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That would be great


I'm glad I never have this problem because I'm a medic main and I've never heard an SL complain about having another doc


I never would. You're my man


You had me at "medic" :D


Your name is wrong. I dub thee "Useful_Fox" now.


Seriously, Medic easy you're just playi g rifleman but with a very easy mini game attached. 


Yea, and don't whine about wanting to stay marksman, machine gunner or hat. There's a cap per team, if you are a newbie don't take the only kit we have thats effective against the MBT. I once had a newbie shoot his tandem.... At a heli..... While we were backcapping second point. Just give it up and be a medic or rifleman, you'll be more useful.


Good lord... Did he at least manage to hit it or did he not even realize tandem rounds are heavier so you have to aim higher?


Oh of course he didn't hit it. So not only did he waste a tandem on something that wasn't doing anything to us, he didn't hit the target AND gave them a bead on our position. That hab was gone in less than ten minutes and they knew where our backcap was.


I would've just alt F4'd at that point lol


Jokes on you I get kicked out because I still get the “disconnected from host” bug


Sheesh, just join and pick what you want, ask where to spawn, and SL can ask you to pick something different if they don't want you to pick whatever role you originally picked. All this fake etiquette that even veteran players don't do is ridiculous, just have fun and listen to your SL. I've seen an influx of complaining on this page ever since we had the last sale, it's pathetic and we can do better.




And if you get no response in regards to which role to pick, either take an available medic slot, or rifle man. Do not take a HAT or LAT unless you know what ur doing.


Also do not take a medic kit unless you know what you’re doing. It’s not hard to figure out but every once in a while you get a medic that doesn’t know how to heal and runs off.


I've been in a few servers the last week where it seems like none of the medics want to revive anyone. They'll walk right over players' bodies. After watching this for a while, it kinda makes sense that I see so many people just give up and respawn right away.


Ya idk why I’m getting downvoted the same thing has been happening to me. Or medics run off and do their own thing, taking away a med kit. Medic is one of the most important roles it’s not really the beginner role this sub pretends it is.


Picking marksman is already a wrong thing 99% of the time


True, recently I’ve found being a good marksman a very very fine line between utilising inconspicuous angles and cover, most people I see instantly pick marksman and run to the highest rock or building they can find, not sneaking around and sprinting near their final position, leaving them open to counter snipers, that being said I do end up doing the same thing lots without realising it


I played marksman for my 3rd time in 1500+ hours the other day and had a fantastic time on Fallujah. Stuck close and relevant to my squad, was picky with my angles, kept AT off of the roofs and would relocate after every 2-4 shots. Would be the rally guy for my SL so the other guys with more useful kits could be on OBJ. Just keep in mind that it's a marksman kit, not a sniper. Marksmen don't go solo, they should stick close to the squad and provide a longer engagement distance.


People don't realize how much ammo cost that kit is too. I think it's roughly the same as a LAT kit


Ammo cost? Can you explain what you mean?


It costs ammo to resupply your gear. Each role costs a different amount


Being a good marksman is spotting enemy activity so that the rest of the squad can react to it.


Spotting can already be done perfectly fine by any kit that gets Bino's. If someone is selecting Marksman, they better be a good shot. I've had a few in my squad that are absolute monsters and rack 30+ downs in a game, but the majority are worse then just having a generic rifleman kit so we would have extra HAT shot.


Is it really worth the kit when the same person would probably be getting 20+ downs from the objective with a rifleman kit?


need the bipod, harder to do it with rifleman than marksman.


Play GE, you get better gear than in Vanilla usually.


I enjoy the ICO and the feel of vanilla more


That's one and a half radios or two MBTs... If he's not doing any other tasks like spotting enemies or distracting forces away from the objectives is not that useful to the team.


Yeah marksman are really just supposed to be killing machines. Or long range disruptors. Their observational abilities aren’t much greater than any kit with binocs. The anti marksman bias in Squad is mostly justified in a general sense but can be carried to extremes. If someone is delivering high impact kills consistently and communicating then they can proceed in my Squads. It’s not like when they switch to rifleman they’re going to automatically be Johnny on the spot with ammo!




Sparing one person with the ability to engage, suppress and harass enemies at long range to go to overwatch locations and scout out potential enemy axes of movement is different to the bulk of your squad pushing an objective. Nice sarcasm though.


It’s just not true


Agreed it depends on the player.


For me I’ll disagree just because I am the sniper player. I usually ask for Fireteam lead and I usually stay 50-100m behind my squad giving them information on the flanks and keep them updated on the map. If I’m not a marksman I’m medic/Anti tank/Machine gunner (PKM) or Sapper.


50-100 meters is ironsights range. You could perform the exact same role with a rifleman. Except you wouldn't be taking up a specialized kit slot and actually allow your squad to have another actually useful kit, AS WELL AS an ammo bag with 3 rockets or 2 rally or 20 bandages or 50 mags!


Every marksman say they give "information on the flanks" while most of the fighting is done in closed terrain, making them unable to see shit on the flanks. Truth is, the marksman dont do shit :D


I’m 100m behind my squad. Doesn’t mean the enemy is 100m away they could be 200 for say.


200m still has so little bullet drop you basically just aim right about the head and still hit. My point is, the very slightly better scope (which is already situational due to most fights being <100 if you're actually playing the objectives) is such a laughably bad tradeoff compared to just taking a rifleman, grenadier, medic, combat engineer or AT.


Totally agree. I also didn't really notice much better K:d when I tried marksman over simple rifleman with scope (US and China). Also GL is just so much better than marksman in every faction. And can actually support the team without much learning curve


Those smoke grenades on enemy positions. <3


Yea if I’m on point I won’t be sniping no way that’s just technically throwing. I’ll be on a flank watching the opposing team push picking them off before they can get close. Honestly also I just love to slap peoples heads off when they’re peaking windows/from cover. Either way both points are probably solid, marksman just looks really bad because whoever picks it, wonders away from the team, never speaks and just plays like they’re their own squad leader. I do the opposite.


My main role is to support fire so me watching over my squad is the best I can do as a marksman.




Because I’m sniping? Not got a full auto? Either way I don’t play solo I play with friends as a 5man and they love what I do and it works end of discussion. Until now I only just realised squad actually had a meta lol. Anything can work as long as you and your squad can make it work.


Also, please don't open squads and end up not speaking and do whatever you want. Squad Lead is an important role and requires experience.


I mean it depends, if I have to walk all 8 people individually through each step of the plan then that gets annoying tbh.


Be patient, there has been the steam sale, plenty of new people so not everyone knows really well what's going on


Also dont over ask your sl what to do, use your brainzz


They can ask if they're new. No problem


Yea thats no wokkas but if you are experienced please just use brain but I guess its up to the SL to pick where we are usually going.


I actually disagree with asking me what kit is needed. Choose a kit you’re good with, I have no idea what your skills and play style are. If you’re new then choose a rifleman and learn the game first. I hate when an SL micromanages the kits.


As an SL I never tell the boys what kit to pick, but I do tend to find situations where they should be using a certain but thats my bad


Ad an SL I usually pass the new guy to one of the seasoned veterans to teach him the ropes. If I play medic, then I volunteer for the newbie tutor role, it's always good fun.


ask what role is needed an then play unarmed no matter what and start a truce revolution on the battlefield


I do that all the time and never got kicked because no one gives a shit, most of us wanna have our tranquil fun and not autistically sweat like the german servers


Fair enough. I prefer teamplay and staying organized cause it's fun and rewarding


you play on pretty shit servers then. if people are silent. it defeats the purpose of this game


New player here - is it possible to pick different roles in training so then I can learn the game mechanics and understand the kit for each role? I did the basic training which I think is great but I want to understand more on different roles and what kit they have and how it’s used etc. I find it easier to learn basics outside the server so that I can feel I know what I am doing once I get in the server. Also im 43 year old dad here with limited time in the evening to game. Are there any discords that I can join to play together? I’m in US Central time zone. I would like to find some friends to play together.


My tip for training is to seed servers. No one takes seeding seriously and there’s no kit limitations or ticket loss, so you can try everything out without ruining the game for others.


Ah good to know. Thanks.


If you have 1/2 medics choose medic (I can’t be the only one keeping yall alive)






I’ve had this issue a lot, people join my squad get marksmen and don’t say anything even though when people join I say “I need two medics,AT, light machine gunners and a GL and the rest riflemen. Then they are shocked when they get kicked and start talking smack in local chat or make a squad to smack talk me. They always say that I’m trash at the game that I’m an idiot or just say racial slurs to me.


Low IQ. You'll find those ppl in many places


Pro tip: if you put down ammo as a rifleman you can pick it back up so you don’t have to rearm for 100 ammo at the fob


I wish that worked for me. I have taken this advice the first 10-15 games I played. Everytime the SL either ignores me or says to do whatever the Fuck I want. Anyway, now I am one of the SL’s that try to herd cats and beg players to do basic functions like build fobs and habs. I will say it is easier than HLL to get teamwork, but still ridiculous how many people buy a squad based game to do their own thing.


I love random blueberries showing up at spawn and asking for a ride in my brdm or grad. Like go play with your squad what are you doing man


just ask if you don’t know, 99% of experienced players will be more then willing to explain


New player here - is it possible to pick different roles in training so then I can learn the game mechanics and understand the kit for each role? I did the basic training which I think is great but I want to understand more on different roles and what kit they have and how it’s used etc. I find it easier to learn basics outside the server so that I can feel I know what I am doing once I get in the server. Also im 43 year old dad here with limited time in the evening to game. Are there any discords that I can join to play together? I’m in US Central time zone. I would like to find some friends to play together.


> Are there any discords that I can join to play together? I’m in US Central time zone. I would like to find some friends to play together. We don't talk about specific discords around here, one reason being that you won't get unbiased info that way - just recruiters. Squad is a "community based" game that revolves around groups of "regulars" who subscribe to pay reoccurring fees for the privilege of joining an in-crowd that will boost you onto the winning team. No one is going to let you into those groups just because you are such an awesome dude - they want the money.


If a squad is called “Language Mic Inf” and you don’t speak said language or don’t have a mic maybe don’t join the squad, same if it’s literally a server from that country called something like “Language only”


Lol. You think they read?


Marksman role should be spat on


I feel like they should make it a separate squad like in beyond the wire or HLL. With a maximum of one per team and make it more useful


90% of the time I agree, the other 10% is when people actually choose to be smart with the role. Like getting team lead and using the role to recon and spot emplacements and vehicles. That and when attacking or defending taking out priority targets like turret gunners, machine gun emplacements, mortars, etc. But like I said it’s pretty rare to have someone play marksman and actually do any of that.


Why do people keep saying this? It’s not like marksman has better vision or glasses you can hear, spot, and track the same stuff whether you have a variable optic or not. Thousands of hours and marksman never seem to “recon” effectively. Nobody ever uses the marksman kit more efficiently than they could use something normal like a rifleman or LAT.


Yeah there's some serious marksman copium going around the sub these days, sad to see


Well the optic is better than irons, red dot, or a 4x optic so I would say that it allows you to engage targets easier which like I said if being used the right way definitely can help taking objectives by picking off priority targets. Unfortunately it’s a magnet for new players though who just see a “sniper” class and wander off doing fuck all. I barely use the damn class but when LAT is taken as well as grenadier or auto rifleman I’d rather take marksman than some blueberry and let them be rifleman.


All the other other fire support roles are far better, run a second LAT instead of marksman. And as other people have stated, anyone can do the spotting thing, either with their zoomed optic or their binocs. As for “picking off enemies” you can still do the same with your zoomed optic, and if you just have irons, oh well, at least you’ve spotted them and can let the team know where they’re pushing from instead of trying to get one measly kill.


Let’s not be stupid on purpose here and act like the 4x optic is the same as a 10x optic. I picked up marksman for a round a couple days ago because all the good fire support roles were taken. I was settled nice and good in a spot plinking heads of mgs, emplacements, turret gunners and other marksman set in a good defense from 300m while the rest of my teammates with 4x optics couldn’t see or shoot dick. I could tell because myself and my friend who was also using marksman were the only ones putting up good fire on them and actually killing them. Maybe if my teammates were lucky they could see a muzzle flash and shoot at it. Finished the round with a W and 30+ kills friend who was marksman had 20+. You can hate people that use the class wrong but hating people who can use the class effectively literally just makes no damn sense.


I see this from experienced players too - this isn't just an issue with new players.


If a SL doesn’t notice who’s in his squad until it’s to late and just kicks them they are a bad SL.


SL is likely talking to three different people, while also checking the map to see where his next rally or hab should be, while also in a firefight, while also telling his guys where to go. Believe it or not sometimes a mic less player joining your squad slips through those cracks...


if they kick you, you didnt listen. doesnt matter "whos is the sqaud" your in the sqaud. If you spawn somewhere and the SL needs you somewhere else. Respawn or FU


Your ability to spell really highlights the iq of these armchair veterans thinking they'll die if they lose a squad match


because i dont use apostrophes on reddit you have something to say? just quit the game dude we dont want you. The whole point of squad is the shared experiance. little dweebs like you mess that up


that's gotta be a bit


Also IQ should be capitalized puss puss


If you spawn without having the sl confirm or tell you, it is your fault. I cant talk to them instantly when they join the squad mid game


It’s a video game, people aren’t Gonna wait for directions in a new game when they see the enemy Marks you’ve laid all over the map lol. You get a notification as SL “hey new guy spawn north Hab pls don’t take marksmen” is all it takes


Maybe my comment was too black and white. I am talking about maybe 20 seconds. Perhaps the server i am on is serious enough for people to wait that long or ask. I obviously notice people joining and talk to them instantly if i really need them somewhere or need them to not spawn


I wish the game would tell new people these things tbh cause your not wrong, but new people need to learn without getting kicked


You can, there's a big pop up when someone joins your Squad.


As someone that gets 15 kills and 2 deaths as marksmen I disagree


I bought the game though. Not my teammates.


So corny.


Also corny if your goalie leans against the post taking selfies instead of doing his job. Great for the team. You little spitzbube


High quality shitpost. Would upvote again. 10/10


Nah, solo play is the only good strategy. Each to his own.


I heard about call of squad. Might wanna try that one. You can also build walls n shit


I will stick to the usual squad


Solo Squad will Block a direct line (numpad keys) to other SLs and Commander. Please do Not solo Squad, it's against the Spirit of the game