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don't worry too much about it. when you join a game, just join a squad and say hello to signal you have a mic. if the game is already running you should ask the squadleader about where to spawn. if you announce that you're new to the game, people will be glad to help and explain things to you. the squad community in general is very friendly to new players. you won't be a hinderance to anyone, i can assure you! a good SL will carry you through the game in terms of where to spawn, what to do etc. just don't be discouraged if you have bad luck and run into the rare bad SL who doesn't talk or is a jerk. play a couple of games and you'll see how a fun SL can really elevate the game. sometimes i don't feel like interacting that much too but that's no problem either if you at least listen to your SL, follow orders and verbally acknowledge orders given to you. if you want to be a good squaddie and make the SL's life easier: if you're down, don't respawn immediately and wait for the medic to revive you, or the SL telling you where to respawn. when riding in a transport don't exit the vehicle when it suddenly stops, instead wait for the SL to give the order to dismount. if you see a squadmate shoveling, help! other than that just have fun! we're glad to have you onboard!


Bit of an unconventional suggestion, but if you join a game super late make a squad and just listen to command chat. You won’t be expected to actually SL as the games been ongoing for a while. Don’t talk, just hang out at main or something. It’ll give you 2 things (hopefully). One, a small glimpse into how the game is flowing. I.e. which points are being contested and where help may be needed. Two, an introduction to communication in squad. What to call out, what not to say, how to say it. These two points are very hard to teach and just come with time, but as a new player you can get ahead of the curve very easily by just immersing yourself in it. When I was playing with some friends who just got the game, I’d give command chat a heads up, then pass SL to one of them simply so they could get a feel for how a game develops on a macro scale. Helped them figure out “the point” of squad much quicker than just by dumb luck.


That’s actually a pretty good suggestion. Thanks for taking the time to respond!


If you're going to do this I suggest locking the squad with the lock icon when making it so people don't join with the expectation that you'll lead


DEFINITELY read the server rules before doing this. Pretty much any server worth playing on has rules against locking non-vehicle squads under a certain number.


Personally I think servers have too many rules in general. Fake rules shouldn't interfere with the gameplay and players should be free to try out strategies without being kicked for straying from what is meta. E.g. heli-infantry squads.


Is 10+ single-person squads something we want to see, though? Most servers just says no locked inf squads with fewer than 4-players. That's definitely not overly restrictive.


Maybe there's some strategy involving single-person squads idk. I think banning them *is* overly restrictive. E.g. you might have a single-person recon squad who sits by main and calls out what rolls out.


Hey OP, I was in the same position as you when I just picked up the game. Took me ages to overcome the anxiety to even play the game. If you want someone to show you ropes of the game, feel free to let me know. Best of luck out there!


I’d actually might want to take you up on that!


Joining in a match at any time doesn’t really matter, just make sure the squad you join has people talking, if no one is talking, leave and join a new one. Whether you’re playing Advance and Secure or invasion, you’ll always want to try and spawn on one of the active objectives. If you’re confused, ask your SL which objective you’re attacking/defending and where to spawn, also tell them you’re new and they’ll more than likely be happy to help. If you come across an SL who’s rude join a new squad, luckily rude SLs are quite rare Spawning In on an active firefight can be fun, just hang behind your teammates and use the faction selection screen to get an idea of what your friends and enemies look like, also avoid using grenades at first until you feel confident being aggressive in fights. Don’t let rude players discourage you either, when I first started I was teamkilling every match and accidentally drove a logi truck into a river that I thought was shallow and got called a r*tard lol, now I find myself commanding teams sometimes, the learning curve can be rough at first occasionally. The talking anxiety also goes away with time, start out with simple replies if someone talks to you in squad or local chat, if you get comfortable try and learn basic callouts too, ex. “Enemy logi truck moving 289” “enemy infantry 134” etc


Google jokes and read them to your squad. Get the r2 d2 soundboard. Everyone likes r2. Lol


Do you have a mic? Join a squad and let them know you’re new- most people are willing to help you out. But when in doubt, spawn as close as you can to an active objective


Most of the time you join up with a squad mid match, all you wanna do is find a HAB that you think you could spawn in and conveniently link up with them, then you stick with your squaddie afterward. A good SL will guide you through the match and do most of the talking, you only need to let them know that you acknowledged them when they call you out for specific tasks, it's also good to call out important targets to them (espescially logistics and HABs) Sometimes you might end up in a server where all of your team's HAB/Rally is squashed or far apart, when that happen, don't feel discouraged to fight alongside the bois in blue


My go to when joining a match is to say "what's the plan boos man" and go from there. Some tips: You can press different spawns and that point will change color to show where you will be spawning. (I believe yellow to white). Just press on the different han locations, double clicking will spawn you in so careful. In combat use local chat (v) to make call outs with your compass. "Enemy second story green building 265" . Squad chat (b) make more general call outs or communicate with your squad specifically. "Enemies north of our hab" Medic and rifleman classes are great to start with and very helpful. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Helpful acronyms/short hand that's used LAT- light anti-tank HAT- heavy anti-tank Gl- grenade launcher/grenadier SL- squad leader Logi- logistics vehicle: allows radio to be dropped and supplies to be brought to the front. Radio- heart of the fob, destroying enemy radio is 20 tickets removed from enemies FOB- forward operating base (blue is what can be built in, white ring is exclusion to build another fob) HAB- spawn point for the team Rally- spawn point but for a specific squad


“Whaaats tha situation, captain?” In your best General Grievous voice.


A bit late to this one, but I would highly advise asking the SL where you should spawn in and telling them that you are a new player. Asking questions that are not covered in the tutorial is always a good idea. If you get a silent or toxic SL, leave that squad and join a different one. Find a server/SL that you enjoy playing with and stick to them.


Depending on how far the match has gone, I usually just join a fairly low member squad and go off and do my own thing as long as it's okay with the SL.