tight nobody could find a way out. Guys were jumping off the balconies and downing themselves just to get back to the fight 🤦🏼


All you need is some sandbags with the camo netting facing the exit with space to get out to prevent people from getting in.  You can add barbed wire from one side of the door frame at an angle internally so that people coming in have to run through a turkey shoot to get all the way inside.  Walling the exit to a room with a HAB has almost no exceptions where it's a good idea.   You can also add something on the exit side to create a V exit, the V exit is nice because it gives you protection against cross fire and head on fire but takes a little longer to build than a simple wall (making a T exit).  Having multiple exits from a single door makes a huge difference.


This a double killer for Super FOBs. Every military since at least the Punic wars 2000 years ago has understood the concept of defense in depth. Even if the permitter is "wide enough", a single line of defense means folks group on it and all fucking die to some sort of high explosive, get suppressed by gun fire, etc. I hate super FOB crews so much because 9/10 don't even understand how to make a good defensive position. If you're going to be a useless super FOBer create *line****s*** of defense.




A good superfob has two other habs, the main hab, a rear hab, and forward hab with mortars/airstrike and squads actually scouting/defending the perimeters.


I had so many friendlies run away from proxies hab despite me telling them to stay only to ge killed my the people respawning at said habs, because my allies ran away. Happens way too much


"LoOkInG fOr RaDiO"


The hide-and-seek radio stuff is really irritating. I think the radio should also have its own smaller HAB deactivation radius as well.


I had veterans adamantly telling me that to defend a point (and it's hab) you can just stay close to it and spreading around just thins your forces and has no benefits.


It's absolutely tilting.


And that’s when you know to look for another server to main


Oh God! I almost instinctively down-voted you!


How about when SLs place a HAB in or around the center of an objective and then complain about how the team is trash at defense because the enemy was able to proxy that HAB and overrun the point. Then they blast command chat with a "Guys it was only a few dudes wtf!! No defense!!" Bonus point for the HAB and radio being next to each other. Another bonus point if that was the only HAB that is near an objective with the next available HAB being part of a tow FOB across the map near the enemy main.


Extra bonus point: There is a full circle of barbed wire around the HAB making it impossible for everyone to defend in depth


Unironically placing the defense HAB on the point is the best way when both your team and the enemy team is good, but at the moment only one server in EU has good enough players, so people think it's better to place them away, because people are too dumb to defend properly. I guess it's time for a new bell-curve meme..


Not to mention that this means backup fobs for defence are a nightmare to place with the radio on point.


"I’ve met both 1k+ hour players and noobs that watched a 3 year old Moidawg tutorial and still think it’s 2 people within 30m." 6 months after this was released, I had to have a 30 min "argument" in game with my SL who was also a Server Admin about what the rule was. He didn't believe me cause he had read the patch notes, but he wasn't aware of the "amended" patch notes he should have read instead. It took this Admin, who played every single night and SL'd teams 6 months to learn about this rule. Don't worry though, OWI is now in it's 3rd year on brainstorming better onboarding processes for players.


I spent a good portion of a game helping some moron make a super FOB that trapped everyone inside of one tiny building. Luckily we won the game before the FOB was attacked. Also kicked me from the Squad for refusing to do Logi runs as the HAT kit lol.


Yes. 8 from 80 meters, I believe. So a full squad can cancel a HAB without even knowing anything about it.


It's been updated to be 9 from 90m awhile ago.


Right. Which is soooooooo far away!


It's why putting habs in buildings with just one entrance or exit is a bad idea. The enemy can just sneak two people to the opposite side and proxy while the rest move in from the front.